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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 25,1933
The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor
Davis. Roll call showed the following Officers present. Mayor Davis. Commissioners Beam
and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins.
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
$1. 00
Lioense was granted to Ada B.Pell for 1 Beayty Parlor Chair
Under the Head of unfinished business,-
The Commission took up the matter of the improvement resolution in the proposed
Improvement Distriot No.147 for lateral sewers in the alley between Fourth and Fifth
Streets running between "E" and "I" streets,oontinued from October l8th.to this date;
Mrs.Bertha C.Jacobs appeared before the Commission and entered a protest again.t the
proposed improvement.
The Commission having heard and oonsidered the protests of certain property owners
owning property on the north side of the alley in said proposed district and having
made a personal examination of the ground and studied and examined the plans and
speoifioations af the engineer and the relative value of the improvement to the adjaoent
lots in the distriot.
It was found that all of the lots on the South side of the alley in the said proposed
distriot will be fully benefited as to sewerage and drainage by the oonstruction of said
improvement; that the lots on the north half of Block 126 slope to the north in such a
manner that they will be only partially'benefited by said improvement; that the lots on
the north side of the alley in Blooks 122, 119 and 115 slope to the north and away ~om
the proposed sewer looation insuoh a manner that they will not be benefited at all by
said improvement. .
Aooordingly, the Commission finds that the property benefited will be as follows;
All Lots in the south half of Blooks 126, 122, 119 and 115 will reoeive full and
oomplete benefits from the improvement and the lots in the northerly half of Block 126
will reoeive partial benefits; that the district should comprise the the property so
benefited and charges for the said improvement be so distributed and assessed at the
proper time by the City Commission as a Board of Equalization as will properly refleot
the relative benefits of said improvement acoruing to the separate property included
It was moved by Commissioner Beam,and seoonded by Commissioner Filion,that the plans
and speoifioaticns of the City Engineer for the oonstruotion of the 'proposed lateral
sewer be adopted and the the City Attorney bring in an ordinanoe oreating Improvement
District 147 for said sewer improvement to inolude the property above referred to whioh
will be benefited thereby,providing for twelve year looal improvement bonds,payable in
ten installments.issued against the property in said distriot to take oare of the'oost
remaining after cash pay~ents are credited on the same.
On roll oall all members voted aye. The mayor deolared the motion carried.
Under the head of Introduotion of Ordinanoes the following Ordinanoes were read in
full and placed on there First and Second Readings,-
An Ordinance ordering and providing for theoonstruction of a lateral sewer
commencing at the trunk sewer at Fifth and "I" Streets,running northerly to the alley
between Fifth and Fourth Streets at "I" Street; thence easterly along said alley to "E"
Street providing sewerage and drainage to portions of Blooks 126, 122, 119 and 115 of
the City of Port Angeles,together with all appurtenances and eq~1pment neoeasary tn
comp~et8omhehsamelahd suoh other work as may be neoessary in oonneotion therewith;
creating Looal Improvement District No.147; providing for the payment of the oost there-
of by speoial assessment of the property within the distriot according to law by the
mode of payment by bonds in accordanoe with Improvement Resolution No.147 of the City of
Port Angeles and th~ plans and speoifioations prepared by the City Engineer and approved
and adopted by the ~ity Commission.
AN ORDINANCE Confirming the resul~ of the speoial bond eleotion held on September
29,1933; Ratifying ordinanoe No.989 providing for the reconstruotion of the Eight street
bridges over Valley and Tumwater Gulohes in Port Angeles,and authorizing the issue of
$55,000.00 negotiable serial bonds of the City to provide funds for said improvement;
Providing for the form and maturities of the bonds and the issue and sale thereof;
Creating and Interest and Redemption Fund providing for annual tax levies for the
payment thereof and declaring an emergenoy;
WHEREAS, at a speoial bondteleotion held in the City of Port Angeles on September
29,1933,pursuant to Ordinance No.989 of the City of Port Angeles,the said Ordinanoe
No.989 was duly ratified and approved by the electors,and the eleotors by ballot
authorized the City Commission to borrow ~55,OOO.00 an~ for eaid purpose to issue and
sell $55,000.00 negotiable serial ooupon bonds of the oity to provide funds for the
reoonstruotion of the Eight street bridges over Valley and Tumwater gulches as set
forth therein.
There being no further business the Commission then adjourned.
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