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Port Angeles, Washington
October 15, 1985
Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Gerberding, Hordyk, Quast,
Schermer, Stamon.
Members Absent,
Councilman Haguewood.
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr. M. Cleland, R. French, J. Marsh,
L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose, S. Brodhun,
D. Wolfe, R. Dyker, J. Abernathy, K. Ridout, N. Wells.
Public Present:
J. & J. Merryfield, A. Walker, P. vance, C. Eldred,
D. Edgmon, L. Sunny, R. Page, J. Hallett, S. Fahnestock,
G. Miller, L. Ross, F. McPhee.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as
received the minutes of the October 1, 1985, meeting. Councilman Schermer
seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda, including (1) Request for payment to the Port of Port I
Angeles of $9,266.41 for City of Port Angeles' share of Harbor Management
Plan; (2) Request for progress payment for work on 8th & Peabody signal to
Breaker Construction of $31,615.62; (3) Request for payment of retainage to
Hoch Construction for Fire Hall Addition of $1,189.01; (4) Request
permission to call for bids for single phase residential electric meters;
and (5) Vouchers of $1,390,601.92 and payroll of 10-6-85 of $209,917.96.
Councilman Gerberding seconded. Following discussion of the installation
of the 8th and Peabody traffic signal, on call for the question, the motion
Payment to Riddell Williams for Legal Representation on WPPSS Issues
Councilman Hordyk moved to approve payment of the October 4, 1985, Riddell,
Williams bill in the amount of $10,324.17. Councilman Schermer seconded
and the motion carried.
Judy Merryfield, 1230 West Lauridsen Boulevard, addressed the Council,
referring to a letter she had sent to the City Attorney and the City
Council requesting City water service. Manager Flodstrom explained that
the Merryfield residence was located in an area for which an annexation
petition had been authorized to Jerry Austin. Following further discussion
Councilman Quast moved that water service be supplied upon receipt of a
valid annexation petition. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman
Hordyk suggested adding the requirement of a non-protest letter to an
annexation prior to receiving water service. Councilman Quast concurred.
Following discussion, on call for the question, the amended motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk added Item No. 20, Discussion of a Load Limit on Hill
October 15, 1985
Councilman Quast added Item No. 21 (if adequate time existed), Discussion
of Items from the Information Agenda.
Councilman Schermer also noted his concern regarding Hill Street.
I. Presentation of Certificate of Competency - Charles Gagnon
Mayor Whidden presented a Certificate of Competency as a Water pollution
Control Plant Operator from the Washington State Department of Ecology to
Charles Gagnon. Jim Abernathy accepted the award in Charlie I s behalf.
Congratulations, Charlie! We're very proud of you!
I-A Street-Wise Program Presentation
Jeff Lunt of Port Angeles High School addressed the Council, explaining the
Operation Street-Wise Program which is designed to make people think about
drinking and driving. It was created by KOMO-TV, Channel 4, to prevent
drinking and driving in high school. A free dance and $500 will be awarded
to the school that sells the most tee-shirts promoting Operation Street-
wise. Jeff then presented order forms to Counci1members and staff for
Operation Street-Wise tee-shirts.
2. Public Hearings
A. Ordinance Adopted Prohibiting Discharge of Septic Wastes into
Port Angeles Treatment Plant
Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled:
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, regulating the discharge of
septic tank, cesspool, holding tank,
chemical toilet, portable toilet and privy
wastes into the public sewer system; and
amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2324.
and opened the public hearing. Phil Vance, 592 Black Diamond Road, re-
quested the Council reconsider adopting the Ordinance and allow septic
wastes to be accepted into the City's Sewer Treatment Plant.
Upon request from Mayor Whidden, Public Works Director Pittis addressed the
audience, explaining that the City's NPDES permit requires the City meet
certain requirements. He stated allowing septic wastes, which are roughly
170 times stronger than regular wastes, to be accepted into the sewer
system exceeds the criteria of the Permit. He explained further that
meetings had taken place with County commissioners to discuss various
alternatives, including the development of an alternate treatment plant or
the use of County-wide treatment plants. He explained that knowingly
allowing the discharge of hazardous substances could result in grand jury
indictment. He explained that the Department of Ecology had advised staff
that a compliance schedule committed to by the City to the Department of
Ecology was the only legal way the City could continue to exceed effluent
discharges as well as toxic materials.
