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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 15 l~L
"<0 . ."'... ""'''. ...,,~,. "'m" "'" .....
L.r. D. General Fund, Prelim. eng. on resolution no..l~3, and field work on L.r.D. No.
163 from App:I.ll, 1952 to September 30, 1953,
Current Expense Fund" Prelim. eng. on Resolution no. 1-63 L.r.D. No. 163 from April 1,
1953 to September 30, 1953
Claims against L.r.D. No. 164 Construction Fund, Fixed ~stimate:
t~roll, October 1 to 15 inc.
Current Elcpl'nse Fund, Prel. Eng., on resolution no. 164 and field eng. on L.I.D. no.
164 from April 1, 1952 to September ;30,,1953
Dept. of Labor and Industries, Ind. ins.. and medical aid
Ol}'mpib Stationers, Inc., 2 black and white prints
It was moved b:v Councilman Brown that the claims be approved, and warrants issued in paJ'lllent of same. 2d
by Councilman .l~eer and unanimously carried.
The Council received invitation to join the lvashington/Power Commi~sion.. It was moved by Councilman Mc-
Fadden, seconded by Councilman Sandison, that the request be tabled. Motion carried.
V1llDSger Vergeer informed that the Light Department has completed conStruction of a new substation on the
Port ll'ill made necessary due to destruction by fire at the Port Tie am. Lumber Co. shingle mill. Also
that claim has been filed for damages to City equipment.
The Council received demand to appear in Court within twenty d~s regarding Laurel Street improvement at
1st Street. Attorney Severyns advised that change in plans is contemplated by Monday, after which the
same will be submitted in q,nswer to demand..
Also recieved was letter from the Olympic Health District recommending that the Council consider extension
of .sewer system South of Sunrise Heights,. and that no building permits be issued for const",~tion in
the area East of Penn Street in vicinity of 3d and 4th Streets until arrangements are made for proper
sewage disposal. Dr. Risser and Don Horrioon appeared for the Health District, informing of inspection
difficulties experienced when building is practically comple~ed before .permit is issued. Also e>;pleined
impossibilities of sewage disposal by septic tank East of Penn Street due to s oil condition. Man"ger
Vergeer advised that due to unimproved property, Gstablish;ing of Local Improvement District for sewer
disposal be~es a legal question. After considerable discussion, it was mo'{ed by Councilmo.n Brown that
the matter be referred to the City Attorney to ascertain legality of certain demands regarding issuing
of building permits' and L.I.D.'s in sparsely settled districts. lfution seconded by Councilm"n Wolfe.
All votecl ilJ'e. llotion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was c1eclared adjourned.
?:'. ~~
City Clerk
NOTICE or SAr.t:
NOTICE is Mreby siy'cn that the
City ,ot POl't Angelc& will sell to
1I1~ hl~hcst and beflt bidder -the fol-
lowing dC:'lcrlb",d re~l prot:lerty, to-
wit' :/' . .
I Lot 1::1. :8100k ::I9~, '1'OWUfrltfl
~ Xotlce- is further given that Rented
;,11Ids for the same wlll be recE'h't'd
~y the City Clerk at the City If.l
nt:ll 5;00 o'cllJck P. M" November
, 195~, and Dllt later. Ea('h bid
,flust be ;!.ccompanJed b)' a d~IJC"'lit
\Ir fl(lC leR~ than lO% o( amount bid
~hr:~ t.he Offer Will. not be congidered.
flmmum l.rlee as fixed 0)' the City
ounell, $100, The Council reserveS'
he rlg-l1t to reject any or all bid:'!.
J, E. LA"", City Clerk
)ubll:'>hl"d: Octob('r 2~ and 29, 195~,
1'X::~~~:S::::X~~r.:r. .
NOTICE is hereb~r giyen that the
CI t}. CounclJ ot the City ot P,ort
Allgeles wlU llOld a hearing UpOIl
the Flllal Assessment Roll lll'l pre_ .
