HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/19/1976 .~o IuD CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 19, 1976 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL I Members Present: Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Hordyk Ross, and Wray. Members Absent: Mayor Olson. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. D. Flodstrom, H. Kochanek, D. Frizzell, J. Honnold, P. Carr, R. Parrish. Guests Present: R. Oberg, L. Sunny, R. Anderson, M. McCall, F. Higgerson, F. Casady, G. Higgerson, J. Boril, S. Johnson, K. Grim, T. Warren, W. Puller, K. Jones, C. Woods, S. Fusco, J. Ward, J. Estes. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the October 5, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Award. I Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for approximately 2500 feet of 500 MCM 15 KV primary cable to low bidder Graybar Electric Company, Tacoma, at a unit price of $2,395.00 per 1000 feet and a total bid price of $6,292.86 including sales tax, as recommended by the Light Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. A total of seven bids were received by the City on this item, with Graybar Electric Co. as low bidder. The remaining six proposals submitted were as follows: Anixter-Pruzan of Seattle, $7,751.12; Amfac Electric Supply of Aberdeen, $7,072.21; G. E. Supply Co. of Tacoma, $6,962.88; C. E. D. of Bremerton, $6,829.40; and North Coast Electric Co. of Seattle, $6,786.59. 2. Civic Field Improvement Project. Councilman Horydk moved the Council approve payment of $2,800 to Bennett, JOhnson, Slenes and Smith for professional services rendered on the develop- ment of plans and cost estimates for Civic Field for EDA Grant proposal as per Contract Agreement dated August 31, 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. I 3. Vouchers Payable, LIDs and Payroll. Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve $272,668.30 Vouchers Payable, $13,539.19 LIDs and $107,273.07 Payroll. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA - None. VI LEGISLATION 1. Councilman Ross moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Board of Adjustment September 28, 1976 meeting as read by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. Councilman Wray seconded the motion and it carried. 2. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission October II, 1976 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council. Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant a Conditional Use Permit to William Puller 2. cont. -)..+- .. .. 8 .. iII'l ~ en '.tl.. cb '0 Q.I IV +- -.. 'O.....c GJ" " "0' \ ~ntl~..~~ iEB ~GJ~Q.I~ ~~ID~ ~Oy~~ c~-u Ci~~~N~~ u=~~>i~~: ~J~~ gc~~~ ~S:o ~~~O~C=M~ c~=~~v go ~ oC ~g~Ec is J ~e~g>E~g~- ::~~~~i~~ E~~~ ~~~o~ ~~~~ om>-t...~Et: ..lU'~GJrotIJOlEOUL. g;: ~=..t oQiE-~ c.uc~ ~W~~lUU~~N~~~~~~ ~~Q ~ 0 ~o ~~oGJ~ 0 oc ~uo~~_' ~t=-~~ ~~O..~~ ;E~~ ~:~~. ~~=~ ~~~~~~~~~Oj~~~~~g~~ W ~~o~ ~O~~~ ~-~5 o~~ _o~ ..~>~~~~~~~D~. ~...._GJ 'ic=~o ._~~~ z~W~u~x2~amE:~c~~~-~E~ ~~g~~~n~g~-~c u~:C~t~~3~~;:~El!)e-; ....::~~~.Ec.n~t;~=t~ ~g:; I- '0 U ..... '-.. s:. :> g' (ll ..2 ~ a> ~ 'Q ~ III c... _ ,- ~ 0..._ <{ Qi ._ oVl I'tJ u'u o~ QJo.~ ._.;._a. ._Q ~ii_.~~'~mcs::.v~.o >.c:~- c: z~~~qro~~~a~~i<~o~~~_ro~gE~~...~ri~~~~~g ~E~~~~I'tJ"'UD~~ ~~~ZZ oo~~ -$~D"~ ~~u ~~L --Ll :f.~~~~~o -c C1JL.V) 1I'J>102'-l1c ~ tt ~ a.f'~ "->....c:= C. -GJ.-.-- ratn ClJ 1/1I . ~{;~i~~i!~i .......a.lU~ +-....~ ~~ ~ ~~ E ~t:a),! g~g.~~~:''-:1 u~~~'~~~~21 ~:g~~;;:8e':; ~~~=~-g 0 e-.g ... rtI ~1tI___l'D__._ Q. 190 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1976 VI LEGISLATION of Bunn Construction Company to allow a reduced number of parking spaces (48 instead of 52) for an apartment on Lots 9, 10 and W~ of 8, Block 23, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony, Second Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles, at Lincoln and Lauridsen Boulevard. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried with Councilman Ross abstaining. I Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant a Conditional Use Permit for one year to Ellen R.Scheurerman of fOl0 E. Third for a home occupation as a astrologi- cal consultant specializing in natal astrology and personality profiles based on horoscopes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Counci 1. Councilman Anderson moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant a Conditional Use Permit for one year to Karen R. Grim of 1703 W. 5th Street for a home occupation to sell plants at a "plant party" in other people's homes. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant a Conditional Use Permit for one year to Birney's Restaurant, located on Lots 1 and 2, Block 26, Townsite of Port Angeles, to allow the restaurant's parking arrangements to have seven parking stalls fronting on the alley. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. Considerable discussion was devoted to this matter following the motion. Council members discussed Birneys Restaurant's request to the Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit to allow less restrictive parking requirements with M~nager Whorton, Florence Casady of Del Guzzi Construc- I tion, representing the Restaurant, Public Works Director Flodstrom and Police Chief Kochanek. During the discussions, it was determined that by Ordinance No. 1588, the Public Works Department has authority to make comments on entrances and exits on parking lots for purposes of control, elimination of traffic congestion, and safety. As the parking arrangement proposed for Birney's' Restaurant has parking stalls fronting on an alley, which is a public access thoroughfare, Public Works Director Flodstrom was concerned that a hazardous condition would be created by having seven parking stalls backing out onto the alley and that access through the alley could possibly be restricted. It was pointed out by Manager Whorton that the Staff's primary concern was public safety and protection of the City from possible litigation in the future. Birney's Restaurant then applied to the Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit to allow less restrictive parking requirements. The Planning Commission reviewed and analyzed the Restaurant's proposed parking layout and a modified plan provided by the Staff which has two controlled exits on the alley, no stalls backing out on the alley, and one less parking space. It was the contention of Ms. Casady that the Staff's plan was unworkable and she explained why. She also stated the Restaurant's proposed parking layout was an improvement over the existing one and requested the Council I to consider a trial period for determining if the proposed parking arrange- ment will prove to be a feasible parking plan. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Anderson voting "NO." Councilman Buck moved the minutes of the Planning Commission October 11, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 3. The Council next took under consideration a recommendation from Parks Director Frizzell and the Senior Center Advisory Board that the City Council establish a Use Policy and Rental Rate Schedule for use of the Senior Citizens Center by Community Groups. I I I 191 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 3. cont. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read Parks Director Frizzell's memorandum which set the following use policy as related to group priorities and rental rates. Pri ority Rental Rate Per Mtg. Group Senior Citizens Center Non-profit Regular Schedule Profit Regular Schedule Non Profit Irregular Schedule Private (including Wedding Receptions) Plus Refundable cleanup deposit *Upstairs/Downstairs/Kitchen Use. N/A $5.00/7.50/2.50* $7.50/10.00/5.00* $5.00/7.50/2.50* $7.50/10.00/5.00* $25.00 1. 2. 3. 4. Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Parks Director Frizzell and the Senior Center Advisory Board and adopt the Senior Citizens Center Use and Rental Policy for Community Groups Use of the Center. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. The Council discussed the recommended rental rates, reservation schedule, and janitorial services with Manager Whorton and Parks Director Frizzell. Councilman Anderson moved the motion be amended to delete the charges on non-profit groups. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. On called vote, the motion was denied with Councilman Anderson voting "AYE" and all other Council members voting "NO." The Council then voted on the motion on the floor to adopt the Policy recommended by Parks Director Frizzell, relating to Use and Rental Rates for the Senior Citizens Center, and the motion was unanimously passed by the Council. 4. A preliminary report on the Public Pier Project was presented to the Council at this time by engineering consultant Steve Fusco of URS Company, the fi rm. emp 1 oyed by the City to deve,l,op the pre 1 i mi nary data required for completion of an EDA grant applicatlon for funds under Title I of.the 1976 Public Works Employment A~t to constru~t a Public Pie~ on~ the Angeles Terminal (CF'R) ,site. To briefly summarize the presentation, the engineering firm, after developing and analyzing several different sizes and configuration~ . ofa.p~blic pier) recommen~ed a plan for a public.pier .th~t. best, suits sp~clflC compatlble functlons for WhlCh the publlC plerls to be used, is financially feasibleand implementahle, fulfills 'community goals, and affords the local res i dents and touri st use of the facil ity and enj oy- ment of the many qualities of the waterfront. The consultants recommend an 80 feet wide by 400 feet long, with a 200 feet by 25 feet extension, public pier be constructed in two phases, at a total estimated cost of $1,891,375 for the pier. Phase I is for redeveloping the existing pier (290,feet by 34 feet) at a cost of $635,375 with a concrete deck and