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October 16, 2003
8:30 a.m. - ProTech Center
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chair Karen Rogers.
Roll Call & Attendance:
Members Present: Karen Rogers, Chair, Larry Williams, Gary Braun, alternate, Orville Campbell, Mike
Chapman, Jan Harbick (arrived 8:43 a.m.), Kevin Thompson, Wayne Barrett, Jack Harmon,
(arrived 8:50 a.m.)
Members Absent: Russ Veenema, ex-officio
Public & StaffPresent: Tim Smith, Dan DiGuilio, Sandie Barnhart, Paul Lamoureux, Arla Holzshuch, Mike Quinn,
Marc Connelly, Charlie Smith, Richard Headrick, Brenda Hanrahan, Gary Kenworthy, and
Sam Martin. From Merritt + Pardini: Greg Benton and Scott Harm
Approval of Minutes: The minutes were approved as written with Karen Rogers motioning for acceptance and Mike
Chapman seconding.
Presentation bF Merritt + Pardini: Acceptance of Footprint for Land Acquisition
Chair Rogers opened by reaffirming that Russ Veenema, Tim Smith, and Mike Quinn have been working together with
Greg Benton to make the Visitor Center a facility to compliment the present, and future vision that Port Angeles wants
to portray. The purpose of this meeting today will be to make a decision to affirm the latest conceptual design, because
only when that is done can the project move forward and develop more detailed project costs. It has to work well for
Transit, the City, and the Visitor Center.
Mr. Greg Benton, ofMerritt + Pardini, explained the layout on the easel, which included the entire parking/plaza area.
The building is about 4500 square feet, with 1500 square feet in the Visitor Center, and 3000 square feet for the facility
total, including the Transit facility and Police office. It has the on-grade Transit lane, two way, off of Railroad and off
of Front. West of that is the new parking structure, which has access off of Front to the upper parking, and access off
of Railroad to the lower parking. Grading is being minimized under this structure. The bus lane has been widened,
accommodating four lanes. The Visitor building now closes in and encroaches a bit more toward the plaza. The plaza
is basically the same semi-circular shape, with the sail being adjusted more toward the outer ring because of the building
movement east. Upon mention of the sails, Chair Rogers added that we will be having a demonstration today for a
fountain, that possibly could replace the sails. The purpose of today is to establish the footprint so the land acquisition
can move forward.
Down below the parking plaza area structure is just as it has been. Mr. Benton questioned what this group wants in
pursuing or not the connecting tunnel between the two which ties the parking lot and the parking below the plaza. It will
be pricey, and he needs to know if this committee wants it in the project, or leave it for future development. Karen
reminded Greg that it will not be referred to as a tunnel because we cannot have a dark passageway that could be inducive
to crime, but should be an airy passage. He said it could be simply a drive aisle, a drive aisle with one row of parking,
Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting 1 October 16,2003
or it could be a drive aisle with two bays of parking. Chair Rogers stated that the cost comparison will determine that.
The lid will have to extend, therefore causing a rise in cost.
The cross-section showed where the passage would be. Greg did not feel it would have a claustrophobic feeling. Chair
Rogers again questioned the costs associated with this passageway and the amount of parking spaces, and whether this
cost would merit the passageway. Gary Kenworthy questioned the slope grade in passageway area. If the grade is kept
more even, the effect will be better. Tim stated that even without that corridor, we have achieved the no-net-loss of
parking spaces that was our goal. The slope in the passageway was studied on the layout going west to east in
relationship to the streets and parking. After discussion, Mr. Benton said it will be adjusted accordingly.
Mike Quinn questioned what the elevation of the top of the parking structure is on the Front Street side. Mr. Benson
explained that it is 22' at the entrance with a 5' difference ramping up to 27', making it a very low-profile building,
minimizing the impact to the view of the water.
Richard Headrick spoke of the 11' height on parking roof deck. There will be 42" guard rails above the 11' with an
open-bar look to contain the area.
Jan Harbick questioned the Visitor Center building. It is now all one story and is a stair-step feature outwardly, which
compliments the stage "steps" area, keeping away the "flat" look like a box.
Visitor Center Structure:
Russ reported to Greg Benton that he is happy with the way the Visitor Center building is now designed. Greg showed
the physical divisions on his layout designs. The overall visual as you approach will be light and airy with lots of glass.
The glass front to the structure will allow you to see through the building to the brick parking structure behind it [west].
