HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/21/1997 3569 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 21, 1997 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers Braun, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, and Wiggins. Members Absent: Councilman Campbell. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Hagar, B. Becker, B. Collins, K. Godbey, B. Titus, G. Kenworthy, and R. Ellsworth. Public Present: P. Tietz, L. Williams, P. Goddard, M. Rowe, M. Wlks, K. Boggs, and L. Lee. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Ostrowski. ALLEGIANCE: · APPROVAL OF Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October MINUTES: 7, 1997. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman McKeown moved to approve the minutes of the special meetings of October 14, 1997. Councilmember Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CEREMONIAL None. MA~TERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: FINANCE: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Change in Public Hearing date - Recovery of Abatement Costs; 2) Real Estate Committee recommendation to send CALKINS request to circulate an annexation petition back to thc Planning Commission for further consideration; 4) Payroll - October 5, 1997 - $356,444.09; 5) Check list - October 17, 1997 - $1,285,706.91; 4a) Wastewater Main '~- Replacement, Project 97-04, Progress payment #1; 4b) Downtown Sidewalk - Watermains, Project 94-22, Progress payment #1; 4c) WWTP .Outfall Diffuser, project 95-09, Progress payment #2. Councilman ltnlett seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and Councilman Doyle gave a brief report on the recent Real Estate Committee meeting and explained why the Committee felt the Calkins annexation should be referred back to the Planning Commission. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried nnanimonsly. -1- 3570 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 21, 1997 ITEMS FROM THE None. AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON THIS AGENDA OR A FUTURE AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. STREET VACATION PETITION- STV 97-01 - WALKHOFF, Portion of "P" Street between 14th Street and Milwaukee Drive Street Vacation - Walkhoff Mayor Ostrowski asked Planning Director Collins if he had any comments to offer on this issue. Director Collins pointed out that the Planning Commission and staff recommend denial. Mayor Ostrowski opened the public hearing at 7:09 p.m. There was no public testimony, and the public hearing was closed at 7:09 p.m. At Councilman Wiggins' request, City Engineer Kenworthy used the overhead projector to demonstrate the intersections of "P"/Fourteenth Streets and Milwaukee/Fourteenth Streets. Engineer Kenworthy explained that the intersections are very high angles; therefore, as a condition of that street vacation, he had suggested the City exchange some land with Mr. Walkhoffrather than have Mr. Walkhoffproceed with a purchase. This would improve the angle and make this a win-win situation. Mr. Walkhoff did not wish to make the exchange, and a compromise could not be reached. Engineer Kenworthy explained that his recommendation for denial of this vacation was not capricious but, rather, fell within the standards for acceptable urban traftie engineering design. Discussion followed, and Engineer Kenworthy responded to questions and provided clarification of the issue. Councilman Wiggins moved to deny the petition for street vacation citing Findings I - 9 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "A', which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Street Vacation - Schouten 2. STREET VACATION PETITION- STV 97-02 - SCHOUTEN, Portion of 16th Street between "B" and "C" Streets Mayor Ostrowski asked Planning Director Collins to use the overhead projector to demonstrate the area under discussion. Director Collins explained that the purpose of the street vacation was to allow Angeles Millwork and Lumber Co. to be rebuilt, as it was destroyed during the snow storm last winter. Mayor Ostrowski opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. Arnold Schouten, 1601 S. "C' Street, stated Angeles Millwork and Lumber Co. is committed to keeping a westside presence. Without this action, it would be difficult to make the improvements needed. There was no further testimony, and Mayor Ostrowski closed the public heating at 7:21 .p.m. Director Collins pointed out that a compensation amount for the right-of-way was required to be made a part of the Ordinance. However; because the Real Estate Committee had not yet set that compensation amount, the Ordinance could not be adopted at this meeting. The Council could approve the street vacation and then take formal action on the adoption of the Ordinance at the next regular Council meeting. Director Collins advised the Council that Mr. Schouten was aware of this fact and found it to be acceptable. Attorney Knutson provided further clarification of the action to be taken on this matter. -2- 357'1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 21, 1997 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Councilman Doyle moved to concur with the Planning Commission (Cont'd) recommendation, subject to Conditions I - 3 and citing Findings I - 8 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "B", which is attached to and becomes a Street Vacation - Schouten part of these minutes. Counclhnan Braun seconded the motion. Discussion followed, (Cont'd) and a Real Estate Committee meeting was set for Monday, November 3, 1997. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Rezone Request - Schouten 3. REZONE REQUEST- REZ 97-01 - SCHOUTEN, 1601 S. "C" Street: Rezone OrdinanceNo. 2971 property zoned CN, Commercial Neighborhood, to IL, Industrial Light, property zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family, to IL, and a property designated a CN to RS-7. The rezone is in association with the redevelopment/consolidation of an existing lumber mill/retail sales use. Using the overhead projector, Director Collins described the area being considered for a rezone. He explained why Mr. Schouten was requesting the rezone and responded to questions posed by the Council. Mayor Ostrowski opened the public heating at 7:35 p.m. Arnold Schouten, 1601 S. "C' Street, advised the Council that a neighboring property owner was unaware of the fact that his property was previously zoned CN. Being made aware of this fact, the neighbor was in favor of the rezone as proposed. Mr. Schouten felt that all of his neighbors were in support of the rezone. There was no further public testimony, and the public hearing was closed at 7:36 p.m. Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by title, which was corrected by Director Collins, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2971 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles rezoning property located in Blocks 429 and Block 442, from Commercial Neighborhood and Residential Single Family to Industrial Light and from Commercial Neighborhood to Residential Single Family. Councilman I-Inlett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1-12 and Conclusions A - E, as set forth in attached Exhibit "C', which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CDBG Grant 4. Application for CDBG General Purpose Grant to Fund Phase IV of the P.A. Housing Rehabilitation Program Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Deputy Director of Public Works Titus explained that the purpose of this public heating was to hear comments from the public on needs within the community and projects that individuals would like to see the City support through grant applications. Determination will then be made as to which projects best fit the community' s needs, and a second public hearing will be held for input regarding the specific projects the City chooses to include in the grant application. Deputy Director Titus suggested the public heating be continued to 'the next meeting for continuation of public input on specific recommendations. Mayor Ostr0wski opened the public heating at 7:39 p.m. Martin Rowe, Housing Division Director for Clallam/Jefferson Community Action Council (CAC), stated his agency has administered the housing rehabilitation program since 1993. -3- 3572 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 21, 1997 PUBLIC HEARINGS: He requested that the City consider submitting a grant application on behalf of the housing (Cont'd) rehabilitation project as,' since 1993, the CAC has served almost 150 low-income households, providing a large range of repair services and contributing almost $1.4 million CDBG Grant (Cont'd) worth ofeonstmeti~..tg,tha local economy. There are 40 people on an existing waiting list, and the CAC Will not be able to provide service without this grant. Mr. Rowe then responded to questions directed by the Council. Pam Tietz, 10 Melton Road, Director of the Clallam County Housing Authority, supported an application for housing rehabilitation. This program helps many families which might otherwise be homeless. Ms. Tietz felt this was a great program and encouraged the Council to consider it for grant application. She also asked the Council to consider expanding the grant program to include eligibility of non-profit organizations, such as the housing authority, so that they might apply for funds for the rehabilitation of multi-family units. She felt this type of program could turn existing buildings into affordable housing. Ms. Tietz encouraged the Council to consider this application. Councilman Braun moved to continue the public hearing to November 4,. 1997. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. LEGISLATION: 1. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings None. 2. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings None. 3. Planning Commission Minutes/Actions Items A. Planning Commission Minutes of October 8, 1997 Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes of October 8, 1997. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Planning CommissionMinutes of October 15, 1997 Councilman Braun moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes of October 15, 1997. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Other Considerations Appeal of CUP Denial for A. Appeal of CUP Denial for Sequim Boys dk Girls Club Boys &Girls Club Councilmember McKeown pointed out that Planning Director Collins had distributed copies of the Planning Commission minutes and the staff report, as well as findings and conclusions in support of denial and in support of approval. Attorney Knutson stated that, as this is an appeal of the Planning Commission's determination and the Council has listened to the tapes of that meeting and reviewed the transcript, the appellant is entitled to address the Council. First, however, Attorney Knutson felt it would be appropriate for the Planning Director to explain the Planning Commission's basis for its decision. Director Collins reviewed the history of this issue and explained the Planning Commission's basis for its decision. The major concern expressed was relative to the safety of the children. Director Collins noted that the Findings and Conclusions which he had distributed were the