HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/31/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 31, 1934 193_ 249 ~ I I I I I ~le Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Vavis, Commissioners ,Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the last session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Buil[ing Permits, the following were granted: Angelo ~llaCOit Addition to residencei Lots N.~of 10 & 111 Blk. 330, ~ownsite Vim. Gorsegner, ubrication Bldg., Lot 1, Blk. ~30, Townsi"e Chas. ;r. Filion, Lumber Shed, Lot 13, Blk. 442, Townsite Ben We'3ks, Master Plumber Under the head of Ihtroduc tion of Resolutions, the following Resolutions introduoed: 75.00 300.00 200.00 25.00 were RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF ONE-HALF .INTEREST IN THR'EE CERTAIN LIGHT DEPARTMENT POLES TO THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND rELEGRAPH COMPANY. ,ffiEREAS: The Superintendent of Utilities having presented t9 the ~ommissio n an approved agreement wi th the 'pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company for the Joint user of three (3) 35-foot Round ~edar Poles. Said poles being located on the North side of the 4th - 5th Street alley, the first three poles East of "E" Street, Port Angeles, Vlashington, and WHEREAS: It appearing that the said agreement was in proper form and that the execu tion thereof is desirable and for the best interes t of the City, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the agreement be approved and the 1'[ayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the same in duplicate on behalf of the ~ity of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing <<esolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Maypr declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF REVOCABLE LICENSE WITH THE UNITED STATE OF AMERIOA. ViliEREAS, The United States of Amerioa, aoting through the Secretary of Commerce, has submitted to the City of Port An@31es a revocable license for the occupancy and use of the power line and aocessories at present used for transmi tting electric ourrent to the Ediz Hook Light Station under terms as set forth in the agreement, and WHEREAS, the annual payment of $5.00 per year is satisfaotory, and the covenants and agreements are reasonable and in conformity with other license agreements from the United States and it appears to be for the best interests of the City of Port ....n@31es to take over the said transmisslon~line under said agreement, and the execution of the said license agreement is recommended by the Superintendent of Utilities of the City of Port Angeles. NOVl THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIDN OF THE OITY ON PORT ANGELES, That the'City of Po~t Angeles do accept the said license agreement and take over, use and oomi.py the said power line pursuant to and in accordance wi th the terrps of said i agreement; that the Mayor and City Clerk be and said officers are hereby authorized and 'instructed to execute the necessary copies of said agreement for and on behalf of the said City of Port Angeles in conformity with the re~uests of the Department of Commerce of the United 3tates of America. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Ma~or declarsd the motion carried. Uncler the head of l~ew Busine ss,- The matter of the purohase of a car for the City Engineer's department came up, and it appearing that the 1935 Budget provided an item for the purchase of a car for this department, and it further appearing that several of the agencies are offering desirable disoounts at the present time upon new 1934 cars by reason of whioh a substantial sum of mopey oan be saved upon the purchase of said automobile at this time, and it appeared further that the offer of the Walkling Motor Go. to furnish a Standard Plymouth Business Coupe at J648.00 was recommended by the City Engineer as the best offer submitted. Therefore the Commissioner of Streets is hereby authorized to contact with the ~alkling Motor Co. for the purchase of a Standara Plymouth Business Coupe at ~648.00. The delivery of said car to be made about January 3, 1935. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE Street Department City Trsasurer H. E. Dodge Hugo Olson Pay Roll Water Expense i;e,eount Extra Fir eman '!1:. r~q 960.79 360.00 26.65 21.00 WATER FUND Water Vepartment " Pay Roll 402.73 3.50 71.00 15.00 1~.00 E. R. McKnight Vim. Brennand ~,) $'* Car Hire Rent LIGHT FUND ~ r" 250 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 31, 1934 193_ ~ LIGHT FUND Light Department City Treasurer C.M.ST.P. & PAC. R.R. Harold ii. Bates S. H. White The Okonite Co. W. S. Darley & ~o. North Coast Eleotric Co. The Bristol Co. The Okonite ~o. L. T. Guy O. E. Eddy EDIZ HOOK WATER EXTENSION FUND Pay Roll Federal Tax Freight Wood Car Hire Tree Wire Signal Light Floodlights Charts Wire Servic es Rent s? /330.- wa~er Depar.tment Pay Roll " II Ii? 31{1. - There being no further business the 60mmission then adjourned. 7;?nj~ , , ~~ <\~ .0. Ci ty Clerk. Mayor. 1086.66 .63 5.3<: 7.50 2.5.00 108.06 33.10 36.00 7.08 13.02 5.00 3.00 3.50 342.68 I I I I I