HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/10/2005 5728
in Joint Session with the
Clallam County Commissioners
Port Angeles, Washington
October 10, 2005
CALL TO ORDER - Chair of the Clallam County comnUssioners Mike Chapman opened the meeting,
SPECIAL MEETING: welcoming the City Council and City staff, aRer which Mayor Headrick called the
special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 8:40 a.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Headrick, Councilmembers Braun, Munro, Pittis,
Rogers, and Williams.
Members .4bsent: Councilmember Erickson.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler,
M. Madsan, Y. Ziomkowski, and N. West.
Commissioners ConmUssiuners Chapman, Doherty, and Tharinger.
County Staff D. Engelbertsun, R. Robertson, J. Swordmaker, C. Jacobs,
Present: R. Tyler, and S. Gray.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Commission Chair Chapman.
Kacee Way Right-of-Way Kacee Way Right-of-Way: At Mayor Headrick's request, Public Works & Utilities
Director Cutler, utilizing an area map, pointed out thc locations of current utilities,
projects, rights-of-way, and Elwha River access specifically as pertains to the potential
for an alternative access to the Elwha in the form of Kacee Way. The discussion that
ensued established the need for a parmership in purchasing property and creating
agreements whereby the County could obtain access for constmctiun of the one-way
bridge over the Elwha, the Elwha Tribe could utilize Kacee Way as an alternative
access to the Lower Elwha land, and the City could seek an alternate access to the
Elwha because of the Crown Z Road access being hazardous. The access to the Elwha
River is important in view of the treatment plant to be constructed because of the
removal of the Elwha Dams. An additional element brought to the forefront pertained
to the consla-uction of the Trail to the west, which is a City/County cooperative vanmre.
Because the Elwha Tribe has sought Federal aid to purchase property adjacent to Kacee
Way, it was felt timely to approach all of the issues in a collective fashion.
Director Cutler advised the group he had spoken with representatives of the Federal
Government regarding their involvement in conslructing an alternative access to the
Elwha River, but those representatives seemed to prefer the continued use of the Crown
Z Road in spite of the City's preference for a new and safer access. County staff
members offered input in that the Federal Government would like to have a guaranteed
access route before it changes any plans to use the Crown Z Road access, so it was
proposed that the City and County work together to provide that guarantee for the
Kacee Way right-of-way. Lengthy discussion centered around the potential for the
County to purchase property not owned by the City for the right-of-way and to proceed
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Kacee Way Right-of-Way with a contiguous government-to-government ownership. Councilmember Rogers
(Cont'd) indicated the City has put forth a great deal of effort in working with the Federal
Government on the access issue, and she urged everyone present to work together in
contacting the Park Service about using other than the Crown Z access. Following
further discussion, it was agreed that City and County staff members would meet to
reach a collective decision on the right-of-way issue.
Sewer Services for Sewer Services for Eastern Urban Growth ,~rea: Commtmity & Economic
Eastern Urban Growth Development Director Madsen noted that City and Cotmty staff members had been
Area meeting for quite some time and have reached agreement regarding the provision of
sewer services m the Eastern Urban Growth Area (EUGA). He stated there is a need
for the two agencies to agree on the primary issue of providing sewer services and to
craft an annexation agreement on how areas would beallowed to annex into the City
over a pefiod of time.
A synopsis of the essential elements was provided in a City memorandum in that the
City would agree to a phased annexation from west to east and, further, that an
annexation moratorium until 2015 would be accepted, with the provision that minor
annexations would be allowed for economic development or health-related purposes.
Realizing the extension of sewer services into the EUGA is essential for economic
development and environmentalbenefits, County Administrator Engelbertson felt the
County could fund and bond the capital construction. He felt the Opportunity Fund
could be a source of funcFtng for the project.
Director Madsen explained a map that had been distributed, depicfmg "planning
neighborhoods" in the EUGA for a progression of annexation. He noted that a given
pementage of Area 1 must be annexed before proceeding to Area 2. Discussion ensued
with County staff members expressing concern that the progression may ultimately
result in an island of sorts being served by the County and the P.U.D. Councilmember
Pittis spoke in support of an annexation moratorium, as he felt it appropriate for the
County to bare sufficient time to recover its investment in the infrastructure. He did,
however, express concern with the lack of fire flow in the EUGA and suggested that
consideration be given to the constmctiun of another reservoir to serve the eastern
portion of the community. There was agreement that the City, County, and P.U.D.
should meet to discuss the issue.
Individual members of the City Council and the County Comrmssioners expressed
olffminns as to the approach on sewer service, as well as the phased annexation.
Commissioner Chapman emphasized the fact that a phased approach for annexation
would not negotiate away individual property fights, and he added that appeals could
be filed with the Boundary Review Board. Lengthy discussion followed concenfmg
the boundary lines that would be logical for a phased annexation. In that there was
consensus as to the approach for providing sewer services, it was suggested that City
and County staff members, as well as representatives of the City Council andCounty
Commissioners, meet to work out the details as quicklyas possible. Once the details
for the sewer infrastructure and the phased annexation have been agreed upon, attention
could then be fftrected to the creation of a revenue sharing agreement.
Discussion then centered around the process for design and scope of work for the sewer
project. Director Cutler summarized the processes and time lines for the utility
construction in the Western UGA, feeling that a project of this nature can be fast
tracked. Also discussed were the various funding options that might be pursued, and
County Admifftstrator Engelbertson indicated his desire to submit an application to the
Opportunity Fund in the next couple of weeks. He noted that Director Madsen was also
aware of grant opportunities that might be pursued as well.
Commissioner Chapman summarized the salient points that had been agreed upon in
the discussion: a moratorium for annexation followed by a phased annexation, and the
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Sewer Services for intent to construct and provide sewer services in the EUGA. In addition, the two
Eastern Urban Growth agencies would then subsequently return to the table to address a revenue sharing
Area (Cont'd) agreement.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.