pilings. Phase II includes expanding the width of the pier to 80 feet for a length of 400 feet, then extending the pier an additional 200 feet with a width of 25 feet. This pier size and configura- tion could incorporate the following appropriate functions: a Coast Guard ship mooring and limited repair facilitiy, tour boat mooring, small boat ,,1 mooring, pleasure fishing, seaplane docking, restrooms, Coast Guard service building, tourist information, a limited number of commercial outlets, an electrical transformer building, waterfront park, greenbelts, and limited parking. Other options investiqated by the consulting firm were a 600'x100' pier at a total estimated cost of $2,510,375 and a 1000.' by 100' pier, at a total estimated cost of $4,119,275. The purpose for including these options was to accomodate the possibility of a potential periodic Navy moorage in addition to the Coast Guard moorage. 192 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 4. Following the presentation, the Council discussed certain facets of the study with the engineering consultants. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize a grant application on the Public Pier Project be submitted to the Economic Development Administration. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize a grant application on the Municipal Corporation Yard be submitted to the Economic Development Administration. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. I 5. A report on dumping in Straits off Ediz Hook was deferred to the November 2, 1976 meeting at Manager Whorton's request. 6. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read a report from Manager Whorton relating to disposition of the bell from USCG Cutter Winona. In his report, Manager Whorton informed the Council that the Explorer Search and Rescue Unit and Elks Naval Lodge No. 353 have volunteered to clean and refurbish the bell. The offer from the Elks Club also included a request to display the bell in their awards section, indi- cating that several other clubs used their facilities with approximately 2,000 to 3,000 people passing through the area during a month. Manager Whorton's recommendation to the Council was that the Elks Club be placed in charge of the cleaning and refurbishing of the bell, with the Explorer Unit being included in this effort, and that the Elks Club be granted permission to display the bell up to six month con- tingent upon their facility being opened to any organized group wishing to view the bell, and an appropriate ceremony open to the public being I organized to mark the occasion when the bell is ready for display. Councilman Wray moved the Council ,concur with Manager Whorton's recommenda- tion and approve his plan for disposition of the ship's bell. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. 7. Manager Whorton's memorandum in response to the Council's request that the Staff explore the feasibility of holding the Council meetings on Wednesday evenings rather than Tuesday evening was read in full by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood. After exploring all possibilities, Manager Whorton recommends the Council meeting night be set as Wednesday evening with the agenda package being delivered on Tuesday mornings. After a brief discussion, Councilman Buck moved to table this matter. The discussion continued with some Council members not concurring with the recommendation in its entirety. Councilman Ross moved this matter be tabled to the November 2, 1976 Council meeting. Councilman Hordyk seoonded the motion and it carried. 8. Manager Whorton reported that interviews of candidates are being held for the position of City Attorney to replace Stanley A. Taylor who' is re- signing as City Attorney on December 31, 1976. The Council tentatively scheduled interviews with Ken Williams and Clarence Fidler on Friday, October 22, 1976 at 4:30 and 5:00 P.M. I The Council next considered a memorandum from Manager Whorton relating to Jack Estes' conflict of interest charge against Councilman Ross, whiCh Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read in full. ~33, CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 9. cont. I It was Manager Whorton's recommendation that the proposed meeting called to discuss the charges against Mrs. Ross be cancelled as the City Council is not a judicial body and a City Council meeting is not the' proper forum for resolving an issue of this nature. Councilman Ross stated at this time that Northern Tier is not and never has been a client of hers and that she does not have a conflict of interest. 10. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council~Goncur with Manager Whorton's recommendation and dissolve the Council from any action on Mr. Estes' question. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. At this time. Councilman Anderson and Jack Estes addressed the chair, with Mr. Estes proceeding to make a statement regarding this matter. The question was called for and the vote taken. The motion carried with Councilman Anderson not voting and Councilman Ross abstaining. The Department of Natural Resource's application for a Substantial Development Permit to use the Port Angeles Harbor as a moorage site for a temporary layup of tankers and bulk carriers in an area having dimensions of 500 feet by 1000 feet, with said area being located approximately 1,500 feet east of the~Pilot Station on the south side of Ediz Hook, was next considered by the Council. Manager Whorton reported on the application and recommended it be denied. U. S. .Coast Guard officials have expressed a concern that the large amount of metal in several tankers moored at once might cause deviations in their aircraft guidance at the Air Station, and the location could also possibly interfere. with the operations of ITT Rayonier and Pen Ply, Manager Whorton stated. Councilman Ross moved the Department of Natural Resources application for a Shoreline Management Permit to store oil tankers in the Port Angeles Harbor be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. I 11.. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Clallam County Humane Society Reports for August and September 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. I 12. Under late items. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read a letter from George 'P.. Wood, dated October 15. 1976 informing the Council of his immediate resignation as a member of the Port Angeles Civil Service Commission. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept Mr. Woods resignation as a member of the Port Angeles Civil Service Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. Manager Whorton reported that Civil Service Commissioners Lieby and Judd have been asked to make a recommendation for a replacement on the Commission. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood recommended a "Certificatce of Appreciation" be presented to Mr. Wood at the next Council meeting, and that the news media inform the public of the vacancy on the Commission indicating that the Council will be giving consideration to Mr. Wood's recommenda- tion that his replacement be a representative from Organized Labor. A letter of commendation received from Birney's Restaurant expressing appreciation for professional services performed by Police Officer Donald Johnson on September 25, 1976 was read in full by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. 194 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 12. cont. A letter from the Liquor Control Board regarding the Harbor Tavern's request to withdraw their transfer of license application was read by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood. I Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood also recommended that a "Certificate of Achievement" be presented to Dr. Rodney Nixon of Port AngeJ:es for his record-breaking flight of 2,815 miles in 26 hours, from Port Angeles to 30 miles south of Miami, Florida, making him the new holder of the world solo non-stop flight record for light aircraft. Manager Whorton reported that Senator Jackson will be speaking at the Port Angeles Rotary Club's Wednesday, October 20, 1976 luncheon meeting; also, Representative Bonker will be irlr;town at 9:30 A~MI:I on Wednesday to take a look at the Ediz Hook Project, the Oil Port-And the Sequim Bay Marina. Manager Whorton informed the Counci 1 that the Edi z Hook Erosi on Control Project is progressing and that a representative from the Corps of Engineers met with Management staff regarding the acquisition of the required right-of-way necessary for the project, and also indicated that the City's money must be in escrow by November 15, 1976. VII STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the August financial reports, Revenues and Expenditures, C. E. Expenditures and Treasurer's Report; the September reports for Fire, Parks and Recreation, Police, Municipal Judge;: and Utilities. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. 2. Councilman Hordyk: Requested Attorney Taylor to review a letter from the Office of Program Research, House of Representatives, re- garding the authority of a City to adopt an Ordinance for the operation of a sanitary sewage treatment facility and thereby use the sludge from the facility on public lands. I 3. Councilman Wray: Asked Parks Director Frizzell if the Park Department was doing any trail building and was informed that the City Departments are not building any trails; Manager Whortony~ill check into this matter. 4. Attorney Taylor: Reported that the water quality lawsuit against the City by the State Department of Social and Health Services is pro- gressing slowly and is expected to con- tinue on into the week of October 25, 1976. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. I ?1 5; /:/ . ;A../<.-~~~~u C'. (f a~ City Clerk c-=- -;:-d-~ ~ &~ Mayor '