Findings and Conclusions that were drawn up by the Planning -4- 3573 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 21, 1997 LEGISLATION: Commission from the staffreport. (Cont'd) Joe Hawe, representing the Sequim Boys & Girls Club, 414 N. Sequim Avenue, Sequim, Appeal of CUP Denial for thanked the Council for hearing this appeal. SheriffHawe re-emphasized several points Boys & Girls Club (Cont'd) made in the appeal. He reminded the Council that this was only a temporary use, lasting approximately eight months, while construction of the Evergreen Village commons area is completed. SheriffHawe stated that the temporary location of the Boys & Girls Club at the proposed site would be safe, and that Police Chief Ilk agreed that it would be safe. Also, there is a definite need in the community for youth activity, and the Boys & Girls Club Can fill that need. SheriffHawe then explained what activities the Boys & Girls Club would provide for the children. Sheriff Hawe requested that the Council approve this appeal. Discussion followed, and Sheriff Hawe and Director Collins responded to questions posed by the Council and provided clarification of the issue. Councilmember McKeown moved to support the appeal of the CUP. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Councilmember McKeown explained why she supported this appeal and reminded the Council that Police Chief Ilk also supported the idea of the Boys & Girls Club in this area. She stated the surrounding businesses are not in opposition to this project, as there is a definite need on the west side for children's activities. Councilman Wiggins pointed out that Findings and Conclusions had not been included in the motion. Counciimember McKeown moved to amend the motion to include Findings 1-9, Conditions 1 - 2, and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "D', which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Director Collins asked to change the wording to Finding #8 to state "County Sheriff Hawe and Police Chief Ilk believe the temporary industrial site is a safe location for the Boys and Girls Club activities." Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion as amended. Discussion followed, and the Council members stated their reasons for supporting this appeal. A vote was taken on the amendment to the motion, which carried unanimously. A vote was taken on the motion, as amended, which carried unanimously. Director Collins pointed out that Condition #2 approves the CUP for six months, but does allow for an extension if necessary. Marine Drive/Hill Street B. Removal of Structure at Marine Drive and Hill Street Structure Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and invited Mr. John Didrickson to address the Council on this issue. John Didrickson, 731 E. 1 lth Street, thanked the Council and staff for the opportunity to inspect the building located at Marine Drive and Hill Street. He stated he was satisfied that this building was not the original Ediz Hook lighthouse structure. Mr. Didrickson felt that the structure should be dismantled, using volunteer and community service labor, and rebuilt out at Lincoln Park for a caretakers home. He felt this would be good use of public funds. Manager Pomeranz lauded Mr. Didrickson's enthusiasm for this project; however, he stated this facility must be moved or removed, and time lines for this must be set. Mr. Didhckson stated he was not ~ to begin this project until January, and lengthy discussion followed. Councilman Hulett asked Mr. Didrickson if he had a place for storage of the structure once dismantled, and Mr. Didrickson did not feel this would be a problem. Councilman Braun asked if the building was salvageable, and Mr. Didrickson responded that the 2 x 4's and siding certainly appeared to be reusable. Councilman Wiggins felt Mr. Didrickson should work in conjunction with the Parks Department on this project and with deadlines set. Councilman Doyle felt the building should be demolished, as the Parks Department has enough to handle without adding another project. Manager Pomeranz stated that retaining the building for historical purposes was frae; however, he felt it would be less expensive to build a caretaker's residence out of new materials. -5- 3574 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 21, 1997 LEGISLATION: Mr. Didrickson pointed out that many historic structures have been lost as a result of (Cont'd) vandalism. A caretaker's residence is necessary in the historic area of Lincoln Park, and this residence would be designed to function as a tourist attraction. Marine Drive/Hill Street Structure (Cont'd) Councilman Wiggins moved to allow the Parks and Recreation Department to work with Mr. Didrlckson to come up with a plan for removal and relocation of this structure by the end of July, 1998. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Further . discussion followed. Cotmcilman Hulett again expressed concern over storing the structure and wanted to make sure it would not be stored on City property, in case the same problems crop up in the future. Council then discussed the deadline for the structure to be removed from the propem/, and Councilman Wiggins moved to amend the motion to removal and relocation of the structure by March 31, 1998. Conncilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Councilman Hulett asked Councilman Wiggins to consider an~ending the motion to include the storage of the materials be on private property and not City property. Councilmembers Wiggins and McKeown agreed to the amendment. Further lengthy discussion followed, and concern was expressed regarding the City's liabili .ty in the dismantling. Manager Pomeranz pointed out that the Parks Department is willing to work,vith Mr. Didrickson on a removal plan, and these issues can be addressed at that time. Manager Pomeranz's main concern was removing the building as soon as possible. Council asked Mr. Didrickson to develop a plan for removal of the building and redeveloping it at Lincoln Park. After further discussion, a vote was taken on the amendment to the motion, which carried unanimously. A vote was taken on the motion as amended, which carried by a majority, with Councilman Doyle voting in opposition. Bilateral Compliance C. WS DOH Bilateral Compliance Agreement Agreement Mayor Ostrowski invited Water Superintendent Ellsworth to comment on this matter. At Councilman Braun's request, Superintendent Ellsworth summarized the Utility Advisory Committee's (UAC) discussions of this issue, provided a history of the water quality compliance project, and reviewed the revisions proposed. Superintendent Ellsworth then responded to questions posed by the Council and offered further clarification of the issue. Councilman Doyle pointed out that the reservoh--covering project is conditioned upon the City applying for and receiving a Public Works Trust Fund Loan, and discussion followed regarding corrosion control, lead an copper levels in the water, and how covering the reservoirs should eliminate these problems. Councilman Braun moved to approve the compliance schedule and agreements, subject to the inclusion of two revisions. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Agreement with CH2MHill D. Agreement with CH2MHill for Water Supply Study Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Cotmcilmm~ Doyle asked if item #8 in the Scope of Service, Lower Elwha S'Klallam Tribe Coordination, had been changed since the UAC meeting. Attorney Knutson stated it had. The UAC and staffhad indicated that this provision would give too much deference to the Tribe's concerns. The intent is that the City will take the Tribe's concerns into account in developing water supply plamfing; however, the City would not defer to the Tribe. Cotmcilman Doyle then referred to Exhibit "B", Fee Estimates for Phase 1 of the project, and noted that #8, Tribe Coordination, was the largest fee. He felt too much emphasis was being placed on the Tribe's concerns. Manager Pomeranz informed the Council that they we, re free to change this amount if they so desired. He recommend reducing the figure to $2,000, which would fall into line with the rest of the numbers. Brief discussion followed. -6- CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 21, 1997 LEGISLATION: Councilman Braun moved .to approve the agreement and scope of work and (Cont'd) authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement, with the amendment of reducing the amount of item #8 to $2,000 to conform with the other fees listed. Councilmember Agreement with CH2IV[Hill McKeown s~~,i~n, which carried unanimously. (Cont'd) ~ ~ ?'w'l~" ? ';;-. ~,..:~ Economic Summit E. Update of Economic Summit Manager Pomeranz asked to update the Council on the upcoming Economic Summit. Manager Pomeranz stated there has been lot of enthusiasm generated over the upcoming Economic Summit. Statewide media has been covering the topic, which has been discussed on several talk shows. The overall issue drawing the attention is the theme of the summit, which is the two Washingtons bridging the gap. The Washingtons consist of the I-5 corridor and the rural Washington. Port Angeles is getting a lot of credit for initiating this summit. The Govemor's office has invited approximately 200 individuals to attend the summit. They've also developed a list of individuals who have been invited to participate in various roundtable discussions. Manager Pomeranz then described some of the issues to be discussed. He informed the Council that he had been invited by the Governor to participate in the roundtable dealing with local government and had been asked to help raise funds for the smnmit. Manager Pomcranz was pleased to report that First Federal Savings and Loan, SeaFirst, U.S. Bank, and U.S. West had each donated $5,000 towards the Economic Summit. At this point, it is not anticipated any City funds will be needed for the Summit. There will be a community dinner held immediately following the summit. It is hoped that this Summit will bring some of the best minds and experience together to discuss ways and means to generate jobs and stimulate economies of rural communities. The information will then be used to develop a legislative package for this Legislative session. Mayor Ostrowski announced that there will be a regional legislative meeting in Port Orchard on October 29, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. This will be attended by Mayor Ostrowski, Councilman Wiggins, and Manager Pomeranz. Councilmember McKeown informed the Council that they will be receiving a packet this week regarding Human Service funding. The Committee will meet with the United Way Board in November to interview those agencies applying for funds. -7- 3576 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 3577 Exhibit "A" FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF DENIAL OF STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 97-02 - WALKHOFF: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Bob Walkhoff. The application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the September 24, 1997 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 97-02. 