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Port Angeles, Washington
October 16, 1979
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck,
Duncan, Hordyk, Wray.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso.
P. Carr, D. Flodstrom, M. Cleland, A. Rose, D. Van Hemert,
R. Orton, K. Ridout, J. Honnold.
Guests Present: P. Brady, V. Elkhart, N. Tullius, L. Sunny, L. Cawyer,
C. Wishik, G. & J. Umbehocker, K. Sweeney, R. Britton,
P. Sullivan, R. Polhamus, J. Sobiek, T. Treat, Mrs.
B. Johnson, M. Todd, S. Stroup, K. Pultz, M. Todd,
C. Friedman, H. Gariepy, W. Quast.
Following Roll Call, Councilman Anderson resigned his office as Councilman as he is
no longer a resident of the City of Port Angeles. Mr. Anderson thanked the Council
and the public and left the Council Chambers.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the September 26th and October 2, 1979 meetings. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Mr. Vern Elkhart, owner of Laurel Lanes, addressed the Council in regard to
his City business licenses. Mr. Elkhart inquired about the progress being
made on the proposed ordinance which will "equalize" the present business
license fees, and was informed by Attorney Miller that a draft ordinance
will be ready for the October 30th Council work_session.
Mr. Leo Sunny questioned Planner Carr in regard to what the Planning Commission
will be doing to insure that publicrestrooms are included in the construction
of new shopping centers.
Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of
October 10, 1979 with the following action being taken by the Council:
1. Conditional Use Permit: Wood
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Wood's request for
extension of a conditional use permit for reduction in required off-
street parking to allow all parking on-street, located on the south
side of Third Street between Peabody and Vine, and requested questions
or comments from the audience or staff. There were no comments and
the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council
concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve
the requested six month extension, with the condition that the project
October 16, 1979
1. Cont.
be changed to permit access from Peabody to Third rather than Vine to
Third, and the City block off Third Street east of Mr, wood's property.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the
motion, the Council, Attorney Miller, and Public Works Director Flodstrom
discussed at length the advantages and disadvantages of blocking off
Third Street on the east edge of Mr. Wood's property. Mr. Mike Tood,
of 222 S. Vine, also voiced his objections to an access of Vine Street,
and Mr. Roy Britton, of 508 East Third Street, suggested that Third
Street not be opened unless it is first improved by the City.. On
call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council.
B. Conditional Use Permit: Littlejohn
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Littlejohn's request
for review of a conditional use permit for an ambulance service in the
CAD-R Zone, located at 1011 East Front Street, and requested comments
or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and
the public hearing was closed. Councilman Wray then moved the Council
concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve
Mr. Littlejohn's conditional use permit for an additional two year
period, to be reviewed again at the end of that time due to possible
changes in the neighborhood in that period of time. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried.
C. Conditional Use Permit: Umbehocker
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mrs. Umbehocker's request
for extension of a conditional use permit for sale of square dance
apparel as a home occupation at 2909 South Oak Street, and requested
questions or comments from the audience or staff. There were no com-
ments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved
the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission
and approve extending the permit for an additional year, subject to
the original conditions attached. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Hordyk and carried.
D. Preliminary Plat: Kedter Woods
Mayor Haguewood scheduled a public hearing date of November 6, 1979
for consideration of the preliminary plat of Kedter Woods.
E. M-1 Permit: Public Utility District No. 1
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the PUD's application for
an M-1 permit to construct an addition to an existing warehouse located
on Eighteenth Street east of "N" Street, and requested comments or ques-
tions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public
hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur
with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the M-1
permit for the following reasons: (1) it is a minor modification of
the existing Corporation Yard use; (2) the Corporation Yard does not
involve methods of manufacture so much as types of activities. These
activities - vehicle and equipment storage and maintenance - have a
minor affect upon the adjacent residential land to the north and are
compatible with the proposed industrial uses to the south and west; '
(3) the proposed addition will not change traffic patterns in the area;
and (4) the over-all impact on the land use will be minor, particularly
if landscaping strips as stated in the site plan are included.