Glenn Brown of Arrow Septic then addressed the Council, quoting his price
for pumping a septic tank, stating his price had not increased in six
years. During discussion with Manager F10dstrom, Mr. Brown indicated that
having to transport the waste to another dump site, such as Bremertonwould
triple the cost of pumping a septic tank. He also stated that he did not
know whether Bremerton or Tacoma would accept septic waste.
Henry Hamm, County Health Officer, then addressed the Council. Mr. Hamm
confirmed that allowing this septic waste into the system does cause the
system to overdrive, creating a problem as far as Port Angeles and the law
~ concerned. Mr. Hamm felt this did create the possibility of a health
hazard but not an imminent threat. Upon inquiry from Councilman Quast, Mr.
Hamm explained that the treatment plant being upgraded by the County in
Sekiu/Clallam Bay could accommodate 1,600 gallons (approximately one and
one-half truckloads per day) of this type of waste when the secondary
treatment phase is complete.
October IS, 1985
Councilman Quast reviewed other possible sites, such as Sequim and Olympic
National Park. Mr. Hamm indicated he had received no confirmation as to
whether these locations would accept this type of waste.
Agness Walker of Olympic Disposal in Sequim then addressed the Council,
stating Sequim does not accept outside sludge. She further stated that the
Forks treatment plant has not been constructed and will not be ready for
over a year. she stated the Olympic Park System is used by the Park, being
pumped out and brought into the Port Angeles system. She stated that the
Cla1lam Bay/Sekiu facility will take one load per day for three days per I
week. She stated with the six dumpers in the area, the current sites
available could not accommodate the west end or any other part of town.
Assistant Public Works Director Andy Rose reported to the Council on a
meeting held with representatives from the County and all septic pumpers,
stating this meeting had resulted in a consensus that City officials,
County officials and septic pumpers should collectively pursue a solution
to the problem, hopefully with the cooperation of other municipalities in
C1a1lam and Jefferson Counties that are not currently accepting wastes from
their own cities.
Following further lengthy discussion, Councilman Quast moved to adopt the
Ordinance as read by title, to become effective November 20, 1985. He
noted that this was not the City's problem; that this was the problem of
two Counties, the Washington State Ferry System, and possibly the Air
Force. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Gerberding instructed
staff to contact the Washington State Department of Ecology, requesting a
written time-line, should the City come up with a proposal for a solution
to the problem. Councilman Stamon noted that whatever the solution to the
problem was going to be, it would be expensive. Following discussion with
the City Attorney, on call for the question the motion carried.
Commissioner Duncan informed those present that the County would also be
working toward a solution and that 30 days should be adequate time in which
a time-line could be established for resolution of the problem.
B. Gund Plaza Street Vacation - Public Hearing Continued
Mayor Whidden explained that the applicant had requested postponement or
continuance until November 5th. Following discussion with Attorney
Knutson, Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments.
There were none. Councilman Quast then moved to continue the public
hearing until November 5, 1985. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion
3. Planning Commission Minutes of October 9, 1985
A. Temporary Use Permit Granted - Anna Doss
Request has been made for a Temporary Use Permit allowing a travel trailer
to be located in the RS-7, Single-Family Residential District as a tempor-
ary residence, located at 1702 West Fourth Street. Councilman Hordyk moved
to concur with the Planning Commission I s recommendation to grant the Tem-
porary Use Permit. Councilman Stamon seconded, adding that the Temporary
Use Permit was Subject to the conditions of the Planning Commission as
follows: (1)" That the underlying RS-7 setbacks be met by the trailer; (2)
That a smoke detector and fire extinguisher be installed in the trailer;
(3) That direct sewer and water services be installed to the trailer; (4)
That a permanent pole, meter and electrical service be provided, per the
requirements of the Light Department; (5) That the travel trailer only be
occupied by Mrs. Doss's son and it be removed when the need for the travel
trailer no longer exists; (6) The permit shall be for no more than two
years unless an extension is requested and the need demonstrated; and
citing the following findings: (A) The utilities are available to the lot
and adequate for an additional dwelling unit on the property; (B) The
subject parcel is sufficiently large for an additional dwelling unit as a
temporary use. On call for the question, the motion carried.