Sandie Barnhart spoke about the questions she had regarding the drivers area within the Visitor Center. It was noted a
door was needed, which Greg said would be no problem to add. Marc Connelly requested that an outside door be added
to the storage supply room for city workers access when they perform maintenance on the project. The internal door
would also be saved. It is an accepted understanding that the City could perform maintenance on the entire facility.
Again, Marc feels for city crews it would be best to keep supplies accessible through an outside door.
Chair Rogers pointed out that the Visitor Center should have access both from Front and Railroad streets.
Discussion then took place regarding the exterior of the building. The elevation was again included in this discussion.
The building itself will more than likely have a heat pump to keep the temperature even and efficient. There will be no
awnings at this time. The roof does have a big overhang so clear windows should be fine.
Arla questioned page A2 Point 11 layout design. She commented on the recessed areas along the front on Front. The
two indentations will be the fireplace and entrance along the sidewalk. She suggested awnings over each of the three
windows, with a column in-between to carry on the character of historic flavor.
Gary Braun opened the discussion regarding the elevator set up. It will be located in the center off the edge of the plaza,
which will make it centrally located for everyone.
Chair Rogers asked if this footprint will be considered adequate for land acquisition and is project-ready. Dan feels yes,
that these drawings are ready to be used in Court to define this project, if necessary.
With this being accepted as the "project", we want now the cost elements updated. Chair Rogers wants to move ahead
and get the costs, and then we will start looking at options to fund it. Mike Quinn mentioned that to make this affordable
for the Chamber, stretching out the financing would help make it happen.
Tim was happy with today's progress. He feels there is a feeling that this project has come together and feels that this
Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting 2 October 16,2003
project fits everyone's functional interests. 5056
Mr. DiGuilio questioned the landscaping and after consideration, was informed there would be no problem with the
landscaping. Now that we are back on grade, landscaping (hanging baskets) and street lighting will enhance the project
more. Mr. Headrick requested a clear overlay be developed to lay over the surface of the project drawing denoting
property lines and ownership of the properties so that they can be seen.
Arla reiterated in her own words what was expected and hoped for from this group today.
Chair Rogers asked for a motion to accept these drawings, dated October 15/16, 2003 as acceptable as the project
layout definition as stated today. Gary Braun made the first motion of acceptance, with Orville Campbell
seconding. At this point, Mike Chapman stated he was not entirely comfortable with both the motions being made by
city council members, and Jan Harbick requested a recess so that the downtown members could confer one more time
before the vote. This break was granted and upon return, no further discussion took place. The vote was again
asked for and the project layout was unanimously accepted.
Time was then taken by Chair Rogers to recognize Scott Harm, who attended the meeting today representing Merritt +
Pardini. This group learned that Lee Pardini has left the firm and that this finn is an employee-owned firm with Greg
Benton and Scott Harm being two of the partners. They will continue with this project and are more than ready and
willing to answer all questions the Gateway Committee will have. Scott inforn~ed the committee that he is the managing
principle for large projects, out of the Tacoma office.
Fountain information presentation:
Marc Connelly, City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Director, spoke about a field trip he took to Olympia. He was
interested in finding out all he could about the interactive spouting fountain in Olympia. He discussed the fountain
concept as a possible alternative to the sails that have been discussed to grace the plaza area of the Gateway project. He
explained the maintenance and process that the fountain takes to perform. He told of several places and several
configurations that are possible to have. He stated the weather could be a factor that is easily solved by simply turning
the force of the fountain to a lower pressure, therefore not having the spouts as high on a windy day. On a calm, warm
day, the spouts can be programmed to shoot as high as 60 feet. He firmly believes that the point of the Gateway Center
is to bring the population down to mingle and enjoy it. The fountain would be a real drawing to the site because they
are interactive. He showed a video of the fountain in Olympia. Year around people congregate to watch the fountain
and the people enjoying the interaction activity. It is built such that it isn't a hazard if the fountains are turned off and
the plaza then used for another event, being recessed and fairly flush with the surface. The cost of maintenance, at this
time, seems to be similar to the sails, with much more "draw" to downtown.
Adjourned meeting at 9:55 a.m.
Next meetine: 8:30 a.m., November 13, 2003, Thursday, at the ProTech Center.
Respectfully Submitted:
Sam Martin
Executive Administrative Assistant
"'"~Glenn Wiggins, Mayor B~ky Upton,~ity C~rk # --
Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting 3 October 16,2003