Councilman Hordyk also included the following conditions in his motion:
(A) that a four-foot landscape planter, equal to that in front of the
existing warehouse, be installed; (B) that the building be similar in
color to the existing warehouse; and (C) that the perimeter of the site
be enclosed in a woven-wood fence. The motion was seconded by Councilman
October 16, 1979
1. Cont.
Buck. During discussion on the motion, Mr. Tom Treat, representing the
PUD, stated the PUD's objections to Condition "C". Mr. Treat pointed out
that the present mesh fencing along the perimeter site will not accommo-
date a standard size slat and would have to be completly replaced in
order to cpmply with Condition "C". Mr. Treat requested the Council
reconsider this condition in view of the tremendous expense to the PUD.
Following a brief discussion between the Council, Mr. Treat and Planner
Carr on this matter, Councilman Buck moved to-~amend the motion to delete
Condition "C". The amendment to the motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and carried. The Council then voted on and passed the original
motion as amended.
F. Conditional Use Permit: Wishik
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Ms. Wishik's request for a'
conditional use permit to operate a graphics/typesetting/design business
as a home occupation at 219 West Park, and requested comments or questions
from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing
was closed. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council concur with the re-
commendation of the Planning Commission and approve the conditional use
permit for a two year period, subject to all of the home occupation guide-
lines and to immediate review.if any complaints are received. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
G. Conditional Use Permit': Fraternal Order of Eagles
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on a request from the Fraternal
Order of Eagles for a reduction in required parking spaces for a fraternal
society at 110 Penn Street, and requested comments or questions from the
audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was
closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission and approve the conditional use
permit for the requested parking variance, with the following conditions:
(1) to provide for parking of approximately 265 vehicles on site, with
interior landscaping to be approved by the Planning, Public Works and
Parks Departments, this to be approved before blacktopping; (2) that ,
earth excavation and fill not encroach upon the ravine; (3) that the'
parking lot layout, drainage and necessary curb cuts be approved by the
City Engineer; (4) that speed bumps or outer speed deterrents be placed
on the site; and (5) that the lighting to be installed not reflect on
the residential areas. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman
and carried.
H. Conditional Use Permit: Friedman
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Friedman's request for
extension of his conditional use permit for the operation of a pottery
studio as a home occupation at 814 West Eleventh Street, and requested
comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no com-
ments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved
the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission
and approve the extension for a period of .two years, subject to immediate
review in the event of complaints. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and carried.
i. Street Vacation: Maier
Mayor Haguewood scheduled a public hearing date of November 6, 1979 for
review of this request.
J. Councilman Hordyk moved the~Council accept and place on file the minutes
of the Planning Commission meeting of October 10, 1979. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
October 16, 1979
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing and requested comments or questions
from the audience or staff on the proposed amendment to the Subdivision Regu-
lations requiring additional information to be submitted with final plats;
the amendment will require the plattdr to submit the square footage and co-
ordinates for each lot in the plat. There were no comments and the public
hearing was closed.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2045
Ordinance No. 2045
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
requiring additional data for approval of
final plats, and amending Ordinance No. 1631.
Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by
title by Mayor Haguewood, because it is in the best interests of the commun-
ity, the information is necessary for complete processing of subdivisions,
and the information is needed in the processing of building permits and
variance applications. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and
carried unanimously.
