HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/20/1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 573~ October 20, 1943 19_ I I I I I The Collllll1saion met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called te order by Weyor Robinson. Roll call sb....ed tile foll"'1ng officers present: llayor Robinson; Comnhsionsrs Beam and &lasters, Attorney Johoston and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of October 4tll, 6th and lSth, 19411, were read andllflpreved. Under the head of Applications for Ibllding Permits and Licenses the following were granted: Albert N. Conklin, Move hcuse from Lot 12 to Lot 10. Block 13, P.S.C.C. Subd. E. a.Tatten, Ibild addition to !lIrelling, Lot 6, Block 340, TO'IIDe1te E. T. Brennan, Addition ta bedroom. Lot 15. Block 2, Subdivision Of Sub. Lot 17, IIrs. t. R. Mcllicken, IbUd en shad, Let 18, Block 172, 'fownsite WIn. H. Riley, IbUd Garsge, Lot 1, Block 1, Owen Subd. Breck · s Street Snop, lllll.sic lIachine 75.00 125.00 200.00 50.00 75.00 9.00 ',~ ., Under tne bead of Introdiethn af Heselotions the following reeolotions were introduced: RESOLUTION TO SELL PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY FORECLOSURE WHEREAS, TIle City of Part AqJels s is the owner ..f the followin&, described real praperty in 1m City of Port , Angeles. to-wit: Let 14 and the south one hundred five (105) feet of Lot 15, Block 1, Puget ~OWId . Cooperative Caleny's Subdivision of the TGIOIlsite of Part Angeles, W.T. as record- ed in Plat Book No.1, Page 5, Recards af Clellem County. Washingten, which said praperty has been acquired by the City on foreclosure of delinqUent local ilaprovemEll t assess- ments under Chapter 205 of the Session Laws of 1927, and WHEREAS. Herbert H. Wood has offered to purchase the above deacribed real praperty from t be City of Port Angeles or the SWI of 1256.35, payable as follns: 125.00 as a dOlOll ~nt and $10.00 on or bafore the lOth day IIIf November, 1945, and $10.00 on or before the loth day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Interest to be CClmputed at the rate of 7% per annum on the balance due and paid with the monthly installment, and WHEREAS, .he City Commission has viewed the aaidproperty and is of the opinion that the offer is fair valu. and is inoxcoss et the amount paid by the City fer said property, plus all t.I.D. as.sos a.ments. inoluding I interest and other charges against the ssme. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said offer be accepted and that the City af ~rt Anseles sell tho said property at private sale to tile said Herbert H. Wood fer the sum hereinebove set forth. subjeot to any other valid l1ens against the same; tbat the City Attarney be instructed to prepare a deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and the City Treasurer be authorized to execute tile said deed in sccordance with the provisions of tMa resolution and Chapter 275, Session taws of 1927. when the purchase price aDd all accrued' interest thereon has been paid in full. . . It was moved by Commissioner Jlasters tIIet the foregoing resolution be appraved and adopted. Sec>nded by CaIIIlIiasianer Beam. On roll call allllllmbers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Cit)< of Port Angele's is the awner of the following described real prlllperty, having acquired the sarna by Treasurer's deed dated :s.llt. 30. 1ge, undor and by virtue of tIlslIlthority of Section 9395 of Remington's Remington's Revised Statutea, Chapter 145 of tile Laws of 1929, page 565. to-wits Lets Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), Block Tlro Hundred. Six (206), Townsite of Part Angeles, Washington, and WHEREAS, James J. Gallacci and Gladya M. Gallecci, husband and wife. have offered tll purchase the above , described resl property from the City of Port Angeles for the SlIm of $425.00, and ltHEREAS, The City Comiaa1an has vi81llld the lI8id property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for said property, plus all L.1.D. assesslll8llts, including interest and other charges against the e8me, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and thet tbe City of Part IID8l11es sell the said property at privats aale to ths said Jams. J. Gallacci and Gladys M. Gallacci. husband and wife, f.r the SUlIl hereinabove set fortn, subject to any otller valid liens against tbe same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed, and that the !.layor of the City af Part Angeles be and he is hereby lnstracted to countersign seid quit claim deed. It was maved by CallIm1ssioner Mastllrs that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by cellllllissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declsred the moUon carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, "he City af'Port Angeles is the owner of tile following described real property having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed, dated December 17, 1942, under and by vii'tue of tbe suthority of Section 9595 af Remingttln's Revised Statutes, Chapter l411 of tile Laws of 1929, fage 565, to-wits Let Ten (10), Block Thirteen (1lI) of the Puget Sound Cooperative Col~'8 Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington Terriwry, and WHEREAS, Albert N. Conklin has offered to purchase the above described resl property from the City of Port Angelea for the SlllIl of 4225.00, payable ss follows: $25.00 as a dQllI\ pa)'lll8nt and $10.00 on or before the 50th day Clf November, 1945, and $10.00 on or before the 30th dey of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Interest ta be computed at the rate of 7'/. per amum on the balance due and paid with the menthly installment. and I 'WHEREAS, The City Coumission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fsir I value and is in excess cf tile BmOWlt paid by the City for said property, plus all L. IoD. sssessments, including interest and other charges against the same. ' I ~ r- 574: Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 20. 