HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/21/1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""IIIIl 457 October 21, 1942 19_ n",. " '~Ultfl..._ ~iAf'l."" 'UTIOM:~S. r~'~Tt.I, ~54()O I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by l~yor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Con.....iff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read arrl approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted: Ed Nygard, Build Garage, Lot 1, Block 236, Tovmsite Wm. Go~segner, Shed Roof, Lot 4, Block 20, N. R. ~ith Subd. V. A. Samuelson, Remodel Home, Lot 14, Block 91, Townsite V. A. Samuelson & Co., Remodel Garage, Lot 10, Block 17, N. R. Smith Subd. Fry's Drug Store, Soft Drink Elks . 11 Benjamin's Cafe , Automatic Music MachiEe Drovdahl's Lincoln Cafe Dew Drop Inn J Wood's Barber Shop, 2 Chairs Pastime Tavern, 1 Card Table n n j Automatic Music Machine 200.00 150.00 500.00 400.00 5.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 2.00 5.00 12.00 Under the head of Introduction of Resoluticns the following resolution was introduced: RESOlliTION WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of Port AngeJe s by Resolution dated August 13, 1941, provided for the improvement of the South Cherry Hill District by paving the street with a light Bituminous surface treatment, according to Standard Specifications of the State of Washington, Dapartment of Highways, for. Secondary Highways, at a cost of $3,410.00 according to plans submitted by the City Engineer, the said Resolution was sent to t.he State P.ighway Department for approval and was approved by the Department as a State Aid project to be known as Port Aneeles City Street Project No. 16, and WHEREAS, the aotual cost of the Project was $4,703.60, the said amount being $1,295.60 in excess of the appropriation made for the Project of $5,410.00. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the appropriation be increased to $4,703.60 to cover the increase in the cost of City Street Project No. 16, South Cherry Hill District, City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Comrrdssioner Lind that the foregoine resolution be approved ond .dopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under t he head of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed on its first and second readings: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port "'ngeJe s relating to restricted lighting. Under the head of Reading Communications the following was read: FEDERA 1 WORKS AGENCY Assistant Regional Director Region No.7 511 Alaska Building Seattle, Washington October 15, 1942 Honorable H. H. Beetle Mayor Port ~geles, Washington Dear Mayar Beetle: We enclose herew:l.th check of the Treasurer of the United States, No. 702, dated October 14, 1942, payable to City of Port Angeles, '''ashington, City Hall, Port Angeles, Washington, in the amount of $2,500.00, in payment of First and Final Requisition on the above-identified project. The proceeds of this check should be deposited in the Construction Account and should be used only for the payment of project costs as set forth ill Column 4 of DPW Form No. 150 submitted in support of this requisi ti cn. Please sign the receipt on the attached copy of this letter and return to this office. Very truly yours, L. R. Durkee Assistant Regional Director The above is the final payment on Project no. Wash. 40-195 Recreational Facilities Port Angeles, IVash:l.ngton The same being a Recreational Project overh~uling and remodeling the basement of the Elks Club for the use of Soldiers and Sailors. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the said :$2500.00 check above referred to be placed in a fund to be known as the "Elks Building U.S.O. Construotion Fund" and disbursements be made against said fund no to exceed the sum of $2500.00. Motion seconded by Comrrdssioner Lind. On roll call all members voted .ye. The :Mayor declared the motion carried. ~ The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants dr~wrl for same: NExT PA liE ~ ~ 458 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 21. 1942 19_ ..... -TF!I<:K...U........U'l1.IO..UTlD..n.....,NU.._ 011..00 CURRENT EiPENSE FUND City Treasurer n " Olympic Penineula Motor Freight Angeles Cooperative Creamery Racon Electric.Co. Inc. Rhebeck's Den Benj. Franklin Thrift Store Fire Department North Coast Chemical & Soap Works The Electric Co. CITY STREET FUND Howard-Coopar Corp. Olympic Peninsula Motor Freight Co. WATER FUND Hugh ~. Purcell Co. Atlas Packing & Rubber Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. n II II 11 11 LI OHT FUND City Treasure I' G. IV. Jeffrey Puget Sound Navigation Co. Park & Shop United Janitors Supply Co. Line Material Co. CEMETERY ruND Filion Lumber Co. CITYWJDE SIDEWHK CONSTRUCTION FUND Dr. H. W. J;1eishha uer PARK FUND Montgomery Ward & ~o. United Janitor Supply Co. GUARANTY FUND Ci ty Treasurer Stamps If ,ete. Freight Butter and Ice Cream Midget Marine Speaker Batteries & Holster Grov8ries Extra Firerr,en' sPay l\ol] Extinguisher Fluid Electrical Supplies Bracket & Screw Freight Cross p~ eking Wood Pipe Pipe Bands Ca sh for postage Expense Account Freight Charges Janitor Supplies n .. Wire ~ Transformers, ete. Lumbe r Re fund Shades Vapack Blocs There being no further business the Corrrrnission then adjourned Assessments '?7~ . . City Cle rk 5.00 9.43 2.43 9.03 22.00 7.03 20.66 19 30.00 -- 15.68 f" '1 17.93 . '1 ~ 53.52 sq --- 5.87 29.51 Z 4.65 */153.09 II!" 9.15 101. 77 14.00 .80 .85 . ~ 27.50 11'/ ,/ 169.18 25.98 , 47.28 I ~ t:- 5.17 13.59 13.42 //I;M~ Ma yor I I I I I