.IJare.c:l !l.r the City Engineer, In Local
Improvement District Xo. 164 of the
IClty of Port Angeles, "RaUroad
A\'enue, et ai", whIch includes Lln-
coin, Laurel, and oak Streets from
,Front Street to R. R. Ayenue, as
W(!1l as R. A. Ayenue from the 'Vest
margin of Oa.k Street to a. alstance
] 50 fect easterly from the Enst
margin of Lincoln Sl]'eel. said hear_
ing to be hol(1 tJlI 'T'hurst1av the
Third day of Df'cember, 1953, at the
1IOIlI' of 7:30 o'ciock, _Po M. at th~
Clly Collncll Rot)m at l.2Q l':'orth
?oRn~ Street, Port Angeles, 1\'lIshfng- ~
At such t1me :'I.T1d place and at
8uell other times fiB such h<:RI'lngs
may be cOlll111ue(l to, said City
(.'ounall sitting ns Q Boatd of EQual!-
2a.tion . wm conalder objections to
sa_Ill FInal Asscssment Roll and will
ct)rrect, revlse, raise, lower. cllarlge
ihc~gt.if~r ~~~h aS~d~I'suo~l ~n vaa:J
,order that such Assessment he made
!de novo, as to such Body shall ap_
Ipear just and equitable, anl! wlll
then p~ocee(] to I'fJnfirm said Roll
t b}-'AWd~~;~;~~ who may deslro tt)
object to said Roll ll.l"e hereby no-tll".
led to make !'Jueh objections in writ-
Ing and to tile the same with the
City Clerk at 01" priGI' to the date
fixed for such. hearIng.
J. E. LAW, City Clerk
'~~",hed: NovemlJer l~ an&'l9 U&3
NOTICE '1'0 >>U)%)DBS'
CATIOXS_ P]Itns and specificaUons
oovering equipment under this bid
mo.)" be (l;x{\.n'llned Ilt the offl/.'.e of
the City Manager, Port Angele~,
Wl\flhlngton, 01" at th.e office of T, 10:,
Sp!\rling Co., 616 La.kevlew Blvd.,
Seattle. "'-ashlngton. Coples are 9..V-
1\i1llble upon aeposlt of 'lEi.OO per
S4'L The full amount of the deposit
(or one set of vIans and specitica-
tlons wlll be returned to each b<ma
fide bidder 1]IJOII return of plans
and speeltJeatlons withln 10 da.y~
after ()pen1ng of blclB. Other 11eplJ~ltR
wlll be refunded less cost of repro-
duetlt)n, Additiona.l bid forms are
avalla.ble to bona tide bidders at nt)
DULES. Bids will be receIyed for allY
schedule or any combination of sche-
dules but wHl not be considered for
eCJulpment not con~titutlng a com-
plete sche(lule. Bid .~cheilulp.s llre
aFl follows. Ft)r further (leralls see
plnnB and spcclrlcatlons.
SchedUle A.. High voltage switching
structure, 69 KY, c,omplete 'With
all cquipmcnL
l!Ioh_4u1f1 S, Power Transfonner, 66
KV 1013.8 KY, 3 Phase, SOl)O KVA
(Alternate 7500 KVA).
Bchlfl1ulll 0. Swltchgeat., Hi KV, out-
door metal clad type, cOlIlplete
wlth 011 clrc-ult \)feakers am'l pro-
teetiYe and, meter1ng equipment.
.Should additional factua.l or teehnl.
cal Information: be required, the
Pl'ospective bidder may contact the
engineer, T. E. Sparlln~ Co., f,or such
3, SUB1I11SSIO~ OF BID. Each
bidder shall flll out completely the
alWropriatc bid form for each !lclled-
ule and combination of schedules 11e
d~slres to bid. Sealed bids, 1n dupli-
cate shalt be submitted to CITY OF
WASHIXGTO:--;, and sliall be plainly
ION NO, :386-B1", Bids will bo ro-
celved at thp. offlce of the City
Manager untn ;; p.m., PST" Decem-
ber 3, 1952, Bids may then be sub-
mitted at the City Council meeting
untn g p.m., PST, DJ;!cember 3, 1953.,
at which time the bids wlll be open-
ed a.nd publlcl:r real! aloud. The
~~h'e C~~~Clljni~:~:I~~Y t~~ ~fd~~ ~~
take into consideration dell\'er-y llnd
experience a.s well ll.S price, tCo take
Into conslderatlon tJ,dvantageg of unit
re:'!ponsiblllty nftoroed by acccptlng
combination bids and to consider
bids to alternate specifications. The
City Ct)uncll further reserves the
dght to reject any or 811 bids.
