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Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington
Ootober 18,1933
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The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m.and'was oalled to order by Mayor
Davis. Roll oall showed the follo~ing officers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam
and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins.
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Building permits and licenses were granted as fOllows,-
. ,
Frank Brozowski, Rebuild shop, on Lot 10,Block 75, Townsite of Port Angeles,
Landru and Nelson,Oasis Rest~ant, Beer and wine lioense
Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances the following ordinanoes were read
by title and placed on their Third Readings,-
: An Ordinanoe Adopting and approving the City Budget of ' and for the Ci~y of Port Angeles,
for the fisoal year 1934,and declaring an emergency.
An Ordinance Confirming the estimate of expenditures for the City of port Angeles for
the year 1934,and fixing the tax levies for said year 1934 as heretofore made and levied
by the City Commission meeting and sitting for that purpose on the 2nd.day of October,
1933,and declaring an emergency.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing Ordinances be plaoed on their
final passage and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll oall all members
voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried.
Under the head of unfinished business,-
Following is the report of the oommittee appointed by the Mayor as an advisory oommittee
for the purpose of considering the advisability of oalling an eleotion for the purpose
of voting bonds for the completion of the City Hall BUildings and a Fire Department Hall
at a different location.
The ~smbers of the Committee being as follows,-
H.G.Horstman,Chairman, Joseph Marohesi; W.A.Baar, M.J.Schmitt, Mrs.Margaret AUdett,
n.M.Lauridsen, Wm.Kilby, Mrs.Harman, W.n.Welch, H.H.Beetle, Dr.J.L.MoFadden, !~s.Cornie
Puhl, Warren Morse, John Lehman,and Wm.Wolton.
[ lI'helr'CjlO?Ct of said commi ttee being as folloVls,-
Meeting oalled to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mr.Horstman,Chair~an, with eight members
resent. After a long general disoussion between all members present, regarding the ad-
.yisabiUty of going ahead and building a City Hall at this time, a motion was made by
Mr.Lauridsen and seconded by Mr.Beetle that the following report be presented to the
ICi ty Commissioners. This motion was carried.
! Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners:
i Your committee appointed for the purpose of oonsidering the advisability of
calling an election for the purpose of voting bonds for the completion of a City Hall and
~ Fire Hall at a different looation from what we now have ( The questions having been
presented by a petition filed with the City Commission) do hereby report.
I First: ~he needs of the city in regards to housing its offioes and many varied
ruuctions is a subjeot requiring considerable study and planning;
I Second: That at this time, in view of the general business oonditions, it would
pe wrong to obligate the City of Port Angeles by bonding it for the construotion or
ac~umition of any buildings whatsoever for City government p~'poses.
Respeotfully submitted,
H.G.Horstman, as Chairma~.
A motion was made by Mr. Lauridsen and seconded by 1~.Kilby that this committee
be made permanent and be subject to the call of the Chairman at illlY time. This motion
oarried. No further business ooming before the meeting it was moved that we adjourn,
subject to the celll by the ChairmLl1.
The Commission orderecl the report f'iled..
The following resolution was introduoed:
Vfuereas, The Pepartment of Highways of the State of Washington is desirous of
constructing State ROad No.9 through the City of Port Angeles and is desirous of routing
the traffio on said state Road through said City of Port Angeles over BOulevard street
from ,the southwesterly oorporate limits to Linooln Street;thence northeasterly over
Linooln Street to First Street;thenoe southeasterly over First Street to the easterly
borporate limits,and orossing other oertain interseoting streets and public thoroughfares,
Vlhereas, the Department of Highways of the State of Washington is desirous of
,reoeiving National Recovery Aot Funds for the improvement of said highway, and
~ \Vhereas, the Bureau of Publio Roads of the Department of Agrioulture of the
pnited States of America will not partioipate in the oonstruction of said highway until
and unless the City of Port Angeles will agree to refrain from permitting encroaohments
~pon the right of way of said above mentioned streets and until and unless the City of
Port Angeles will agree to refrain from passing ordinances or laws fixing a speed limit
pf under twenty-five miles per hour on said above mentioned streets, and until and unless
,the City of Port Angeles will agree to refrain from ereoting signs,semaphores,and signals
I~hat will give preferenCe to looal routes, or that will hinder or delay traff1a on said
~~~~ib~:n~~8Y~~n~~rt~t~~0~~dt~t~a~~ ~l~~~ ~~~h*~*Ya~ftE~rir~~~l~~ tfi~lci~e~t~~ets
~hat are involved and agree to protect the state of Washington and the United States of
~erioa against any and a~l olaims for damages account any ahanges of grades and the
construction of this improvement.
l G".,tt~~'
NOW,Th~REFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and ~ of the City of Port Angeles,
Ehat for and in oonsideration of the Department of Highways of the State of Washington
' d the Bureau of Publio Roads of the Department of Agrioulture of the United states of
~erioa oonstructing said State Road and routing traffic on the same through the City of
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Ootober 18
(Continued I
n,e. ... "U~""Y, ""'''~'. ~TAh"",,".. """H.'. .~u..
