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Port Angeles, Washington
October 17, 1978
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck,
Duncan, Hordyk, Wray.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso.
P. Carr, R. Orton, M. Cleland, D. Flodstrom, D. Frizzell,
G. Richardson, J. Honnold.
Guests Present: L. Sunny, H. Droege, J. Dralek, M. Landon, J. Rosene, A.
Bragg, W. Myers, P. Brady, T. Weed, O. Helle, L. Watts,
L. Green, F. Hawks, H. Berglund, D. Stephens, R. Richards,
P. Brewer.
Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received
the minutes of the October 3 and 10, 1978 meetings. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
A. Air Quality Committee
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on recommended actions
to comply with requirements of the U.S. Clean Air Act Amendments,
and introduced Mr. John Rosene, Control Officer of the Olympic
Air Pollution Control Authority, and Chairman of the Port Angeles
Air Quality Advisory Committee.
Mr. Rosene briefly explained the requirements of the U.S. Clean
Air Act Amendments, formation and purpose of the Air Quality
Advisory Committee, and the Committee's recommended strategies
to correct an unacceptable air pollution location within the
Port Angeles City limits. These strategies, with completion
dates ranging from January 1979 to January 1987, are as follows:
(1) commitment to permanent street cleaning program to restrict
reentrainment o£ traffic dust along and on all paved streets
located in the non-attainment area, shall be implemented by the
City of Port Angeles; (2) graveling of the log sort yard with
provisions for sprinkling the yard during dry weather, shall be
installed by the ITT Rayonier Company as determined by
the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority; (3) paving and/or
graveling of Front Street Fili Area, east of recent paving
completed, shall be implemented by the Port of Port Angeles as
determined by the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority; (4)
~` paving of road shoulders to existing road surface on Front
Street, shall be implemented by the City of Port Angeles in the
subject area; and (5) paving and/or planting of cover vegeta-
tion, such as grass, maintained appropriately, shall be im-
plemented on dirt parking lots by the City of Port Angeles, Port
o£ Port Angeles, and referenced other owners located within the
non-attainment area.
1. Cont.
Following Mr. Rosene's presentation, various questions were
asked by Council members and members of the audience. Subjects
discussed included the timetable for repeated air quality mon-
itoring, why a permanent street sweeping program was listed as
the €irst strategy to be implemented, evaluation of the various
strategies following implementation, boundaries of the non-
attainment area, and new industry regulations and provisions to
insure air quality standards will be achieved. There were no
further comments and the public hearing was closed.
Councilman Boardman then moved the Council accept the Air Quality
Advisory Committee's recommended strategies, and declare a non
significant impact on the environment in carrying out the cor-
rective actions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck.
During discussion on the motion, Councilman Buck questioned
Public Works Director Flodstrom as to the cost of the various
strategies. Strategy No. 1, Mr. Flodstrom explained, would
involve expanding the present street sweeping program, at a
minimal cost; strategy No. 4 - much of this has already been
done by Pen Ply and would not require a significant increase in
the Street Department budget. On call for the question, the
motion was passed by the Council.
B. L.T.D. No. 203
Prior to opening the continued public hearing on the Downtown
LID No. 203, Manager Whorton informed the Council that no word
has been received from EDA on the grant application, and re-
commended the Council proceed with the public hearing during
this meeting and then again continue the hearing until the
November 7, 1978 regular Council meeting with notification of
the meeting continuation sent to the property owners and news
media. Mayor Haquewood than opened the continued public hearing
on LID No. 203 and requested comments or questions from the
audience. Following a few brief comments from two property
owners on the cost of their property assessments, Mayor Haque-
wood closed the public hearing.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council continue the public
hearing on the Downtown LID until the November 7, 1978 regular
Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson
and carried.
No action was taken on this agenda item.
