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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 21. 1936
435 .,
Supplies 2.65
Repairs to Jail 1.00
Extra Fireman ,1 27.00
Mdse. ~3 32.52
Supplies 18.29
Viall Te Ie phone 6'3 ,.:; 22.31
Repair pavement 22.50
Sept. Power Bill 5503.93
Service & Oil Truck 3.12
Grease 'Truck 1.30
n 1, OC
Transformers 674.61
Co. Meter Socke ts '7i-. 17.63
Material 9.60
Transformers (,.. 't'f- 68.05
Supplie s 4.87
Battery .65
Labor 27.00
Filing Saw 1,25
Shaqlening La\"lTI Mower 3.00
Repans 8.00
The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. andwas called to order by Mayor Davis.
Roll call showed the follovling officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and
Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins.
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of "pplica tions for Building Permi ts and Licenses the folIo':! ing were
Mary L. Plummer, Build House, Lot 14, Blk. 265, Townsite
C 1.1 & St. Faul Ry. Office Building, Nt Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 1, Tidelands Vest
E. B. Miller, Remodel House, Lot 17, Blk. 161, ",'oYJnsite
Sig Larsen, Service Station, Lots 10-11, Blk. 19, L B. Stratton Subd.
The Marina, Fountain Lunch,
F. E. Rhebeck, 1 Card Table
Mrs. Fred Owens, Skating Rink
Don D. Ta?gart, Journeyman Plumber
Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced:
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real estate,
to-wi t:
Lot one (1), Block Three Hundred Seventy-nine (379), Townsi te of Port
Angeles, Clallam County, State of Washington,
which property it acquired by deed issued to it on the 15th day of July, 1933, by the
County of \Jlallam. Stlite of \lE.shington, vlhich said deed was recorded in Volume III of
Deeds at :Page 375, records 'of vlallam vounty, Vlashin"ton, and which said real property
was aCQuired under and by virtue of the authority contained in ~ection 9393 of Reming-
ton's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, and,
YIHER:::AS, under and by virtue of a resolution ~assed by ths "i ty Commission and signed
by the Mayor on the 13th day of March, 1935, said real propec'ty ViaS sold under an
executory contract to Arthur K; Knudson, for the sum of $550.00, payable ~50.00 in cash
and the balance in installments of ;$25.00 per month includin?, interes: :::.t 6j. per annum,
WHEREAS, all of said purchase price vlith accrued interest has been paid in full, and,
WHEREAS, the resolution above referred to ~as erroneous in this, that it indicated on
its face that said real property was acquired by foreclosure of delinquent improvement
assessments rather than by purchase, and,
WIEREAS, among other:hings, it is the purpose of this resolution to correct that er:-or
in said resolution of March l~, 1935,
NOW, THER"FORE, BE IT RESOLVED. That the error in said l' Jsolution of March ~3, 1935, is
hereby corrected as a matter of record and be it further resolved that the v,ty Attorney
be Bnd he is nereby instructed to prepare qui t-claim deed from the City of Port Angeles
to the said Arthur K. lilludson conveyin~ to him whatever t~tle the city non has in said
above described real property and thG.t the Mayor and thc vi ty Clerk be and they hereby
are a,uthorized to execute said deed in accordance wi th the provisions of this resolution
and ~ections 9025 and 9021 of Remington's Revised ~tatutes of ~ashington.
It Vias moved by Commissioner Masters ':ha t the foregoing resolution be apjJroved and ad opt-
ed.. Seconded by ~ommissioner Beam. On roll callall members voted aye. The Mayor
declared the motion carried.
The Commis s i on examined and a llowed the fo 11 OVI ing cIa ims and ord er ed warran ts dravlll for
Trick & Murray
The \Jity Electric Co.
R. D. Kilmer
Marshall Dells Co.
Willson Hardware Co.
G~aybar Electric ~o.
Washington Ashhalt Co.
LIGH'f FU1ill
P. S. Power & Light Go.
C. H. Peach
C. H. reach
C. H. Peach
General '~l ectric Go.
Westinghouse ~lectric & Mfg.
General lUectric Supply: Co.
Genera 1 ~~lectric Co.
\7illson Hardware Co.
Rudy'sRadio Shop
PARK Flnill
George Dorvall
C. L. Sarff
Fred .1eseott
Port nngelesm Iron TIorks
. . ,
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 21, 1936
James Hardware Company
Ernest Charest
Saw, e tc .