Mayor Haguewood read Light Director Honnold's memorandum which advised the
Council that the purpose of the amendment is to provide authority for the
Bonneville Power Administrator to make direct payments to cover any amounts
which cannot be paid through the Net Billing Agreements between the City,
Bonneville and the Washington Public Power Supply System. The revised
procedure eliminates the need for Bonneville to notify each participant
of proposed direct payments to the Supply System, which should reduce
administrative costs.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 37-79
Resolution No. 37-79
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, authori-
zing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract
amending the Net Billing Agreement between the City
of Port Angeles, the Bonneville Power Administration
and the Washington Public Power Supply System.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt Resolution No. 37-79 as read by
title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and
carried unanimously.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Public Works Department recom-
mending the selection of the firm Clark and Associates to provide engine-
ering and architectural services for the Downtown LTD. Clark and Associates
estimates their preliminary engineering costs to be $10,000 which would
cover the cost of preparing preliminary design and construction cost esti-
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of
the Public Works Department and retain Clark and Associates to provide engine-
ering and architectural services for the Downtown LTD. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk and
Manager Whorton discussed the engineering costs and whether the previous
Downtown LID study costs would become part of this LID. On call for the
question, the motion was passed by the Council with Councilman Duncan ab-
staining in accordance with the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine.
October 16, 1979
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing
the Council that Ms. Evelyn Tinkham wishes to transfer her membership from
the Planning Commission to the Board of Adjustment effective immediately.
Ms. Tinkham feels that her many other outside interests interfere with her
position as a Planning Commission member. Councilman Wray then moved the
Council appoint Evelyn Tinkham to the Board of Adjustment to fill the un-
expired term of Robert Linkletter which expires March 1, 1980. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Mr. Leo Sunny and Councilman Hordyk briefly discussed public restrooms.
Mr. Werner Quast questioned Councilman Hordyk in regard to his comments con-
cerning engineering costs for the Downtown LID, and suggested that the City
calculate the costs for past downtown LID studies and make information from
those studies available to the present Downtown LID engineers.
NOTICE is hereby given
A. 1979 Conversion Work than sealed bids will be
received by the City Clerk,
City of Port Angeles, 140
West Front Street, P.O. Box
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Light Direclt5o, Port Ange3es, ~g
the Council that bids were opened for the 1979 C011i Washingtoo 98362, until 2:00 ^k
on October 10th with only one bid received. That ~ 9~q cod ~ha°y~hOc~bYr~O.
plus sales tax of $9,115.20 compared to an enginee reject all bids received after
$104,000. The one bidder also submitted an alternhthe scheduled closing time
fend date. The bids will be
on a cost plus a fixed fee, and Light Director Hon opened publicly at that time t
k for performing the following
a cost plus fixed fee contract be negotiated for i. work:
Council at the next regular meeting. Roframing, reinsalafing and
transformer changeout
associated with converting
Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur wit the existing distribution
of Light Director Honnold and direct him to ne of system from 4 KV Y GND to d
g 12.5 KV Y GND ih the area
fee contract with the sole bidder, Henkles & McCo bounded by Boulevard, Park
seconded b Councilman Wra and carried. street, Francis and Uncoln
Y Y and the area bounded by
Seventh and Tenth Streets.
B. Phase II Cor oration Yard "H"and "G"Streets.
P Bids shall also include 2,tOD-
feet of three•phase 69 Kv
Councilman Hord k moved the Council award the bid conductor stringing, pole
y framing and insulating on'
Corporation Yard to the low bidder, J. B. Exeavat Lincoln Street from Boulevard]
$53,211.00, excludin sales tax s ecificall waif to Park Streets. +
g r P Y AI I material to be provided by ~
due to the failure_of the low bidder to return a the owner.
the bid, as the bid itself reveals that the low b Bid specifications may be
_ ,obtained from the Light
addendum and ilncl.uded it in his.bid: :The., motion .Deportment office ar 240
Councilman. Duncan and carried. Other bidders incl West Front Street, Port
Angeles. Washington, 98362.
tiOn, $53, 523.50; Del Gu2Zi Construction, $61, 697. A certified check or bid bond
Mf $67, 483.10; and De1Mar Construction, $116, 28 for s percent of the amount of
g • r the bid shall accompany each
A. Wood Distribution Poles
Councilman Buck moved the Co
call for bids for fifteen 30
The motion was seconded by C
B. URD Cable
Councilman Hordyk moved the Co
to call for bids on purchase o
primary URD cable. The motion
NOTICE t0 t bid. All bids are io include
CAII F delivery F.O.B. Port Angeles,
• CORPORP Washington.