Mayor Haquewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting
of October 11, 1978 with the following action being taken by the
A. Conditional Use Permit: Charles Allen
--- Mayor Haquewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Allen's request
for a Conditional Use Permit extension to operate a craft shop
as a home occupation, and requested any comments from the audi-
ence. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. -~
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the re-
commendation of the Planning Commission and approve a one year
extension to Mr. Allen's conditional use permit to operate a
craft shop as a home occupation at 336 East Whidby. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
3. Cont.
B. Conditional Use Permit: Charles Friedman
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Friedman's
request for a conditional use permit extension to operate a
pottery studio as a home occupation, and requested comments from
the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was
closed. Councilman Boardman then moved the Council concur with
the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a one
year extension to Mr. Friedman's conditional use permit to
operate a studio as a home occupation at 814 West 11th Street,
subject to the same conditions as previously granted. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
C. Conditional Use Permit: Gordon W. Matthews
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Matthews' re-
quest for a conditional use permit extension for seasonal sale
of bait and tackle as a home occupation, and requested comments
from the audience. Following a comment from Councilman Wray
regarding advertising on the premises, the public hearing was
closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the
recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a one year
extension to Mr. Matthews' conditional use permit for seasonal
sale of bait and tackle as a home occupation at 323 East 13th
Street, subject to the hours of operation continuing as they
have in the past. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Anderson and carried with Councilmen Hordyk and Wray voting
D. Conditional Use Permit: Doreen Stephens
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Ms. Stephen's
request for a conditional use permit extension to operate a
floral decoration business as a home occupation, and requested
comments from the audience. There were no comments and the
public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the
Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Com-
mission and approve a one year extension to Ms. Stephen's
conditional use permit to operate a floral decoration business
as a home occupation at 803 East Second Street, on the condition
that the hours of operation do not extend beyond 8:00 A.M. to
10:00 P.M. The motion was seconded by.Councilman Anderson and
E. Conditional Use Permit: Charles Schlosser
Mayor Haguewood read that portion of the Planning Commission
minutes dealing with Mr. Schlosser's request for a conditional
use permit to operate an auto repair shop as a home occupation
at 535 West 16th Street, and a letter from Mr..Ken Williams,
attorney for Mr. Schlosser, requesting a continuance of the
hearing before the Council, in order to assemble additional
information which was not available during the Planning Com-
mission hearing. Councilman Boardman then moved the Council
refer Mr. Schlosser's request back to the Planning Commission
for consideration of the additional information. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
F. Conditional Use Permit: William Pirnke
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Pirnke's re-
quest for approval of the conversion of an existing house to a
duplex at 1623 West 7th Street, and requested comments from the
audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was
closed. Councilman Wray then moved the Council concur with the
recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the
conversion of an existing house to a duplex at 1623 West 7th
Street, with the condition that two additional parking spaces be
provided on the back of the lot that would permit the cars to
back into the driveway, not the alley. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Boardman and carried.
3. Cont.
G. Councilman Wray moved the Council accept and place on file the
Planning Commission minutes of October 11, 1978. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Mayor Haguewood left the Council Chambers and did not participate in I`
the Council action or discussion on this matter.
Mayor Pro Tem Buck then read a memorandum from the Planning Depart-
ment explaining Bayshore's requested revisions to their shoreline
permit, and recommending approval of the revisions. Councilman
Anderson then moved the Council approve Bayshore Inn's application
for revision to Shoreline Permit #37, for additions to the motel and
restaurant, subject to the required parking being provided. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on
the motion, the Council discussed the required parking and land-
scaping of the area with Planner Carr. On call for the question,
the motion was passed by the Council.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Floyd Green, Evergreen Security,
Inc., requesting amendments to Security Firm Ordinance No. 1968, in
regard to full-time and part-time security employees. Manager
Whorton then stated he felt that the amendments proposed by Mr.
Green would dilute the strength of the Ordinance, and suggested the
Council table this matter until staff and Mr. Green could meet and
discuss the proposed amendments.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council table this agenda item and
authorize staff to meet with Mr. Green to discuss his proposed ~V
amendments to Ordinance No. 1968. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Boardman and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell, and
a letter from Ms. Dorothy Nason, regarding disposal of the old Ocean
View Cemetery wood shop.building. Ms. Nason, who is in the process
of putting together the Ocean View Cemetery Recreational Park, has
offered to move the building and clean up the present site within 30
days of the Council's reply. Councilman Wray then moved the Council
give the old Ocean View Cemetery wood shop building to Ms. Dorothy
Nason, with the condition that the building be moved and the present
site cleaned up within 30 days. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Boardman and carried.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council schedule a public hearing date
of November 7, 1978 for consideration o£ the Park and Recreation
Comprehensive Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell con-
cerning the sale of the King property and the Walcott house near
Civic Field. It was Mr. Frizzell's recommendation to set the prop-
erties at a minimum asking price, then advertise for closed bids.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council refer the matter to the Real
Estate Committee for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Boardman and carried.
