HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/16/1950 II I I. I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 16. 19~ '""'..'.n....'......"._......"....... ~ jThe Commission m~t in l' " gular session at 10,00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley, Officers pr~s'nt \lere: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Le.w. . 'Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. . Unqer thp hpsd of applications for buUding permits and licenses, the following \lere 'grwited: Building Permits: 5,7"" H. ,C. Thorp.. Construct Garage on Rear of Lot; Lot 13, Blk. 302, Townsite 500.00, IR. .A. Smith Cover Existing Bldg~ with Siding; Lots 11-12, Blk. 23, N.R.Smith Add. 600.00, 'M. .C. Adolphson Construct Garage; N LQts 10-11, lllk. 200, Townsite 750.00 Lowell D. Lunt Construct Baaement; E "Lot 16, w"Lot 17, Blk. 26, N.R. Smith Add. ' 1,850.00' It .was moved by Collllllissioner Taylor that the portion of application by L. D. Lunt fol' garage be stricken andl permit granted for basement construction only. Motion secon:led by Collllllissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 11,:;":: Vernon S. Behymer Massage, 9 Mos. 18.75 J. A. Johnson Barber Shop, 3 Chairs 3.00, T. .H. Bates Journeyman Plumber . 2.50 Under the head of unfinished business, Commissioner Taylor discussed poesibility ot ciosi~ 'b; D~cember 31stt accounts owed the City by Mr. Jarnigan tor logs, and Lou Ki.szak tor Occupational Tax. Commissioner Robinson' agreed to get a report on the Port Angeles Transit System showing amount due and Colllllliesioner Taylor will contact the Port Construction Compa~ regarding amount due for logs. ,Licenses: Ullier the head ot new business, the Collllllission cOIl81dered application ot T. B. Rowe tor . cancellation ot I gar.bage charge at 3l5~ West Seventh Street. Supt. Davidson having recommended the charge cancelled, it was I moved by Mayor Feeley that the recollDllendation be accepted, and permit tor tree garbage collection approved. Seconded by Collllllissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . I Re~uest was read trom the Chamber ot Commerce for permis~ion t~ string 750 lights 'across streets for the Christmas Holiday season. ColIlIIIissioner Taylor eJepressed approval, if lights are hung subject to supervision Illy .the Light Superintendent and Engineer. Decision on the matter was postponed until the nm session. A letter from K. O. Erickson eJepressed disapproval ot care being given Erickson P1ayfield, and requesting that the City provide for keeping in proper condition. Also suggested that of the $500.00 now in that .Fund, $200.00 be used in 1951, $200.00 in the year 1952, and $100.00 per year thereafter, saving a little from income with which to buy bonds and increase future income. " Board ot Trustees was designated as Ralph Davis, Vemon J. Robinson, Fred Beale, and Thos. Dickinson, Secretary. It was regularly moved and seconded that the letter be referred to the Park Board. I' COl'respondence from Romeo A. Bott, Secretary of the Statewide City Elnployees Retirement System, regarding hirlng ot employees over the compulsory retirement age, was referred to the City Attornsy tor opinion.. . 1. Th~ Collllllission examined and approved the tollowing claims and ordered warrants CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: J j t 7, i X- I Peninsula Herald Olympic Tribune Qui ck Print Bussing Otfice Sup~ Woodie's Harley Davidson Goss Stationery 10lympic Stationers ,Dept. of Le.bor & Industries '. City Treasurer 'Fitchard's Associated Service Schreiner Chevrolet Co. I R. .0. Ide ,Hazel's Cafe I. Richfield Oil Corp. Headrick Repair Tide Water Ass. 011 I The Texas Co. IWillson Hardware Co. I Taper Oil Burner Co. i C. .A. Wolverton I Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. 'Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Middleton l~otor Farts Co. issued in payment of same' 4.28. 12.721 6.18 3.30 1.46\ 46.4'3' 11.74! 195.25~ 270.31' 52.84' 53.20' 27.86' 150.641 l6.41J 69.84' 25.96' 126.28 2.08' 130551 123.52 3.00' 66.741 .23.53' I 644.69. 6.18 2.411 117.541 .32.20 .18 12.21' . 9.30 42.671 6.44 143.73 19.93 10.97 79.63 121.24' 1.25 1.08 293.14' I I Budget Covers and Stapling Legal Publication Index Cards, Building Permit Records Cards, Guides, etc. Duplicating Kg,ys, 1 Brake.Cable Carbor &.Paper for Budget; Paper Rite Copy Fluid, Carbon, Blue Prints Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Light, Water, Garbage, Fire !lyd.; Supplies Car Repairs, Tire & Tube Car Repairs Car Mileage for Sept. Meals for Ilrisoners Motor 011 Car Repair Motor 011 Gas 1 Large Tape Service Calls--Furnace Expenses to Chief's Meet Gas Services-Phone Flashlite Batteries; Parts 'CITY STREET FUND: ,/5'1'1,70/ 'I The Texas Co. Gasolins, Motor Oil, etc. Tower Super Service Oxygen . 1 Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Flex Tube '. E. R. Gehrke, Jr., Agent Rich.OilCo. White Gas, Preston.. 