HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/17/1960 ... 48 Proceedings of the City Gommission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington OCTOBER 17, 19~ L-Ilo H ~1l:11>lTINa eo. P.24U4' ~ ~ The City Council met in special session at 5:00 P.M. with the following Officers present: Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Randall, Caldwell and Ha91ewood, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. The Mayor announced the meeting as being for the specific purpo se of considering a Resolution amending a Resolution 'previously passaj, approving a certain annexation petition. The Mayor also cited boundaries as fixed by the petition and amending Resolution. I It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the following Resolution be read by Title only. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and 'carried. I RESOLUTION NO. 11-60 A RESOLUTION of the City Council approving a certain annexation petition. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the foregoing Resolution be approved. Seconded by Councilman Richard son and carried. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. () e. ;;L CUAr iI CITY CLERK '''-.. J tLvv~ (; -..... MAYOR E. IIlA! ~I \ u u I Cit~O~~o~tr f~f::s~~~'ls~~onl: Odub('l' 20, 1960 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ~fn~~ bdts t~~~lI JI~:t.re~il;;:ge~=---~:~ ',\:B!lt Front Street, Porl Angeles, Wa!'lh[ngtOll, up to' fi :Ol) o'clock P.M" 1!l60, for tbe following Culvert Ma.-j terlal: Jil'ovtlm'Hr 3, 1960. I 2P(l - Lill(lal feet of Cuh-ecl Pla.te or Bectlons to be banded togel/ler to form a complete lenJ1;"th of Il!tl€ 290 feet long. The Ilhle to he fifty-four (54) IncheS" in diameter. Ga.lvanb:lng ~Ilall . ~~lIf~~r J~a~~{c;~~~~ct~ldto ~~:~~ j t11?n 65 of the "'ashington State Hlghwa:r Specifications. Bolts and nuts sha.lI conform to A.S 'f.nI. Speci!JclLUo-ns A-:l2fi.. The hid shall be f;ul)mltted for the following tYIJC of pipe: MulUplate Culvert Pipe plates W I~n~ - 7 Gage ~% glUvsed Vertically as manufactul-ed by d~~~ l~~~i~~g-:ll;~l~ )1etal Pro- , Corrugated Metal Culvet.t Pipe - 8 G;J.ge - 5% EIllptical As- bestos Bo-naed, Paved. Invert. Pipe to be aell\'cred. in 8celions .....ith banded connection!'!. All bids to be submitted on or befot'e the dati'! no led above and no bill flhall be oonsldered after dnte nnll t.lme specified. All bids shall be .opened by the CUy CouneH at 7:j}O o'clock r,M.. November 3, U1itO, In the Cvuncll Ch.[l,I11bers. Each bid shall be accompaniea by lL certified check, bid bond or ca.<.;b. let!> Cb6Ck, cllual to Ii % or lhe bid. Tile Clt:~r 01' Port Angeles reserves tho rJght to accept or reject any or all hloR and Is n(lt hound to accept the low bid Jf in the opinion a. hlgJl('l' l;Iid Is l;I(!!It sulted for' the City. I lrl. W. SL~,K.ARD, ell}' Mann.ger, E~lbl!Bhed: Oct, 20 and 2i, 1960. ,_._ ! I , I , I ! I , ~