HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/16/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 331~ October 16,1~n5 193_ 1 I I ,I 1 The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Hayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present;" Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Has ter Attorney Plummer and Clerk ~awkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses the following were granted,- Chair Chairs Chair $6000.00 50 .00 200.00 100.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 The Texas Company, Plant construction,Lots 14 & 15 Block 38,Town3ltJ L.~.Kock, Move building and finish,Lots 1,2 & 3,310ck 119 Townsite J.R.Lewis, Remodel house,Lot 2,Block 326,Townsite C.L.Sundberg Remodel store room,Lot 1 Block 31,N.R.Smith's Subd. E.Doucette ;J; Barber Chairs ' E.C.Naddux 2 Barber Chairs Geo.S.Carter 1 Barber Chair ~oods Barber ShOp 2 Barber Chairs Pinto's Barber Shop 3 Barber Ohairs Margaret Rauch 1 Beauty Parlor Urs.E.Lyda 2 Beauty Parlor LaBelle Beauty Shop 1 Be'3.uty Parlor W.M.Rideout 1 Card Table F.C.Rcynolds Gatc City 2nd.Hand Utore C.F.Lipsky,Reliable Furniture Co., 2nd.Hand Store N.O.McKee,East ~nd Trading Co., 2nd Hand Store Under the head of reading and pasSag~f Ordinances the following ordinances were read by title and placed on their third readlngs,- An Ordinance Adopting and approving the City budget of and for the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1936, and declal'ing an emergency. It was moved by Commission'er Iolasters that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final passage and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Hayor declared the motion carried. An Ordinance Confirming the estimate of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1936,and fixing the tax levies for said year as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission meeting and sitting for that purpose on the 7th.day of October,1935, and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on its final passage and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following Ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed on its First and Second Readings,- An Ordinance Amending Section 7 of Ordinance No.904 of the City of Port Angcles,which is an Ordinance relating to "Barber Shops" and "Beauty Culture Establishments". Under the head of New Business the folloTIing resolutions were introduced,- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT TO MAINTAIN HIGHWAYS' Il~ROVED u~DER THE EMER- GENCY RELI3F APPROPRIATION ACT OF 1935. VffiEREAS the Highway Department of the State of Waehington has submitted a project for the improvement of certain portions of the Olympic Highway within the Gity of Port Angeles and will recommend its approval by the Secretary of Agriculture for conetruction with funds apportioned to the State under The Emergency Repief Appropriation Act of 1935,and it is re~uired that the City'of Port Angeles undertake to maintain the improvement in a manner satisfactory to the Highway Department and the Secretary of Agriculture, and YiliEREAS the Highway Department and Secretary of Agriculture have submitted an agree- ment for such maintenance to be conducted and paid for by the City of Port Angeles,which agreement has been examined and is reasonable and proper in the premises, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Port Angeles shall undertake to maintain the project when completed in a manner satisfactory to the representattves of the Highway department and the Secretary of ,'\gricul ture of the United Stu tes at the cost and expense of the City of Port Angeles and shall execute in duplicate the proposed agreement for suc maintenance which has been submitted; That the Mayor and City Clerk be and these officials are hereby authorized to execute the said agreement in duplicate and cause the same to be attested wi th the seal of the city. 'It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted'aye. The mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION TO FINANCE ENGINEERING ON FIRST STREET I~~ROVEL~NT VffiEREAS the Highway De~artment of the State of TIashington has submitted tentative plans for the resurfacing of certain portions of First Street in Port ~ngelee between Race and Lincoln Streets and other related improvements of same and has re~uested that the lengineeri~g expense necessary to said work be provided by the City of Port An?eles in amounts not to exceed ~800.00, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Highway Department be and it is hereby authorized to draw upon the fund in the hands of the State Treasurer derived from the apportionment of gasoline tax and credited to the City of Port Angeles in an amount not ot exceed ~800.00 to defray expenses of engineering work upon the State HighTIay prOject which provides for the resurfacing and improvement of First Street between Race and Lincoln Streets,and that the State Treasurer be specially re~uested to honor the vouchers or re~uisitions of the Htghway Department for this purpose. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. ti~ ...,j ,... 