HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/13/1948 "..-- 490 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 13. 19~ ,I Ii 'I I Gustav G. Brolin Build 5-RDom Dwelling; E 5' Lot 12, W 45' Lot 13, Blk. 388, Townsite 7,000.00' R. S. Gilmore Remodel, Enlarge Front Room; Lot 7, blk. 52, Townsite 400.00 I A report on the baseball activities held at Civic Stadium during summer of 1948 was presented to the Commission. Commissioner Johnson requested report be referred until the next meeting for further consideration. 1 I The Commission rret in regular sesston at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by l1ayor Epperson, Officers present were: k:ayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wi150n and JJeput,' Clerk Carlson. . I, , bnutes of the I' previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for h.tHding permits the following were granted: grs. Snyder, 523 East Second Street, spoke before Commission stating city equipment l~d broken newly laid I~ide walks in front of her property when they had removed dirt piled on sidewalk and parking strip. Report Was referred to City Engineer. Commissioner Johnson stated if city equipment broke sidewalk, city will replace it. John Goneis presented petition signed by property owners requesting City Com~ission to give proper notice to ,owners of houses or cabins situated within area (near Second and Chase Streets) and on Second Street to have these cabins removed from said Second Street. Petition was referred to City Engineer's ~epartment j for inspection and to the City Attorney for a written legal opinion to be given at the next meeting. lee Silverman and Waino Saari presented to the Commission a petition requesting ~mediate use of funds from I the Cumulative Reserve Fund for purpose of acquiring the necessary right-of-way for cut-off from Highway 101 " (East First Street) to Front Street near the East city limits. The cut-off would ease traffic hazard near ;school. Commissioner Johnson stated if right-of-way cen be secured by the Front Street ~erchants Associatio~ or ,if monies in Cumulative Reserve Fund can be legally used for payment of same, the Street Department will I 'build street for said cut-off. Mayor Epperson made a motion that petition be placed on file for further I consideration. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business the bids to furnish for the Light Department one year's supply of diesel oil and lubricating oil for Diesel Power Plant were submitted as follows: Standard Oil Company of California: Standard Diesel }uel, Approximately 100,000 gallons- Full Truck and Trailer loads, $.11 per gallon; N~rine Pipe Line, minimum 40 gallons, $.112 per gallon. Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil, approxima1;ely 30 barrels, RPM DELO SAE 10 to 50 Incl., in deliveries in returnable iron barrele 0: 20 gallons or more--;.72 per gallon including Federal tax of $.06 per gallon. Above quotations at posted price in effect at time of delivery. Union Oil Company of California: Domestic Diesol, P.S. 200, maximum of 144,000 gallons--for truck and trailer deliveries into your storage, minimum 5,000 gallons, $.11 per gallon. Dieso-Life 10-50 in deliveries in returnable iron barrels of 20 gallons or more, net tax- excluded price per gallon--li.65; T5.Jt.10-60, same conditions as above, ~.765 per gallon. Above quotations at posted price in effect at time of delivery. Shell Oil Compan~ If seller furnishes storage tank, 6,000-10,000 gallons capacity, Shell brand and grade of diesel oil marketed to public generally in area of delivery, on delivery of 40-199 gallons, $.11 per gallon. If buyer furnishes storage tank, 6,000-10,000 gallons capaoity, diesel oil on delivery of 4Q-199 gallons, $.JD85 per gallon. Shell Talona, SAE 10 to SAE 50 Incl., Oil, ::1.72 per gallon, including Federal Tax of $.06 per gallon. Above quotations at posted price in effect at time of delivery. It was moved by Commissioner Steele tr~t the bid of Shell Oil Company, Inc., to furnish diesel oil and lubricating oil for Diesel Fower Plant be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. r Kot1~O~I~re~~ ~=D~~ sCll.I1>O 'Ihllif.i wlll he r('cc!yed by the City Clerk or Ihe City of Port Angeles, \VKshlllg"tOll, fit the City Hall or '!':nid City, IIDt latt'r tlmn 10 :l)il A. M., No- I .\'emher ~, 1:14S. to fnrnJllh for till" Llghl Dp]lflrtment Oi:o;trlbution trl\IlS- form,,"" fllr dellv€'rv the flrfll and I~eennd qUfll'tl'Hl .o( UH'iI. and one ,!~;:t[~:H 1l(~~~I;~o;i~~fer\~S\i~~ w~:~~~~)~ :'SlH'C'It'I['atluJls may, be obhl.llle~ at ;'.~~ie~~::lt;~ ~l,:'hC[):;:l~I~~~~~ltrl"~~~~~~'~ i.the rlg!Jt' to r('jectJ~I~~ ',r~,l,- ~id'l, !. City Clerk. Ip\lhll~ll O("tob~t. H. 21. 1948. ' City Light Supt. Lean requested permission to call f~r bids to furnish for the Light Department distribution transformers for delivery the first and second quarters of 1949, and one year's supply of domestic watthour meters (approximately I 350 meters), bids to be opened 10:00 A.M., November 3, 1948. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that above bids for Light Department supplies be published. ' Motion seconded by COIrmissicner Johnson. All voted Aye; Motion carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following were passed third readings and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 1201 AN'ORDlNANCE adopting and approving the City budget of and for tne City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year of 1949 and deolaring an emergency. It 'was moved by ltayor Epperson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and finally ad~pted. Seccnded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1202 AN ORDINANCE conftrming the estimates of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1949, and fixing tax levies for said year 1949 as heretofore rr.ade and levied by the CiW Commission meetirog and sitting for that purpose on the 4th day of October, 1948, and decla ring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be pa ssed third and final reading and finally adopted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ORDI NANCE NO. 1203 'I lilN ORDINANCE relating to finance and establishing a cumulative reserve fund. It was moved by Com"issioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and finally adopted. Seconded by Co~~issioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1204 >,N ORDINANCE relating to the welfare of children; providing for their care by those having custody of them and fixing the penalty. I I I .. I I I I I .' I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 491 ., October 13. continued, 19~ . ~-",-'_ ~'_"~P...no ~ l'It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the foregoing Ordinanoe be passed third and final reading and finally adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Fire Chief Wolverton thanked the Commission for passing ordinance relative to welfare of children. IUnder the bead of introduction of resolutions the following was introduced; 1 RESOLUTION , ,WHEREAS, the present price being charged by the City for lots in Ocean View Cemetery is wholly inadequate I under present price standards, and ,WHEREAS, the charge made for opening and closing graves is also inadequato in view of present costs of labor, j"nd, " ! f~'HEH.EI\S, the City Commission has under consideration a plan for providing perpetual care for portions of I the said cemetery, . ,NOW, THERl':FORE, dE IT RESOLVED that the value of lots in Ocean View Cemetery and the price to be charged by tbe City for them.after this date shall be ~40.00 a lot. lEE IT FURTHER RESOLV~D that the charge for opening and closing graves shall, from and after this date, be fixed at i,\20.00 per grave. It was moved 'by COIpmiSsioner Johnson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded_by If.ayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , 'IThe Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: , 93 'CURRENT EXPENSE FUN1l: 4MI,~ I'City Treasurer - IJOhn U. Wilson ;City Street Dept. Johnson and Bork ,Washington Co-Op. Farmers Assn. '!LontgOlner,' Ward & Co. ! Fitchard' 5 ASsociated 'R. O. Ide 'IWil1son Hardware Co. Allan IJist. Co. 'Ild:ahan Fuel Co. IEvening News Press :1;Nat '1 Fire Prevention Assn. Fire Appliance Co. '101ymPiC Stationers Clay Wolverton Cafll J/.anufacturing Co. ,I !' 5""- bTY STREET FUND: '7;/-'1 ~ ITid,e Water Associated Oil ,Willson Hardware Co. Al~an Dist. Co. Box Rent, Postage Costs advanced, books and supplies Gas Shellac Straw Stop Light Automobile repairs Car Ui1eage for Sept. BuShing, Tools and Hardware Mobilgas fuel Oil Posters-Imprint Fire Prevention ~aterial Horn ASBembry, Cartridges !tech. Office Supplies Express Charges Fog Nozzle Repair 2.0511 26.60'1 4.60 .52: 6.63, 3.401, 19.26 24.081 1.751 166.90, 43.34 5.15' 32.6511 28.30 2.75" 36.83' 4.09 i 00 /10% Motor Oil Tools and Hardware Gas) Grease, Lamps, etc. I 36.03j 23.35, 690.16 WATER }lIND: ',H. E. Dodge :S{lmuelson Motor Co. City Street Dept. Hooker Electrochemical Co. 'Puget Sound Pipe Supply Co. 'Olympic F'oundry Co. Willson Hardware Co. "Mac.hinery Service & S)lpply Co. 'Geqrge W. Uakin I.Frederickson & Conraci : ' :2.1 IUGHT FUND: '7'7 ::(- 'Allan Dist. Co. [United Janitors Supply Co. 'Willson Hardware Co. ,Home Electric Co. 'Line Material Co. General Electric Supply Corp. I,f SANITATION ~lIND: 130- City Street Dept. I: /'~I 1...5 P..M. & T. C. FUIID: ,city Street Dept. 'jJohnson & Bork ,Fitchard's Associated Service Westinghouse Electrtc Supply Co. I!Willson Hardware Co. Traveling Expense Parts Gas and Oil Chlorine Pipe Valve Boxes Nails, ete. Torches Truck Rent Bull-dozing I 9.041 1.861 59.301 33.911 1,095.S4! 48.251 19.26 28.84 108.00: 304.00< I: 150.561' 19.311 10.05'1 20.251 63.81 528.29~1 130.14 Gasoline Rags Tools Voltage Testers Insulators, Bolts Meters, ~eter Case Ga s and Oil Gas and Oil Paint Tires, Tube, Recaps Re nectors Tools and Hardware 7.15 72.59 36.56 38.74 6.711 I i I ,IThere being no further business, the session was then adjourned. {l ~ 8, '-;t,wY City Clerk ~ c?' Iu.-./\, A."'< .Ja....i^____ J.'.ayor ~