HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/19/1999 407~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 19, 1999 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett [6:06 p.m.], McKeown, Wiggins and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, S. Ilk, Y. Ziomkowski, L. Haehnlen, G. Kenworthy, D. Madison, and K. Kathol. Public Present: B. Campbell, B. Lowe, J. Shelling, D. Solway, D. Delaney, P. Lamoureux, L. Lee, C. Miller, M. Edwards, J. Reed, M. Szattocky, and D. Jacobs. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Campbell. ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL None. MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: WORK SESSION: Lou Haehnlen, Building Official, reviewed the history of the building abatement efforts and the process involved. He noted that following the formal abatement process Update on Building resolves the problem the fastest; however, it would require additional manpower and Abatement Program could prove to be costly. The costs are recoverable, but it could take some time. Mr. Haehnlen noted that an inventory was taken in December, with the following results: 111 structures non-repairable, 52 repairable, 12 attractive nuisances, and 22 non-compliant with current codes and regulations. Approximately 10 percent of the non-repairable structures were removed. Staff will work with property owners to try and resolve the problem of the remaining non-repairable structures. Discussion followed, and Councilman Wiggins stated that this was an important program, although it may take a long time to accomplish compliance. At Councilman Campbell's request, Mr. Haehnlen explained the next step would be to prioritize the structures for demolition. He would continue to attempt to help the property owners achieve compliance. Mr. Haelmlen responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman Doyle suggested the Budget Committee look into possible methods of funding this program. LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quinn noted there was a late item from Don Madison, Property Manager, PLACED ON THIS OR regarding the SR 101 sidewalk extension, which was added as Item 1. under Other FUTURE AGENDA: Considerations. Craig Miller, 230 E. Fifth Street, representing the Pub, Tavern & Lounge Association, addressed the Council regarding the City's gambling tax on punch boards and pull tabs. Mr. Miller referenced a letter to the Council regarding this gambling tax, copies of which were provided to the City Clerk. He stated he had discussed this problem with Manager Quinn and was advised that the Council was in the process of forming a Budget Committee, which would be an appropriate place for discussion of this matter. He asked that his clients be allowed to address that group. Mr. Miller briefly reviewed the letter prepared for the Council and reminded the Council that no other city on the Peninsula, and few in the State, levy gambling taxes. He noted that the members of the Association employ about 200 people, pay taxes on -1- 4073 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999 LATE ITEMS TO BE $10 to $12 million worth of property, and are an economic force in the community. The PLACED ON THIS OR Association obtained approximately 1300 signatures on petitions seeking the reduction FUTURE AGENDA: of gambling taxes. Mr. Miller provided the petitions to the City Clerk and asked that (Cont'd) the Association members be heard. There were three present this evening who asked to address the Council. Dave Solway, 71 Farrel Place, Port Angeles Lanes, spoke in favor of reducing gambling tax. He stated his total gross business from gambling is down 40%, and he has been forced to reduce his staff from 11 to eight. Mr. Solway stated he has paid $2,105 more in tax over the past six quarters than he netted on gambling. At Councilmember McKeown's request, he explained how gambling tax is computed. Mr. Solway thanked the Council for its time. Vem Elkhart, 108 W. Eighth Street, Laurel Lanes, stated he has reduced his staff from 14 to nine in the past year. He felt that tax relief would allow him to put some people back to work. Mike Edwards, 422 Brown Road, representing the Eagles Club, spoke in favor of tax relief. Mr. Edwards stated that fraternal clubs perform significant community service, and he described some of the events that have been sponsored by the Eagles. He noted the Port Angeles Eagles Club was this year awarded a Community Service Award, Volunteer of the Year, Club of the Year, and Club Manager of the Year all for the State of Washington. With prices and wages increasing~ a decrease in gambling taxes would allow for the continuation of community service projects. Discussion ensued, and Councilman Wiggins asked what the City received in gambling taxes. Finance Director Ziomkowski stated it averaged between $90,000 and $95,000 per year. It has declined since 1995, and Director Ziomkowski felt part of the impact was due to the opening of the Casino. Mayor Braun thanked those involved for their time and stated this would be referred to the City Manager and the Budget Committee for review. Brief discussion ensued, and Councilmembers McKeown and Doyle delineated the specific information they would like to have provided to the Budget Committee for this particular discussion. Mr. Miller asked to be notified as to when these discussions will take place so the Association could be represented. FINANCE: 1. Final Acceptance of 8th Street Bridge Repairs [Project 99-12] 8th Street Bridge Repairs Mayor Braun reviewed the informatiOn provided by the Public Works Department. Councilman Wiggins asked how 10ng the repairs can be expected to last. Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, indicated the bridges will last as long as the City continues to do repairs. He felt the bridges would become functionally obsolete before they would need replacement due to structural reasons. Councilman Doyle moved to accept the project and authorize the release of General Construction Company's retainage in the amount of $2,478 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Erosion Control and Pond 2. Bid Award for Erosion Control and Pond Cleaning Contract at the Landfill Cleaning Contract [Project 99-05] Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Following brief discussion and clarification, Councilman Campbell moved to award the bid for the Landfill Erosion Control and Sedimentation Pond Restoration, Project No. 99-17, to the lowest responsive bidder, Delhur Industries, Inc., in the amount of $25,442.82. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Penn Street Repair 3. Bid Award for Street Repair Contract on Penn Street Between 2'a and 3ra Contract Streets [Project 99-05] Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Following brief discussion and clarification, Councilman Wiggins moved to award the bid for the Penn Street Resurfacing, Project No. 99-05, to the lowest responsive bidder, Maristar Asphalt Paving, Ltd., in the amount of $6,937.50. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. -2- 4074 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999 FINANCE: 4. Final Acceptance and Release of Retainage for the West 13th Street Sewer (Cont'd) Main Replacement [Project 99-10] West 13th Street Sewer Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Main Replacement Councilman Doyle asked why there was a difference of more than $8,000 between the original estimate Plus one change order and the final cost. Engineer Kenworthy explained that there were some unstable soil conditions which resulted in additional expenses. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the project and authorize the release of C & J Excavating's retainage in the amount of $3,445.33 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Wiggins asked if a contract had been let on the Whidby Street watermain repair. Engineer Kenworthy responded that this work was accomplished in-house. Mayor Braun noted that the repair work on Tumwater Street looked good. Brief discussion ensued, with Mr. Kenworthy responding to questions regarding the repairs. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember MeKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) Council minutes of October 5, 1999; 2) Check Register - October 13, 1999 - $919,674.38; and 3) Travel approval - Public Works Utility Engineer to Conference in Seattle. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. All Councilmembers voted in support of the motion, with the exception of Couneilmembers Campbell and Wiggins, who abstained due to absence from the meeting of October 5, 1999. Because abstentions are counted as affirmative votes, the motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Hulett attended a Chamber of Commerce Board meeting. Discussion took COMMITTEE place regarding the Chamber/VCB joint marketing campaign which won several REPORTS: Washington State Georgie Awards. Councilman Doyle attended a Utility Advisory Committee meeting, but no action could be taken as there was not a quorum present. Discussion was held regarding the water/wastewater rate study performed by Economic Engineering Services (EES) on behalf of the City. Representatives from EES were present at the meeting to review their findings. Rate adjustments will be necessary in order to proceed with capital facility planning. A recommendation will be forwarded to the Council at a future meeting. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of raising rates and the impact of 1-695 Attorney Knutson responded to questions and provided clarification regarding the possibility of approving multi-year rate increases prior to 1-695 taking effect should the Initiative pass. Councilman Williams noted it was 7:00 p.m. and stated he would defer his report. Councilman Wiggins spoke briefly on his trip to Austria and the cleanliness of the towns. Councilmember McKeown reminded the Council that, in 1999, $3,500 had been allocated to Healthy Families for its Recovery Center. That program has been forced to close its doors effective November 15, 1999, because of severe budgetary shortfalls due to the fact that they service the poor, uninsured, and unemployed. The Council can request a pro-rata refund of $438 from Healthy Families. However, she felt that this money had already been expended due to the large number of clients treated this year, and she asked the Council to consider allowing Healthy Families to keep the money. Councilmember McKeown moved to allow Healthy Families of Clallam County to keep the $438. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and clarification, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Campbell announced he was happy to be back and expressed his appreciation to the Council members and staff who helped get the job done during his absence. Mayor Braun welcomed the students from Mutsu City and attended a Transit meeting in Orlando, Florida. -3- 4075 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999 PUBLIC HEARINGS - I. Hearing of Expenses for Abatement of Property at 2321 }Vest 18th Street OTHER: Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Expenses for Abatement - Councilman Williams stepped down from the issue due to the appearance of fairness 2321 W. 18th Street and conflict of interest as he is the listing agent of the property. Councilman Williams departed the Council Chambers at 7:15 p.m. Lou Haehnlen, Building Official, reviewed the history of this issue. He stated the owner of the building requested the City's assistance in removing the structures. Mr. Haehnlen explained that the cost is high due to 149 tons of debris that went into the landfill. The actual expenditures to the City were approximately $6,100, and the remainder represents landfill fees and staff time. Mr. Haehnlen then responded to questions and provided clarification. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. There was no public testimony, and the public hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m. Councilmember McKeown moved to order the charges in the amount of $18,265.35 be assessed against the property, confirm the proposed charges and record them on the assessment roll so that said assessment shall constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Councilmember McKeown complimented Mr. Haehnlen on his professionalism in handling this problem. Following limited discussion and clarification, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Williams returned to the Council Chambers at 7:24 p.m. CDBG General Purposes 2. Consideration of Application(s) for CDBG General Purposes Grant Grant Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided in the packet. Don Madison, Property Manager, defined the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and explained the types of activities it covered. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. Carolyn Sparkman, 122 Mt. McDonald Road, Housing Rehabilitation Program, stated Port Angeles had supported applications for CDBG funds for housing rehabilitation programs in the past, receiving four grants totaling $2.5 million. Matching funds of almost $6 million have also been received, and 219 households have been served since 1993. The current grant expires in spring 2000, and additional funding is needed to continue the program which allows for a safer, more beautiful community. Ms. Sparkman reviewed the types of repairs recently funded. Using the overhead projector, Ms. Sparkman demonstrated a home owned by a disabled couple. She gave a step-by-step description of the work accomplished to improve the home and bring' it up to Building Code standards using grant funds. Ms. Sparkman urged the Council to support a grant application for Phase V of the Housing Rehabilitation Program. Discussion ensued, and Ms. Sparkman responded to questions and provided clarification. Dan Jacobs, Director of Serenity House, 2201 W. 18th Street, requested the City's support in preparing a preliminary application for a planning-only grant. He stated it was time to replace the single adult shelter located on West 18th Street, which serves approximately 400 people per year. This property is owned by the Port, who has been a good landlord; however the building is old and not originally intended for its current use. Mr. Jacobs described the structural problems being experienced at the shelter and why it needed to be replaced. A planning-only grant would allow for the exploration of possibilities and help f'md other funding resources. Mr. Jacobs urged the Council's support of this grant and responded to questions and provided additional information. Peter Ripley, Port Angeles Journal, 114 E. Sixth Street, Apt. 102, offered his support of the CDBG grant and asked if this request should go to the Port Commissioners as landlord. Mr. Jacobs responded that the Port cannot be a requestor of CDBG funds. There was no further testimony, and Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Mayor Braun noted that staff requested this hearing be continued, and discussion ensued. Councilman Doyle asked if these funds could be used for the structural abatement program. Mr. Haehnlen, Building Official, felt the CDBG funds were for single family dwellings; most of the abatement issues are for detached accessory structures and would not, therefore, qualify for this type of funding. Don Madison, Property Manager, stated it was too late to get this program running for this grant. However, he felt that in the future, a program can be set up for this purpose as the structures listed in the abatement program are considered a blight, which could be covered by CDBG grants. Staff will attempt to work this into next year's application. -4- 4076 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999' CDBG General Purposes Councilman Doyle moved to continue the public hearing to November 2, 1999. Grant (Cont'd) Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None QUASI-JUDICIAL: Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:05 p.m. Fireworks Amendment Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings Ordinance No. 3027 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department. Councilman Hulett asked if the discharging should be limited to 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., but asked if the sales should be earlier in the day. Chief Becker replied that State law addresses this question, and the sale and use of fireworks is limited to this time period. Limited discussion followed, and Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3027 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, allowing the sale and use of fireworks to celebrate the millennium from 6:00 p.m. on December 31, 1999 to 1:00 a.m. on January 1,2000 and amending Ordinance 2537 and Chapter 5.