HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/26/1932 -I I 1 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washinglon 71~ October Z6,1932 193~ '""'~ ~ ~un..Y. OEAT',-". OU"OM..,". ORINT'U. ....'n The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was Galled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits the following were granted. John A.Larson,Addition to dwelling Lot 18 Elook 193.Townsite T.M.Morris " " " "2" 181 " $ 50.00 50.00 The Eonds of E.F.McTarnahan,auctioner and Johnson & Son,second hand dealer were approved by the City Attorney. The Commission approved the transfer of the Resturant License of Smithy's Lunch to E.J.Eartholmey. Said lioense to be in effect until January 1.1932. Under the head of new Business,- A comprehensive plan for the improvement and developement of Lincoln Park and the Fair Grounds was presented by the City Engineer. The Park Board and The Clallam Fair Association having approved the plans.- It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the said plans be approved by the City Commission. Seoonded by Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. Under the head of new business,- In reply to the inquiry of the Supervising-Arohiteot's Offiae as to the plans of the City of Port Angeles,re filling Oak street ,adjaoent to the Federal Euilding under oonstruction,the following letter was addressed to the Engineer in aharge of Construotion. Ootober 26,1932 Mr.Fred H.Williams, Engineer in Charge of Construotion, Port Angeles,Washington. Sir: Referring to the request of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commeroe,The Post Office Department and other organizations,for the aonstruotion at this time of a retaining wall" full height,on the west of the property upon ~hlah a Federal Building is now beimg aonstruoted, and the inquiry of the SUperYisingArohitect's Offiae as to the plans of the City of Port Angeles re filling Oak Street,adjacent to said property,the City Commi~sion of the City of Port Angeles respectfully represents: 1. That the fill requested is neaessary to make proper and advantageous use of the Federal Building. ' 2. That the adjacent property owners have already been taxed for improvements of various types, including pave~ent in front of this propertY,to the extent of over $~.OOO.OO,and should not he required to pay the additional cost of the fill on Oak Street. 3. That it is the intention of the City of Port Angeles to aid in the developement of the Federal Building by filling the easterly half of Oak street from First street ' south to the alley , and the city intends to make this improvement just as soon as its revenue will permit the expenditure of the necessar funds. In this event the City would eXpect the Federal Government to construct the retaining wall on the west side of its property,and.when the fill is completed,to construot the sidewalk. By order of The CITY COMMISSION By R.E.Davis Mayor Attest: N.M.Hawkins City Clerk There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. N~~ ?17J1,-;J~~ City Clerk Mayor .....