HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/22/1947 ,... 390 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 22. 194-2- liThe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.l.l., and was called to order by Acting Mayor Steele. Roll call of officers showed the following present: E. C. Steele, Mayor Pro Tern, Commissioner Johnson, Attorney ,Wilson, and Clerk Law. . I' Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. 'I 'Under the head of applications for building permits, the following wers granted: ';z7""dO -:: C.. A. Edmisten / : Puget Sound Nav. Co. ;, Frank Pollow Jack Del Guzzi ilJack Del Guzzi I Jack Del Guzzi 'Paul Fronde Clyde H. Basom Jack Filion Clyde R. Hensley . J .' R. Leamon Excavate & Put in Concrete Basement; Lot 10, Elk. 157, Townsite Repair Foundation; Lot.l, Blk. 1. Tidelands West of Laurel, Townsite Move House; Lot 5, Elk. ~52, Townsite Mld 5-Room Dwelling; 5 Lts. lo-ll, Blk. 271, Townsite fuild 5-Room Dwelling; N2Lts. 10-11, Elk. 2n, Townsite fuild 7-Room Dwelling; Lot 16, Blk. 251, Townsite Add. Lbr. Warehcuse to Present Lbr. Yard; Lot 5, Blk. 267, Townsite Build l-Car Garage with APt. Overhead; N2 Lta 1-2, Elk. 127, Townsite auld Badrcom & Back Porch Addition; Lot 19, Elk. ll9, Townsite Install 2 Bedroonuf to Present !Melling; Lot 7, Blk. 1, Hartt & Cook Add. Make Alterations to Storeroom; Lot 9, Elk. 2 Tidelands E. of Laurel I I 2,500.00 1,000.001 300.001 5,000.00 , 5,000.00 10,000.00' 1,500.00' 2jOOO..0011 1, Boo.oo I 200.00 300.00 I Under the head of unfinished. business, the bids for pick-up or panel body truck for the Water Dept. were opened. Bids submitted were as follows: H. T. Swanson Motor Co. $1,362.50; Truck & Equiplllllnt Co. $1,504.97; $1,570.79, and $1,565.42; Samuelson Motor Co., 6 cylinder il,415.30, 8 cylinder, $.L,446.55. All bids were referred to the Engineer I s Department for further consideration until t he next session. 'rl' LEGAL, PUBLICATIONS ,U'1'1I'1'~ '1'0 tllljU1<jU!' :-;(1'1']('1,; I" Iltl"<:l,y g"i\'('ll tlH\t ~'~'Hl- (',1 hl(l1'< will LJ(> <<("(<,pted h)" the l'itv i t'lprk v( th,.' l'!ty of l'olot Ang(>le~. :It the ('11\- Hall III l'''I't o\llg('I~H. \\'.~"hillgt"n.. until 111 <t.m.. l.ll'tul"'to I ~~, 1 '~7, "m1 II"t llll..I'. (Dr till' iu- " ;.;tllllutl"lI "I' TlHrrJ,. Cuntrol Sll-i;na]l-l. . ~lwd(h-nti(J"l'! ma,l. h,' ohtnill('d from ,llH' o[fk,' of th(. (,il)' C!,O!'k Up(>11 dl'- ;H);.;i(il1~ $,dlfi, whkh will 1,.. l'{,j"unr'l. ....d if lIw ",p(.dfi('nlion" Ill'" r,'IU1o:,.,rI \I' 111.. l'll, ('I('I'k 10"'("1<0 Ilw l>id" : 011"'- ")1,'11<-<1:1'1,(. ('il.,'" Clllllllli....i<i,m 1""'- :1].'iLli~~L'" tll<' I'h.,-ht ~u n'jt"'l ~Ilr .'10 :111 Cherry street. il ;\1~:;' I !j;,~~::' ~:")i' "hJ """,.",1,,,,' "", """'" ,. "~I Under the head of new rosiness, a report by tha 'City Treasurer was read to the ;U.J. Commission recommending that warrants issued in payment for construction of Side-I walks in L.I.D. No. 148 be redaemed by reserves in Fireman's Pension Fund and L.I. iJuaranty I'\1nd instead of I by Bond issue. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the recommendation be approved and the Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance making provisions for payments from the said FUnds, and amending ordinances in conflict therewith. