HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/20/1955 I I I I ...---...,. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 20 55 19_ , 467 " "", . """" ,,,m,, .."'.~", .".".. m.. .... The CitY' Council of ~he City of Port Angeles met in regular session at 11:.30 P,M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Maoror Smith Councilmen B rmm N~er, Samison, Matthieu, Molfe and MoFaddan, Mamger Vergeer, Atto:rner Sever.rns ~ Clerk Law. ' It was moved by Councilman McFadden that minute~ of the previcus meeting be approved. SecolXled by Counci 1- :IIan Sandison and Carried. , Under. the head of. unfinished business, the City Engineer filed notice that the thirty da,y period has elap.- sed s~nce complehon and acceptance of, work done and material furnished by Manson-Osberg CompatV on Front Street and Alley fill, Umt "c" of L.I.D. No. 167, recommending that the 15% retained ($5,2.39.04) be paid the contractor. There having been no, claims made or filed against the contractor and no incomplete or defective work discovered, it was moved by Councilman l~olfe that the amount retained on this portion of L.I.D. No. 167 contract be approved and warrant issued .on L.I.D. Na. 167 Construction Fund in pa,yment of same and the City Clerk authorized to issued warrants nwnbered ..36.3 to and including 366 for $1,000.00 each, and warrant no. .367 in amount of $1,239.04 on the L.I.D. No, 167 Fund, bearing interest at the rate of .3 .3!J{f, per annwn, am dated October 21, 1955 to supply .the necessary funds to be deposited in the L.r.D. No. 167 Construction Fum, Mction seconded by CouncilmanIrown and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the following claims for fixed estimate expense in L.I.D. No. 169 be approved and warrants issued on L.I.D. No. 169 Construction Fund in pa;yment of same: Parroll, October 1 - 15, 1955 &921.16 Olympic Tribune, publication 5.67 Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Council considered construction of retaining wall at rear of City Building thereby relieving wall of the adjacent Kuppler Building >d1ich was not designed for that purpose. The Attorney a dvised construction of independent wall which would eliminate possible future claim for damages"against the City. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the 11anager be authorized to proceed with construction of the wall. Seconded by (bi1ncilman Brown and carried. Mr. Vergeer informed that cost of wall construction is approximateJ;y $1,100.00, this within $30.00 more or less. Mr. Vergeer also cited removal of niglIl; deposit box due to remodeling. It was the opinion of the Council that deposit box should be replaced for the convenience of customers. UlXler the head of new business, clai:J!ls paid October 18 were approved in total amount of $13,080.98. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that claims be approved as paid. Seconied by Councilman Bro-rn. All voted Aye. 1fution carried. The following reports were filed for Council approval: Police Judge for month of September showing $1,861.50 fines oollectced. It was moved by Councilman Brown that report be approved and filed. Seconied by Councilman Wolfe and carried. Treasurers financial report for September. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that report be accpeted ani filed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. A delegation of Volunteer Firemen appeared before the Council ani re'luested transfer of $600.00 from Erlra Labor item in the Fire'Department Budget to Volunteer Firemen item. Michael Fitzpatrick acted as spokes- man Citing number of calls, drills, and amount tbe City saves by volunteer instead of regular paid firemen. Mr. Vergeer questioned disregard for budget appropriations and use of extra labor funds for other than intended. Also remilXled of understandins that fire calls ani drills will not be paid when monBY' for SBlIll is exhaudlld. Ma,yor Smith informed that ~.3,6OO.00 is included in the 1956 budget for tire calls, the same to be paid not more than one twelfth each month through that Y'ear. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that if legal, the transfer be permitted. This motion died without second. It was then moved by Councilman Neer'that the request be tabled until later meeting at mich time presence of the Fire Chief will be expected. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Reverend John Como appeared with request for two hour parking limit on the West side of Peabody Street as logging tlrucks ani other vehicles interfere with church goers. It was moved by Councilman Neer that proper I steps be taken to amend the existing parking ordinance ani compJ;y with re'luest. Motion seconied by I """"""'" ""..,.". ill "".. "'" ""'~-... Council considered Guaranteed Revenue Contract between the City and Victor and Valeria Lebuis, D.B.A. Falls Creed 11111 and Resort, whereby the City will furnish electrical energy- to the industry. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Ma;y-or be authorized to execute agreement. Seconded by Councilman. McFadden ani carried. Requests for transfer or renewal of beverage licenses were recilived as follows: Transfer: Little \-, rick Tavern from Leonard ani Jerry Doss to Charles 'Binlj:lBY' and Verna M. Dickenson Renewal: Linkletter's Fine Foods - '. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that requests be approved. SecoIIied by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Councilman Neer questioned collection of admission taxes on tickets sold by sponsors for benefit activities of High School Athletics. Council questioned advisability of making exceptions, thereby inviting requests for exemption from other organizations. Mrs. Matthieu reminded that Federal and State agencies eliminated the tax collection, enabling cities to increase revenue. Ma,yor Smith suggested admissions taxes as topic to be discussed at the Association of Washington Cities Regional ,Meeting of October 31. The ~1anager was requested to ascertain amount of revenue derived from admission taxes, also source and what exemptions " are permitted by Federal and State agencies, reporting at the, next meeting. :, II I Mr. Vergeer reminded of a meeting with the Highway Department, October 25. Also appointed a committee to meet at 4:30 Frida,y regarding location of house for . emergency pump. He also reported on attending a very interesting and instructive Managers convention and expressed appreciation for privilege extended. Mrs. EveJ;yn Tinkham, Chairman of the ColmlUnity Action Committee, presented to the Council, Port Angeles' Freedom Foundation Award medw, a proper home re'luested for same. Mayor Smith thanked Mrs. Tinkham and I Committee for medals and labor in attaining same li!lich exemplifies the American wa,y of living. 111's. " Tinkham then offered services or the Committee regarding health ani pollution control ani if agreeable with ! the Council, the sane ma,y be channeled into study program. I Undsr the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was read by title and placed on final reading: ORDINAN;;E NO. 1.355 AN ORDINANCE authorizing FIBllEBOARD PRODUCTS, IN::. of Port Angeles, Uashington the right to and operate a spur or connecting track for switching purposes along the northern portion of starting at a point approximateJ;r 350 feet East of the intersection of Third and "H" Street construct, la,y Third Street and runiling ~ ,.. 468 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington.. - October 20 continued 55 19_ ---- ".. .. .m.., """" ,,",,,,,.. ."",.. ..... .... thence Wester:Q' approximateJ;y'380 feet along the northern portion of said Third Street. I It was moved'by Councilman Brown that rules be suspended and the foregoing Ordinance approved and adopted. I Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe and UnanimouS.J;y carried. - i There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Q 8 x...rLw-' JfJ~H- ~ rJ City Clerk Mqor i I I , I I i , - I I I I ,I I I " I I .. I ( I " J ..... .. I