NOTICE 1~ HEREBY GIVEN d Bids will be opened and
at the office of the City Engii tabulated lar the City Council
Front Street, Port Angeles, for consideration by said
PM, October 10, 1979, and Council in session Tuesday.
publicly at shot time for the la October 16, i97p.
-of work and materials: I The Council resa ryes right to
1. 1,800 Tons consider delivery time and to
2. 450 Tons accept or to reject any or all
3. 1,1001in. Ft. S bids or any part thereof.
4. 1,4001in. Ft. The unit price shall prevail
Plans and specifitationsm a^d the City reserves the
the Cify Engineer, upon a right fo correct any ex•
(525.00). Sald deposit will re nsions or improper sales
bidders upon return of the pla coxes.
Quolihcations of bidders is' Pub.: Sep '21 , 1979
the right to reluse to quolHy m , w e
The City reserves the right to .elecr uny ui v.. N, .,,,,,.,~._. ~rled.
A }ive percent (5°i°) of total bid deposit check or bid bond
of equal amount must accompany each proposal,
Official acceptance, rejenion or cortrinuarion by the City
Council will be made in the City C6uncil Chambers at 7:30
PM, October 76. 1979.
Andrew J. Rose
City Engineer
City of Porr Angeles
~ Pub.: Sept, 21, 24, 1979
October 16, 1979
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning De:
the Council that Ms. Evelyn Tinkham wishes to transfer
the Planning Commission to the Board of Adjustment eff
Ms. Tinkham feels that her many other outside interest
position as a Planning Commission member. Councilman '
Council appoint Evelyn Tinkham to the Board of Adjustm~
expired term of Robert Linkletter which expires March
was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Mr. Leo Sunny and Councilman Hordyk briefly discussed publ
Mr. Werner Quest questioned Councilman Hordyk in regard to
cerning engineering costs for the Downtown LID, and sugges
calculate the costs for past downtown LID studies and makel
those studies available to the present Downtown LID enginei
A. 1979 Conversion Work
~o,~s y
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Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Light Director Honnold informing
the Council that bids were opened for the 1979 conversion contract work
on October 10th with only one bid received. That bid was for $182,304
plus sales tax of $9,115.20 compared to an engineering estimate of
$104,000. The one bidder also submitted an alternate proposal based
on a cost plus a fixed fee, and Light Director Honnold recommended that
a cost plus fixed fee contract be negotiated for resubmittal to the
Council at the next regular meeting.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation
of Light Director Honnold and direct him to negotiate a cost plus fixed
fee contract with the sole bidder, Henkles & McCoy. The motion was _
seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for Phase II of the
Corporation Yard to the low bidder, J. B. Excavating, with a bid of
$53,211.00, excluding sales tax, specifically waiving an irregularity
due to the failure. of the low-bidder to return a signed addendum to "
the bid, as the bid itself reveals that the low .bidder received the-
addendum and 3~tcluded it'in his_bid. The.: motion was seconded by
Councilman.DUncan and cart-ied. Other bidders included Devlin Construc-
tion, $53,523.50; Del Guzzi Construction, $61,697.00; Peninsula Block
Mfg., $67,483.10; and De1Mar Construction, $116,283.50-
B. Phase II Corporation Yard
A. Wood Distribution Poles
' Councilman Buck moved the Co
call for bids for fifteen 30
The motion was seconded by C
B. URD Cable
Councilman Hordyk moved the
to call for bids on purchase
primary URD cable. The moti
CAIt FOR 8105
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received
of the office of the City Engineer at the{ity Hall, 1d0 West
Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington: until ?:00 o'clock
PM, October 10. 1979, and not later, and will be opened
publicly at that timefor the lollowing opprozimote quantities
of work and materials:
1. 1,800 Tons Bollast.Streets
2. 450 Tons Top Course Rock-Streets
3. 1,100 Lin. Ft. Storm Drains and Appurtenances
4. 1,d00 Lin. Ft. Water Lines and Appurtenances
Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office al
the City Engineer, upon a deposit of twenty~tive dollars
(E25.00). Said deposit will be refunded to all prospective
bidders upon return o! the plans and specifications.
