HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/30/1950 ,...---- . . .,62 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 30, 19.50_ ,",o<...".,.",u,;"",,,..,~,",,",..... ~ The Oommission met. in regular session at. 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present. were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Taylor and Robinson and Deput.y Clerk Oarlson. Minut.es of the previous session were read and approved. I Under the applications for building permits the following were granted: . It Jt!O,~ a Eugene H. Cramer Move House; Lot 7, Blk. 240, Townsite Alden T. Nelson Const.ruct 3-Room Dwelling; Lot 4, Blk. 394, Townsite Daniel Beutler Const.ruct. Residence & Garage; Lot. 7, Blk. 193, Townsite 500.00 1,200.00 7,000.00 Under t.he head of new business a letter from Elbers Karr and J. O. McDaniel was read as follows: "As we are taxpayers of Port Angeles, we request of you to put in sewer at 504 E. 12th. We have already bought. t.he sewer pipe am we expect to pa;y you the casll when the job is finished." Commissioner Taylor made s mot.ion that the matter be referred to the City Engineer and Attorney. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All vot.ed Aye. Motion carried. A letter from Harry Kochanek was read st.ating that lIis car was damaged througll no fault of hie own and while I in the performance of his dut.y as perscribed by the Police Department. General Order No. 18.... .Mr. Kochanek I furt.lIer stated that lIis insurance company would undoubtsbly t.&ke c&re of the damages over and above $54.20, but he felt t.hat. the City should reimburse him for th&t. amount.. Commissioner Ta;ylor made a motion that tile , letter be referred to the City Attorney. Secomed by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Mot.ion carried. A letter was re&d from Tighe E. Woods 'Housing Eltpedit.er, acknowledging receipt of decontrol resolution and stating his st.&ff was reviewing resolut.ion to determine whet.her it was adopt.ed in accordance wit.h the requirl!llents of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947; as amended. Under the head of unfinished business the General Electric Company bid for substat.ionB and accessories was again considered. Commissioner Robinson made a motion that the Commission accept the bid of General Electri,c Company on Items 2 and 3...two--2,000 KVA Master unit substations @ $26,463.00 each (not including sales i tax). Commissioner Taylor stated the amount of bid W&S of such importance th&t matter should be looked into further, and until various quotations from other companies received. It is too much money for one bid. Supt. McLean reported he had not received replies on quot.ations requested. Commissioner Robinson said that according to advise of consulting engineers the purchase of above would be sound business. Mayor Feelay seconded the mot.ion. On roll call Commissioner Robinson and Ma;yor Feeley voted Aye; Commissioner Ta;ylor vot.ed Nay. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Commissioner Taylor went on record stating the reason he voted No was he felt that the amount was in excess of what it should be for only one bid. Commissioner Robinson moved there be a fifteen minute recess. Mayor Feeley seconded. All vot.ed Aye. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:50 A.M. I Suggestion was made that the intersection at 8th and Cherry Streets should be marked to aid traffic problem. Police ClIief Ide said he would look into the mat.ter. The Commission examined and approved the following claims .fo CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 1;;.9- City Treasurer Schreiner Chevrolet.,Co. Moore Business Forms W. S. Darley & Co. WATER FUND: '/'If ~I Pacific Telephone 8< Telegraph Co. Angeles Machine & Welding Works E. N. Hallgren Co. Palmer Supply Co. ' G. L. Geisinger Ii J' :l~, ~'15 ~ LIGHT FUW: , Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 Pacific Tel. 8< Tel. Co. Seattle Radio Supply Co. United Janitors Supply Co. General Electric SuppJ,y Corp. Home Electric Co. Wes,tinghouse Electric Supply Co. Line Material Co. PARKING METER 8< TRAFFIC CONTBOL FUND: City Treasur er Clark 8< Edwards 1r L. 1. D. REVOLVIID FUND: 3()();J. - City Tre~surer ,,~ CEMETERY FUND: 3;;l-1 - J. M. Bruch I and ordered warrants issued in pa;yment of same: Postage Car Repairs 249 Books-Traffic Violations 15 S&fety Patrol Badges .93 30.24 70.20 28.43 79.06 ,1.93 I' 44.50 403.42 420.00 19,409.84 11.13 26.17 47.69 467.83 482.25 7.91 142.76 .53 63.03 3,002.79 329.46 Phone Service Steel Pipe Fittings Pipe 8< Fittings Eng. Services Sept.. Power Phone Services Tubes Building Supplies Meter Soc kets, Met ers Wire Film Cut Outs Hardware C.J ~(p Pos tage Cedar Tl1J{es; Assessments on Paid-up Contracts There being no further business, the meeting ~s then adjourned. 15% Retained on Contract, Cemetery Flood Control J ~ iOJ-lF Cit.y Clerk ~ ;fo~/A d j!J;t I Mayor