HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/13/1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..... 571 Octobe r 13. 1943 19_ I I I I I. The CCIlIll1esion met in regular session at 10 A.II. and wae called. to orderby &!syor Robinson. Roll call shOll"ed the tollcmiJIg officers present: llayor Robinson, CoIam1IlislOi1ersBeam all!lltast&t's, Attom81 Johnston snd Cl.e rk Hawkins. j The minutes of the previous eession were read aDd approved. IUnder the head of Applications for BIlUding Permite and Licenses tbe following were granted: ,Rose Audette, Repair Garage, Lot 3, Block 54, 'fownsi te I Henry J. Brodhun, re-roof dwelling, Lot 6, Block 3, Cain's Subdivision of ::lub. Lot 18 I Neil I:i. Thomas, Repair fotlDdation, Lot 6, Block 388, l'oflllsite ; Phifer's Palace, 1 lius1c lIac:h1ne " ", ~rt Drink " ", 5 Pin Ball IIacbiDe s 150.00 125.00 100.00 12.00 5.00 72.00 , Under the head of New SIl$iness. Frank DUling, IIrs. Ella Beehan and Wm. Gellor appeared befor; the CoIlInission representing the Grange and requested that tbe Grange be permitted to move their bW.1ding off the FBir Grounds. It appearing that Lincoln Park and the Fair Grounds may be taken over by the U.S. Government for the use of the ArtrJT, it was determined that no action be taken at this time and the matter be settled at the time the United States takee over the property for the use of the Army. , Under the mad of Reading and Passage of Ordinancee tile folloWing ordinances passed their third readings and were finally adopted: AN ORDINAJlCE confirming the estimates ot expenditures for the City of Pert ~eles fu the year 1944, aDd fixing tax levies for sdd year 1944 as heretofore IBSde and levied by the City COIIIIliss1Dn meeting and sitting for that purpose on the 4th dJIT of October, 1945, and declaring 8{l emergency. It wall moved by CclIIIn1ssioner J/asters that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by ColIIn1ssioner Beam. On roll call all I118mberll voted aye. 'obe llayor declared the , motion carried. AN ORDINAJlCE adopting and approving the City Blldget of and for the City of Pert Angeles for the fiscal 1 year, 1944, and declaring an 81118rgency. ' It wae ~ved by Commissioner ltastsrs that the .tl'oregoing ord1l1sDcs be placed on its final reading and adopted. SecoDded by COlIIIliBsioDSr Beam. aD roll call all members voted aye. 'TIle lIayor declared the motioD carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same I CllRllENT En>ENSE ruND ~ic Printery " Stationers II II II II Budget Covers &: BiDding, 'erasers BiDder &: Posts SUpplies II AC1d Garllge Work Gas P,rroll, etc. Gasoline Labor &: Parts Shop Work Electric Supplios Gasoline Coal suppl1e1l Laundry Work I40bilgas Ind Ins &: !fed Aid 2.78 5.19 13.65 12.55 1.55 29.77 18.70 4.05 45.90 3.19 8.76 7.27 79.90 384 .87 3.09 4.69 97.50 39.68 The Febly Studio Hoare & Headrick General Petroleum Corp. of Calif. Western Auto SupJll7 Co. Richfield au Corp. Port !lIgeles Ilotors Frank Macdonald & ~ons The Ela ctric Co. Richfiald Oil Corp. City Transfer Co. The Fehly Studio Ol,pnpic Laundry &: Cleaners General Petroleum Corp. of Calif. state Treasurer D~ 1~1 CITY STREET FUND Frank lIllcdoDdd & "'ona S ta te Treasurer .,7 6~ ' 9.79 59.88 ShOp Work Ind Ins & llad Aid WATER FUND O:!3mpic Printery II Stationers II Office l:iupplis s Blueprints " 6.28 .52 1.59 171.08 137.40 5.90 15.00 21. 69 The Hersey Mfg. Co. Seattle Plumbing & Supply n ft " ft Meter Parts Repairs for listers Material Chlorine Ind Ins &: Med Aid p-{, /" -;f1 Hooker ~lectrocbemical Co. State Treasurer LIGHT FUND Cit;r Water Dept. Cit;r Treasurer A. W. Ward Ol,pnpic Printery Richfield Oil Co. Evening News llulho1la::d Radio Shop Puget "'eund Power & Light Co. General Electric SUpp1;y Corp. State Treasurer Sept. wa ter Stamps Car EJGl8DSe Office "'applies Gasoline Adv. Batteries Power Bill fer Sept. lIeters &: Supplies Ind Ins &: Iled Aid I"'> /v'b .- \ 1+ 1.90 70.21 15.00 23.90 27.00 2.00 4.87 11120.50 225.81 38.94 PARK FUND state Treasurer Ind Ins & lied Aid 16.20 ... "... 572 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 13, 1943 19_ - ---. -".- - _~~I"" ~ ""....y. OUTn.1!- eroTIC,,",." PR"'U.. _ D9(OO =- la.... CITYViIDESIDEWAtIC CONSTRUCTION FUND IIrs. llarie Burns RefUnd of Deposit lB.54 L.I.D. REVOLVING FUND C1 ty Treasurer., AssesBIIlenta 151. 59 There being no furtbar bIlsiness the Commission then adjou.med. ?1fr0.i-llMf14 . , ~J ()~ llayar I City Clerk I I I I