1. Mr. Leo Sunny requested the Council consider constructing sidewalks
in the area of Peabody Street and Second Street, going east.
2. Mr. Craig Miller, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, addressed the Council
in regard to the County's request for an easement across certain
City rights-of-way which is necessary for construction of storm
drainage facilities for the new Courthouse Complex. This request
was originally submitted at the October 3, 1978 Council meeting by
Mr. Sack Olson of Clark and Associates. During that meeting the
Council voiced various concerns about the proposal and directed
Public Works Director Flodstrom to pursue the matter further and
submit a final proposal for Council consideration. At this meeting
Mr. Flodstrom stated he felt the County has addressed the Council's
concerns adequately, as indicated in a letter dated October 16, 1978
from Mr. Miller, and recommended the City proceed with the easement.
Following a brief discussion between the Council, Mr. Flodstrom, and
Mr. Olson regarding use of an overhead pipe on the hillside, Council-
man Anderson moved the Council grant the drainage easement to the
County with the conditions recommended by Public Works birector
Flodstrom. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. /
3. Mr. Bill Ensor, President of Local #155 of the Western Pulp and
Paper Workers Union, addressed the Council in regard to the current
ITT Rayonier litigation, and encouraged the Council to continue with
the litigation.
4. Ms. Murial Metcalf, of 1405 West Fifth Street, spoke to the Council
regarding an electrical wire which is crossing her property. Ms.
Metcalf stated she felt this wire is the responsibility of the City,
and she should not be required to pay for a pole.
There was then a lengthy discussion between the Council, Manager
Whorton, Ms. Metcalf, and Light Superintendent Honnold. During the
discussion Councilman Hordyk stated he felt there was additional
information pertinent to this matter, and requested a written staff
report be submitted to the Council as soon as possible. Manager
Whorton agreed and a report will be submitted at the next regular
Council meeting.
5. Ms. Hattie Berglund questioned Manager Whorton in regard to a meeting
between the City and Port. Mr. Whorton stated he had sent a letter
to the Port suggesting a November 9th meeting date; however, this
date may not be acceptable to the Port and, if not, the meeting may
be held in December.
A. Purchase of Four Padmounted Transformers
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Light Department
informing the Council that due to an error in the bid specs for
purchase of four padmounted transformers, all bids were returned
unopened, with a two week extension for resubmitting. There was
no Council action taken on this agenda item.
g ~
`City of Port Angeles,
L'ightDepartment ~,
NOTICE is hereby given that,
sealed bids wiH.be received by,
~ihe City Clerk, City of Port
VI FIN ANCE ``Angeles, too West Front Street,
`P, O. Box 711, Porf Angeles,
ff Washington 98362, until 2:00.
1. Cont. P.M. Wednesday, SeptemberP
127, 1978, and that the City willp
reject all bids received aiterj
v the scheaulea closing time andl
B. Award of Contract: Con
date. The bids will be opened Boulevard
NOTICE OF ~publiclV at that time lord
performing the following work: t
CgLL FOR BIDS Councilman Hordyk moved Reconductoring, reframing, to contract fOY
NOTICE is hereb iven That
sealed bids will be regcelved b COf1Ver51on work 5011th Ct reinsulating and transformer ~
change out associated with le low bidder,
ine city Clerk, City of Port
Angeles, 140 West Front Street, ~
Henkles and McCoy, Port converting the existing +`total bid of
r distribution system from d KV [
P.O. Box 711, Port Angeles, $108, 215. 16. Subject t0 Y GND to 12.5 KV Y GND in the 9101]5: (1) work week
wasnfngton, 98362, until 2;00
P.M., Fritley, October 13, 1978 is defined as 9 hours td area bounded by Park, we wish this fur-
Viewcrest, Peabody and
and the City will reject all bids then refined as Monday Cherry.. All material to be are not confronted
received after the scneduled'
dosing time and date, and will provided by the owner.
