HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/14/1936 r" 434 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington October 14 ,~_~~__ 193_ ..... The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was_called to orde~ by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: MJyor liavis, Commissi oners Beam and Masters, Attorney Conniff and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of October 5th and 7th were read and approved. Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the folloYling Ordinanoes Vlere read by title and placed on their third readings: AN ORDINANCE adopting and approving the City budget of and for the City of Port Angeles, for the fisoal ye ar, 1937, and declaring an emergenoy. It was moved by t;ommis sioner Masters that the foregoing Ordinance be placed. on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Coml~issioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. AN ORDINANCE Confirming the estimate of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1937, and fixing tax levies ;'or said year 1937 as heretofore made and levied by the Ci ty ~ommissiJn meeting and sitting for that purpose on the 5th day of October, 1936, and declaring an emergency. It Vias moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner' Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business,- Frank L. Willey having submitted a request in writing to have his restaurant license for the Pastime 'J:avern, No. 4067, transferred to n. L. ,McFadden, and there appearing to be no objection the Commission instructed the City vlerk to make said transfer as requested. The matter of placing railings on the 8th $t. Bride;es came up for consideration and the Commission instructed the Gity "'n,;ineer to prepare plans and specifications ani! cost of tfie project and submit same to the Commission. The Commission examined and allowed the followine; cl.aims and ordered warrants draviD for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Washington Pulp & raper Corp. Automotive Parts Service Seattle, Port Angeles Auto Freight M.R. Alleman Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Washington Pulp & Eapre ~o Olympic Stati oners ~lk Drug Co. Olympic Glass Co. D. A. Masters Vies tern Union Automotive Parts Service Packe r-Scott Co. P,oris Motor Go. Glenn's dervice Station Getchell & Gagnon Washington Asphalt Co. Washington Asphalt Co. Sta te Treasur er fI II Lime J etc. Repa iI'S Freight LUJIlber Lumber Cemen t Suppli es Film Pack Repairs Expens e Account Telegram i{epairs Supplies Oil, etc. Oil Oil Road Mix Gravel, etc. I~d I~s ~ Med A~d U II g) VIATER FUND Seattle Plumbing Supply Go. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Federa~ Pipe & iank Co. Light Departm8nt State Treasurer Pipe & Fittings Chlorine \'Iood Pipe Guy Wire Ind Ins & Med Aid .,1 ... :>.,.0 LIGHT FUND S. H. 'ilhite Seattle, Port Angelos Auto Freight J. w. Caven Allied Radio Corporation General Electric Supply Gorp. Line Material Co. General Electric Co. Olympio Printery Olympic Stlltioners State Treasurer Expense Account Freight copper couplings Interference Analyzer Solder Material Westinghouse Electric Sup,Co. Office "upplies Supplies Ind Ins & Med Aid PARK FUND State'1.'r8a8urer Ind Ins & Med .-td There being no further business the Commission t~en adjourned. 1(fY.~ City Clerk ~~ Mayor 23,77 13.75 1.45 114.06 106.74 48.03 24,(51 1.00 2.80 12.86 .65 18.50 3.25 3.10 2.05 8.05 530.27 14:>.00 64.56 13.53 56.40 14.30 104.65 5.40 39.98 .1 ~o'3 ' 1:,.85 6.12 , .n 10.37 8.47 63.37 378.65 6.48 2,04 13.35 11.40 I I I I I