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,.. 416
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 21
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Th~ City Council met in regular sessicn at 7:50 P.M. and was called to order by'Mayor Neer. Roll call of
officers snowed the following present: Mayor Neer, Councilmen BroVlIl, Powell, Wolfe and mcFadden, Manager
Vergeer, Attorney Severy-ns and Clerk !aw.
It was !:loved by CouncilJDan Brown tnat minutes of the previous session be approved as amended. Seccnded by
Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the, bid by Priest Logging and
Equipment Co. to furnish ladder truck for the Light DePilrtlll'lnt be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Mc-
Fadden and carried.
Under tne head of new business, it was moved by Counci:I.man McFadden that the Treasurer 'B report on pre-
,payment collection for L.I.D. No. 165, also the financial report for tne month of September, be approved
I)and placed on file. Seconded?y Counc~ Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
IClaimS paid October 7 in total amo;mt of $79,705.05, were filed for approval. It was moved by Councilman
Powell that clairr.s ?e approved as paid. Secon~~d by Councilman BroTlll and carried.
Manager Vergeer read communication from L. W. Perkins, Rear Adm., ?8.C ',G. Connnander, 15th C. G. District,
Ir~gardi~ extension of landing strip on Ediz Hook. Also a letter from .t'ort Angeles Public Schools commend-
ing the ouncil for improvements in the City, especially 12th ~treet at,. the "efferson School.
,Attorney Stanley :Jll.ylor appeared for Reid Priest and requested that the Council reconsider assessment of
1$4,417.00 against property in the S.E. portion of the City as no special benefit will be received from
-L.I.D. No. 167. Also that all property in fringe area be excluded or reconsidered. EdVlard "ughes advised
(that tne Council may consider now or later and if adjustments are justified, the CounCil may' consider, at the
'hearing on Assessment Roll. Mr. llughes alSo informed' that that total objections filed were $46,020.00 or
[9.44 % of total cost of improvement. (Ieter adjuSted to iM7,6l8.46 or 9.76% of ' cost of project.) ,
>Dick Dodge, representative of Log Truckers Conference, Washington f/'otor Transport Assn., Inc., ccmmended tne
~Council fcr efforts in construction of logging route thereby providing protection against unavoidab1e
accidents. ' .
;Under tne head of introduction am reading of Ordinanoes, 'th9 folloWing Vlere read in full and placed on:lst.
I .. . ORDINANCE NO: 1356 '
,AN ORDINANCE confirming the estimates of expenditure for the City of Port ilngeles' for tne year 1955' and
[affixing tax levies for said year as heretofore made airllevied by the City Cihuncil of the City of ' Port
tngeleS, meeting and sitting for sucn purpose and declaring ~n e~ergency. ,'^,' "
~It was moved by Coumilman Brown that the foregoing ordinance be ,approved and adopted. Seconded by. Council-
lman McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
' , rl L'
;AN ORDlNAIICE authorizing the is sua nee and sale of Local Improvement onds for ocal Improvenrmt District No.
"165 of the City of Port Angeles to pay the cost and expense of improvements 'in-said district as ordered ani
Provided for in Ordinance No. 1524 of the City of Port Angeles; providing for the term of said bonds and .
'fixing interest rates. . .
It was moved by Councilman Powell that the foregoing ordina~,<;e be approved a~ adopted. Seconded by C9un<;il..,
man Wolfe md unanimously carried. .
I OF.DU1ANCE NO. "1558
AI! ORDINANCE of the City of Fort Angeles, WaShington, providing for tne :i1nprovement of a nighway, streets,
an alley and mrive within the city by the filling, clearing, draining, grading, ballasting and paving
'thereof and 10;; doing all other l'/Ork necessarY in connection therew1tn and incidental thereto, pursuant to
~esolution No. 167 of the 'city, passed and approved September 16, 1954, creating an enlarged local improve-
ment diatrict therefor and 'providing that tne payriJent for said improvements be made by special assessments
upon tne property in said. district payable by the mode of "payment by'bonds.u' .
,I " . . - '
iIt was moved by COll.'1cilman Wolfe the t the foregoing 'ordinance be approved and 'adopted. Seconded by Council-
lr.an Brown. All members voted AYe'. lIiotion carried. ' . "
j . , . ' ' , <
It was moved by Coumilman Bf'0VIIl that the City Manager be authorized to publish calls for bids for construct'-
ion of projects provided in L.r.D. 110. 167, also for sale of bonds to pay for said construction. Motion"
eeconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried.
I '
No further business appeari1;g, the, meet~ng was de<;lared adjourned.
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