with 9 hours of overtime Bid specifications- may be hey took no exeep-
be opened publicly ai that tlme+ tion to completion ddte, obtained from the Light '.~annel shortage,
for furnishing the following
i equipment and-or materiel: COrif1YH7 that we are nOtl Department otfite ai 240 West
a Front Street, Port Angeles, ,remaining Crew
1. One new Or used tubber I
, tired front end loader for cannot work; (4) COSt 01 Washington, 98362. r0 5 Work 15 COn-
I A certified check or bid P
Solid Waste Utility ~ tractor's responsibilit5bond for 5 percent of tne'osts are not charged
Department ;
2. One new Or used track
g y7 amount ~Of .the bid shall ~,
a ainst the Cit (6) 12; nmar will be sub-
accompany each old. Y
loader for Solid waste mitted weekly (Monday A: Bids will be opened and d to be made monthly.
Utility Department
~ atabulated for the City Council
3. one new or used landfiu The motion was seconded ~tor consideration by said to and carried.
compactor for Solid Waster
Utility Department Other bidders included TCouncil in session Tuesday, '!5 ~ 477.05) ; Service
October 3, 1978.
d. One new or used t0 yard Electric - $198, 639.00; ~ The Council reserves the~sticrlate of $90, 386.00
dump truck, gas or diesel right to consider delivery time
powered Forst with ~ Yand to accept or to reject any or~
truckweld box or ~
equivalent for Solid Waste ~ CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: LANDF ail bids or any part thereof.
The City reserves the right td ~,
Utility Department
Bid speciflcattons may be correct any extensions or
er s taxes.
obtained from the City Clerk's Councilman Hordyk moved the (improp
; for urchase of
iPub.: Sept. 15, 2, 1978 P
A certified check or bid bond one ten cubic yard dump truc} ~~cne ow bidder, Cascade Tractor,
for 5 percent of the amount of Everett, with a total bid price of $47, 295.00; one landfill eom-
the bia snarl acompany each
ibid. All bids to ihtlutle delivery pactor to the low bidder, N.C. Machinery, Seattle, with a total bid
F.O.B. Port Angeles, price of $83,322; and one rubber-tired front-end loader to the
All bids shall be opened and lowest res onsive bidder, N.C. Machinery, Seattle, with a bid price
tabulated for the City counctl of $99,158 - as recommended by the Public Works Department as the
with a recommendation
attached for consideration by
correct size of machinery to do the job. The motion was seconded by
said Council in session October
17, 197(!. Councilman Buck and carried.
The Coundl reserves the
right to consider delivery time'
and to accept or reject any or'
all bids ar any part fhereW.
Tne unit price shall prevail ?
ouncilman Buck moved the Council acce t the items listed under the
and the City reserves the right ~ P
~o correct any extensions or;onsent Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $390,660.55 and Payroll of
b ~Oc
h~ 1979 5122, 091.50. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
~ rot7BA Cte ms listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
1. Authorize payment of $11,219.69 to CH2M/Hill for the final payment
on engineering services provided on the City's Sewerage Facility
2. Authorize payment of $1,080 to Kramer, Chin and Mayo for the Compre-
hensive Park and Recreation Plan.
3. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor
Control Board of a Class E, F Liquor License renewal for Walt's
Boulevard Grocery, 104 East Boulevard.
1. Councilman Hordyk: Suggested the old skating rink ice-making com-
pressor be declared surplus and removed. Requested staff input on
the Kochanek/Port and Heckman street vacation compensations. Men-
tioned that a former surplus, unbuildable lot in the ten-hundred
block of East Fifth Street now has a home on it due to a renego-
tiated sale during the sale of surplus City property.
