HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/20/1948 ,. 492 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 20, 19.1fL l!rhe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. 'officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioner Johnson and Clerk Law. Roll call of 'I " ~inutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were granted: .f.3/?50~ Ruth Sherk' Remodel & Make Duplex of Present Dwelling; Lots 3-4, Blk. 199, Townsite Petersen" Craver Build 7-Room Dwelling; Lot 20, Blk. 265, Townsite ;Byron A. Campbell Remodel Eagles' Bldg. Boiler Hoom; Lot 18, Blk. 16, N.H.Smith Add. 'PYron A. Campbell Roof Garage; Lots 4-5-6, Blk. 160, Townsite VI. F. Phillips Remodel Existing Store Bldg.; Lot 10, Jlk. 22, N.R.Smitb Add. I~en Bros. Remodel Office; Lot 4, Jlk. 14, Townsite pnder the head of unfinished business, the opinion cf Attcrney Wilson regarding removal of illildings on Bast i 6econd and Chase Streets was read. It was the Attorney's opinion that the City should not interfere, and ' l~rDperty owners should take action to have buildings removed. 1,000.00 11, SOO .00 3,500.00 3,000.00 12,000.00 : 850.00 ' Mrs. Anderson appeared regarding drainage water seepage in her basement at 8th & F Streets. The Commission, .~ecided to consult the health department and make investigation. ItayaI' Epperson read a request for resignation of Mrs. Lehmann from the Library Board. It was moved IT.f I(ayor Epperson tha t the resignation be accepted as of October 20th, and that the Commission express a vote of appreciation fer services rendered. Seconded qy Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. NOTICE TO BIDDERS NotiCE! is hereb}' given that bios will be received by tllO Clt:r Clerk 'Of the City of POr[ Angele~, at the City Hall of saW City, not later than 10 A. M., October 29, 1948, to fur. nlsh tor tho Street Dapartm~nt, :ap_ proximately 600 tonll or Wtuminous patchlng materIal. The Comml!!si011 reserves the rllrht to reject any or all bids. Engineer Dodge requeeted that bids be published for approximately 600 tons of Bituminous patching material, bids to be opened October 29th. It 'fias moved by Co~~ssioner Johnson that the said bids be published. Seconded by ~yor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. J. E~ l~AW. City Clerk. PubllF'h OetollQr 21, :28, 1948. Light Bupt.. Lean requested that bids be pubhshed for three 150 K. V.A. transformers. Also one year supply of light globes for the city depart~ents, bids to be opened I November 3rd. It was moved by !!.ayor Epperson that the request be granted and bids I be published. Seconded by CommiSSloner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carrled. !Il'O'rICE '1"0 BIDDERS Notice Is hereby gh'en that bids ! b[ll\h~e cff~e~\?~o~r ,~II~~e~i;,Y afl~~: , Clt~r Hall of said City, not larer tlUln , 10 A. M., Xo\'emlJel' 3, 1!l48, to fur- : nlsh for tile Light Del1artml'nt, three 150 K. V. A. tl'an!lf,)rmel'S, and one, y<,al' !':t11'111y of. Ilgllt globes. The I Commission rl.'s(>r."(>!l tll(l right to re- Ject finy or nil hlds. .1. J'~. J~AW, l>lI)' ClerIc f'ulJll>:ll (Jct"h('l' 21, ~8 I!H8 I Mr. Epperson informed that Commissioner Steele is out of the City on vacation, andl due to his absence, it was moved by Mayor Epperson that the regular session of October 27th be held Friday, October 29th. Motion seconded by Co~~issioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. !1 The Commission examined and approved ?3 ~f the following claims and ordered warr,'nts issued in payment of same: 53.75ji 21. 99 8.24 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Trick & Murray Olympic Printery Leo Walsh Studio Election Supplies Election Supplies; Supplies Phot os ~..j .:{3" - CITY STREET FUND: :Port Tie & Lumber Co. Richfield Oil Corp. 'O.".C. Truck & Coach Division Samuelson Motor Co. D & B BatteIJ' & Electric Stn. WATER FUND: ..< 3.i' ~I J' Remington Rand, Inc. Puget Sound Express, Inc. ~~rckmann & Williams 'Painter Supply Co. <1-1 1,IGHT FUND: 70 r - ltemi~gton Rand, Inc. iblympic Printery ,Fity Tree surer IA. Keys liLine ~:aterial Co. iHorr.e Electric Co. 1'he. Electric Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Puget Sound Navigation Co. 'SA1JrTATIDN I'UND: 71>!f D & 3 Battery & Elec. Stn. Line oln WeldillG Lunt's Battery Service Lumber Diesel FUel Oil Spring R€CAPS, Repair Battery, Swipe 11.56 135.03 8.69 41. 77 38.99 Ledger Sheets Frt. on Pipe Pipe Parts 114 .10 ;U.20 101.08 11. 80 Ledger Cards Supplies Cash for Truck License Pole s Hardware Cut-Outs F:i.ttings & Conduit Me tel's Freight 114.10 I 12.05 1. 75 ' 29.001 249.37! 15.60. 14.06 230.88 43.66 & Re pair 7.46 42.70 25.72 PARKING METER & TRAFI"IC Trick & Murray Supplies Ilelding Ba ttery, Parts CONTROL FUND: /;;. _91 Coin Wrappers 12.91 There being no further business, the session was then adjourned. o G. ;iavr. (j City .Clerk :y ..u.) 'Z: -- k.--1.t .-<A od "'-? Mayor: I ~ I I I \ I I