HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/01/1956 I I I I r ,Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 1 19~ .., 519 ,.." . "'.", ".,~", ""..''', .'''''',m.. .... The Cit~' Council met in regular session at 7:50 P.M. and was oalled to order by Mayor Neer. Roll oall revealed the following offioers present. CounoilmEn Smith, Sandison, Matthieu, Wolfe, McFadden -and Max- 'field, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes of thO' previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Council- man Maxfield and carried. Under the head of unfinished business the following progress payments for work done and material furnished !in L.I.D. No. 171 were submitted by the Engineer's Department for payment; THE HARRISON BROTHERS CO., 4th estimate, (October), L.I.D. No. 171, $15,787.03; MILONE AND TUCCI, INC., 4th estimate (October), L.I.D. No. 171, $2,483.40. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the foregoing estimates be approved and warrants issued, on L.I.D. No. 171 Construction Fund in payment of same, and the City Clerk authorized tc issue warrants numbered 52 and 53 for $5,000.00 and warrants numbered 54 and 55 for $3,000.00, and warrant no, 56 for 2,270.43 on L.I.D. No., 171 Fund, bearing interest at the rate of 4 5/8% per annum, dated November 8, 1956, proceeds to be deposited in the L.I.D. No. 171 Construction Fund. l~tion seconded by Councilman Sandison and oarried. Council approved fixed estimate claims against L.I.D. No. 171 as follows: Olympic Printery, printing warrants, $9.30; Douglas nallis, car mileage for October, $14.00; The Harri'" n iJrothers Co., Second St. wall !installation, ~4,898.47. It was moved by Councilman Smith that fixed estimate claims be approved and \.arrants issued on L.I.D. No. 171 Construction Fund in p"1fIDent of same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and oarried. Mr. Vergeer informed of connnunication received from State Highway Department confirming traffic survey at '1st and Race Sts. and Fourth and Lincoln Sts., also advising of permits No. 483 !,nd 454 wthorizing in- stallation of truffic lights being issued, and that State Engineers will soon appear to investigate and ,discuss same. Under the head of new business it was moved by Oouncilman J.icFadden that budget reports of receipts and dis- bClrsements for City departments, and Tlork reports of the light and water departments be accepted and filed. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I Council oonsidered purchase of one truck with packer body for the Sanitation Department and 150 lineal fGet I'of 84 inch reinforced oonorete pipe to be delivered f.o.b. to 6th and Valloy Sts. It was moved by Couneil- "man Wolfe that the Manager be authorized to publish call for bids to furnish the same. Seconded by Council- man McFadden and carried. Claims paid October 15, 24, 31. and November 1 were epproved in total amount of ~24,492.62. It was moved , by Council.'Ilan 110lfe that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman !.iaxfield and carried. l1anager Vergeer advised Council that a 1947 Dodge truck, equipment of the Sanitation Department, is no long- .er of use, and requested that he be authorized to dispose of same. It was moved by Councilman Smith that Manager be authorized to award bid to the highest and best bidder. Seconded by Councilman J4atthieu and carried. 1..It was moved by Councilman Uatthieu t.hat report of the Police Department for October be accepted and filed. Secouded by Counoilman TTolfe and carried. Everett L. Hassell requested that minimum price be fixed for portions of Lots 3 and 4 and Ii:Jts 5 and 6 in [Block 3. Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 56, Townsite. It was moved by Councilman liloFadden that minimum Ibe $250.00 for property as requested. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. ~.v. R. Schultz appeared to request that traffic s1e;nals 1n the business district on East-West streets be synchronized to accomodate traffic at speed allowed in that area. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that signals be synohroll1zod to conform vrith tlventy-mile per hour speed as provided. