HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/17/2006 e CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PRESENT A TIONS, CEREMONIAL MA TTERS & PROCLAMATIONS: Recognition of Built Green ofClallam County WORK SESSION: LA TE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS & PUBLIC COMMENT: e 5975 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 17, 2006 Mayor Rogers called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:03 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Rogers, Deputy Mayor Williams, Councilmembers Braun, Headrick, Petersen, and Wharton. Members Absent: Councilmember Munro. Staff Present: Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, G. Kenworthy, C. Hagar, S. Johns, T. Pierce, and N. West. Public Present: E. Tuttle, P. Schafer, P. Ripley, K. Russell, N. Prosser, G. Whitman, M. McDonald, P. Lamoureux, and C. Kidd. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Deputy Mayor Williams. I. Proclamation in Recognition of Built Green of Clal/am County: Mayor Rogers, who was joined by Councilmember Wharton, read and presented a proclamation to Kevin Russell, recognizing the efforts of Built Green ofClallam County. Councilmember Wharton indicated she would have comments later on the Built Green concept. None. Mayor Rogers added discussion on the A WC Regional Meeting, Community Conversations, and Councilmember Wharton's comments on Built Green to City Council Committee Reports. Manager Madsen Wildwood Terrace Funding as Agenda Item K. 7. . and a Consultant Agreement for Professional Services as Agenda Item K.S. Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th, # I 02, expressed words of appreciation to the Police and Fire Departments for assistance he received. Jim Hess, 606 S. Alder Street, related the circumstances of his neighbor nee~ing emergency services this past evening. Mr. Hess noted the prompt response ofthe Police and Fire Departments, and he extended kudos to both departments. He stressed the caring nature of the Port Angeles community. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, expressed appreciation for the Alert System. He asked for City representation at an upcoming seminar on weather patterns, as he noted the drought conditions and questioned the wisdom and timing of removing the Elwha Dams. Mr. Lamoureux also provided comments on a flood plain in the vicinity of the Gateway project, as well as City projects that run over budget. - 1 - 5976 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17, 2006 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE: Wildwood Terrace Funding ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Installation of All- Hazard Alert System Mayor Rogers extended an invitation to the Councilmembers to attend the Association of Washington Cities Regional Meeting next Tuesday in Poulsbo. e Mayor Rogers advised the Council that consideration has been given to the possibility of commencing Community Conversations, an opportunity for the public to talk with individual Councilmembers in a forum other than the Council meetings. It has been suggested that the Community Conversations be held on the second Tuesday of each month, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., in the Vern Burton conference rooms. She suggested the program be implemented in November. Discussion ensued, and the Councilmembers agreed to try these forums as proposed. Manager Madsen indicated that staff would prepare a schedule with rotating participation by the Councilmembers. Councilmember Wharton had given thought to the appropriate next step the City should take in sustainable building practices. Because the City is one of the largest entities in the County and because of the significant number of construction proj ects, she felt it would be in the City's best interest to embrace the Built Green concept. This is a voluntary movement, and Councilmember Wharton felt the City could do some creative problem solving and look at strategies on its own projects in a practical way. She had documented her thoughts and offered to distribute them to the Council for consideration. Mayor Rogers felt the topic would be worthy for discussion by the Utility Advisory Committee and the Community & Economic Development Committee. Brief discussion followed. Kevin Russell, a County resident, approached the podium and informed the Council that Built Green ofClallam County is a charter member ofthe State program. He offered the assistance of the committee members as the City considers.the Built Green concept. 7. Wildwood Terrace Funding: Manager Madsen provided a brief summary related to the City's prior commitment of a $50,000 grant and a $50,000 deferred loan to the Housing Authority of Clallam County (HACC) for the rehabilitation of the Wildwood Terrace Apartments. Pam Tietz, 2603 S. Francis Street, Executive Director of the Housing Authority, advised the Council that the HACC has secured $3.5 million to purchase and rehabilitate the Wildwood Terrace Apartments. However, some ofthe sources are very restrictive in the use of funds, and the City's rehabilitation funds are more flexible in that the City's commitment of$1 00,000 could be utilized in the form of a grant. Ms. Tietz indicated the property acquisition is scheduled to close in December, with the rehabilitation taking place over an 11 - 12 month period. Discussion followed with Ms. Tietz answering questions posed by the Council. Deputy Mayor Williams indicated that the Finance Committee had forwarded a recommendation for approval of the entire $100,000 being provided in the form of a grant. Councilmember Braun moved to decrease the loan funding from $50,000 to $0 and to authorize the increase in grant funding from $50,000 to $100,000 from the City's Housing Rehabilitation Fund. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Headrick and carried unanimously. None. None. 1. Installation of .All-Hazard Alert System: Fire Chief McKeen reviewed the proposal to acquire an All-Hazard Alert System that was made possible by Federal funds designated through the State. The acquisition would provide a warning tool for notification of the public of different types of natural or man- made disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, severe weather, and terrorist incidents. e - 2 - e OTHER CONSIDERA nONS: (Cont'd) Installation of All- Hazard Alert System (Cont'd) Break PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: Cathleen Estates Subdivision - Final PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: FINANCE: Consultant Agreement for Light Operations Building Design and City Hall Space Study New Photocopier Leases CSO Flow Monitoring Contract e 5977 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17, 2006 Chief McKeen noted the system can also be used for the dissemination of information. He provided the Council with a picture of the equipment, as well as a picture of the preferred location in the City Pier parking lot. Chief McKeen answered questions posed by the Council, and Deputy Mayor Williams shared his