Qualifications of bidders is required and the Cily rase rues
the right to refuse to qualify any bidder. i e
The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. ;tied
A five percent (59,) of total bid deposit check or bid bond
of equalamount must accompany each proposal.
Official acceptance, rejection or continuation by the City
Council will be made in the City Council Chambers at 7:30
PM, October 76, 1979.
Andrew 1. Rose
City Engineer
City o! Port Angeles
Pub.: Sept. 21, 2d, E979
October 16, 1979
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing
the Council that Ms. Evelyn Tinkham wishes to transfer her membership from
the Planning Commission to the Hoard of Adjustment effective immediately.
Ms. Tinkham feels that her many other outside interests interfere with her
position as a Planning Commission member. Councilman Wray then moved the
Council appoint Evelyn Tinkham to the Board of Adjustment to fill the un-
expired term of Robert Linkletter which expires March 1, 1980. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Mr. Leo Sunny and Councilman Hordyk briefly discussed public restrooms.
Mr. Werner Quest questioned Councilman Hordyk in regard to his comments con-
cerning engineering costs for the Downtown LID, and suggested that the City
calculate the costs for past downtown LID studies and make information from
those studies available to the present Downtown LTD engin ~r~,
NOTICE is hereby given
1979 Conversion Work shot waled bids wlil be
Ix~MVSd~by-~ha ~Ciry Clerk, '
City of Port Angeles, i40
Ma or Ha uewood read a memorandum from Li ht Direct west Front Street, P.O. Box ~
Y g g 1150. Port Angeles,
the Council that bids were opened for the 1979 con Washington 98362, until 2:00 'C$
on October 10th with only one bid received. That ~ p'm, wednesaay, ocrober lo,
~ 1979, and that the qty will
plus sales. tax of $9,115.20 compared to an enginee repect an bids received aver
$104 000. The one bidder also submitted an alter. the scheduled dosing time
r €ond dale. The bids will be
on a cost plus a fixed fee, and Light Director Ho1T.opaned publicly of that time t
a cost plus fixed fee contract be negotiated for ] woorkeriorming the roilowing
COllnCll at the next regular meeting. Ref taming, reinsulating and
tronsformer chongeout
associated with converting
Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur wit the existing distribution
of Li ht Director Honnold and direct him to ne of system Irom a KV Y GND ro ed
g 4 12.5 KV V GND ih the areo
fee contract with the sole bidder, Henkles & McCo bounded by Boulevord, Park ~
Street, Francs and Lincoln
seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. and the area bounded by
Seventh and tenth Streets,
Phase II Cor oration Yard "A"and "G°Streets.