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B. Award of Contract: Conversion Work South of Boulevard
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the contract for
conversion work south of the Boulevard to the low bidder,
Henkles and McCoy, Portland, Oregon, with a total bid of ,
$108,215.16. subject to the following conditions: (1) work week
is defined as 9 hours with 1 hour overtime. We wish this fur-
ther refined as Monday through Friday, so we are not confronted
with 9 hours of overtime; (2) confirm that they took no excep-
tion to completion date; (3) in view of personnel shortage,
confirm that we are not billed for days that remaining crew
cannot work; (4) cost of crew when weather stops work is con-
tractor's responsibility; (5) any per diem costs are not charged
against the City; (6) labor and equipment summary will be sub-
mitted weekly (Monday A.M.); and (7) payments to be made monthly.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
Other bidders included Tyee -$131,903.65 ($135,477.05); Service
Electric - $198,639.00; and the Engineering Estimate of $90,386.00
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for purchase of
one ten cubic yard dump truck to the low bidder, Cascade Tractor,
Everett, with a total bid price of $47,295.00; one landfill com-
pactor to the low bidder, N.C. Machinery, Seattle, with a total bid
price of $83,322; and one rubber-tired front-end loader to the
lowest responsive bidder, N.C. Machinery, Seattle, with a bid price
of $99,158 - as recommended by the Public Works Department as the
correct size of machinery to do the job. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Buck and carried.
Councilman Buck moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $390,660.55 and Payroll of
$122,091.50. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
1. Authorize payment of $11,219.69 to CH 2M/Hill for the final payment
on engineering services provided on the city's Sewerage Facility
Plan. '
2. Authorize payment of $1,080 to Kramer, Chin and Mayo for the Compre-
hensive Park and Recreation Plan.
3. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor
Control Board of a Class E, F Liquor License renewal for Walt's
Boulevard Grocery, 104 East Boulevard.
1. Councilman Hordyk: Suggested the old skating rink ice-making com-
pressor be declared surplus and removed. Requested staff input on
the Kochanek/Port and Heckman street vacation compensations. Men-
tioned that a former surplus, unbuildable lot in the ten-hundred
block of East Fifth Street now has a home on it due to a renego-
tiated sale during the sale of surplus City property.
2. Councilman Wray: Commented on other surplus City lots which should
be sold and improved. Mentioned that he has seen several stray dogs
in the downtown area. Thanked Bell Telephone for painting the
locomotive near Jefferson School.
3. Councilman Duncan: Mentioned that the County/City joint task force
to analyze Northern Tier material will be meeting on Friday, October
20, 1978 at 1:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers and urged attendance.
4. Councilman Anderson: Noted that the Public Health Advisory Com-
mittee needs a City Council member to serve on the committee.
5. Manager Whorton: Asked if the Council still favored Friday, Novem-
ber 10th and Saturday, November 11th for the budget hearings. The
Council stated they still favored these dates. Informed the Council
that he will be out of town the first week in November.
6. Attorney Walrath: Submitted a proposed Ordinance dealing with the
position of temporary Assistant City Attorney. Mayor Haguewood
introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1999 entitled,
Ordinance No. 1999
AN ORDINANCE creating the temporary position
of Assistant City Attorney in the Office o£
City Attorney, and authorizing certain salary
expenses related thereto.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Boardman and carried unanimously.
7. Light Superintendent Honnold: Requested Council concurrance with
his letter to Alan Jones, General Manager of the McMinnville Water
and Light Department. The letter, Mr. Honnold explained, expresses
the City's opinion on BpA's proposed 1979 wholesale rate increase.
Mr. Honnold recommended two changes to his letter; rephrase of the
word "credibility" in the last paragraph, first page;' and a specific
breakdown on the transformation charges. Councilman Wray then moved
the Council concur with Mr. Honnold's letter to Mr. Jones, including
the above-mentioned changes, and authorize Mr. Honnold to send the
letter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
8. Vacation of Walnut Street: Manager Whorton informed the Council
that the compensation amount for this street vacation would be $600.
However, Mr. Libera has requested the figure of $600 be dropped and
he be given the property for $1.00. The Council discussed this
matter briefly, with Councilman Hordyk stating he felt the precedent
of 50~ of the property evaluation should also be applied to this
property. The subject of the property title was also discussed.
Mayor Haguewood then directed Manager Whorton to research this
matter further and report back to the Council.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. to an Executive Session to discuss
current litigation.
~ ~.~ :~
City Clerk