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Minutes 10/27/1926
'.'1 ;~ .~- .'---:~~.. '-' "-,,,-:~_ ":;~(: ,:;;';-:~~""_ '. Io!j .....H_~_' Proceedings of the' City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington . ,.- (Q~t-J,.w t:ll-k- 1921o ..... --..-.. ...:6".,,,y~,--~.~.,....,,.~L"':... -"--?'f........t..-J':..vQ!..,:.....-:->.::... ((""-~ ~...>.<!....~.--i:-;;-_cr:L-.L<.-^-....l\ .1.A...\i. i3.J-ht.L~'C~ 'oJ (~.Ll!.. "~~ :~r\ ~ -1:L~ ,-~_oi-~~-~~t=. . .j'Y\'(f-:-U .~-'"-.L'-'__e,l~..t,u-:l""'~...~~"^-":l ~J{ILU.a...J.,....... ~-=~ r.,L~!\:.GJt"/L. .l;d~,~~"'I'~~~. --t....(1.J~"" .uv.^ :~J..N~,. ~J~<. e,. ~~,VV'O'- I' II , . I !lJ I - .'~ ~-'-'~o~ :t.l~ L.-L~Yv-'l.t.-t.\1..'riJ'-'L- trr'-''-''~ .'--'O..~~_\.._.._..__._..... ...... ........_.... .._................ '''....-....... , i: I I --------.-----~-~--.-,-..---. -.---.---.'.----.- '-'-'- --.-. -.... ---- .---.-.-. .--.--....--.,.-...-..."-.-.....-- . ... - -. ._--- .- .'-, .... .. -. .. _.. _ __ r _._.___._._.__.=U,"J~"-L.At:-L..:~,'-....,.J-.. .{.J~ 'L.",-cL;"1' ~~,R.f?,..,..~~ ;..:k-.. (\l~_.L~~~'<'A, c<>Ftn <_:~_<.L..,:"'~~~, c..~", rv'~" -:J.t-,- "~Ly~".(:", 1- .~ t-..--.ld-- ~L~..+-"__rk'_,t~ ~h'~~ _eJqr'-<o'L~h~r-J_+l'"-=8 ~<_"- 1:12:~1 '_L1.~~"P:"-~l-=t L~..~l~__JL"V-->.fi_~.~rr-L..,,--,--~~.:I_"j 7<1 aA' l. v.1.ct-'t:~".- "\~~-'-'-~~ ... L.:,-~~ _.-~.:-J~t.-H.:"l :.-cs.. ~":~ ~ ~11Y> ..:,/>, i.Lt.~_) o._,-,-~_ ~J=t~~1'r-A1.t ...-::t-c~"::'f--~~ _s-v-..-:lt_ ./+-\.~ .l....<~'\. ..~~ ~G0-~ _1-i7~~~_==~~~~_d~;+f::~==:==~t~i=i: c>:~~~,-<~~j 0-:'1.. cL~~~.,.....,~ _.__ L.....-_. ~t:-"i~..J. ~ _'ac<!.. A.."-,,,~f-_ ~~:f ~;~.-J _"L~__......:....y -.:h "...-rJ:t" '_'--:- LP_."- ,~~.. __ ~., ...._ "-'o<>-J\_.",-".. ,,~.~,. ___._' ....._...._...__.. n_dL~~.- - -\~L_::Ho>~_~r.-~~'~~r"'-.t, _. '_.j I i~ -ro..-<~, ~'-- ..- ~_<~~~_s ~ "~?F~ ..:il~'~1.Uv' <lD'1 ~ _.'c. ~.Lr _.=<.--<-JZ_tru.e,,-..~.. ( kL.... ~<n--v-.~<-C.~............ "'m...... ':'~. .r ~~' . .. :.=~.~~=~~~ ._-~=--':'.~.~- -:Ll~., :9::=:L;rt=~"J, ~-~--=--;i-'r~=<~~'~~~.<,~~ ~~~n~ .. "';. 1~.cc.'L::<~""""'~~=~-,-- <"E~ u-"L---B-- ~~-~ . a.LLt.l~";"""<I._:;;1 b_A~. ~~~-+t:.tv :lfO<..'-"---~1' J, ~ lLk_~ -::r-"1.c=,"~=k. ~CLJTt..cu-J -~~,.... _,~",;;t_~...._.._~_......._ -~_.__._.._--_.._---_.----._____..___.._....._...._....._.m_...__. '''''..... . ..__ -- ------ -,---' '-:-~d""""; ~-~ .. - ,;i-., .?*"1.. ..:::tr\.~ -t:.. 7 ~ Lv.. . .;f:/,'L . "1I=.'ui ,t""CALiI 'l'h.'-'~~~t..R<LCJ)~~ _C~v~.~--t~_/ft~ ~.~ .t3-yL.-. /~,-,:~~}L_~~._~~.A~_J'~-;~~T i_L";L-.L~~-<c~~ .LLt.t,..-x'~\.~eA.._.,s..."'-Lr.f:<'L.~ ..''---...... ~'lL.......~"-<- iY~ ..-'H--. ~ _'II.tLt,~t h.'L--v-- eA... . fa2i~'l VL . -' pc 2 I ..1JO b v I ., CL... __L L- ~<--~ _ .r~ __ tn--"L... _~~J' __:.-<-<..--~ _ j kt-v-eA. _ Vt..o-:-::'Ct. \. t_ll...g,,'l a.. --,/...<A~~ J } ./.1- t -+- ~ . .L.. -1 VD '. 1~ _ '_ };:(().~t-u...~---~Ot-_L-o.-tt~--!"~r~~j~. 16~...-~1:== "1\:...... - cu...L~~'-'\I~Cl- ~_"-,..,,..jfn_ __. ~. .~_~ _____ ~..'L&,;t {_.._~!. L_.__ <0-~~_~~.__t:<::=>~~__~ .I.._J '~~=__ _L-.d.~_~.._~~k_.~__~_:~~_~ y~_~W--=___ .-----..-.-.--....---.-..----..... (~~;ft'- -lALv-- ~.....~ J-t-.jbL--~~^""'~ ~-..-"-<-~-~~-~_~.~~~~ _~~..:;lt~"L A z.o..L",-"\u ._~~_JLtk. _~~\~n...<.-~. ~~'l-'~~~.n..._- ~--c--.--:---_f!)n--J,. -. ~-~_.::1-t~_~.~_ :ti-~Jti--1~~~~-:t~-~,:~:.::=