P Bids shop also include 2,100;
e 69 KV
Councilman Hord k moved the Cou 995s•ei:b looyaS eyt fo y,nw so asongos o,
Y y6tH ~oeu tow,ayt sselulo+s ,ep,o u! R,ossweu s! ~agw!p
Corporation Yard to the low bid` 4+!^^ xoq y~unl sl~olq :1501 s!yl fo lonowa, p!doa
'00'c,O LS Lo tunowo
$53, 211.00, excluding sales tax •~et6'EB9 a u! e
t •sua~sei) eyo~ ~oau 4t p to~odio~ut ~a!uoAoa
due to the failure- of the low b. •Aoq Mows to ~e+sod :gNnOj ill 4+!,^ +!w,ad esn pony
the bid, dS the bid itself .eve oolut,a+uatsnw~esoy~md
'6LL6-LS- •iosods!p ysols Hof
addendum and iTSCluded it in hi; 'a'.IIoSIIw'u~esli-6pogoad tisodeppol+!u!ey+}o00-IpL~BS
I '05 91EL waf pa~epunM e~aase~ !logs a+n15 B41 _
Gouncilman_ Duncan and Carried. ~ •sada urno,q puo s6al -ssa»o sa»nosea Io~ntoN to
MOq +1045 '+aa Up 9+1 M
tion, $53.523.50; Del Guzzi Cor 1 4 wewl,ode0 puo swewasoa
'psey~ uo y~+od o+!yM 'pio uo!ss!wwoJ s~lin ou o,ay
Mfg., $67,483.10; and De1Mar CC s,oaA-•6op>Imlq slow a501 elo+S uot6u!yso,yl
'9SZ9•CB9'es!,doyg 'Pe+o~od~o~ul ,e!uoAob
elowap plo ,oeA 1 ~1S01
A. Wood Distribution Poles I Sul uo •[166•[S-
'u o 1 P 4+5 'esewolS
+u!odloeS slow-1SOT
111 _ o!~ .6t!1!glssa»y
•(ssoi6) s6ol IIn7 )qW/-6'OS
•,aw fqw Le'IS alvnd
Councilman Buck moved the Counci'7. aut~tio~iz`e` Pie L'rghi"'iYe~artRnC}ltA11'.tfee~
call for bids for fifteen 30 foot poles and thirty-five 40 foot poles.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
B. URD Cable
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Light Department
to call for bids on purchase of 15 KV 175 MIL cross-linked polyethylene
primary URD cable. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
October 16, 1979
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton requesting
funds for a Fiscal Tmpact Study which will examine the impact to public
service costs and revenues as a result of construction of the Northern Tier
Pipeline project. The analysis will also determine mitigation measures and
strategies for governments and other taxing districts in the event the pro-
ject is located in Port Angeles. Two separate grant sources have been ob- '
tained amounting to $33,000, while the project will cost $39,635. Mr.
Orton suggested that the $6,635 be made up by equal contributions to the
Task Force Budget by the City and County; the City's contribution of
$3,318.00 coming from the funds appropriated in the 1980 budget for im-
pact assessment. A similar request for funds will be made to the Board of
Clallam County Commissioners.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize an expenditure of up to
$3,318.00 for a Fiscal Impact Study, as recommended by Finance Director
Orton. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $173,928.85, LTD's of $78.64, and Payroll
of $132,397.89. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. Items
listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
1. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control
Board of an amended special occasion liquor license application for the
Lady Lions Club from November 27th to November 24, 1979; and a transfer
of license from You Lay, Inc. dba New Hong Kong Restaurant and Hotel to
Wang-Fu Hung dba Chinese Falace Hotel & Restaurant.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing the
Council that Mr. R. P. McMillan of Victoria, B.C. has submitted an application
to circulate a petition for annexation of approximately 3.7 acres west of Port
Angeles Plaza. Councilman Suck then moved the Council refer this request to
the Planning Commission for a recommendation concerning permission to circu-
late an annexation petition and whether or not to annex that area if a valid
petition is submitted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
1. Councilman Hordyk: Requested a work session on October 23rd to discuss
procedures and priorities for review of the 1980 budget. Informed the
Council that the recommendation of the Real Estate Committee in regard
to Mr. Leo Konopaski's property is to not purchase the property or trade
it for any City property.
2. Councilman Wray: Suggested that Navy ships be allowed to tie up to the
pier £ree of charge since Navy personnel on shore leave spend a substantial
amount of money while in Port Angeles. Manager whorton will investigate.
3. Manager Whorton: Informed the Council that Friday, November 16th and '
Saturday, November 17th have tentatively been scheduled for review of
the 1980 budget. Reminded the Council of the October 30th work session
and briefly outlined the agenda items to be discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
GSA ~ ~~ .l+~!/U~
City Clerk Ma or