HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/29/1948 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 29 19~ The Commission met in regular session at 10,00 a .m. and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Officers present were' Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under tl,e head of applicjl}ions for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: 3UILDI11G PERMITS'~)1 goO Jack Del Guzzi I Construct 5 room dwelling; Lot 14, Block 266, Townsite Perry Warner Remodel existing dwelling; Lot 17, Block 3, Cains Subdivision Clifford H. Johnson Add utility room to existing dwelling;; Lot 12, Slock 52 Petersen & Cr~ver Inc. Building 6 room dwelling;; Lot 10, Block 85, Townsite Jack Vel Guzzi Build 5 room dwelling;; Lot 12, Block 387; Townsite Jack Del Guzzi .;)uild 5 room dwelling; Lot 13, Block 266, Tovfisite LICENSES : 'fheresa 's Beauty Shop 1 chair $7,000.00 300.00 500.00 9,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids for Bituminous patching material were opened as follows: Western Asphalt Co. $6.50 per ton. It WaS moved by Commissioner Johnson that the one bid as submitted be accepted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Harold Sisson appeared before the Gommission requesting lease over City property in the Elw'la district for right-of-way for P.U.D. No.1 to serve power to Rayonier, Inc., and private consumers. The Attorney waS instructed to draft satisfactory agreement for the said lease.. E petition signed by nine property owners, requesting installation of s street light at Seventh and Eunice Streets waS approved, and it was moved by ~orrUllissioner Johnson that the Light Superinte"dent be instructed to install the said street light. Motion seconded by ~ommissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The 60mmission considered a request to close the street at Second and Pine ;:,treets to prevent cars from night parking and causing distubbances. The Commission decided to make investigation and if satisfactory to install barricade. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following waS introduced~ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINAKCE relating to dogs and cats; prohibiting their trespass upon private property under certain conditions; fixing license fees and repealing certain ordinances in conflict herewith. It VIaS moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinal ce be placed on first reading. Seconded by l~yor Eppersofi. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Co. f :<;<3,1'1 The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same:. llITY STREET RIND t Schreiner Chevrolet Tower Super Service Howard-Cooper ~orp. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Automotive Parts Servioe Howard-Cooper Corp CURRENT EXPEl/SE FUND: rif, "J)rJ. rn John J. Drisooll /I' .:J ",15:::J Harold MoLaughlin ~ort Angeles Evening News City Treasurer City Light Dept. 0-,,1 Drug Store The llarina . Deilles Studio Port ~ngeles ~otors Todd's ~yole Shop Bill Picca Middleton Motor Parts Co. Schreiner Chevrolet vo. United Janitor Supply Co. Samuelson },~otor Co. Graybar Electric ~o. WATER FUND: f /s-(. t:;9 Automotive Parts Service lliddleton Motor Parts Co. E. H. Candell James Hardvrare CD. Willson ll<lrdware ~o. Allall Distriouting Co. Parts Oxygen, Etc. Equalizer Spring !!ad Parts Parts Parts 30.76 37.73 1.50 19.43 29.64 104 .13 Services Services Subscriptions-P.A. Evening News Pos ta ge Rent Dash Lights Supplies Photography Supplies One Flasher Oil Auto Polish I:la "teries Truck Repairs Disinfectant Jsed Tire Protectors 10.00 10.00 18.00 5.00 50.00 5.36 8.35 1.08 2.42 15.04 .87~ 40.49 150.47 10.09 5.15 6.51 Parts & Tools Parts Pipe Tools Tools Gas & Oil 17.79 .62~ 88.68 .84~ 6.54 41. 53 LIGHT DEPARTI.~NT FUND, 11 31.2,t:t- Schreiner ~hevrolet 00. Repairs Samuelson Motor lIO. Hep3 irs City Water Dept. Water Middleton !lotor Parts Co. Payts 'Nillson HardlVare ~o. Tools Line !.laterial (;0. Bolts Holte Electric Go. Connectors Division of Purchasing Surgens Property Section Electronic Eo.uipment Pre~ision Radio Service It9.dio Transfer (;ity ,later "ept. Water Service 1.65 40.66 92.45 4.73 8.23 7 .65 118.52 18.55 6.18 14.00 493 i l.ooi I I I ~ ". 494 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Octo~8r 29 Cant. i nllAO 19~ I L SANITATION HiND, 1/ Lf/.j2 Schreiner Chevrolet ~o. Middleton Motor Parts Co. AutDmotive Parts Service PARK RJND , D & B Battery & Elec. James Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Loop Auto Hrecking Samuelson Motor Un. City Street Dept. Sta. 1/ 35"("./1 PARKING ~!ETER & TRAFFIC CONTROL ED NO : J. Lyle Jeam, Inc. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Truck ltepairs Parts Parts 22.17. 18.35 .60i, ! I Parts Plestec Gardell Hose Tools & Hardware Hub &. Drum Pa rts lias & Oil 21. 22 11..28 7.36 5.15 284.03 27.13 f;:l,t/1 Bond Jack, Oil 5.00 7.49 There being no further business, the sessioll WaS then adjourned. a, t. ;f~. o Ci ty ~lerk I I J1...uJ ~u '" ~ ,....------11 Mayor I I I ". it il I