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Port Angeles, Washington
October 21, 1975
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Basom at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson, Ross, Wray.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish.
J. Warder, P. Reed, T. Honnold, R. Parrish, K. Morgan,
H. Kochanek, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, J.Hill, J. Sweatt.
Guests Present:
E. Anderson, R. Fisch, H. Buck, S. Anderson, R. Moll,
T. Holm, J. Butler, L. Switzer, C. Bednarek, J. Baldovin,
L. Ronning, R. Long, D. J. Caulkins, M. Matilla.
Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the October 7, 1975 meeting be accepted
and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and
passed by the Council.
1. Bid Call Authorization.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Park Department to call
for bids for the purchase of two baseball backstops and installation of
four backstops, the purchase and installation of eight wingfences, four
dugout fences and four outfield fences. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Olson and passed by the Council. (A 1975 budget item.)
2. Consideration of Bids.
a. Transformers - Light Department.
The City received transformer bids from six firms, namely, Graybar,
Utility Supply, Westinghouse, WESCO, GESCO and RTE. The bids submitted
by Graybar did not comply with bid specifications and Westinghouse did
not provide a bid deposit or bond. The Light Department analyzed the
remaining bids basing their recommendation for bid award on the total
transformer cost to the City including the energy loss factor. Mayor
Basom read the bid analysis report for each type of transformer with
the Council taking the following action in awarqing the bids for each
type of transformer to the lowest total cost bidder.
Councilman Olson moved the Council award the bid for 107 Dual Voltage
Transformers to RTE Corporation, Tigard, Oregon, at a total bid price
including sales tax of $31,617.60. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Wray and passed by the Council.
Councilman Olson moved the Council award the bid for 31 7200/12470 Y -
120/240 Volt Pole Type Transformers to WESCO, Tacoma, at a total bid
price including sales tax of $6,925.80. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
Councilman Olson moved the Council award the bid for 14 7200/12470 Y -
240/480 Volt Pole Type Transformers to WESCO, Tacoma, at a total bid
price including sales tax of $5,319.30. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Wray and passed by the Council.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for 24 Padmounted
Transformers to WESCO, Tacoma, at a total bid price including sales
tax of $11,237.10. The motion was seconded by Councilman Olson and
passed by the Council.
42City Council Meeting
October 21, 1975
2. Consideration of Bids continued.
b. Alarm Annunciator System - Police Department.
Manager Whorton reported to the Council concerning the bids received
for an Alarm Annunciator system stating th~one of the bidders sub-
mitted an alternate proposal which merits Council consideration.
Bidder ADT Security System proposes to install subject system at the
Police Department at no cost to or ownership by the City, with a one-
time customer connection fee and a monthly customer service charge,
thus eliminating for the City the initial system cost, and monthly
billing and maintenance expenditures. If the Council considered this
method of operation to be feasible, then it was Manager Whorton's
recommendation that the Council provide an opportunity for all the
original bidders to bid on this proposal by rejecting all the original
bids and authorizing a new call for bids on.the basis that the equip-
ment would be company owned, with said company charging subscribers
on a one-time connection fee and a monthly maintenance fee. Council-
man Wray then moved that the Council reject the bids received on the
Alarm Annunciator System and authorize a new call for bids on the
basis recommended by Manager Whorton. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Olson and carried by the Council.
3. Truck Road at Marine Dri~e Signalization Project.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $115.12 to Har~tad
Associates, Inc., for design engineering to October 1, 1975 on subject
project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council.
4. First and Front Streets Traffic Light Project.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $1,122.59 to
Harstad Associates for design engineering on subject project from September
5, 1975 - September 25, 1975. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross
and passed by the Council.
The Director of Public Works progress report on the First and Front
Streets Traffic Lights project was acknowledged and noted for the record
after being read by Mayor Basom.
5. Cedar Street Project.
Councilman Ross moved the Council approve payment of $10,843.06 to MELCO,
Inc., Sequim as the fourth (October) estimate of work done and material
furnished by said contractor on the Cedar Street project as established by
Public Works Director Warder. The motion was seconded by Councilman Olson
and carried by the Council.
6. Voucher Approval ~ist and Payroll Transfers.
Councilman Wray moved the Council approve payment of Vouchers Payable in
the amount of $465,734.37, L.I.D.s of $334,237.25 of which $334,000.00 is
progress payment No. 5 payable to Oe1 Guzzi Construction, Inc. for work
done and material furnished by said contractor on L.I.D. No. 198 as
established by Public Works Director, J. B. Warder, in his Certification
Letter dated October 15,1975, and Payroll Transfers of $94,212.82. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
1. Mayor Basom read the minutes of the Planning Commission October 13,1975
meeting with the following action being taken by the Council.