Port Angeles over Boulevard street from the southwesterly oorporate limits to Linooln
Street; thence northeasterly over Lincoln Street to First Streetjthence southeasterty
over First street to the easterly corporate limits and orossing other certain inter~
secting streets and public thoroughfares, it hers by agrees with the Department of I
Highways of the State of Washington and the Bureau of Publio Roads of the Department
of Agriculture of the United states of America that it will not, in the fUture,permi~
encroachments on the right of way of the said above mentioned streets ,nor will it I
pass any ordinances or laws fixing a speed limit on the above mentioned streets of
under twenty-five miles per hour, nor will it allow the erection of signs,semaphores
and signals that will give preferenoe to local routes which intersect with said aboie
mentioned streets or that will slow'up, hinder or delay traffic on said above ment-
ioned streets, and that it will, by suitable ordinance ,adopt the grades of the
highWay as the grades of the City streets tHat are involved and hereby agrees to
protect the State of Washington and the United states of Am~rica against any and
all claims for damages aocount changes of grades and the construotion of thIs'
" '. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be adopted.,
Motion seoonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll oall all members voted aye. The
Mayor deolared the Motion passed.
The fOllowing resolution. was introduced;
The Superintendent of utilities having presented to the Commission an approved
agreement of the Pacifio Telephone and Telegraph Company for the joint user of five
poles of the City electriv light lines on Caroline Street,
It appearing that this agreement,was in proper form and that the execution
thereof is desirable and for the best interests of the City,
BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement be approved and adopted and that the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized to exeoute and~ the same on behalf of the said
City of Port Angeles.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved
and adopted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll oall all members voted
aye. The Mayor declared the Motion oarried.
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Under the head of unfinished business,-
The matter of the Hearing of the following Improvement
Resolution No.147 oame on.
The City Engineer submitted the following report and
estimate upon the proposed improvement.
City of Port Angeles
Offioe of City Engineer
To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission
Port Angeles,Washington.
I submit the following report and ~stimate upon the
proposed improvement of : Blooks 115-119-l22a~d 126 by a lateral
sewer in the alley from "E" Street westerly to intersect trunk I
sewer at 5th & lIIlI streets,as set forth in detail in Resolution
No.147 of the City Commission ,whioh has been referred to me by
your honorable body. , I
Total Estimated Cost -------------------------------$ 3,000.00
Amount to be assessed against I
abutting ,property -----------------------------------$ 3,000.00
Unpaid assessments-----------------------------------$ 642.69
Aggregate actual value of real estate I
exolusive of improvements----------------------------$14,188.00
Aggregate Assessed valuation of real estate I
exclusive of i'provements----------------------------$ 7,094.00
I also submit the assessment roll showing the property which will be especially ben-l
efitted thereby and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of said improvement
to be bourne by each lot,tract or parcel of land or other property within the assessl,'
ment district.
I further oertify that the amount of oosts,as above estimated,does not exceed the
limit prescribed by law for improvements to be bourne by assessments upon the property
benefi tted. '
Witness my hand this 18 day of 00tober,1933.
Thos . VI. Owen
City Engineer.
_~____oc.:tJ)~r 18,
Proceedings of the 9ty COInmission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Engineer's Certifioate of giving Notive of Hearing.
I,Thos.W.Owen,City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles,do hereby oertify
and deolare as follows ;
That on the 19 day of September 1933, I gave notice of the time and plaoe
and date of the hearing on Resolution of intention No.147 for'the improvement of
Blooks 126,122,119 and 115 by the oonstruotion of a lateral sewer in alley running
through said blocks, to eaoh owner or reputed owner of lots, traots or parcels of
land especially benefitted by the proposed improvements by the mailing to the said
owner or reputed owner of such property as shown on the tax rolls of the County :
Treasurer at the address so shown, a notioe setting forth the nature of the proposed
improvement, the total. estimated oost and estimated benefits to the partioular lot I
or tract of land of wh~ch he was the reputed owner, together with the time and place
of suoh hearing, before the City Commission. l
That all of said notioes were properly addresses as above stated. properly
enclosed and posted with postage fully paid thereon.
Dated this 20 day of September 1933.
Thos. W'Owen
Citi Engineer.-~---
The City Clerk reported that the following property owners filed protests:
Clara Gutenberg
Agatha M & D.J.Mao Fayden
After oonsidering protests on file, the hearing was oontinued for fUrther
investigation until October 25,1933.
It appearing that certain ohanges are re~uired by the Department of Commerce
which vary 'from the original lease dated October 5,1932,covering the Cooperage Site on Ed~Z
Hook, under whioh the Cale-I-Dine Corporation is the tenant and the City of Port Angeles ~s
the landlord -
Therefor, in consideration of the written consent of the said Cals-i-dine
Corporation to the canoellation of said lease :- '
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the annual Rental fee of $100.00
(One Hundred Dollars) be refunded to Joseph H.Johnston as provided for in said written
oonsent to oancellation of lease on file with the City Clerk.-
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Filion .On roll oall all members voted
aye. The Mayor declared the Motion oarried.
and allowed the following olaims and ordered
warrants drawn
The Commission examined
for the same :
Frank C.Twaddle
City Treasurer
State Treasurer
Ida J.Morse
Washington state Bank
M.R.Alleman Tie & Lbr Co
Mao Donald & Sons
state Treasurer
Puget Sound Power
City Treasurer
Washington state Bank
~alter Ebbett Jr.
State Treasurer
City Treasurer
state Treasurer
Special Police
Street & Fire Dept Water
Industrial Ins & Medical aid
Industrial Ins & Medical aid
& Light Co Power for Sept 1933
Cedar Poles
Industrial Ins & Medioal aid
Library Light & Water
Industrial Ins. & Medical aid
\ The being no further
business the Commission then adjourned until Ootober 25,193
_ 77?1J,~~
City Clerk '
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