4: BrD - BOND. A certified chcclr,
bank' (iraft I'll" bid bond, pa}'able to
the, ~ity oJ Port Angeles, In an
amount of 'not less than five (5) per
cent 0" the bid shall be submitted
wllh . l:!ach bid as an evidence of
~Ilod faUIl. and as a.. guaran tee that,
if awarded the contract.. the bl(lder
wlll f!xecute the contract,
S. DELlVERY. Desired time ot de.
livery .3.F1 follows: dellyer.r shall tie
con!'lldered - as FOB carR,. Port All_
geieR', ""RlS'hlni:'ton.
Sahlld11le A.May 1:1, 1!Hi4.
Behd1l1., B.. O~tobel'" 1, 1954.
SohMal_ C., October 1, 1954
J. E. LAW,
City Clerk
Publlshoo: November 12 and 13, 1\153
. 359'"
328 ~-
PrOC"e;dings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 15
T"C"~"''''''~',IE'T1,""."T'''C~E".''.'N'E"...gg"8 ~
',The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M,. and'was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of
officers present revealed the following: J1ayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, l~olfe
and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney SeveryDS. and Clerk Law. , . . .
lIt was moved by Councilman Powell that minutes of the previ~us meeting be approved as recorded. Seconded
by Councilman McFadden and unanimously carried.
I Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish pipe for the 1.ater Department, the same having been
received and opened at the last meeting, were considered. Manager Vergeer ,having submitted his written
lana;sis and recommendation, it was moved by Councilman Neer that the recommendation be approved as submitted
and the offer by the Hugh G. Purcell Company for Bell and Spigot Cast Iron Pipe at $1.616 per ft. and
j $2.32 per ft. be accepted. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. Councilman vlolfe questioned legality
of t he City spending $2,526.00 more for cast iron pipe ~s asbestos cement pipe how in service is satisfactory
when not used for special purpose or lacation, therefore could not vote as recolllDlended. '
I '
IStan Norman, Represtntative of Johns'4anville Sales Corporation pointed out that the City is in a position
,to save over $2,500.00. , by accepting their offer to furnish Transite Asbestos Cement pipe and informed
lof credit due,the Ci~Y. Also cited advertisements in magazines and journals describing merits of asbestos
I cement pipe replacements l'lith the same. Representatives of the H. D. Fowler Co. also spoke rsg"rding their
jOffer for, Century Asbestos,Cement pipe and. requested consideration..
Councilman Neer informed that he has consulted contractors as to the kind of pipe best adapted to this
locality. In their opinion it was cast iron. To this, Mr. Nonnan answered that contractors are not in
the water works field and prefer to install cast iron as they make more money.
Councilm.in Wolfe informed that he has not expressed his opinion only, but has checked with others who know,
and they cannot be convinced that cast iron is the better pipe. After further diSCUSSion, the question was
requestsd and on roll cill Councilmo.n Neer, Sandison, Boown and ~or Smith voted Aye. Councilmen ~Iolfe,
'Pewell and ~lcFadden voted No. The t~or declared motion carried.
'Pursuant to notices published, bids for purchase of t1mOer on the N.E. ~ of the N.E. ~ of Sec. 10, Twp. 30
N., Range 7 W. W. M. were recelved as follows: ~l O. HART, Peeler fir, 40%. SUN logs, 25%. Pulp
;timber or damaged timber, lo%. JOHN O. HILL, 32% of market price, "here sold. Manager Vergeer informed
.that in his opinion, when the bids are clost, and when biddells are not known, the bid should be accept ed
Jom the party requesting sale of the timber, decision to be ,.Tithout prejudice. It was moved by Councilman
'Brown that the bid by Mr. Hart be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted ilJ'e. Motion carried.