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City Council Meeting
October 21, 1975
1. Continued.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's
recommendation and approve the request of Charles J. and Mary H. Allen for
a conditional use permit for a home occupation to operate a craft shop in
the RS-7 zone located at 336 Whidby. Said permit subject to renewal in
six months based on the effect on traffic. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Wray and carried by the Council.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's
recommendation and approve Olympic Vistas' request for an extension of their
conditional use permit because the original permit had expired before they
could complete the project. The motion was seconded and carried with
Councilman Ross abstaining.
Counci lman Horylkmoved the Council concur with the Planning Corrunission's
recommendation and approve the request of the Public Utility District for
a six-month extension for their permit to construct a warehouse structure.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and passed by the Council.
Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the Planning Commission October 13,
1975 meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by Mayor Basom. Council-
man Haguewood seconded the motion and it carried.
A work session was scheduled with the Planning Commission for Thursday,
October 23, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers re: The Comprehensive
Plan Policies.
2. A letter r~ceived from B. Magnuson, dated October 7, 1975 requesting an
extension of the existing RMF zone to incorporate Block 1 of Crofts
Addition except the West 40' thereof and except the portion conveyed to
Ray D. Green and Flora Green by warranty deed dated December 17, 1965 was
read by Mayor Basom. Councilman Lukey moved to table and refer this re-
quest to the Planning Commission for recommendation and report. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried with Councilman
Ross abstaining.
3. Co unci lman 01 son moved "Mrs. C. Bednarek I s Water Problem" subject be
taken from the table and opened for continued discussion. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
Manager Whorton then briefed the Council concerning the facts revealed by
the research study to date, indicating that the easement entitlements and
other related control problems require additional researcch and analysis,
and concluding with the recommendation that this matter be again tabled
for delayed consideration. Councilman Ross then moved to table this matter
for further investigative study and report. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Wray and passed by the Council.
4. Councilman Wray moved Agenda Item No.4, "Cemetery Fees - Parks and
Recreation Director Memorandum" be tabled as requested by Manager Whorton.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council.
5. In reference to Agenda Item No.5, "Consideration of law Suit Against the
City - Burrowes and Fox," Attorney Taylor presented a brief report to the
Council concerning the progression of the proceedings in this matter. In
surrunary, Mr. Taylor informed the Council he has been advised that the very
critical in nature scheduled October 24, 1975 hearing will not be held on
said date due to the unavailability of a Superior Court Judge external to
Clallam County who will preside over the hearing, and, as the time element
is a major factor in a hearing of this magnitude, the date of October 24
was additionally unsuitable as it is a Calendar Day in Clallam County
Superi or Court. Upon advi sement of the ,actua 1 heari ng date, Attorney
Taylor stated he will report same to the Council and will keep the Council
advised of the progress of the proceeding on a regular basis. Councilman
'Ross then moved this matter be tabled for delayed consideration. The motion
was seconded by Councilman. Wray and passed by the Counci 1. -- Counci lman
Lakey then requested Manager Whorton arrange to have the Engineering,
Department provide the Council with a large scale map of the area in -
44City Council Meeting
October 21, 1975
6. Mayor Basom next read Manager Whorton's draft memorandum re: the Court-
house site. This subject is an advisory Proposition appearing on the
November 4, 1975 General Election banot. In his report to the Council
Manager Whorton presents an analysis of architect L. Roline's cost
comparative report on the proposed Courthouse sites indicating the rami-
fications involved with the Campbell Avenue location, e.g., public
inconvenience, traffic and transportation problems, necessary improve-
ments required to City streets, sewers, water mains, electrical facilities
and the associated costs, also stating the most evident factors advant-
ageous to a Roosevelt Junior High School site location, i.e., the possible
cost-sharing of facilities, services, supplies and equipment purchases by
intergovernmental agencies, public convenience, and savings of taxpayers
dollars. The report also contained courses of action the Council might
pursue to reaffirm the City's position in this matter.
