HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/27/1943 r- 576 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 27, 1943 19_ ,.."'~ ~ .....-u. ~'IU.......~.j''';;''RL .""'T~.. DD.OO The c.mmission met in regular sesdon at 10 A.I!. and lIlIl1 called te order by Mayor Robinson. Rclll call showed the fellowing oUicers present: Mayor Robinson, Cemmiessioners Beam and IIasters, Clerk Hawkins and At tarney J ohnsten. The minutes of the previous session were teed and approved. Under the head of Applications for adlding Permits the following was granted: Olaf IyTcksell, Shingle Roof and Remodel, Lot 6, Block 329, Townsite 100.00 I Under the head of Introduction of Resohltions the fo11owi!:li resolution was introduced: I RESCIIUTION I WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dated October 21, 1943, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lot Three (3), Block One Hundred Sixty (160), Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and WllEREAS, Ernest C. Steela and Ella R. Steele, husband and wife, have offered to purchase the above described real prop3rty from the City of Port Angeles for too sum of 135.00, and I WllEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the ssid property snd is of the opinion that the offer is fsir value and that at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and eala made~ HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REScr.VED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at privata sale to the said Ernest C. Steele and Ella R. Steele, husband and wife, for the sum hereinabove set forth, sub3ect to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney he instructed to prepare a quit. claim deed conveying said property to the purcbaser, and that the City Clelk I of the City of Port Angeles be and be is hereby instroctad to execute saiel qutt claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed. ' It was moved by COlllll.bsiol18r Ilasters thet the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Conmissioner Beam. On roll call all mSlllbers votedl\Yll. Tbe Mayor declared the motiCln carried. The Co1llDission eXSlllined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: aJRRENT EXPENSE JUND City Treasurer City Light Dept. OlYmPic Stationers Glass Specialty Co. George's Service Station C1 ty Tressure r llid.dleton 1I0tor Parts Co. D & B Battery & Electric Station National Fire Protection Ass'n Cutter Laboratories OlYmpic Peninsula Motor Freight Co. CaSh paid for stamped envelopes 40.00 Rent of City Hall for Sept. 50.00 Office SUpplies 9.99 Install Glass 10.76 Shop Work ll5.80 Cash paid for freight .82 Parts 8.82 Battery 12.48 Posters I! 45.50 Drogs " 01 8.16 Frelgbt .82 Tank Rental ~J. 1.20 ToUet Paper Tissue 1~1"1 7.73 Material & Services rendered 1570.94 Chlorine h). 14.97 lIydrotite ,?"l 24.72 Stamps { 3.00 Utility Equipnent 1.34 Janitor'~ Supplies S "/ ~91 Cheesecloth .00 Taxes Lot 5, Block 160 13.11 CITY STREET FUND llid.dleton Kator Parts Herron's Variety Store Clallu County HighWay Dept. I WATER FIIND I Hooker EJectrochemical Co. , Hugh C. PIIrcell Co. LIGHT WND City Treasurer J!1ddleton Motor Parts Co. P. A. Thrift Store PARK FIIND J. C. PenrIJ: Co. L.I.D. REVOl.VING WHO City Treasurer Under tbs head of New Business: Two permits grsnting the Federal Government the use of certain land for Army purposes came before the Commission for consideration. ~ It WIle moved by Com1ssioner Beam that the Mayor be authcrbed and inetructed to sign the permits as follows: One (1) covering the follooring deacribed land owned by the City of Port Angeles. The East half (i) of ths j Southeast quarter (t) of the Soutlnrest quarter (t), Sectien 5, TOYlllship 29 North, Range 5 West W.Il. of I un1.Dlproved land, more or less. Two (2) covering the followiDg described land lying inside the Port AQgeles Water Shed and controlled by the City of Port Angeles. to-ttl All of Section Seventeen (17), except the E/!,st half (i) of the Nortbeastquarter (t), and the Northwest quarter (i) of the Northeast quarter (t)and the Northeast quarter (i), of the ~rth1rest quarter (1:).- ._ .:~. AlBo, the East half (i) of the East half (l) of the Southeast quarter (f) ofl Section Eighteen (18), Township Twenty-nine (29) North, Range five (5) West, W.M., Clallalll County, State of I' Washington; containing Five bnndred twenty (520) ecres, more or lsss, of unimproved land. To be used for a combat range.. ' I I I I I ~~e City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 27, 1943 19_ 577"'ll Both said permits to continue and remain in force for six months sfter t he date cf termination of the unlimited National Elnergency as declered by tbe President of the United States in Proclamation No. 2487, dated May 27, 1941. Ioloticn lI8conded by lfay.or Robineon. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further bl1sineea the Colll1lission adjourned to meet on Ilonday, Hovelllber 1., 1943, st 10 A.M. I 111nd~ City Clerk ~JO~~ Mayor I November 1. 1945 The oolllll1eB1on met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by lIayor Robinson. Roll call ehowed the following officers present: J!ayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and J!asters and Cleric Hawkins. Tha Commission ellllmined ancI allOlred the following claims and ordered warrantll dr8llll for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FllND Police Dept. Pay Roll 50.00 Street Dept. " n 160.00 Fire Dept. Extra Firemen P87 Roll 134 .40 J. R. IIcDonald Services as dog catcher for Oct. JJO 25.00 John H. Thatcher Radio Repair Services '3~~ ...- 20.00 CITY STREET FlJIID Street Dept. Pay Roll 890.00 WATER FlllID. Water Dept. Pay Roll 108.00 I PARK FUND Park Dept. Pay Roll /. 140.00 n n " " In - 19.15 'STA TE AID FllHD Marguerite Vane Services rendered 6.25 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. City Clerk ~JO~ lIayor 71, Yf0~ I \ I ~