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Friednoh and Anneliesa Brosig filed claim for damages in amount of $5,500.00. Claim states that damage then property at 1104 East Eighth Street is caused by lowering street grade making garage and premises linaccessable. It was moved by Councilman Smith that claim be referred to the City Attorney. Seconded by ICOUnCilman Ssndison and carried. ,Another claim for damages was filed by l1aurioe and Vivian Gallagher Tlherein they request the City pay cost rof repairing damage to basement and contents caused by o~ruction of sewer. It was moved ""Jy Councilman McFadden that claim be referred to the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. I Councilman Smith cited the sagging condition of ourbing on Lincoln Street near Fourth, this being the same condi tiou as existed in front of the G.A.R. Hall and suggesting that the State Hie;hway Dopartment be asked to investigate and repair. After due consideration, it was moved by Councilman Smith that the State IHighway Department be requested to inspect and repair defeotive portions of Lincoln Stroet near Fourth. ,Seconded by Councilman 110Ue and carried. ~'.under the head of introduction of Resolu, tions, the following were introduced and read for Counoil approval: , RESOWTION NO. 35-56 A RESOLUTION declaring the walk in front of IDts 6, 7, 8, 9, and III in lllock li2 of the Townsite of Port Ang- oles, being that portion of the walk be~NeenOak and Cherry Streets and on the South side of Second lltreet : ithin the City of Port Angeles, unsafo. - It \Vas moved by Cou'ncilmanYlolfe that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council.. J an Maxfield an..d carried. ! RESOLUTION NO. 36-56 A RESOLUTION transferring the sum of $500.00 vrithin the budget of the Park Department and wi thin the olassi- fication of Maintenance and Operation. from the item of Assessments to the item of Grounds, Building Maint- I~;mance and Fencing. I ;It was moved by Councilmm. McFadden that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by ;:Councilman Smith and carried. ~ ~under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on 2d and final reading. I ORDINAllCE NO. Ij79 ~ ORDINAllCE appropriatinc; the SUIll of ~500.00 from availaj;l~ Current Expense Cash Balance and transferring ~the same to the Engineering Department, and transferring the sum of ~250.00 from Auto J3xpense to City I 1 ~ 520 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~rGvember 1 continued 1926 "", . """", ,,"'u. ..m....., ,,,.,,.. moo .... I~PIOyeeS Retire",.ent and $95.00 from liuto Expense to Ins)lr,ance, all within the 1956 Budget and do:iaring lan emergency. t ' . :It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinanoe be passed second reading and finally 'adopted. Seconded by OO)lnoilman 5amison and carried. I There being no further business, the ICeeting was declared adjourned. (),2. tI X-~ City Clerk NOTICE OF SALCJ REAL PROPERTY NOTICE (s 'herebY given that tJ'ie, City of Port Angeles will sell to the highest and best bkl<ier the fol~ lnwin.g -described real pmperty, to-wit: Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6. Block 3. Cain's Su'bdivision of SUburban Lot 36, Townsite,of Port Angeles,_ I Minimum prlee as fixed by City Council, $250.0G. .. NOTICE 1s further given .that 'sealed' 'bids will ,be received. for the same '8.t the City HalI until 5:001 o'clock .P.M., Dooember 6, 191>6, i.and not later. Bid mu.st!be accom- ::panled by depOEit of not less than-l ten per cent i)f a.mountbld or tb1 offer will not be considered. T.hc City Council reserves. the rlgh. t \0 reject any or a.ll -bids. J. E, LAW. City Clerk. Pub: November 9, 16. d.956T, I jd)i/P4 \ ayor KonCE OF C!\LL FOR BIDS CITY PRTh'TTh"G NOTICE is hcreb)' gh'.en that f:calcd bids will be received by thc City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, at the City HRll of sa.id City, not later than 5:00 o'clock p,m. JlUlC 16, 1955, for the Official Printing of the Cit~r of ~o;~c~n~e~~y d~~'i~~5~e t;;:r p~~~: in1&' is to be in llo11p~reil or ~i'X pomt. !'ype, and published in n~gu' lar issues of the n ewsp a pe r awarded such cont.ract, Bids to be submitted on a 'basis of charge "per line," Contract will -,be re- quired. also bond '~n the ~llm of $1.000.00 to assure .talthful per. fOl'mance of the same. The City Council reserv€s the l'ight to re. Ject an~' or all 'bids. J. E. LAW, City Clerk Pub, June 8, 14.. 1955, N I I I: , II I J, ji il , ~ !I I, ~ I, I! I I 'I I: _ il - I II I: I , " I ..... i