The Council then took under consideration and discussed Manager Whorton's
recommended avenues of action and it was the consensus of the Council that
items No. 1 and No.3, Page 5, be accepted and that items No. 2 and No.4
be deleted from Page 5 of Manager Whorton's memorandum. Councilman Ross
then moved the Council reaffirm their strong public stand that the new
proposed Courthouse be located at the Roosevelt Junior High School site
to facilitate the original intent of mutual cooperation between the local
governmental agencies in a variety of areas and that a copy of Manager
Whorton's memorandum as revised be forwarded to the County Commissioners
to fully explain the City's position on the Courthouse site and to express
the desire of the City to cooperate on ways of saving money. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Olson. Councilman Haguewood then recommended
a paragraph referencing the joint cooperative City-County efforts relative
to implementation of the ~tate Environmental Protection Act be incQrporated
into the memorandum. On call for the question on the amended motion, the
motion was passed by the Council.
Councilman Haguewood moved to accept and place on file the Clallam County
Humane Society September, 1975 work report. Tihe motion was seconded by
Councilman Lukey and carried.
Mayor Basom next introduced an item for Council consideration which was
not included On this meeting's Agenda, namely, "An Agreement of Settlement"
Re: Claim of the State of Washington arising out of Statewide City
Employee's Retirement System's former practice of charging system manage-
ment administrative costs to investment income rather than assessing the
member cities during the period 1960-1971 (SCERS succeeded by Public
Employee's Retirement System effective January 1, 1972). Attorney Taylor
then briefed the Council concerning this matter stating the State's
initial claim amounted to $322,236.16 effecting 107 member cities; that the
State Public Employee's Retirement System by letter dated December' 23, 1974
made demand upon the City of Port Angeles in the amount of $12,270.78 as the
City's pro-rata share of the alleged undercharges during the 1960-1971 time
period; that negotiations involving representatives from the State Offices
of the Auditor, Attorney General and P.E.R.S., various City Attorneys
and the Municipal Research and Services Center acting in cooperation with the
A.W.C. have been going on since the December 23, 1974 demand date for the
purpose of arriving at a compromise offer of settlement to the State; that
said negotiations resulted in the subject "proposal of compromised full and
complete settlement of the State's claim agreement," based on the fonowing
conditions: (1) The State would not claim any amount for any alleged
deficiency for the period 1961 through 1966. (2) The 107 cities would
pay thirty-three and one-third percent (33 1/3%) of the alleged deficiency
for the period 1967 through 1970. (3) The 107 cities would pay the entire I
amount of the alleged deficiency for the calendar year 1971. Attorney
Taylor recommended the Council accept the "Agreement for Settlement."
Councilman Wray then moved the Council accept the "Agreement for Settlement." '
The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and passed by the Council.
City Council Meeting
October 21, 1975
g. Mayor Basom read a letter dated October 17,1975 received from N.O.l.S.
Director M. McCall informing the. Council of the resignation of Mr. Robert
Green, a City representative On the N.D.L.S. Board of Trustees, and sub-
mitting the name of Mr. Walter M. Miller, 603 Georgiana, as replacement
candidate for the Council's consideration and the subsequent nominee
confirmation by the County Board of Commissioners. After a brief discussion
during which Commissioner Caulkins, who was in attendance, commented he
felt Mr. Miller would be an excellent choice, Councilman Wray moved the
Council approve the nomination of Mr. Walter M. Miller to fill the
vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Robert Green on the Board of
Trustees of the North Olympic Library System. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Ross and passed by the Council.
10. Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board that Ross
Ernest Wait, Michael Alan Wait and George William Lindell, dba Sawtooth
Restaurant, 1527 East First Street, Port Angeles, have been granted a
change of trade name as of October 16, 1975 to the Cedar's Restaurant was
acknowledged and noted for the record after being read by Mayor Basom.
1. A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilman Lukey
and passed to accept and place on file the August Financial and Treasurer
(eports; the September reports on Fire, Municipal Judge, Parks and
Recreation, Police, Light and Water wo~ reports, and Utilities billing
report; and the Light and Police out-of-town reports.
2. Councilman Ross:
Tumwater-Marine Drive Signalization Project -
Manager Whorton reported construction should
start the first part of November, delay caused
by materials manufacturer; discussion re one-
way truck travel route going East on Third
revealed proposal to be unsafe therefore not
I 3. Councilman Hordyk:
4. Counci 1 man Wray:
5. Councilman Lukey:
Reported Council will adjourn to Executive
Session immediately following adjournment of
regular meeting.
L.r.D. No. 198 Progress Report re: Asphalt
contractor; B.P.A. Preference Customer
Meeting - volunteered to attend.
Disposal of oil waste - possibility of oil
violation assessments for violators - explore
use of absorbative product rather than
flushing the street.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
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