HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/01/1983 r" --' - '--- CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November I, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Whidden. Members Absent: Councilman Quast. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, J. Marsh, L. Glenn, J. Pitt is , R. Orton, J. Hordyk. Public Present: L. Lee, H. Berglund, K. Schermer, B. Philpott, L. Ross, S. Fahnestock. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved to accept the Minutes of the October 18, 1983 regular meeting and of the special joint meeting with the Planning Commission of October 25, 1983, as submitted. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved to accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda as follows: (1) correspondence from the Washington State Liquor Control Board; (2} Vouchers of $1,078,931.10 and payroll of $190,322.54. Council- man Whidden seconded and the motion carried. V FINANCE Consideration of Bids for Medic I Vehicle Mayor Duncan reviewed a background memo from Fire Chief Glenn and Finance Director Orton. Councilman Hordyk moved to accept and award the bid of $19,999 plus tax to Northwest Emergency Equipment of Tacoma. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Mayor Duncan presented a professional award from the Washington State Asso- ciation of Senior Centers to Jean Hordyk for outstanding contribution to senior citizens. The Port Angeles Park and Recreation Department also awarded Jean a certificate of appreciation for outstanding service and contributions. VII LEGISLATION 1. Public Hearings A. Bluewater View L.I.D. '>0:",;- '.. .... Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments i10m the public. Frank Welch, 506 Bluewater View, stated that he would address the Council only if they were to go against creating the L.I.D. Orin Yates, 1326 East Sixth Street, owner of part of Lot 13, Block H, protested paying the estimated assessment of $4,605.86 for the L.I.D. He stated that the L.r.D. would be of no benefit to him and requested that he be exciuded from the L. r.D. Councilman Hordyk questioned the method of assessing the 60 I I , I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 1, 1983 charges for the L.I.D. Mr. Welch addressed the Council, stating that he could understand Mr. Yates' point of view as Mr. Yates will not have access to the improved street, but that future development may benefit from the L.LD. The Council and staff discussed optional assessment methods which could be decided upon when the Council sits as a Board of Equalization. The final method of assessment can be determined at that time. After further discus- sion, Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. Mayor Duncan then read the Ordinance by title entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2275 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the improvement of a certain area within the City by doing street improvement and storm drain installation, and by doing all other work necessary in connection therewith, creating a Local Improvement District therefor, Blue Water View L.I.D. No. 206, and providing for the payment of the cost of said improvements by special assessments upon the property in said district. Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- man Polhamus seconded and the motion.carried. B. Utility Credit Policy Amendments - Ordinance Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the audience. Lt.Cdr. McLeanl. the Operations Officer with the U. S. Coast Guard, opposed the $160 single-family . deposit . and. .$125._deposit for a multi-family unit, stating that these amounts were excessive. He also opposed the holding of deposits by the City for 36 months, stating that length of time is also excessive. The Council and staff discussed the matter at length. Bob Philpott, 1822 East Lauridsen Boulevard, property manager, stated that passage of this Ordinance is important to protect property owners. He supported the deposit amounts. Councilman Hordyk noted concern on the holding of the deposit for 36 months. Councilman Haguewood stated that interest accrued on deposits should be returned to customers when the deposit is refunded. After further discussion at length; .Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2276 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing policies for collection of utility .accounts, amending Ordinance -2055, and amending Chapter 13.16 Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, amending Section 3-B; that no such (deposit) refund will occur for at least 12 months, rather than 36 months. Councilman Haguewood seconded, amending the motion to include changes in Section 3-B, adding-that interest ~t the stan- dard passbook _savings rate be refunded to the customer along with the deposit. Councilman Hordyk concurred with the amendment to the motion. Councilman Gerberding then moved to amend the motion to include commercial accounts in the credit policy, stating that the administration may require a deposit in the amount of a two-month average of the previous six-month billing if deemed necessary. Councilman Whidden seconded. On call for the question, Councilmen Gerberding, Whidden and Haguewood voted "Aye", with Councilmen Hordyk and Polhamus voting "No". The amendment to the motion carried. On call for the question, the motion to adopt the amended Ordinance carried. 61 62 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 1, 1983 2. Planning Commission Minutes of October 26, 1983. No action by the Council was required. Councilman Polhamus moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of October 26, 1983. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 3. Proclamation of International Toastmistress Week Mayor Duncan proclaimed October 31, 1983 through November 5, 1983 National Toastmistress Week. 4. Report on International City Management Association Meeting in Kansas City I Manager Flodstrom presented information to the Council on the ICMA meeting he recently attended. Mayor Duncan, Councilman Gerberding and the Council congratulated Manager Flodstrom on winning the scholarship to attend the conference, stating that it was an honor to the City and to Dave. VIII LATE ITEMS Letter to EPA Mayor Duncan informed the Council that the letter had been prepared on be- half of ITT Rayonier regarding the EPA public hearing on a requested vari- ance by two Alaskan mills. Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that the public hearing will be held November 7, 1983. A group of individuals will be traveling to Seattle, and transportation will be available for a repre- sentative of the City Council. Councilman Gerberding or Mayor Duncan will deliver the letter at the public hearing. Councilman Gerberding inquired about the status of the Transit System's hoist for handicapped individuals. Councilman Polhamus informed that the ,- hoist is in operation. Councilman Whidden questioned Light Director Cosens on the availability of any new programs that might offer relief to church groups for utility charges. Light Director Cosens stated there were none that he was aware of. He stated that administratively, the Light Department has worked with the churches and businesses. Upon request, engineers or the Power Manager have, as time allows, helped them at no cost, advising and assisting in ways to save money. Councilman Whidden noted that the National Parks system has made Lake Crescent and Sol Duc Hot Springs both year around operations. Councilman Gerberding noted that the October 18th minutes, page 57, item number 7, should be corrected. He had voted "No" on the motion to table the Request from DOE to use the City's Landfill free of charge. Mayor Duncan informed the Council that the City's Block Grant Application had been listed in the Washington Community Bulletin. Seven applications have been received for economic development block grants. The decision on the application is to be announced December 1, 1983. Mayor Duncan also informed the Council that the Social Security office will be opening November 10, 1983. Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that there will be a special meet- I ingjwork session of the Council November 8, 1983 to review the preliminary budget and City Light budget presentation. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION None. . I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 1, 1983 Page 4 XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION None. XII ADJOURNMENT The ~eeting adjourned at 8:26 P.M. ~~~~ .fn~ / 1..n11 ~ 63.'