Cu t t ing Grass
Ci ty Treasurer
.Iarran ts Purchased
City Treasurer
L.I.D. Assessments
Under the head of New Business the foll owing Resolutio n was introduc ed,-
WHEREAS, the Ci ty 0 f Port Angeles is a municillali ty of the Sta te of ilashington operating
under the Commission form of government: and
VffiEREAS, Section 9092 of Remington's Revised Statutes of ITashington provides that all
regular elections under the Commission Form of Government ,\ct shall be held tricnnially
on the first MondEj,y in December, at \'Ihich time there shall be elected a Mayor and trJo
Commissioners, who, together, shall constitute ani be known as the City Commission, am
who shall serve for a term of three years and until their successors shall be elected
and qualified; and,
llliEREAS, said Commission Form of Government Act was passed at the 1911 session of the
legislature of Washington. Session Laws of 1911, Chapter 116; and
WHEREAS, Section 5150 of Remington's Revised Statutes of Washington, being Section 1 of
Chapter 279 of the Session Laws of Vlashington, 1927, provides that all ci ty, school dis-
trict and port district elections other than in clase A and first class counties,
whe ther general or spe c ia I, and wh ether for the e lee ti on of ofO'icers, or for the su b-
mission to the voters of such city, port district or school district, of any que~:tion
for their adoption and approval or rejection in any port district contnining a school
district of the first class, shall be held on the first ~aturday in December in the year
in which they may be called; and,
'rffi'J;REAS, the said .;ection 5150 was passed subsequen t to said Section 9092 and has the
effect of changing the date of said election from the first Monday to the first Saturday
in December; and,
l"iHERSAS, Section 5147 of Remington's Revised Statutes of \'iashi~ton, Chapter 5, Section 1
of the Session Laws of 1935, provides that the chairman of the board of County Commis-
sioners, the County nuditor and the Prosecuting Attorney in each county shall constitute
the election board for all elections and it shall be the duty of such board to provide
places for holding elections: to appoint the precinct election officers; to provide for
their compensation, to provide ballot boxes and ballots or voting machines, poll books
am tally sheets. and deliver them to the precinct election officcrs at the polling
places, tD publish and post notices of calling such elections in the manner provided by
this act, and to apportion to each ci ty, to\"!TI or district, its share of the expense of
such election: and,
VIHEREAS, the \Jity of Port "'ngeles is a municipality located in a fourth class county and
within a school district of the first class and within a port district: and,
~IHER~S, Sec tion 9C96 of Remin;ton' s Revis ed S ta tu tes of \iashington, Chap ter 116, Sec tion
7, Session LaYls Df 1911, provides that the Mayor and tYJO Commissioners shall be nomin3ted
at a primary election which shall be held on the second MondaY precedinio: the municipal
election; and,
VIHEREAS, said Section 9096 provides that any person desiring to become a candidate for
Mayor or Commissioner shall, not less than fifteen nor more than tTIenty-five days prior
to said primary election, file TIith the ~ity ~lerk a statement of such candidacy accom-
panied with the filing fee required by law, and accompanied by a petition of at least
one hundred qualified voters requesting such candidacy; and,
~IHER!,;AS, said Section 51.'.iO fixes the date of the municipal election on SA.turday,
December 5, ill936 and sail ~a~tiQ~ 9C96 provides that the primary election for the nomi-
na tion of canQ ida tes for Mayor and Commis sioners shall be held on the second Monday
preceding the municipal election, which said primary election date this year will fall
on the 23rd day of November, 1936,
NOW, THERSFOR3, BE IT R~SOLVED That the \Jounty Election Board be and the same is hereby
requested to issue notices and provide for the holding of the primary and municipal
election above referred to in accordance with the laws relating to the same, the primary
election to be held on November 23, 1936, and the municipal election on December 5, 1~36;
BE IT :!'URTHE::l RESOLVED, that the '"i ty vlerk of the City of Port Angeles be am he is here~y
instructed to comply wi th all of the laws relating to said primary and municipal elections,
BE IT FURTHER R3S0LVED, that the cost and expense of said primary election be apportioned
to the ~i ty of Port ",ngeles, as provided by law, and that the cost and expense of the
municipal election be appllrtioned to the said City of Port ..ngeles as provided by law,
unle.ss the port district and/or school district holds an election at the same time and
then, in that event, that the CDSt and expense of said municipal election be equitably
apportioned among those governmentcd ulli ts participating in said election; and
BE IT FURTHER RESDLVED that the ~ity ~lerk and other municipal officers of the \Jity of
Port ,Ingeles, be and they are hereby instructed to provide the County Elec tion Board wi th
all of the necessary information as to the number and names of candidates filed for j;he
offices of Mayor and ~ommissioners and that they prDvide such information as may bc
necessary for the notices of said elections and the preparation of the ballots and tho.t
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 21, 1936
in all respects that they aid and assist in conductine said primary and municipal
It ViaS moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and
a opted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call nllmembers voted aye. The Mayor
declared the motion carried.
, There beine no further business the Commission adjourned.
?7~ /
" 0rJ11
C:ilty Clerk