perspective on the value of the system. Following further brief discussion, Deputy Mayor Williams moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Interagency Agreement between the Washington Military Department and the City of Port Angeles to install an AHAB warning system for the City of Port Angeles. Councilmember Petersen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Rogers recessed the meeting for a break at 6:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:01 p.m. 1. Cathleen Estates Subdivision - Final: Principal Planner West advised the Council that the matter of final approval of the Cathleen Estates Subdivision had been continued to this meeting. However, staff has not received an update, and the bond has not been submitted. Planner West recommended that the Cathleen Estates Subdivision be removed from the agenda until the bond is received, to which the Council agreed by consensus. None. 1. Consultant Agreement for Light Operations Building Design and City Hall Space Study: Engineering Services Deputy Director Kenworthy informed the Council that Gentry Architecture has been selected to provide professional planning and design services for the potential relocation of Light Operations to the Corp Yard and for a space study in the Police Department and City Hall. He reviewed the associated costs, after which brief discussion ensued. Deputy Mayor Williams moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign an Agreement for Professional Services with Gentry Architecture in an amount not to exceed $73,600, which includes $20,000 of optional schematic services for the Light Operations portion. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Braun and carried unanimously. 2. New Photocopier Leases: Finance Director Ziomkowski and Administrative Assistant Hagar presented information relative to the leases for photocopy equipment, explaining the equipment would be leased from a local vendor, Digital Imaging Solutions. The City will gain improved technology with an estimated savings of over $17,000 per year. Ms. Hagar provided further detail pertinent to the upgrades and the attributes of the new equipment. Following brief discussion, Councilmember Braun moved to approve the leases with Digital Imaging Solutions, Inc., of Port Angeles, for four new copy machines and authorize the City Manager to sign the lease agreements at approximately $2,833.01 per month. Councilmember Petersen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. CSO Flow Monitoring Contract: Deputy Director Kenworthy briefly summarized the Combined Sewer Overflow Monitoring contract, relating this is the renewal of an existing contract to maintain flow measuring and recording devices at each of the City's four CSO sites. Deputy Mayor Williams moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a service contract with Geotivity, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $45,000. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. - 3 - 5978 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17, 2006 FINANCE: (Cont'd) Erickson Skate Park Improvements Project Consultant Agreement for Gateway Construction Support Lincoln Street Storm Sewer Change Order 2006 Consultant Agreement with Tonkin Hoyne Lokan Architecture for Professional Services CONSENT AGENDA: INFORMATION: 4. Erickson Skate Park Improvements Project: Deputy Director Kenworthy reported there were no bids submitted on the Erickson Skate Park Improvements Project. Staff will study the issue further and may consider a negotiated contract. Brief discussion ensued, and no action was taken. e 5. Consultant Agreement for Gateway Construction Support: Deputy Director Kenworthy summarized the final agreement with Krei Architects for bid support and construction support for the Gateway Project. He reviewed the financial aspects, noting the City would also appoint a construction manager for the project. He indicated that Clallam Transit has already approved the amendment. Councilmember Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.8 to the agreement with Krei Architects to provide additional architectural services for the Gateway project building with the negotiated total added fee not to exceed $321,768. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Headrick and carried 5 ,- 0, with Councilmember Wharton abstaining. 6. Lincoln Street Storm Sewer Change Order, Project 05-13:, Deputy Director Kenworthy reviewed the change order, indicating it was necessary in view of added pavement depth requirements, underestimation of bid quantities, and unanticipated traffic signal repairs. He answered questions posed by the Council, after which Councilmember Headrick moved to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Contract Change Order No.1 for Project 05-13 in the estimated amount of $112,365, including applicable taxes and also authorize an increase in the funds allocated from the Stormwater Utility by $100,000. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 8. 2006 Consultant Agreement with Tonkin Hoyne Lokan Architecture for Professional Services: Deputy Director Kenworthy summarized the agreement for professional planning and design services for the Laurel Street underground renovations. He indicated the architectural firm was chosen because of their experience and knowledge related to the Seattle Underground. Funding will come from the Public Works Trust Fund Loan for the Downtown Waterline and Sidewalks Replacement Phase III proj ect, and the portion used for the underground renovations will be repaid by the General Fund, as well as Lodging Tax funds. Discussion followed, and Deputy Director Kenworthy clarified that the value of the agreement was included in the estimate recently brought before the Council. Councilmember Wharton moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign an Agreement for Professional Services with Tonkin Hoyne Lokan Architecture in the estimated amount of $52,000, which includes $5,400 of optional construction management services and $2,000.00 of optional electrical engineering services. Deputy Mayor Williams seconded' the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council Minutes dated October 3, 2006; 2.) Park-Campbell Improvements, Projects 04-04 & 05-12, Accept Completion; 3.) Cedar Wall Project 05-22, Accept Completion; 4.) Front Street Streetscape, Project 06-08, Accept Completion; and 5.) Expenditure Approval List: 9/23/06 - 10/6/06 - $3,690,689.82. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Petersen and carried unanimously. Manager Madsen reminded the Council ofthe Veterans Day ceremony at the Coast Guard base. e Police Chief Riepe will be acting City Manager on Wednesday and Thursday ofthis week in the absence of Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, and Director Cutler. - 4 - e e EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: None. The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. - 5 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17,2006 5979 60 f ~,~. ,j ~. Becky J. Upto, i lerk-