HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/15/1947
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
_ Octo ber 15,
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liThe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call
Ishowed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson,. Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson,
'"and Deputy Cl.erk 'carlson.
[Minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
IUnder the head of applications for building permits the following were granted:
, ~ 5~O,,,,o
'Jas. R. Gallagher I Move Garage and Repair Same; Lot 15, Blk. 421, Townsite
Herbert Adolphson Build 5-Room Dv/elling; N2 Lts. 8-9, Blk. 179, Tormsite
'Petersen & Craver Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 18, Blk. 102, T. W. Carters Add.
Petersen & Craver Build 7-Room Dwelling; Lot 17, Blk. 102, T. W. Carters Add.
'Petersen & Craver Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 16, Blk. 102, T. W. Carters Add.
'Petersen & Craver Build 5-Room Imelling; Lot 15, Blk. 102, T. W. Carters Add.
'Petersen & Craver Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 14, Blk' 102, T. W. Carters Add.
E.. O. Swett Remodel Direlling, Add Room & Porch; Lot 15, Elk. 194, Townsite
K. O. Erickson Remodel, Put in ConCrete mock Wall Up to First noor, Concrete Foundation,
I Take Off Top story, Put on New Roof, New Fro1J.t; 118 West Front St., Townsite 5,500.00'
Fred Morley Move Garage and Repair; Lot 18, Blk. 340, Townsite 500.00
P. L. Fidler Re-shingle Roof on Dwelling; Lot 11, Blk' 175, Townsite 150.00
.Eli Woolworth Build l-Car Garage; Tax Lot 293, Blk. ", Hart & Cook Add. 5oo.00i
Mre. Robert McCool Build 2-Car Garage; Lots 10 & 11, Blk..178, Townsite 1,000.00
/ I
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\ (~itl~' 'll~':~H "If I:~, ',,; 'Ir/~' j~I\';~ \:',' ~~:I bids for one Automatic Heavy FUel 011 Burner for the Fire Department were opened.
~",., \\ ,,," "",,' ," " "'" ,.,,,] It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the two bids one by Taylor Heating & Plumbing
~~~~, :It:'ll~ldiltlll~~~l(''I(II'I~:J'JI~lllllfl~I~~1 ComnAntr and one by James W Caven Plumbin'a & He~tina both be rejected and new
I H 1<1 IIhl 11111"'11 "f 'Ill' \111' lI.lllt r--v,' . """b -"bJ ,
'~~:l1~~;'I~'II~lll:~ll"lll~:llll:\tl.I~~I.nr'Il~~u~:1 bids called, giving complete specifications, bids to be opened October 29th.
~l;~(:Jf;g,I;:",~If' l::::l~'i~)l (:;~:~II~~{ltI~,l Secomed by Commissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I
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5,000.00 I
5,000.00 "
Under the head of unfinished rosiness Commissioner Johnson made a motion disallowirig
the claim of May Howard. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All members voted Aye.
Ilotion carried.
, :
,Under the head of new business, a claim ofSigne Merrow against the CiW of Port Angeles was read. It was
'Inoved by Commissioner Johnson that said claim be referred to the City Attorney. Motion seconded by Mayor
Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. ' I,
A petition, signed by nine citizens of Port Angeles, which had been presented by Fred OWens to the CiW Clerk,
\'ms read requesting the installation of a stree.t light in the alley between 6th and 7tn and Cherry and
Valley Streets. The.petition was referred to the Light Superintendent.
,Y.ayor Epparson read a letter from the Clallam County Humane Society requesting water be piped to the enimal
Ipound, and the desirability of keeping city dog catcher on annual basis. Tne letter stated they would be I:
I'glad to work with'. the CiW on a more complete collection of license fees. Fire Chief Wolverton suggested a I'
2ft pipe be installed, and the pipe continued on down to the present Garbage Cump, to insure fire protection ,I
,:for both places ~ Mayor Epperson mad~ a motion the letter be filed, stating the pipe would be installed ,
when available. Seconded by Commissl.oner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. :i
Fire Chief Wolverton III!lde a statement emphasizing that the moving of any structure should be inspected by
'the City Engineer or the Fire Chief before any moving permit is approved.
I 4 . .
,Commissioner Johnson related the Lion's Club invitation to the City Commissioners .to be their guests at.the
,installation of the first of the new city street signs, at 'Fifth and Lincolo Streets, Saturday afternoon,
rctober 18th at 3:00 o'clock.
Under tne heed of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and passed first and
:se oond reading s : I
AN ORDINANCE adopting and epproving the City budget of and for the CiW of Port Angeles for the fiscal year !
of.1948 and declaring an emergency.
I . I
! . ORDINANCE NO. 1187 I
~N :ORDINANCE confirming the estimates of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year .1948, ~ II
lfixing tax levies for said year 1948 as heretofore made and levied J:u the City Commission meeting and sitt:Lng
,tor that purpose on the 6th day of October, 1947, and declal'ing an emergency. I:
- .!
readings. i
from voting. The'
ORDINll.NCE NO. 1186
It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the foregoing two ordinances be passed first and second
I ''''1''''W''O """'"'''' I Seconded by Commi~Sioner Johnson. Commissioner Steele refrained
~')Tlr,I'] 1:1 h"l~""r "I,"ell thilt :<;".11- : motion carried.
l,(j \lid:>- will Ill" 1't',"\.iVt'd b~' tho: City
l'lerl;; lIl' lhl' Cjt.~' {Or 1'0('1 ^1'K,'k~.
'~;'1~rll1'i1:\~\~lt Y:,~r,,:,~::.;I:.:~;.( r~11~, <';1~5 Chief of Police Ide requested permission to have the City Clerk publish call for
::~:~\' h~;~,~;t1~';'~1 1:.:~jHI:~ll'i'J~:i;:t'I~;~ ;)~~:~ bids for new Standard Sedan Delivery Car for Police DepartmentJ to be delivered on:
,::~~l~~~'~~;':: ':'~';II~IT:;'r.'I(\I.IJf;!14I.C\\~:il~:;1111~1~ or before January 1, 1948J bids to be opened October 29, 1947J payment to be made III
l t(> ,'x,-,>,-rJ $I,;;n('.II(1. '1'11,' I:OIl1Il1L~~itlll ft J 15 1948 t f 1948 '-'d t . t t d ~l SOO 00 It,~
II "'."'."'" "". ,."1,, ,,, ,.,.,..,.( ""," ",a er anuary, au 0 .... ge , puce no 0 excee '" .. v,~s,
,,""."""'.1. E :."". jmoved by ~~or Epperson thet said c"ll for bids for new Standard Sedan Delivery Carl
{~~:I~:~I,;\~:i~~~;rl,\;~,J;~,>lnll' for Police De]:Brtment b~ publisood. Seconded by Conunissioner Steele. All members '.
I 1'1I1J!i.~II.'III"'ffJl"'I' I;, "'~. 1~t;. voted jye. Motion carr~ed. _{
\ - ,
The Commission examined and approved tne following claims and ordered warrante issued in payment of the same:
I r1 (pc,
II. G. Horstman 5 Months Rentel Lots for Stock Piling
Ralph Davisson State Examiner Services and Expenses, Sept.
~h~re being no further rosiness, the session was declared adjourned.
a. t-~
150.00 :
258.66 I
. /I<:.-t:/"'7
City Clerk