HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/23/1950 r 60 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 23, 193~ ""''' , ,,,,,. ''''''', ....,..... .,.,,", mOO ..... The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Ma;vor Feeley. Officers present were Mqor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor,. Atto.rney ~rumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Ullier the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: 0" B~lding Pennits: /9,g'00- Augusta Swordmaker Enlarge Williow & La,y New Floor; !ft 16, Blk. 54, Townsite Dick Wrq Build Dwelling & 2-Car Garage; E. Lot 5,. All .Lot 6, Blk. 420, Townsite Enoch Hansen Build Garage; Lot 13, Blk. 4)., N.R. Smith Add. Petersen & Craver Construct 5-Room Dwelling; N" Lots 1-2, Blk. 349, Townsite Priest Logging Co. Move Shop; Lot 15, Blk., 36, Townsite D. E. Florence Construct Garage; Lots 11-12, Blk. 302, Townsite Lowell D. Lunt Construct 4-Car Garage; ~ Lot 16, W2 Lot 17, N.R.Smith Add. (See Permit No. 1~ Licenses: G i - Earl D. Hardie a. E. Taft 250.00 1l,OQO,OO 350.00 7,000.00 700.00 500.00 I 3333) -- 18.72 40.00 Junk Dealer, 9 Months Second Hand & Junk Dealer Under the head of unfinishad business, Commissioner Taylor informed that after consulting the Attorney and giving due consideration to tile application by L. D. Lunt to construct a garage at 627 East Second Street there is no reason why tile pennit should not be granted. It was moved by Mr. Taylor that the said pennit be approved. Secollied by Mqor Fesley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Tqlor also requested that the Attorney be instructed to ascertain Possibility of an amendment to tile Ordinance governing Master Plumbers, whereby a license mq be issued for laying and connecting sewers only. This was in reference to the application of J. M. Bruch. The matter was referred to. the Attorney. The Engineer advised that t,he thirty dq period since completien and acceptance ef work done cn Cemetery Flood Control project by J. M. Bruch has elapsed, with no incemplete er defective work appearing. Also recommended' that tile 15% retained ($329.46) be paid the contractor. It was meved by Commissioner Tqler that the final estimate as recommended be paid. Seconded by Mqor Feeley. All veted Aye. Motion carried. Cemmissioner Taylor reported contacting Mr. Jarnagin ef the Pert Censtructien Compal\Y regarding balance due en legs delivered. It was understeod that the balance we will be paid within a week. , , Commissioner Robinsen submitted a report en the Pert Angeles Transit SystElll showing condition of business and estimated amount due tile City. This was referred to. the Attorney regarding collection of the same. The Cemmiesion again censidered the request by tile Chamber of Ceuunerce for permission to hang lights fer deceratiollB during the Helidays. Cemmissioner Taylor infermed that the work will be dene by an experienced group and ullier the supervision and direction of Light Superintendent and City Engineer. It was moved by Commissiener Robinsen, seconded by Commissioner Tqlor, that permission be granted. Motion carried. G. L. Geisinger, Consulting Engineer, filed a claim in amount or $420.00 for services rendered, er 50% ef Item 1, as per agreement of April 10, 1950. It was moved by Cemmissioner Tqlor that the claim be approved and paid. Secended by Mqer Feeley. All voted Aye. Meti~n carried. Pursuant to call for bids published, one bid was'received from the General Electric CompBl\Y, to furnish fer I the Light Department, substations and accessories in amount of $87,478.00. The bid waS referred to the I Light Superintellient and the Cemmission will meet at 11:30 in the City Hall to. cel1llider bid submitted. Under tile head ef new business, it was moved by Mqor Feeley that bids be published fer the sale of a heuse and lot at 109 East 14th Street, being Lot 12, Block 386, Townsite. Bids to. be opened November 13th. Motion seconded by Cemmissiener Taylor. All voted Aye. Metion carried. The Commission examined and approved the fellowing claims and erdered warrants issued iil payment of same: i:;. I J CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Frank A. Feeley Hennan Ahlvers Luvaaa Tire-Retread Service Reesevelt High Tum Tum J. C. Penney Co.. Travel. Elcpense Travel. EKpense Tires 1 Tum Tum 24 Cap Frames 19.32 29.38 29.85 2.75 .89' i.f.3 I CITY STREET FUND: /21- I Luvaas Tire Retread Service Dobson Auto Electric Reliable Welding State Dept. of Highwqs 1-' WATER FUND: tffJ:3- Kee Lox Mfg. Co. Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.. 1 OlYmPic Tribune Homelite Cerp. City Street Dept. Tower Super Service Western Utilities Supply Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co.. Seattle Plumbing Supply Tayler Heating & Plumbing Co. Fred Rice 1 Tacoma-Pert Angeles Auto. Freight Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 1 r SANITATION FUNDI /S;;l-- Samuelsen Moter Co. City Street Dept. Recap 1 Distributer Exch. Angle Iron, etc. " Gravel & Asphaltic Concrete Mix Tests 23.79 4.83 74.31 24.50 Addressegraph Ribbens Electric Service Adv. Parts Gas and Oil Rivetts l~renchee, Toole, Valve Pipe Dresser Couplings Fittings Easement Frt. Bill Pipe 11.07 6.10 .90 25.68 114.14.99 117.85 3,521.38 44.98 3.95 500.00 2.42 83.95, 2 Cy Under Kits Gas and Oil 1.24 151.55 I I I'. I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'"' . '.~'" "..... .,,"~... ...".. mo' ..... jLIGHT FmlD: ,/0'1/1.1 , City Street Dept. , Shell Oil Co. 'Kohler Radio & Television General Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Supp4r Co. Home Electric Co. Ol,v:1ilpic Electric Co.. i Ge~eral Electric SuPP4r Corp. On motion by Commissioner Robinson, October 23rd. contimued. Gasoline Gasoline Battery , Power Factor Meters Charts Wire Wire Pele Compounq 19...J~ the meeting waS recessed until 11:30 at the City Hall. 61" 83.30 5.97 .98 170.81 62.18 376.19 33.48 309;00 i The meeting re-cenvened at 11:30, all officers being present. Discussion was resumed on the one bid frem Ge~eral Electric Cempal\V for substation transformers and accessories. Supt. McLean advised that items 1 and 4 ceuld be eliminated and still retain capacity sufficient for requirad eperatien. After further discussion, tile Light Superintendent was instructed to contact ether cempanies requesting quetations on material desired. No decision was made on bid submitted until recl!ipt of saiq quetations. Fire Chief Welverton interned that price of fire hese is advancing 10% and requested that the City call fer bids for: 600 feet ef 2~1I ,600 pound press~e hose, and 600 feet of l!" 400 pound pressure hose, bids to be opened November 6th, and paid from the 1951 budget. It was moved by Mqor Feeley that the eaid call for bids be published. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motiqn carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjeurned. ~~6'.(;~ " ~,City Clerk ,~ Snti("(.. or ~!llf' Of f:ih J'roll~rly :\'oUCf' i~ !lorehy g'h'cn thilt the' City of I.'ort Angele!': will accept ll('al- ('(l-bltlf:< nut ]jltl'r fhan 10;(10 lL,m., XoyemlH'r 13, 19:;0. UIl the f,illloWlnJ;{ " c1(,~(,I'ilH>[1 properl~' :it 109 h;lOll H!h I~'r(.,.t' he1n~ Lut 12. :rn~clt :lS'._ , ~;~~ ~tl~\~ ;\Ch O[h~(1lq,l; l~l;~ii~'a,~~l~~~~ t~: i~~ HHIJ. '[']10 COlllml",,,if1rl r('".'1'\'(,9 the rig-hl to reject/IlK T;:\~~J. 't;ft~ Clcrl(, Pllhli!011Nl= Odllbel' ::7. Xoyembor 3. ~H, )!I:.(l. , ~,,1I('~ '1'0 I1id.ll'rl'l 11 i ~'t ~\::r, 1 i\~ e I;;' ~~ ~ rn~~t' nil; h Ii ~ \~'~c 1 'i ~ t'lf'I'k of the Cjt,' of PlJl't .\nR:el'tf', at tlw City 1-11111 ot sair! City, lint ln1111' than 10;0(1 a.m" XOYr>mbcr (I, ]9,,0, f{,r ma.lcl'il\! to he furnif'hr.(j th" Fll'''' Dcpll.rtmf'nt r,:; follow,,; GOI) ft. of 21-2 ilKh wax a:ld gunl firC' hOH~ with roc\H'l" COUpllllg'.'1, t('~tC'd to 61..10 Ill. Ilr(',;r"U1'(', r,O(l ft. {1f 1% in~h W:'l::;" alHI io\urn fil'C hmw with l'Oc!Z'>I' eouJlllnR''' ~~~~t~~'lll01'(:~;I'~'~S l~lh(;f'~i~;;t\I~~ l~j~l~'l fl.lll>oralll)j,ln. . .T. K I.A W, Cit~' Cl~rl~ T'lIblish<>d: OCl,)IJOI' ~" ~1l\'C'rnl\C':' .1, 19ijl}, ft~~d k~r Mqor