It was moved by Councillnan vlolfe that the Ihnager's report as submitted Octob'er 1, be approved. Seconded by
icouncilman McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. '
Manager Vergeer reported regarding paving of tracks on Rai1raod Avenue and responsibility for said improve-
'ment. Attorney Severyns' advised that he has consulted the local'superintendent of Milwaukee Railroad and
linfonnation from the main office is exnected in the near future.
!' .
IUnder the head of ne,q business, requests for property appraisals and IJlJ.mmun prices fixed were as follows:
,Lot l3, Blk. 395, TOl'msite. Assessments and cost, $54.85. It was moved by Councilman IVolfe that the
'minimum be set at. $100,00. Seconded by Councilmm Brown. All voted ilJ'e. Motion carried. !.dB 5,6, and 7,
Blk. 66, Townsite.. Assessments and cost, $198.91. It was moved by Counci.1Jr.an Brown that the minimum be
fixed' at $200.00 for the three lots as parcel. Seconded by Councilman POl'lell. All voted 'Aye. J.'",tion
,The monthly report of the Police Dept. for September ,qas filed for approval by the Council. It was moved
by CounUlman Brown that the report be approved and placed on f:iJ.e. Seconded by Councilman Powell and
"unanimously carried.
Requests for transfer of beverage licenseslere received as follows: Phifer Distributing Co. from Donald
'J. am. Ivor Smith to Clawe R. Phifer. Enos Distributing from Donald J. and .Ivor Smith to T. E. Enos.
.It was moved by Councilmo.n Neer that the requestv for transfer' be approved. Seconded by Councilmal.
'Sandison. All voted ilJ'e. Motion carried.
,Claims paid October 1, 6, 7, were approved in total amount of $35,189.35. It was moved, by Councilman Browtl
that the claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All voted ~e. Motion carried.
,The Treasurer's report for the month of September was submitted for approval by the Council., It was moved
by Councilman Brown that the Treasurer's report be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman
Powell. All voted ilJ'e. Motion carried.
;i:Nelson Hartnagel, assistant ~ag~r of the Fibreboard Products, Inc., appeared before the Council and re-
'quested that the sub lease of Fort .\ngeles Western Railroad for tract no. 6 of Ediz Hook Reserve be trans-
ferred to his company. As the Fibreboard, Inc., is constructing a log dump trestle, acquisition of the
.tk :tract is desired, the sam~ to be used in conjunction with Harbor Area and Tidelands, lease, of which has
I(f\ 't' ,been acquired. The P. A. Western Railraod having ~iled request for certificate of abandonment on their
~h. oldings, Attorney Se?eryns advised that if agreement is entered into ,a savings clause shouli be included,
thereby protecting the City until'abandonment has been approved by the Interstate Commerce. .I.t was moved
by Councilmo.n Neer that the City enter into agreement with Fibreboard Products, Inc. for the entire p. A.
:Western Tract No.'6, agreement to'be 1!or a plriod d: ten years at $lOO.OO per year and savings clause in-
,.cluded. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried.
I '
',The Council received letters from U. S. Corps. of Engineers, also the State Park and Recreation Commis&lbon
'thanking the'Council for interest expressed concerning acquisition of Federal property at Camp Hqden for
State Park purposes. The letters were filed for future reference.
I .,
'Manager Vergeer read for Council information, a letter from the ~tate Board of Health advising that the
Morse Creek Watershed should be properly policed, thereby eliminating water pollution by trespassers. AlsO
~dvising that employees should be deputized to assist in apprehending offenders.
The follot'ling claims were presented for approval by the Cou nci1:
Claims against "l953 Street Imp,'ovement Construction Fund", ,Fixed Estimate:
Wheeler Hdwre. Co., machete $ .2.76
Buss;ing Office Supplies, office supplies 5.73
Lowman and Hanford, engineering supplies 54.80
Dept. of Lahor & Ind., indo ins. and med. aid. 142.28
Port Tie and Lumber Co., stakes and hubs 26.53