B. Conditional Use Permit Granted for One Year - Donald Edgmon
Request has been made for a Conditional Use Permit which would permit a
manicurist's salon as a Home Occupation in the RS-7, Single-Family Residen-
tial District, located at 1309 East Fourth Street. Councilman Quast moved
October 15, 1985
to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant the Con-
ditional Use Permit, subject to the following conditions: (ll The hours of
operation be from 9 AM to 7:30 PM; (2) One 2A10BC dry chemical fire extin-
guisher be installed per NFPA No. 10 and citing the following findings:
(Al The Home Occupation will not introduce excessive noise, vibration,
odor, or light into this residential area; (B) It will not significantly
increase vehicular or pedestrian traffic in this residential neighborhood;
(C) The Home Occupation will not adversely affect nearby residential
properties; (D) It will not endanger the public health, safety, morals or
welfare and is in the public interest. Councilman Stamon seconded. Coun-
cilman Hordyk noted concern over the 7:30 PM closing time, as opposed to a
5 PM closing time. City Planner Carr noted that the applicant had
indicated he would be operating business by appointment only and would not
anticipate a large volume of individuals at the residence at one time.
Donald Edgmon, applicant, then addressed the Council, stating that there
would only be one customer after 5: 30. He stated he could only do one
customer in every hour and a half. Councilman Hordyk added the amendment
tha t the Conditional Use Permit be issued for one year only, subj ect to
review at that time. Following discussion, Councilman Quast concurred with
the amendment. On call for the question, the amended motion carried.
C. Planning Commission Minutes Accepted and Placed on File
Councilman Stamon moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission
minutes of October 9, 1985. Councilman Quast noted the need for a correc-
tion in the sixth line on page 4 of the minutes. On call for the question,
the motion to accept the minutes as corrected carried.
4. Resolution Passed Setting Public Hearing Date for Street Vacation -
Upper Pine Hill
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition
to vacate portions of Lee Avenue,
Washington Street and alley in Block 3,
Fogarty and Dolan's Addition.
Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Discussion of Public
Input on Lincoln/Boulevard
Councilman Stamon distributed copies of a letter she had received earlier
that day from Eva Johnson of 118 West Boulevard. Mayor Whidden called a
two-minute recess to enable Councilmembers and staff adequate time to
review the letter. Following the recess, Councilman Stamon reviewed Mrs.
Johnson's concerns, stating that her primary concern was the proposed
blockage of traffic east and west bound on the Boulevard. She stated Mrs.
Johnson was opposed to this blockage. She reported that she had attended
the last portion of the neighborhood meeting and felt that most of the
concerns of individuals had been addressed by modifications proposed by
staff, other than the issue of east/west bound traffic. She felt reconsid-
eration of the proposed blockage of east/west bound traffic might be in
order. She also noted that she had spoken with the State Department of
Mr. Dier of 104 East Boulevard, felt more time should be spent talking with
members of the neighborhood about the proposed revision. Mr. Dier was
opposed to the revision taking approximately 5 feet of his driveway.
Councilman Quast clarified that the driveway was public right-Of-way. Mr.
Dier felt he should have been consulted prior to the development of the
Ron Richards, 313 East 12th, supported continuing through traffic eastbound
on Lauridsen Boulevard. Mr. Richards then suggested several revisions to
the proposal of the Public Works Department. Councilman Quast reviewed
some of the reasons for staff's recommended design for the revision, in-
cluding an attempt to slow traffic down. Police Chief Cleland felt this
October 15, 1985
was the best design to slow drivers down and get them acclimated to City
driving after leaving Highway 101. Mr. Richards readdressed the Council,
stating he did not see much of a speed problem in that area. He recom-
mended more speed limit signs be installed, as an alternative to blocking
east/westbound traffic.
Cliff Fors of 517 Black Diamond Road then addressed the Council, opposing
the revision and recommending the intersection be left as it currently
Public Works Director Pittis, explained the redesign was intended to reduce I
conflict points where an increased potential for traffic accident(s)
exists. He stated the Public Works Department believes that the design
shown will 'provide safer. truck traffic. The Council and staff discussed
the matter extensively.
Leo Sunny, 127 West Third, felt the intersection as it exists creates a
significant problem and felt it should be revised.