'Allan Diet. Co. 011, Spak Plugs, Buss. Fuse Asst. 'Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating Bushings D & B Battery & Elec. Stn. Generator, Brushes, Brush Springs Middleton Motor Parts Co. Parts Automotive Parts Co. Parts, Tool & Hdwe. James Hardware Co. Brush Blade, Snath' Dept. of Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Mad. Aid Angeles Building Center Cedar Gutter Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Brick, Cement City Treasurer Light, Water, Sts. & Sew. Standard 011 Co. of Calif. Petro. Asphalt Tacoma-Port Angeles Auto Freight Frieght Olympic Tribune Notice to Bidders ,Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Catch Basins, Sewer Pipe, etc. 57" ..... ~ 58 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 16th, continued, 19)!L 266.89 64.60 5.83 13.01 5.31 51.29 16.68 , .3.04 . ,3.80 ,2.31. 187.61 70.26 183 .93 196.94 40.53 13.10 39.97 173.83 20,822.74 5.61 71.88 4.50 3.09 7.98 308.42 872.63 .98 3.35 1.25 2.60 198.99 116.80 " 20.91 360.73 1,390.59 163.38 10.21 3,582.62 19.31 817.92 5.74 4.20 209.20 52.52 108.84 260.40 86.47 32.97 4.25 14.43 10.39 19.57 5.15 5.20 14.52 38.00 3.09 8.02 39.54 17.97 54.57 43.53 47.95 30.97 8.88 2.00 34.92 26.46 25.77 21.10 .52 ,2.27 5.56 1.19 2.49 6.18 9.35 40.50 "....".......,,,,..,,""................. ~ WATER FUND: '/~J.I" Dept. ot Labor & Industries I City freasurer City Light Dept. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. General Electric Supply Corp. D 8< B Battery & Elec. Stn. Willson Hardware Co. Tacoma-Port Angeles Auto Freight Wheeler Hardware & Furniture Co. Olympic Stationers Palmer Supply Co. Western utilities Supply Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Armco Drainage & Pipe Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Nailor Lumber Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. UGHT FUND: ;:.:'t,21I.Io.~~ Dept. of Labor & Industries Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 Bussing Office Supply Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Tri-County Typewriter Co. Butts Texaco Service A. L. Chapman Graybar Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Radio Service Appliance Co. Elk Drug Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Willson Hardware Co. Boyd's Wood Specialties Line .Material Co. Home ~ectric Co. General Electric Supply Corp. R. E. Uptegratf Mfg. Co. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Postage & Envelopes Lights at Reservoir Phone Service Repair Charger Magnito Tools, etc. Freight .Tools Blue Prints Fittings Valves 8< Oakum Pipe Pipe Valve LUlllber S. Boxes Ind. Ins. & Mad. Aid August Power Supplies Phone Service Service on Billing Machine . Tire Tube Car Expens e Meters Meters, Wire, Fuse Links Battery .Band Aids Frt. Chgs. Tools Cross Arms Connectors Tape Compound Transformers. LIGHT FUND. EMERGENCY VOUCHERS. PER ORDINANCE NO. .1238: Angeles Machine & Welding Works . Shop Work Harold Hibbs Plbg.& Heating 5.::,37,;;/f Fittings DelGuzzi Bros. Balance on Building Contract Middleton Motor Co. Fittings E. A. .Jemen, Shell Jobber Oil Tank Harris &"Schuller Gutter Box Crane Co. Fittings James W. Caven Fittings Willson Hardware Co. Hardware City Water Dept. Fittings Olympic Electric Co. Fittings SANITATION FUND: i 3?, ):2,. Dept. of Labor & Industries Earl Davidson Samuelson Motor Co. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. LIBRARY FUND: "5?'i. 'J, 7 City Treasurer Pacific Tel. 8< Tel. Co. Willie V. DeVine GlIJI'lord Bras., Inc . Goss Stationery Library Service United Janitor Supply Co. Lee Hodson, Librsrian Lee Hodson Jean Karl' & Co. Tbe Personal Book Shop, Inc. Puget Sound News Co. A. C. McClurg & Co. Doubleday & Co. Henry Regnery Co. Herman Goldberger Agency, Ioc. King 8< Folk Music Co. PARK FUND: ~~, 'it> Dept. of Labor 8< Industries PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTRDL FUND: Dept. of Labor 8< Industries Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating Olympic Stationers James W. Caven Plbg. & Keating Wheeler Hdwe. & Furniture Co. Willson Hardware Co. Automotive Parts Service The Electric Co. Olympic Electric Co. ANIMAL CONTroL FUND: If iJ ,.5'0 Clallsm County Humane Society Ind. Ins. & Ked. Aid Car Mileage for Sept. Wire Parts Light, Water, Garbage Phone Service Mimeographing Identification Cards Office Supplies Book Jacket Covers Cleaner Express, Book Week Materials, etc. Traveling Expsnse Books Books Booke Books Books Books Quarterly Records Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 7'1,411 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Galv. Pipe Exacto Blades Nipple, Threads Lag Bolts Bolts, Plugs Squirt Can; .Oil Traftic Lights Traffic Lights Dog & Cat Licenses, Pound Fees .1 1 1 ,I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ".....""'..""...,.,,,.,,,.....,,....... ~ /FIRl!MENIS PENSION FUND: ~ 3. of) I. Clallam County Medical Service Corp. Dr. J. C. H~ & Associates 'L. I. D. REVOLVIlG FUND: :z/1~ jOl,ymPiC Tribune City Treasurer ,L. ,I. D. GENERAL FUND: l.:r.l:I. , Dept. of Labor & Indust ri es I Ol,ympic Tribune Orl:t.nhAT" '''t.hJ Mnt-1nn~. Oct. Med. Fees Oct. Med. Fees Noti ce of Sale Excise Stamps There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned.' Ind. Ins. & Mad. Aid Tax Foreclosure. ~. C :i~~~. t1 City ;Clerk I 1 'f , 19')0 ~ ,tN// d ~~ .Mqor 21.00' ~::I 1.10 9.78! 17.34, 59 '