2. The requested vacation is for the vacation of"P" Street south of 14th Street and north of Milwaukee Drive (identified in Attachment A of the September 24, 1997 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 97-02). 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and environmental impact statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are designated in the City's Comprehensive Plan as Medium Density Residential (MDR), the right-of-way and the properties to the east, south and north are zoned Residential Medium Density (RMD) and the property to the north is zoned RS-9. 5. There are no utilities located in the subject right-of-way. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently unimproved. 7. The Public Works, City Light, and Fire Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the September 24, 1997 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 97-02. 8. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies B3 and C3, Transportation Policy B 18, and Conservation Policy B3 as listed in the September 24, 1997 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 97-02 directly relate to the proposed vacation. 9. The applicant stated that he is unwilling to comply with the recommended condition of approval recommended by the City's Public Works Department which includes dedication of adjacent property identified in Attachment D of the September 24, 1997, staff report for STV 97-02. Conclusions: A. The vacation as conditioned is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Policies B3 and C3, Transportation Policy B 18, and Conservation Policy B3. 3578 B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation would result in an improved configuration for future improvement of the intersection. C. The proposed vacation will have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles on this ~ day of October, 1997. City of Port Angeles ATTEST: 3579 Exhibit "B" FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 97-03- SCHOUTEN: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Arnold Schouten, the application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the October 8, 1997 Planning Department StaffReport for STY 97-03. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of 16th Street abutting Lots 11-14, Block 429 and Lots 7-10, Block 442 (identified in Attachment A of the October 8, 1997 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 97-03). 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800(2)(h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Commercial. Lots 11, 12, and 13 of Block 429 and Lots 8, 9, and 10 of Block 442 are zoned Commercial, Neighborhood and Lot 14 of Block 429 and Lot 7 of Block 442 are zoned RS-7. 5. There is a major electrical transmission line located in the subject right-of-way. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, City Light, and Fire Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the October 8, 1997 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 97-03. 8. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policy B3 and Transportation Policy B 18 as listed in the October 8, 1997 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 97-03 directly relate to the proposed vacation. Conclusions: A. The vacation as conditioned is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Policy B3 and Transportation Policy B 18. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will allow a redevelopment of the adjacent site with improved site design and reduced impacts on the adjacent residential area. C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. /.----.~Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles on thisc~]AP-day of ~-~.~9~1~ ~ -~J~'rosper Ostrows i, Mayor City of Port Angeles ATTEST: Be;ky lJl~t0~ Ci~}cler-k ~' .... 3580 Exhibit "C" FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZONE REQUEST - REZ 97-01- SCHOUTEN: Findings: · 1. The proposed rezone request is to change the existing site's zoning from CN to IL (Lots 11-13 of Block 429 and Lots 8-12 of Block 442), rezone the three properties to be added to the site fi:om RS-7 to IL (Lots 14 and 15 of Block 429 and Lot 7 of Block 442), and rezone one existing CN property located adjacent to the southernmost portion of the site from CN to RS-7 (Lot 13 of Block 442). (Attachment C to staff's report.) 2. The Comprehensive Plan designates the majority of the site as Commercial and the site extends into the marginal area between the Commercial designation and the Industrial designation. 3. The subject area is presently developed with the Angeles Millworks retail lumber yard and supply store and two single family residences. One of the residences eill be be demolished and the property included in the applicant's redeveloped site. The remaining residence is included in this rezone request to change its zoning designation to match the zoning of the adjacent residences. 4. The retail lumber yard and building supplies store use of the property has been in existence since 1906. The proposed redevelopment is a result of snow damage to the current faciities that occurred during last year's winter storms. 5. The City adopted a new Comprehensive Plan in 1994 and amended it in 1995 and 1996, including changes in land use designations for the subject site in 1994 and 1996. 6. A retail lumber yard and building supplies store is not a permitted use in the current CN zoning. 7. A retail lumber yard and building supplies store is a permitted use in the IL zone which is adjacent to the south of the existing site. 8. The subject location has several types of land uses and land use designations surrounding the site. 9. The original placement of the Comprehensive Plan's land use designations attempted to reflect this area's predominant existing uses. 10. Although, the subject site is not located in either the harbor area or the near the airport, the proposed rezone would be an extension of the existing IL zone directly adjacent to the south of the subject site. 11. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on October 10, 1997 (See Staff Report for REZ 97-01 Attachment B. ). 3581 12. The posted public comment period for this application ran fi.om September 22 to October 8, 1997. During this time the Planning Department received one letter of comment from Helen Radke who owns Lots 16 and 17 of Block 429. (Ms. Radke's letter supporti, ng the proposal is attachedto the October 15, 1997 Staff Report for REZ 97-01 Attachment D. Conclusions: A. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies A1 and 2, D1, G2, and H4 as listed and reviewed in the October 15, 1997 Staff Report for REZ 97-01. B. The proposed extension north of the IL zone will help facilitate the redevelopment of the site which will in turn allow the existing use to remain economically viable and increase its compatibility with the surrounding land uses. C. The rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. D. The original reasoning for the placement of the land use designations and the Land Use Map's concept of imprecise boundaries, justifies a correction by the City of the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Map rather requiring an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan. E. The rezone would enable an existing business to be rebuilt. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles on this ~ day of October, 1997. City of Port Angeles ATTEST: Becky Up~, ci<~y Cle;k 3582 Exhibit "D" Findings and conclusions in support of the appeal of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 97-15 for the SEQUIM BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB: 1. The Conditional Use Permit shall become void, and the social and recreational use shall cease, in the event a change in circumstances is found by the Planning Commission which would result in potential adverse impacts on an approved residential use or if any land use conflicts arise. 2. The Conditional Use Permit shall be approved for six months until April 21, 1997, at which time the Conditional Use Permit shall become void, unless a timely extension is applied for and approved by the Planning Commission for a maximum of an additional six months. 1. The applicant, the Sequim Boys and Girls Club, applied for a conditional use permit to allow operation of a boys and girls club located at 2417 W. 19th Street in the IL zone as proposed in the September 24, 1997 Planning Department Staff Report for CUP 97-15 Attachment A. 2. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposal on September 22, 1997, and is attached as Attachment B of the September 24, 1997 Staff Report for CUP 97-15. 3. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the subject property is Industrial. 4. The subject property is zoned Industrial, Light (IL). 5. The purpose of the IL zone is as follows: ILZone "This is an industrial zone intended to create and preserve areas for industrial uses in close proximity to airports and highways. Permitted uses are largely devoid of exterior nuisance factors, such as noise, glare, air and water pollution, and fire and safety hazards on adjacent non-industrial property, and do not have an exceptional demand on public facilities. These types of industrial uses typically involve the manufacture of finished products from pre-fabricated materials, product wholesaling, and material storage. Buffering measures to reduce the impact of industriaI uses on nearby residential uses may be required." 6. Social service agencies are a conditional use permitted in the IL zone as follows: "Social service agencies providing 24-hour residential care, where a.) The average daily noise levels (ldn) do not exceed 60 decibels for exterior portions of the site and 45 decibels for interiors of living quarters; b.) There are no existing industrial uses in the vicinity which would adversely impact the residential use; and 3583 c.) In the event a change in circumstances is found by the Planning Commission which would result in potential adverse impacts on an approved residential use or if any land use conflicts arise, the Conditional Use Permit shall become void, and the residential use shall cease." 7. Section 17.08.090, B of the Port Angeles Municipal Code defines "recreation facility or area, non-commercial" as "a facility or area for recreation purposes, such as a swimming pool, park, tennis court, playground, or other similar use operated and maintained by a non-profit club or organization." 8. The County SheriffHawe and Police Chief Ilk believe the temporary industrial site is a safe location for the Boys and Girls Club activities. 9. The applicant has stated that the conditional use permit is needed for a short time and that it will be relocated to a more permanent place in a few months. A. The Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Policies A2, D2, and G2 are directly relevant to the proposed project. B. The proposed use is similar to both a social service agency and a nonprofit club recreation operation and could be temporarily permitted with conditions. C. There are no existing industrial uses in the vicinity which would adversely impact the social and recreational activities of the Boys and Girls Club at this time. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles on this ~ day of October, 1997. r Ostrowski, Mayor Port Angeles ATTEST: