HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/17/1945 153 ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington O~t,nhp.,... 19..1L 17. I I I I I n... '"_',."~"'_"'''n. ,un ~ 'I 'The Conunis~ion met in regular session at 10 : .?l. and was called to order py Mayor Robinson. Roll C,all ,showed the followj,ng Officers present; Mayor Robinson, t;ommissionerq Beam and !.lasters, At'b0rney Johnston and I Clerk Hawkins. : ~The minute: of the previous session were read and approved. , I . Under the I}ead of New Business; A petition by C. W. Poole and others for the improvement of East Seventh St. ,from Lincoln Street to Peabody Street was read and referred to the engineer to report on Costs. I ! ' : g~d~r B ~h~a~~:~o ;h~~Plications for ~;;~~::t pe:~~~ \~~\~~li~':i~o::~:ng~a~~~~~n. $ 1000.001 'C. I!. Case' Remodel Lot 16, Elk. 150, Tovmsite 700.00 'E. M. Gullicksen 3uild Svlim:ning Pool, Lots 1 & s, Elk. 107, I3akeris Sub. 400.00 Harry Cohen lliiild ?Store Bldg. West ~ Lot 18, Blk 14, Townsite 2000.00 Leonard Olson Build Th.elling, E 375 Ft. Tax Lot 674 5500.00 Frank Krizo Move 2 room House, N ~ 19 & 20, RLk 165, Townsite 800.00 Guy Montgomery Porch & Chimney" Lt. 18, Blk 170, Townsite 150.00 Victor Johnson Shingle Garage, Lt. 4, Ellj:. 262, Townsite 75.00 Sig Larson: Additiob to BIde. Lt. 2, Elk. 31, N. R. Smith ,12,000.00 ,Sig Larson. Remodel Builging, Lt. 1, B1k. 168, Townsite ;Z1>.</(.S'" 1200.00 :Under the head of unfinished business: John Goneis and others appeared before the Commission regarding the proposed in!provement of Second Street from Lincoln to Peabody Street. The Engineer reported on the cost of the Culver~ in said improvement. As it is necessar; that all easements for crossing the property should be obtained before construction commenced, the Commission instructed the engineer and City Attorney to contact I the property ovme rs concerning easements. John Goneis representing the petitioners, volunteered to see Mr. Balch and qther property owhers for easements to construct the improvement over their property. 'I' The Commis sion examined the I Current Expense fund:: "Ray Ellis 'Velma Hopf Vernon J. Robinson P. A. ~ News Olympic Stationers II II [Fry Drug Co. , Precinct 14 Precinct 6 Evening News Pre s s Light & Water Dept. 11 fI " : State Treasurer Qili Street fund: 'Epperson & Sons Ii Frank Mac Donald &. Sons I Willson Hdwe. Co. , Johnson & Bark I Sta te Treasurer IWater FUnd: 11Jarckmann & Williams Glass Specialty Co. ,'IWillson Hdwe. Co. 'Tower Super Service : City ~treet Dept Federal Pine & Tank Co. I Hooker Ele~trochemice1 Co. ; State Treasurer I Ligh tn!'und ' I' Standard Oil Co. 'Chas. E. Beam P. A. Thrift Store Radio Sta. K. 0 N P General Elec. Co. Westinghouse Elee. Supply Co. Willson Hdwe. CD. Quick Print General E1ec Supply Corp Clallam Co. }' U D III State Treasurer Sanitary Fund: Roy Pike State Treasurer Library ~: J ennily No rris F.Lorence Mc Lane Coffey's J eVlelry Co. New Method Book Bindery Gaylord Bros. Inc. A. C. McClurg &. Co. Library of Congress , Li!lht, Water & Gargage Dept. I Park FUnd: P:"A.~ning News Light, Water & Garbage Dept Willson Hdwe. Co. Light, Water & Garbage Dept Johnson & Bor<< City FUel Co. follow'ing claims, and ordered warrants drawn in payment of the same: Ext-ta fireman Office assistance EKpense Account Publications Office Supplfues 11 11 12.00 48.00 7.90 45.03 14.11 1.55 25.54 44.00 45.50 84.72 959.24 106 .80 6.69 Supplies Election Expenses " n Election Supplies St. Lts. &. Hydrants Lt. & Water at Barn, Sts. & Sewers Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid ;f1W,\'P Lumber LIlbor & Material Brooms Paint, ete. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid /'-11.&8 87.47 7.17 6.95 19.91 28.15 Supplies Truck repair Packing Materials Gas & Oil Bands Chlorine Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 11.65 16.84 2.06 2.57 37.10 6.18 :?8 .79 17.67 }.t:'2. ~~ Gas Car Expense- Sept. Soap Service for Sept. Globes Meter sockets Cement Prin ting Lamps Power for Sept. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 40.80 19.90 .74 55.00 10.20 8.65 .26 15.91 16.34 11,247.00 11:-10'1,71 14.91 Car Expense, Sept. Ind. Ins. & Mod. Aid ~t. ~~ 25.80 12.44 Petty Cash Extra Labor Clock Repair Binding Supplies Books Supplies Servi ce for Oct. 5.25 4.50 4.64 15.09 35.93 105.50 19.27 1~'i,';.U 8.30 Notice Service for Oct Paint Ser. 'for Oct; Paine & etc. Stove Oil 1.54 25.90 14.42 27.12 15.41 7.98 ~ 154 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Octaber-.~7_,_ _1945_ Wash. Co .-Op. ,:State Treasurer Lime Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid State Aid Fund: WillsoiiHdwe:- Co. Bill's Servi ce , Epperson & Sons Ci ty Treasurer 'Standard Oil eo. Ci ty Treasur er City Light Dept Pacific Tel, & Tel. Co. Hdwe. Cleaning Lumber Express & Freignt Gas Light, Water & Garbage Light, Bel'. II 1628 !!2L Liquor Tax Fund: , City Treasurer ;'Win. O. James Dsw'Drop Inn. Standard Oil Co. ,Light Dept. State TreB.surer Stamps Powder Meals for Prmsoners Gas Light at fire hall Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 'Guaranty Furrl: "City Treasurer City Treasurer Assessts. Lts. 1 to 8, Blk 2, London Park Stibd. TaXES, Lts. 1 to 8, London Park Subd. ,. t.LD. Revolving Furrl City Trea surer Taxes, Lot 11, Blk. 229, Towns~te There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. / lJ.~ City CIeri< ~/O(~ 6.60 !tJ'!'lfd, 7.49 2.66 6.18 7.53 10.41 58.08 15.57 10,2]. 4.25 ''t.~7 ' 6.00 5.87 88.37 69.55 ,I 9.41 29.66 ;:'~,(.flj ,I 469.64 ! 249 . 45 719, c7i 'I 87.28 I I I I, I