HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/17/1934 ".. 246 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 17. 1934. 193_ The Cmmmission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor uavis. Commissioners Lutz and ~asters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for building permits and Licenses, the following were granted: Mrs. C. J. Lannoye, Addition to residence, Lot 12, Blk. 60, Lewis & Mastick's Subd. A. Larson, Gara@8, Lot 5, Blk. 2, Cain's Subd. of Sub. Lot 21 O. E. Keeling, Master Plumber Mrs.A. Hj Cramer, Hotel Sutherland, 20 rooms Liberty Candy Kitchen, Soft Drink Under the head of Petitions and Communications, the following were read: 150.00 150.00 25.00 20.00 5.00 I We, the undersigned, residents of the district in the Citw of Port Angeles between Eunice Street and Vine Street and between Fourth ~treet and Sixth Street, comprising four blocks, respectfully petition your Honorable Body to place a fire hydrant in a location near enough to protect satisfactory to the insurance companies the above diatrict: I Mrs. W. C. Iverson 610 E. 5th Harry McNutt 601 .6. 5th E. W. Andrus 606 E. 4th Mrs. \Tohn F. Olson 631 E. 5th D. C. Mortimer 605 E. 5th Madge H, Nailor 630 E. 4th Mrs. F, C. Richardson 622 E. 4th Mrs. R. O. Pinyerd 616 E. 4th P. A. Savings & Loan 607 E. 5th S. S. Mullen 626 E. 4th Ole Martinson 535 E. 5th lV. B. Smith Lots 14 to 16, Blk. 173 The above petition was referred to the Superintendent of Utilities. To the City Commission, City of Port Angeles: Port Angeles Chapter, Order of De MOlay, extends to you and your appointive officials its deep appreciation and sincere thanks for the ~plendid cooperation given by you in making the Chapter's recent Municipal Dayan outstanding success. The lessons learmed by the De Molay members on that occasion, through your kindly guidance, wi+l never be forgottenand we hope they will constantly make us tolerant and understanding of the responsibilities and duties carried by public officials. These lessons should be valuable aids to our development as citizens of Port Angeles. May we ask that this letter be spread upon the public records in token of the Chapter's regard for you and its thanks. Respectfully, Harry ~yre, Master ~ouncilor. W. C. ~avage, Scribe. I The above letter was ordered filed. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions, the following Resolution was in trodua ed; RESOLUTION TO SUPPLY EQ.UIPMENT FOR US E 'filTH WASHINGTON ~~RGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION. VffiEREAS, the Washington Emergenay Relief Administration has arranged to supply certain labor for improvements on the Port Angeles Airport, it being required that the City of Port Am~les arrange to supply certain equipment necessary in making said improvements, and ViliEREAS, improvement of the Port ~ngeles Airport is deemed to be a desirable improvement and it is determined that this equipment in amount and for prices as here- inafter set forth are neaessary to carry out said work, . NOVI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Oi ty of Port ~ngeles do furnish. pro vide and deliver the following list of equipment for the prices specified: 1 30 Horsepower Caterpillar tractor 20 days @ 12.00 $240.00 1 Grader 20 days @ 6.00 120.00 Total $~OO This equipment to be used in comnection with labor to be furnished by the Washing- ton Emergenay Relief Administration upon the said Airport project in the sum of ~360.00. I It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members vote~ aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried, The Commission examihed and allowed the following alaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE Special Police 46.02 1.50 8.00 20.90 24.58 21.00 Epperson & Sons Benj. Franklin Thrift Stores C. O. Mannes V. A. Samuelso,n & ~o. V. A. Samuelson & Co. VI. D. Morrissey Lumber Janitor Supplies Light Po ts Repairs " .0 /"Y>- - ~ October 17. 1934. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ "'lIIIl 247 I I I I I T"'C,. u".""..<.n....nA;'Q~<".. po-""... ."., WATER_FUND Harrison & Fernandes McDonald & Nailor Tire Repair Repair Tire - New tube LIGHT FlJID) H. P. McNutt The A~erican City Ma~azine Mulholland's Melody ~hop Centra.l Machine Works Blackburn Printing Co. Services Publica tion "B" Battery Presto-lite Receipt Books EDIZ HOOK VIATER EXTENSION FUND Crane Co. n " Fi t tings Pipe Supplies Map' Pay ll.011 Frank Macdonald & Son Crescent Securities Co. Water Iiepartment LIGHT INVEST1BNT FUNn City Treasurer Warrants Purchased There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. '111(1()~ ' C'[ ~, CrrxJ City Clerk q" yo ).b .". ~..- u.5'!> 4.,<9~ /J~" Mayor ~;.. y .50 1. 81 2.70 2..00 2.5"0 3.20. 16.00 39.06 269.81 3.65 1.20 139.50 2339.45 ~