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman ltulett seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None SR 101 Sidewalks Other Considerations State Route 101 Property Purchase for Sidewalk Installation Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and stated he felt extending the sidewalk was an outstanding idea. Councilman Wiggins asked why the land had to be purchased instead of the owner cooperating with the sidewalk program. Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, stated the Department of Transportation (DOT) had purchased the other property needed for this project. He felt this piece of property was overlooked, as it is relatively small; therefore, the State was going to end the sidewalk a little short. This problem was brought to the Council's notice and the simplest way to correct it was for the City to make the purchase and the State to do the paving. Discussion followed, and Mr. Kenworthy responded to questions and offered clarification. Councilmember MeKeown moved to authorize staff to proceed with the 260 square foot piece of property along Hwy. 101 at a cost not to exceed $800. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. INFORMATION: City Manager's Report Storm Damage Update Manager Quinn referred to Page 69 of the packet regarding the storm damage update. City Engineer Kenworthy reviewed the summary of expenditures and the recent accomplishme.nts regarding these projects. ULID 215 Update Referring to Page 71, Manager Quinn noted that staff will be meeting to discuss additional options as regards ULID 215, and asked that this item be continued to the meeting of November 2, 1999. Watermain Break Manager Quinn informed the Council that he had the opportunity to meet with Paul Lamoureux regarding the Whidby Avenue watermain break and noted that Page 72 of the packet gave some detail on this issue. -5- 4077 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999 CDBG Grants Regarding CDBG applications, Manager Quinn felt there were many opportunities for the City in other areas that are eligible for CDBG that can be explored in future years in terms of community facilities and projects. While he agreed the Housing Rehabilitation project is admirable and worthy, there are many other projects that would meet the criteria for these grants. Staff is looking into multiple applications to the State, as the grams are based on the merits of the projects. Budget Meeting Manager Quinn noted that he had distributed copies of the Budget Work Session minutes to the Council. Contained therein are the City Council's goals and objectives for the Year 2000. Corrections and changes to the goals can be made at the next Council meeting. Capital City for a Day Manager Quinn announced that Port Angeles will be the Capital City for A day on November 16, 1999. The Governor and many of his department managers will be in Port Angeles that day meeting with various groups. Manager Quinn briefly reviewed the agenda for the day, The focus of the session will be economic development for the City of Port Angeles and discussion on this issue will be held with various groups. In conjunction with the Governor's visit, Manager Quinn noted that November 16 is also a regularly scheduled Council meeting night. He asked the Council if it wished to change that meeting date, as there was going to be a town meeting held that evening. Discussion followed, and it was the general consensus of the Council that the meeting be changed to November 17, 1999. Audit Exit Interview Councilmember McKeown stated she had been present at the exit interview for the 1998 audit. She lauded the efforts of Director Ziomkowski and her accounting staff, as the City received an exemplary audit. Manager Quinn noted that Councilman Williams had deferred his Committee report and asked the Council if it wished to return to that. Mayor Braun agreed. Councilman Doyle asked if the Coast Guard Station was again planning a large celebration as they have in the past and Mayor Braun responded affirmatively. Referring to the bottom of page 120, Councilman Doyle asked if use of the Teen Scene was decreasing. Chief Ilk responded that in the month of September there were approximately 200 fewer visits, but he felt it was seasonal as the decline begins when school is in session. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Williams stated he had attended the Science, Technology and COMMITTEE Manufacturing Association meeting. There was a presentation by Bill Harper regarding REPORTS: (Cont'd) the software development company that is considering relocation to Port Angeles. Councilman Williams felt it was a very interesting discussion. The software company is seeking a large, campus type piece of property. At Councilman Williams's request, Director Collins explained some of the zoning districts and their intended uses. Councilman Williams stated discussion had also been held at the meeting regarding whether zoning issues should be addressed before or after the City receives such a request. Councilman Williams stated he offered his support in encourage development and suggested any road blocks be referred to the City Manager. Manager Quinn stated that he and Tim Smith, Economic Development Director, are looking into this matter. His experience indicates that most businesses are interested in coming into a community that has had some preliminary planning and anticipation for their type of business. These businesses are not interested in the long process of zoning changes and the placement of infrastructure and utilities. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. B-~cky f. U~q: Ci~ Cler~ ]--- GarylBraunCMayor~ ~ -6-