HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/01/1962 140 Proceedings of t~e City Commission of t~e Ci~ of Port Angeles, Was~ington M>v, > I eeT0!lER-l-8- I cP 2- L,,~!;jIlNTINQi:O. P.uu....~ : e City Councl met m regu ar seSSlon at : p.m. lcers present were: Mayor Maxtlelci,Counc~1:- , en Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Wolfe and Willson; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Cl~rk cNeece. I[ It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. sec~nded by Councilman Willson and carried. Ii ~OUnCllman Cornell reported for the committee on Lots 19 and 20, Block 426, Townsite of Port Angele~. IThe committee agrees and recommends that the price for each lot be not less than $100.00 plus the Ii charges against them. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the committee's report and recommendation be accepted, and that Lots 19 and 20, Block 426, be advertised at a minimum of $100.00 plus charges I! for each lot. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. ! The City Manager reported on the cost and combination of changes that can be made on Parking Lot eters. 59 109 159 259 59 109' 159 259 tvlO hours four hours six hours ten hours for for for for per for for for hour two hours three hours ten hours i [t was moved by Councilman Willson that the West one-half of the meters be changed to the 59 for tw ours, 109 for four hours, 159 for six hours and 259 for ten hours, that the East one-half be left ~s is, and that the area be clearly marked so people can readily see the division, Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. After further discussion Councilman Willson replaced his motion with a motion that the meters in the West one-half of the lot be changed to: 59 for one hour, 109 for two hours, ~59 for three hours and 259 for all day or ten hours, and the East one-half be left as is. (59 per 'hour-259 for five hours). This motion was seconded by Councilman Wolfe and, unanimously carried. ~afting of the proposed ordinance on downtown parking, some of the changes, including the setting ~f ~maXlffium of 24 hours parking in the City's free parking lot, and a haullng and towing clause for I, .. obile vehicles, was discussed. The proposed ordinance lS to be presented at the next Council eeting. The minutes of the special meeting of the Planning Commission, October 18, 1962, were read, in whic~ the Commission recommended that the City Council approve and accept the plats submitted - one by I Green Brothers for re-plat of Lot 8, McGuires Addition to Port Angeles, and the other by Mr. LeRoy I' Kitselman and Mr. Johnnie Key for re-plat of Lots 23, 24 and 25 of Alderwood Acre Tracts. . t was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the minutes of the Planning Commission be approved and that the recommendation regarding the Greencrest plat of the Green Brothers and the Alderwood Circle plat of Mr. Kitselman and Mr. Key, be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. I ~ request that a price be established for purchase of Lots 5 through 10, Block 356, having been re- ceived;, the Mayor appointed a committee of Councilmen Haguewood, Willson ,and Smith to investigate and make recommendation. ~ communication from Murray F. Randall, President of the Babe Ruth League, thanking the City Counci~ ~or their cooperation and for sponsoring a Babe Ruth Baseball team, was received and read. ~t was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the fifth and final estimate of work done and material fur- ~iShed by Randall Kilmer Construction Company on the Alley paving in Lower Peabody L.I.D. No. 180 'n total amount of $8,000.00 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously tarried. It was pointed out that there is a retained percentage in amount of $9,548.30 being held ~or the thirty day lien filing period. I !A recommendation from the City Engineer that.the Alley Paving by Randall Kilmer Construction Company 'in Lower Peabody L'.I.D. No. 180, be accepted having been received, it was moved by Councilman wolfeil ~hat the Alley Paving project in Lower Peabody L'.I.D. No. 180 be accepted as recommended by the City ,Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. I' ~t was moved by Councilman Willson that the first (October) estimate of work done and material fur- I ihished by Randall Kilmer Construction Company on Alley Paving in Upper Peabody L.I.D. No. 183, in ; rhe amount of $11,000.00 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carrie~. ITt was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the second (October) estimate of work done and material I 'f,' urnished by J. E. Work, Inc., on the Street Improvement in the Pine Hill L.I.D. No. 184, in totalJ' amount of $38,000.00 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. J ~he City Engineer reported that the work in L.I.D. No. 184 is progressing more rapidly than antlci- I pated, and the contractor is doing a good and rapid job. ~ater and Light Department Operating Statements for September were received for approval. It was I moved by Councilman Willson that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilm Haguewood and carried. 'I 1 : Claims for approval were presented in amounts of: General Funds, $44,498.25; Water Fund, $2,173.101 'Warrants No. 11759 through 11766; and Light Fund, $28,513. 79-Warrants No, 11437 through 1146 5. It II Was moved by Councilman Cornell that the claims in total amount of $75,185.14 be approved as received, and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. il fI'he City Manager informed that the Utlllty Audltor requests that in the future, "write off" of de- 'iLinquent bills or/o~fi~~o~rfg gff~oggcil action. The following "write off's" were authorized: I , It was moved by Councilman Willson that the $528.92 owing for power when Port Tie & Lbr. I Co. went out of business in 1957, be written off. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unani- mously carried. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the credit balance of $3.75 on account No. 24-446 in in the name of Curtis Stump be written off. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and uanimously carried. I I I I I 'I 1 I Proceedings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington 1V0l>'; I I OCTOBER 18 I'~ ., 141 I L III H F'FtlHrlN'O eo. ".un.. aGP It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the credit balance of 3.00 on account No. 34-505 in the name of Allan Distributing Co. be written off. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. To Councilman Wolfe's question concerning the regulations on more than one person riding on a Hond~ Bike, the Chief of Police informed that there must be a seat for each passenger on any motor bike, 'I that they are classified as a motor vehicle, and are governed by all the Motor Vehicle regulations: Councilman Willson commended "the City Manager and whoever else was responsible" for the quick re- moval of the traffic hazards which he reported at the previous meeting. Councilman Smith requested that whenever fill dirt is available, the hole on 17th and E Streets be filled. Also that 8th and H Streets over to 10th and I Streets be cleared out and filled. During the discussion which followed, the City Manager and City Engineer pointed out that the crews are "swamped" at this time, but after the Pine Hill L.I.D. is completed, there should be time to work on the unimproved streets. Councilman Cornell expressed the appreciation of the people in the vicinity of 6th and G Streets to Councilman Wolfe, the City Manager and the Light Department for the installation of a street light in their intersection. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. \, A A );?-.0 7?/U,A't'./ CITY CLERK HOTtOD or BALD . - NO'1'?6~ ~t~n~~p~Jl'l that the City of Port Angeles will sell to tie".;.hlghest and best bld(ler the fol. owing rle>lcdbed rcal property, to- ll:" LDb; 19 a.nd 30, Bl(lclr. 426, ToW'n- .It.. Mfillmum as .et by the City COuncil $200.00 plus a.uessment-s -.n/r(:~tl!l. ""11. No,TJCE hi fllrtln'!" given that ea)'flJ" bloFt will be reccl\'cd for the >IJa'ftle.at the City Hnll until 5:00 p.m. jr)~Cj8mb;l!-r 6, 1962, and Ilot later. Bldl imust be ~CCOlllJ1anl!.'d b,r a ut'lloslt IOf not 1(!"~ than 10%, of amnUlll bid ;Qr UtI!' ,offer will nnt be conslderlJo. 'l']{O City Council refler"!.'~ the right1 !to rejeet llny 01" flll hid,;. . i b 1\1. W. SLANKARD ' . City l\fan;lJ;;~r publl!'lhed: NovemlJf'r'S and~ ---