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I The bids submitted for installation of traffic control system were as follows: Th9 Electric Co. $2,940.00; Olympic Electric $5,867.25; Rockvtell Electric $3,882.75. I The foregoing bids were referred to the Light Superintendent for further consider~1;. tion. Referring to a petition filed October 9th, requesting a street light in the alley between 6th and 7th Streets and Cherry and Valley Streets, by recommendation of Supt. Lean it was decided to install the light at the end of 7th Street, wast of 'A petition signed by property owners requesting that street lights be inatalled on Laurel Street from the boulevard to Park Avenue, was referred to the City Attorney. Another petition for street lights in alley between Georgiana and Front and Vine and Albert Streets was referred to the Light Supt. Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City the following were introdu ced: IIX. E. Rudolph Lots 15~ 14, Elk. 1 of Doyle's Subd. of Sub. ~ot 20 of Original Townsite 4OO.00~ K. E. Rudolph Lot 15, Blk. 110, E. C. Baker's Subd. of Sub. Lot 19, Port Angeles 400.00 K. E. Rudolph Lot 14, Blk. 110, E. C. Baker's Subd. of Sub. Lot 19, Port Angeles 400.00: ,:K. E. Rudolph E2 Lots B, 9, 10, 11, 12, Elk. 1 of Doyle's Subd. of Sub. Lot 20, Original Townsite 400.001 1 It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing resolutions be approved and the property sold. ,!seconded by Commissioner Steela. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I~The Commission examined and approved the following . claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the CURRENT EllPENSE FUND: ,? 1"" : 'I City Treasurer Washington State Penitentiary ,Stewart Filion R. O. Ide ,Filmack Corp. J. C. Penney Co. 'G & IV Fire Service Howard-Cooper Corp. Postage Street Signs, School Brooms, Whisk Brooms Car Mileage for Sept. Films canvas Re-Chg. & carbo Helmets I same:l ] 5.00 22.741 5.69, 20.72 14.23,' 2.84 19.78 195.19' Zone Signs CITY STREET WNDI 5'15 !g Hankins Mens Store ,. Port Tie & IA1mber Co. Aiken Motors City Treasurer Unit trane & Shovel corp. 'Western Tractor & Equipment Co. :port Angeles Army & Navy Store Thompson Studio 'WATER FUND: I <f71" f 1 City Street Dept. Duckett Bros. Service Wallace & Tiernan Hooker Electrochemical Co. Peterson & Craver c.lA.st.P. & P. Railroad Cc. Western Union Tel. Co. McMahan Fuel Co. Seattle Radio Supply Co. SANITATION FUND: (.<f: 1 Luvaas & Vincent 4 Doz. Rubber Gloves Lumber Voltage Regulator Express Charges Equipment Repairs Belts Gas Cans 7 Negs.--Spit Road 57.08 420~ 74' 5.80 17.241 58.78 27.23' 3.071 25.24 I Gas, Mech. Service, Road Work Cleaning Valve Chlorine Pipe Frt. Charges, Pro. M-lll . Telegrams Oil Radio Equipment 1,566.19 .78 19.45' 55.58 45.411 5.65 2.75 5.92 5.08 I Tires. Repair flat 64.17, ..... I I I I I I' I 'I I. I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 22, conj;inued. 19~ LIGHT l'UND I . ~ 'fLf ~ City Street. Dept. Olympic Printery Willson Hardware Co. Line Material Co. Westinghouse Electric Corp. Westinghouse Ele ctric Supply Co. LIBRARY FUND: 7:Z ~ y HoU Stark Catherine Richards Heleu McKerney /;J.. PARK FUNDI 1f ~ James Hardware Co. School District No.7. Meah. Service Supplies Lamps Sockets Work on l4!gulators Meter Sockets & Transformers Extra Labo r Extra Labor Extra Labor Post Hole Digger Recreational Supervision Supplies & &xpense .2.3 ~o Penny & Nickel Wrappers Express Charges Discount deducted twice-5ee Wnt. No. 176 ! PARKING METER & TRAFFIC lDNTROL l'UND: Truck & Murray City Treasurer Walter S. Nissly, Inc. , L.. I. D. GENERAL l'UND: i City Treasurer of> 1''11 - Interest on Wnts. issued in L.r.D. 148 , aJI.!ULATlVE RESERVE FUND-CURRENT EXPENSE: .:( 5' ~ 7 ii County Treasurer Taxes on Lot 7. Elk. 167 There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. (j ~L. (J City Clerk 391 I 53.90 19.36 75.59 28.55 247.S9 241.43 I .2.25 51.38 18.75 j 4.6S 45.44 I . I ~2.26 10.72 ,22 ~I 491.06 ,i 25.07 I I I 8..10 ~ 11\ ~q.,. .k7'; MaJ'Or