1943 19_ - ,.:,.~ .. ".u';;u. 'EAntL 'TAr_. ~"~T<IIs. IlIl~OO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tllat the said. offer be accepted and tllat the City of PertAngeles sell tne I said property at private sale to the said Albert N. Conklin for the SUIIl hereinabove set forth, subject to any othllr valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that tbe City Clerk of tha City of Port Angeles be and be ia I bereby inatructed to execute said quit claim deed, and tbat the Mayor af the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to counter sign said quit claim deed when the p1I'chase price and all aecrued inter- est tilereon hae been paid in full. I I I It "as moved by CoDlllissicnsr !!asters thllt the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by COIllll1Bsioner Bellm. On roll call all members voted aye. TIla Mayor declared tbe motion carried. The CeIIIn1ssiGn examined and allowed the follewing claima and ordered warrants drawn fer same: CURRENT EXPENSE F1JND H. E. Dodge City Treasurer George's Service Station .I_ss Hardware Co. Raoker Storage Garage Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer Willson Hardware .... Ollmpie Stationers Pllget Sound Navigation Co. Eppe I-son & Sons . AngeleSRadiator Co. The National Soard of Fire Underwriters Dr. R. 1. Gilliam Eppe raon & Sons Tacoma Stationers Expense ACCOWlt 2.00 Col\llllllar Book 2.01 Shop Work 4.64 Crayons 8< Sbells 2.e2 Swipe Blades .93 Flasblight B1lba 1.54 Cosb paid for freigb& 5.39 Hardware 10'.61 1Iimeo Bond 6.70 Freigbt Bill .66 Lumber l3.30 Suction Hose 2.22 Posters 61.00 lIeat Inspection Fees /6. 11.00 Lumber snd "ails ....- 9.12 Office Supplies /1.( I 7.92 Cash paid fer freigbt J .57 Forks, Axes, etc. ;(,v 15.87 Gasoline 78.75 Freignt Dj.. .68 Grease r"v 2.61 Car Expense 19.00 Batteries .93 Lamps 3.76 Poles 6l.80 Atomizer 1.55 Freight 7>- .82 Paper Towels 12.56 Billing IIachina Repairs )10 10.56 Wooden Pail 1.l.'9 llakl! Sickle (Io.J,. 1.55 :LIlllber 7.4.7 Freigbt Bill .78 CITY STREET FUND City Treasurer Willson Hardware Co. WA TER FUND City Street Dept. Puget i:iaund Navigation Co. General Petroleum Corp. LIGHT FUND Cllas. E. Bellm Willson Hardware Co.- n ..~ IIrs. Sam Rand Elk Drug Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Remington Rand Inc. PAR! FUND Willson Hardware Co. H. P. McNutt Epperson 8< Sons Puget SIlImi Navigation Co. Under Unfinished Ibsiness the f.llewing Resolution was introduced: RESOtUTION WHEREAS, The City sf Pert Angeles is the O1IDer of the following described real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's dsed dated July 14, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority af Section 95911 of Remingtan's Revised Statute.. Chapter 143 sf the Laws sf 1929. page 365, to-wit: The nerth one hundred fifteen (ll5) feet sf Lota 8 end 9, the south one hundred five (105) teet of Lot 16, the south ene hundred five (105) feet sf the wsst half of tot 17, Block 1; the north one hundred (lOa) feet of Lot 3 and all of Lot 8, Block 10, Puget Sound Cooperative' Coleny'a Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, W. T. as recorded in Plat Book No.1, page 5, Records af Clell8ID County, Washington, and WHEREAS, Herbert H. Wood MS offered to purchase from the City af Part An,gela s the above described real praperty for the sum af $655.56 payable as followe: $64.91 as a dr>wn ~nt and $15.00 on Dr before the lath day of November, 1945, and $15.00 on or before the 10tb day of each and every month thereafter untU paid in full. Interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per annum on the balance due and paid with the monthly installments, and WHEREAS. 1'he City Counnission MS viewed the said property and is of tbe opinion that tbe offer 18 fair value and is in excess of the @IIlount paid by the City far the said property, plus all L.I.D. asaessmente, 1ricluding interest and other charges against the same, lil..... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said .ffer be sccepted and that the City of Part Angeles aell tbe aaid praperty at privsta sale to the said Herbert H. Wood far the sum hereinabove set forth. subject to any atber valid liens against the e8Dlll; that the City Attorney be instructed te prepare a quit cla1m desd conveying said property to the purchaser. and that the City CJe rk af the City of Part Angeles be and he is I hereby instructed ta execute said quit cla1m deed, and that the lIayor of the City of Part Angeles be and he is hereby inetructed te countersign said quit claim deed when the plrchase price and all accrued interest therean nas been paid in full. I It was moved by Commiasioner llasters tllat tne foregoing resolution be approved aDd adopted. Seconded by j' eonmisahner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The lIayor declared the motion carried. I I "" I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Octaber 20. 1945 19_ ..... 575 I There being no f\lrther business the Camisaien then adjwrned. J; /YI/.J~~ City Clerk ~Jor~ I I ~ I 'I I ~