332 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 16,1935 193_ lIr... r-' --,:~~~:~:: 't"" K<ghwoy """"'"'0' ~::':::::" "",>0 I', Olympic Highway in the City of Port Angeles at an expense hf properly chargeable to the fund credited to the City of Port state Treasurer; il ~ ! stipes for one mile of the 017778,of which ~16.38 is Angeles and held by the THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the State Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and re~uested to transfer from the gas tax fund of the City of Port Angeles to the proper state highway fund the sum of ;~16.38. It was moved by Commissioner-Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Comm~ssioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER m' TH3 UNITED STATES TO THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES TO AID BY WAY OF GRANT IN FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF EIGHTH STREET BRIDGES Be it resolved by the City Commission Section 1. That the offer of the United States of America to the City of Port Angeles to aid by way of grant in financing the construction of Eighth street Bridges over Valley Creek Gulch and Tumwater Creek Gulch,a copy of which offer reads as follows: P. \7. 42625-~9 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION (JF PUBLIC ',"/ORKS ITashington, D.C. Oct. 7,1935 State File No. ~ash. 1245 The City of Port ~ngeles Port Angeles,Clallam Co"Washington Subject to the rules and regulations (PWA Form I;o.179,July 22,1935, as amended to date) which are made a part hereof, the United States of America hereby offer to aid in financing the construction of two bridges (herein called the "Project") by making a grant to the City of Fort Angeles in tho amount of 45 percent of the cost of the Project upon completion,as determined by the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public dorks,but not to exceed,in any event, the sum of J53,600. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Emer~ency Administrator of Public norks By Horatio B.Hackett (sgd) Assistant Adminstrator be and the same is hereby in all respects accepted. Section 2. That said City Commission agrees to abide by all the rules and rcgula- tions relating to such grant,a copy of which rules and regulations were annexed to the Government's offer and made a part thereof. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed forthwith to send to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works three certified copies of this Resolution and three certified copies of the proceedings of this City Commission in connection with the adIDption of this Resolution, and such further documents or proofs in co""~ction ':Ii th the acceptance of said offer as may be re~uested by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public :7orks. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing Uesolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll eall all member voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion cnrried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Department of Labor & Industries Olympic Printery Olympic Printery Willson Hardware Co. Finzer Co Olympic Stationers OlympIc printery Quick Print Ulmer Office E~uipment Co Thos T.Aldwell !.I.R.Alleman Marshall Wells Co. Marshall ',"jells Co. V.A.Samuelson & Co. Garvin Auto Co Angeles Gravel & Supply Co "LL.Hornbeck Western Tractor & Equipment Co. puget Sound Ravigation Co. Automotive Parts Co. R.L.Fernandes Shell Oil Co, Johnson & Bork Lysall Welding & Forge ~orks Standard Oil Co. Glenn's Service Stattmo Blackburn Printing Co. Walkling Motor Co. Ind.lns.& Med.Aid Supplies Supplies Janitor supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Insurance Lumber Anvil,etc. Hardware & Tools Repairs Repairs Lumber,etc. Electric motor Pinion Freight Sponge & chamois Tires Oil Paint,etc. Repairs Gear Grease Oil,etc. Supplies Spark plugs ~ 46.25 8.50 ~.OO 1.25 4.20 6.55 6.26 3.00 8.88 32.02 28.54 35.04 105.06 ~87,69 4?34 63.18 20.00 5.22 18.58 1. 75 76.38 25.41 5.27 14.50 9.80 8.50 13.25' 3.90 1 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Oc to ber 16,193.5 Supplies Repairs Repair parts Grinding Lawn Mower Publi ca tions 193_ -- 21.50 1.50 8.65 fY 1.50 '1<f1,- 26,46 23.89 4.34 18.17 12.41 3.33 .49 1.08 50.80 1.54 20,96 '1,J.- 1.50 1.48 l..t. r ,75 5.20 .21 5.09 .51 .01. 98 1..08 1.00 ')' J. 3;18 3.78 <-fS ~ 3,01 14.00 4.88 13.10 2.00 3.35 1.10 11 4.78 35.00 1}1 - 59.50 6.91 28.85 4.00 3.92 2.00 .95 ~~ 4.66 !'Ir r 71.10 11.55 4'[ 3.0.80 45r 51. 73 .90 Current Expense Fund Con't'd- Blackburn Printing Co Mook's Electric Service Automotive Parts Co C.L.Sarff Evening News \'IATER FUND I Department of Labor & Indutries Willson Hardwars Co. Paris 110tor Co. V.A.Samuelson & Co. Willson Hardware Co. Kissner Motor Co Blagdon Grocery Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Puget Sound Navigatiop Co Quiuk Print Lysall Vlelding & Forge j'Jorks Firestone Auto Supply Co. Getchell & Gagnon LIGHT FUUD I Byron Winter Willson Hardware Co V.A.Samuelson & Co Olympic Stationers Quick Print Olympic Printery City Treasurer V.A.Samuelson & Co. Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Co-operative Creamery LIBRARY FUND I Dorothea Gagnon Ethel Osterhout Packer-Scott Co. National Geographic Society Grange Warehouse City Electric Co. Jennilu Norris Jennilu. Norris The Puget Sound News Co. PARK FUND Department of Labor & Indusjries City Treasurer C.L.Sarff Grange Warehouse Frank MacDonald & Sons Pine Hill Service Ci ty Light Dept. Ci ty Treasurer GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer City Treasurer City Treasurer City Treasurer Ind.lns.& Med.Aid Supplies Truck re1lairs Truck repairs Matsrial Spark plug Gasoline Pipe Freie;ht Prin ting Repairs Tube Tire repair 1.la terial Bolts Repairs Supplies Printine; Supplies Filing fees Repairs,etc. Tools Drinking cups Extra help Extra help Supplies Books Firteli zer Repai rs Petty Cash Expense Account Books Ind.lns.& Med.Aid L.I.D.Assessments Repairs Seed Renairs Gas Lamps L.I.D.Assessments L.I,D,Assessments Taxes L.I.D.Assessments Recording dee:l I There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?J)l1~~ Clerk I 'i,i"J::'o, 333 " ~