HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/18/1962 I I I I " Procee~ings of Ihe City Commission of tne Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washinglon 139 OCTOBER 18 19~ L llr H FlllJ\lT1N4 eo. 1'.2.'" _..,... ~e City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfielq, Coun-'I bimen Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Wolfe and Willson; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk ! McNeece. ,kinutes of the previous meeting were corrected to: 'those Councilmen who can will meet with the ;"Library" Board October 25th at 7:30 p.m.' instead of Park Board. It was then moved by Councilman ~illson that the minutes as corrected be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. , i' ~fter considerable discussion on the Parking restrictions, zones, and Parking Meter Ordinances, and ~he suggestion that the now existing Ordinances be repealed, and all of the changes be incorporatedi into one up-to-date Ordinance, it was moved by Councilman Cornell that the matter be referred to the City Manager and Police Chief to work up a proposed ordinance to correct the parking ordinance and ,I bring it up to date as requested by the Council. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carr~ed. lIt was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Plan~ing Commission minutes of October 4th be received, !I approved and placed on file, and that the request for zoning variance, as recommended by the Commis~ "sion, be granted. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. I Ikt was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Sublease of Lot. No.8, Ediz Hook, to Crown Zellerbach Corporation be renewed and the Mayor be authorized to sign,the renewal sublease. Seconded by Coun- , ~ilman Haguewood. To Councilman Cornell's question, what is the need for signing the lease for , ~ifty years, ~he Mayor and City Attorney expla~ned.that t~e ,o~iginal l~ase from the Feder~l Govern- I ment to the C1ty 1S for n1nety-n1ne years, mak1ng 1tS exp1rat1on date 1n 2013, and the ma]Orlty of ' Ithe other subleases are issued to expire at that time. After, further discussion, on called vote, ~ all voted "Aye". Motion carried. II ~ request to purchase Lots 19 and 20, Block 425, having been received, the Mayor appointed a commit" Itee of Councilmen Cornell, Wolfe and Thorne to view the lots and make report and recommendation. ~IThe following reports were received for approval: Treasurer's Financial Report for September, Budget Receipts and Expenditure Reports, Police Dept., Police Judge, Light Dept. ,Billing, Work and perating Statement, and Water Department Billing, Work and Operating Statement. It was moved by ICouncilman Haguewood that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Wills n and unanimously carried. Claims payable were received for approval in amounts of: General Funds, $28,003.95; Water Fund, $4,006.91 - Warrants No. 11734-11757; Light Fund, $34,430.32 - Warrants No. 11407-11435; It was moved by Councilman Willson that the claims as enumerated, in total amount of $66,441.19, be approv d land paid. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. lIt was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the payroll for September in total amount of $65,983.71 be ;approved. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. !counCilman Willson cited shrubbery on Park Ave., at foot of Grace Street and two trees on South taUrel and Park as being traffic hazards. The City Manager was requested to take whatever action ecessary to correct this. Councilman Willson expressed the wish to resubmit the motion made by Councilman Wolfe, September !20th, that the west three-fourths of the City's parking lot be an "all day" parking area at 259 :per day and the section near the police building stay at the regular rate. Councilman Cornell Iseconded the motion. After considerable discussion and the presentation by Mr. Thompson of a peti- tion bearing 123 signatures, requesting that all day parking at 259 per day be allowed, Councilman Willson withdrew his first motion and moved that.the whole parking lot rate be changed to 59 an hou Ifor the first four hours and 259 per day or 10 hours. Seconded by Councilman Cornell:. After fur- 'ther discussion, on called vote, Councilmen Thorne, Cornell, Wolfe and Willson voted "Aye", Coun- cilman Haguewood voted "No". Motion carried. IThere being no further business, the meeting was A' /1 7/1u 0PPh./ CITY CLERK adjourned. ~(~~ MAYOR ~ <- \"-'-~ ~V ...