HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/28/1936 r-. 438 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Oc to be r 28, 1 9:1t; 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Conniff and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previo\J.s session were read and approved. . Under the head of Applications for Building permi ts and Licenses the following were gran ted.: Frank Pollow, remodel dwelling, Lot 3, Blk. 222, Townsite Harley Adams & Co., Office Building, Ei Lot IG, Blk. 14, Tovmsite B. S. Gillmor, Rouse, Lots 19 and 20, Blk. 59, P.S.C. Subd. Ernest Georg, residence, S} L 9, Blk. 204, Townsite A. L. Heureux, 1 Barber ~hair Mrs. Jerry Pollow, Restauran.t Lioense Under the head of New Business the following resolutions were introduced: 300.00 100.00 2800.00 1900.00 . 1.00 15.00 I RESOLUT ION ORDERING NOTIFICATIOTI OF PROPERTY O'i!1jERS ON ,a'PLIC;,'rI on FOR COlJSTlmC'2ION OF SERVICE ST,\TIOl'l j],D STQgE ~IITHm :.. DISTRICT R'~S'i'RICTED AS 'i'O CO"S1'RvcnOH UHDER ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 911. I WHEREAS, Benjamin n. Phillips has filed an application for permission to cons truct a service station and store on portions of Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block TVIO Hundred Ninety-one (291), Townsi te of Port Angeles, vlhich property is within the boundaries of the district restricted as to class of buildings under Ordinance No. 911, City of Port Angeles, and VIHEREAS, it appears that said use of such property may be permitted unde;' local option regulations of said ordinance as amended by Ordinance No. 987 of said City, ani ! VIHEREAS, the application is in proper form and contains the necessary discrip.~ion of the buildines, together Vii th their use and ~he names and addresses of property owners and a list and description of all parcels of property within a radius of two hundred feet from the property in CLuestion, and under the provisions of the said ordinances, the City Commission is reCLuired to notify all the O'o'Incrs of property within the said radius and give said oVlners an opportunity to make protest against the said proposed construction. THEr:tEFORE, BE 11' ~lES aL'/ED, That the \;i ty Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to notify the owners pf all property within a two hundred feet radius of the premises for ~hich said use is contemplated by letter requiring such owners to file their protest i~ any there be against Duci, llroposed use ','.,ithln ten days of the mailing of the notice. I It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. 'rhe ~layor de- clared the motion carried. RESOLUTIO:l AUTHORIZIN G TRANSFm 0 F FUNDS I WHEREAS, In the set up for the construction of the Eighth "treet Bridges across Valley and Tumwater Creek Gulches, P':IA project, Docket No. "'ash. l245R, and item of ;3,700.00 was provided for engineering, out of nhich the C;ity Engineer's pay roll, including the Engineer's salary, was paid during the period of construction, and VIHEREAS, Later the PWA Administrator ruled that Engineer'S salary could not be paid out of the grant and deducted the item from the am"unt of the grant, thereby leaving the amount provided for the project short, and ~IHEREAS, It appears that the Engineer's salary should have been IBid out of the Curr'en t Expense Fund instead of the Eighth Street Bridge Construction 'und, and it further appearing that there Vlill be an unexpended balance in the item "Engineer's Salary" in the Engineer's Budget that will not b~ used or needed that could be and should be trans- ferred to the .c;ighth Street Bridge Construction Fund. NOW, 'JH~R3FORE, B3 IT R330LVED, That the sum of $788.65 be transferred from the item "Engineer's "alary" in the tngineer's Budget to the Eighth Street Bridge Constructia>fl Fund. and that the ~ity Clel'k be and he is hereby instruc ted to draw a 'lilIarrant of ~p7BB. 65 on the Current 3xpense Fund to the ""il",h th Street Bridge Cons true tion Fund to provid e fo l' the amoun t short in sai d Fund. It was m.Jved by ~ommissioner Masters that the foregoing l'esolution be approved and adopt- ed. Seconded by Commissioner Beam, On roll call all members vo:ed aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I: Under the head of Reports from City Officers the following was read: October 28, 1936 I: To the Honorable Mayor and Uity Commission, Port Angeles, ~ashington Gentlemen: The thirty day period since the completion and accept'ance 0 f the work done by the ~ashin~ton Asphalt Company, Contractors, on Secondary Read Project No.2, City of PBrt Angeles Eighth street-Paving has elapsed and no uncompleted or defective work has been discovered for which the City makes claim. I therefore recommend that the 15% retained (,j1708:61j of the cost of the work be paid to the C~ntractor, The ~ashington Asphalt Company. Yours very truly, H. E. Dodge, City Engineer. ll... October 20, 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 439 ., 193_ I I I I :1 It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the Ene;ineer's report be accepted and approved, and that the City Clerk draw warrants for the 15% retained as soon as funds for payment of sarno are available. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants dravm for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUlID: 8th St. Bridge ConstructionFund Pac Tel & Tel Co. ,'Nm. O. James Pac 'tel & Tel Co. Harrls & Schuller Kissner Motor Parts Co. Pac Tel & Tel Co. Pac Tel & Tel Co. Standard Key Service Harris & Schuller lJ. .d. Masters Thos, N. Hibbins Engineer Dept. Street Dept. Transfer Servi ce Pyrene, e~c. Servic e ReDa irs Supplies Servic e " Key Repairs Car Hire Salary Pay ROll II II i7ATEH FUND Hooker Electrochemical Co. Renssesler Valve Co, Hersey Mfg. "0. Pac Tel & Tel Co. Pur maid liairy . Al McKnight Vlater Dept. LIGHT FnID Chlorine Hydrsn t Part Meter Parts Servic e Store Rent Garage Hen t Pay Roll A. u. Knight Co. Angeles Cooperative Creamery General Eloc tric Co. . IT " 11 Bushings Drinking Cups Meters A. S. Knight Co. Pac Tel & ~el Co. Gak1n & Wickersham S. R. Ylhite L. T. Guy Chas. Beam Light Dept. Transformers and Meters Meter Boxes Service Vrood Car ~ent Jani tor Service Garage lien t Pay ,~o II CEM~Tmy WIID Albert Lanctot Salary LIBRARY FUND Pac ~el & Tel ~o. Servic e PARK FUUD Brooke's Grocery Fred .Iescott Filion Mil~ & Lumber "0. Supplies dharpening Lawnmower Lumber There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. /7?>>#~ City Clerk .,.1 ./ ')."",D ,1 qb3 -' Ib ).-'1 ~, ./ {>~~ Mayor s:' 78t.65 1.25 16.85 6.75 1.10 1.92 4.30 5.105 .35 6.17 25.00 135.00 435.16 790.66 14.33 1.43 40.16 4.25 40.00 3.00 860.00 3.63 3.01 140 .05 58.62 72.60 39.91 16.20 10.00 35.00 5.00 3.00 12:.57.50 100.00 4.25 tf7 y"V - 3.00 3.00 16.97 ...4