Councilman Quast moved to accept the proposed but modified design by staff
at this time; to be observed and reviewed after one year. Upon request,
Councilman Quast clarified this would be the design that was established
after the neighboorhood meeting at Jefferson School without the straight-
away. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Gerberding spoke against
the motion, favoring an alternative leaving straight-through access east
from Highway 101 to Lauridsen Boulevard, feeling that the installation of a
median and other revisions could slow traffic down. Councilman Stamon
concurred with Councilman Gerberding and spoke in opposition to the motion.
On call for the question, the motion failed, with Councilmen Quast and
Schermer voting "Aye" and Councilmen Gerberding, Stamon and Hordyk voting
Councilman Stamon then moved to accept the alternative intersection allow-
ing straight-through motion on a six-month trial basis. Councilman Hordyk
seconded. Following discussion, Councilman Stamon amended the motion that I
the trial period be one year. She also added to the motion that the curve
be made slight enough to eliminate the need to remove the pole, etc., to
reduce costs. On call for the question, the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon added for the record the recommendation that in the
future, staff develop preliminary designs, take them to the public in the
area for comments and questions, and after receiving those comments and
questions, then develop final design standards to be presented to the
Councilman Gerberding recommended that the Planning Commission be brought
into traffic flow matters in. the future.
6. Resolution Passed Declaring Intent to Expand the PBIA and Setting a
Public Hearing
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
stating the City Council's intention to
extend the boundaries of the Parking and
Business Improvement Area and setting a
time and place for a public hearing to
consider such extension.
Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
cilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
7. Summary of Pollution Control Hearing Board's Denial of Secondary
Treatment waiver
Manager Flodstrom and Public Works Director Pittis updated the Council on
the denial of a waiver for the construction of a secondary treatment
facility in Port Angeles. Attorney Knutson reviewed three options avail-
able as listed in an October 10, 1985, memorandum he had prepared. The
Council and staff concurred to discuss the matter further in executive
October 15, 1985
session, as it involved litigation. Attorney Knutson reviewed the events
which had taken place at the hearing. He stated that the City's evidence
was conclusive and not rebutted at the hearing that secondary treatment
would not have a measurable impact on the quality of the receiving waters
in Port Angeles. A fact sheet from the Public Works Department was also
presented to the Council, showing a history of what actions had occurred in
the City's efforts to pursue a waiver from secondary treatment. indicating
a significant amount of money had already been spent pursuing the matter.
Councilman Quast instructed staff to schedule a public information hearing
on the matter.
8. Contract Amendment Authorized to Delete City Hall, Police and Light
Buildings from IBP Contract
Councilman Quast temporarily left the meeting room. Councilman Schermer
moved to authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 3 to Washington State
Energy Office Contract 84-080B. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the
motion carried.
9. Acceptance of Work for City Buildings Energy-Efficient Lighting
Retrofit Installation
Councilman Stamon moved to authorize final payment on this contract with a
5% retainage. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
10. Cemetery Ordinance Amendments Adopted
Following discussion with staff, Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending various Cemetery regulations
and amending Sub-Sections IV (a), V (b)
and V (e) of Ordinance 1864 and Sections
2.48.020, 2.48.150, 2.48.180, and
2.48.190 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council-
man Stamon seconded. Following lengthy discussion over cash payments
versus installment payments, on call for the question, the motion carried.
11. Reimbursable Work Agreement Authorized With Clallam County for County
Roadway Striping
Councilman Quast moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement, re-
questing more flashing lights or a different kind of a back-up vehicle be
provided, due to increased speeds and decreased visibility on County roads.
Councilman Gerberding seconded. Public Works Director Pittis explained
that back-up would be provided by the County; only the paint striper would
be provided by the City. On call for the question, the motion carried.
12. Letters of Resignation From Parks Board from Wendy Anderton and
Terence Gilmore
Councilman Quast moved to regretfully accept the resignations of the
members of the Park Board and to open the positions for new applications
through a public announcement. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion
carried, with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". feeling current applicants
should be appointed.
13. Certification of Property Taxes for 1985
Councilman Quast moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the certification
levy to the Board of County Commissioners. Councilman Schermer seconded
and the motion carried.
14. Resolution Passed for Necessity to Reconstruct Sidewalks
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title. entitled
October IS, 1985
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
declaring the necessity for recon-
struction of sidewalks for the public
convenience and safety.
Councilman Gerberding moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Coun-
cilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
15. Proclamation - National Business and Professional Business Women I s
Week - October 20th through 26th, 1985
Mayor Whidden declared October 20th through 26th, 1985, National Business
and Professional Business Women's Week and urged all citizens in Port
Angeles, all civic and fraternal groups, all educational associations, all
news media and other community organizations to join in this salute to
working women by encouraging and promoting the celebration of the achieve-
ments of all business and professional women as they contribute daily to
our economic, civic and cultural purposes.
16. Proclamation - American Energy Week - October 20th through 27th, 1985
Mayor Whidden proclaimed October 20th through 27th, 1985, American Energy
Awareness Week, recognizing the integral value of continuing development of
all our resources and technologies to the strength, prosperity, peace and
freedom of our Nation and the free world.
17. Proclamation - Disability Employment Week - October 6th through 12,
Mayor Whidden proclaimed October 6th through 12th, 1985, Disability Employ-
ment Week in the City of Port Angeles and urged all citizens to join in
observing these events so that we might help citizens with disabilities
realize their true potential.
18. Utility Advisory committee Meeting Scheduled
The Council scheduled a meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee for
October 22, 1985, at 4:30 P.M. at City Hall, 140 West Front Street.. for the
purpose of discussing Solid Waste Landfill rates, utility late-corner
charge, Falls Creek Hydro, and City Light cost-of-service.
19. Park Board Minutes of September 19, 1985
Councilman Hordyk moved to accept and place on file the Park Board minutes
of September 19, 1985. Councilman Gerberding seconded.
Councilman Quast requested discussion of the tire disposal at the Cemetery
be discussed at the next meeting. Manager Flodstrom requested the Coun-
cil's indulgence to allow staff adequate time to develop alternative
solutions to the problem.
The Council publicly thanked the groups who donated the glass backboards
for the Vern Burton Memorial Center. On call for the question, the motion
20. Discussion of Load Limit on Hill Street
Staff concurred to gather information to be brought back to the Council
regarding the possibility of placing a load limit on Hill Street.
21. Discussion of Information Agenda Items
Councilman Quast directed attention to items in the Information Agenda,
specifically graphs from the Public Works Department showing statistics on
the Landfill. He commended staff for the generation of tremendously more
revenue. He also referred to the Water report. He also corrunended the
Parks & Recreation Department for the fine developments noted in their
monthly report, specifically events held in the Vern Burton Memorial
Community Center and the recreational program. He also referred to the
minutes of the Board of Adjustment.
October 15, 1985
Councilman Quast then moved that three times consecutive absence from Com-
missions, Boards and Committees should be considered as a reason to ask for
the resignation of the member unless mitigating circumstances prevai1.
Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon referred to a letter from Steven Proctor, a longshoreman
from Aberdeen, thanking Medic Aid for their assistance in rescuing him from
the hold of a ship and to the hospital.
Mayor Whidden noted that Tamasin Sterner and Sheila Hardy from City Light
had been mentioned in the most recent Washington State Energy Office news-
letter. He then reiterated what a fine staff the City has. Congratula-
tions, Tamasin and Sheila!
Mayor Whidden also noted that there would be a community blood drive
October 21st from 12:00 Noon to 6:00 P.M. at the Vern Burton Memorial
Community Center and requested participation in the blood drive.
Manager F10dstrom presented a copy of the draft loan documents for the
Waterfront Associates project loan from the City.
Manager Flodstrom then reported to the Council on a recent City Hall view
trip to various cities in Washington; specifically, Lynnwood, Kirkland,
Redmond, Kent, Auburn and Tukwila. Councilman Hordyk complimented Kirkland
for their city hall and encouraged individuals to view this city hall if
they had the opportunity. Councilman Stamon commended the architects,
Arai/Jackson & Lindberg for their attentiveness during the viewing of other
city halls and for listening to all of the comments made. Manager
Flodstrom noted the need for special attention to the heating, ventilation
and air conditioning system.
Councilman Quast requested discussion at the next City Council meeting of
the new 'City Hall as the City's Centennial Project, to which contributions
might be made by citizens of the community.
Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:20 P.M. for
the purpose of discussing potential litigation.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:50 P.M.
Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:52 P.M.
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