HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/02/1938 ,... 640 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington lITn',,",lT'h"'r ? J 1 q~A 193_ ..... Cor.tr."d.osioners Henson and Masters t;;".i.ig gene to Shelton to attend the Reeior.~l Meeting of the Association of Washingto:J. Citi~s, no "1eeting was held. ?J /n:j~ ' ,. ~ City Clork I The COlrmission beillg unable to rr.~~t on Novemb~r 2, 1058, tr.e rebl.l.lar meeting date, n:et trov~mber 3, at 10 ".m., and was called to order by !!8/or Davis. lioU call showed the following offic~r~ rr~8~tlt, Mayor Davis, CommissioMrs Henson and Masters, Attorney Con:1iff and Clerl: Hawkins, The mr:'l.utes of ttc ~'reYious session 1'IJre read and approved. AdC:itionto Ho!!!e, Lot 15 Elk 231, Townsite Add.ition to Home ,Lot 8 Blk 221, Townsite Construct back porch, lot 11,~lk29, N.R.S. 5 Eeauty l'arlor Chairs 1 Barber Chair 1,000.00 '5: .' 80.00 Ilj 75.00. .5.00 1.00 I Under the head of applications for building permits .roo. licenses the following were granted: C. 1. Fincri Vick Picca H. G. Radabaugh P.A.ileauty School Ben Gaines Police Judge Thos. Geisness, reported 76 cases tried and %535.00 collected in fines for the month of October, 1938,; Re~ort ordered filed. CUllIlE:IT EX?EIISE FiJ;,11 The COl,.rrission exa.'nined and allowed th~ following claim7?Ild crder~d werrants drawn for same: i"ire Department 11 II H.E.uodee & D.A.Masters H'.L. Banderob R.L.Jones City Treasurer WATEP. FUND Emil Brahs Hool'~r Electrochemical Co. Hook~r Electrochemical Co. General Electric Co. Federal Pipe & 'rank Co. pt. .:Angeles Iron darks LIGHT FUND Wn,. J. Vlare s.n.Wbit~ City Tr~"surer Quick Print Olympic Printery G18ss Specialty Co. Internatior?-l Assn. El~c. Insp. R.R. Express Agency Olympic Peninsula ).~otor Frt General electric Supply Corp. LIBRARY FUND The College Bindert Herman Goldberger Agency Life Junior Literary Guild Corp. 1\viation Press The Puget Sound N~"S CO. Pacific Tel & ne Co. J ennUu Norris James dardware Co. The Washington Bindery Cecil W. ~achenzie The Union Library Assu. The ~.N.Marquis Go. PARK FUI\'D Davicsor. Motors Co'~ E. Elzner L. 1. D. GUARAllTY FU;m eity Treasurer LIGHT INVESTI:E:;T FJ;;D City Treasurer Fa.!' Iloll Tl 11 90.00 135.00 ~22.40. 56.00 JO 1.00 3}i ~ 4.00 10.00 14.94 14.92 12.37 3.f 155.61 ?-?-1 - 19.50 26.15 30.15 1.38 22.95 5.46 5.86 4.CO 12.72 l' 14.81 ,--Y) ~ .43 41.35 153.30 3.50 1.75 9.33 24.74 4.25 4.15 2.85 1.84 5.00 ?-IA- <-1-7.- 6.39 ~ 7.97 1.17 5)7 17.GD I - I Expense Special Police " Taxes, lot 1, blk 100, Tow.1site Pipe ftgs. Chlorine I Ther:r.ostat Pipe Sho p '110 rk Insurance Car Expense )!isc. cash payments S+atements Of rice Supplies Repair Truck Door Inspectors Dues Express Charges Freight Charges 1.~ctor Base BLidin:-r l'eriodlc.ls PeriddicaU Book Books Books Service Petty Casl} Lamps Binding Baal, Books Book I Gas. etc. LRbor Taxes, 50' of lots 19-20, blk 121, Townsite 85.91 '~\faITants purcha sed 4571.11 /'F~ M8Yor There beine no further business the CO!ILTnission t:hen adj.:urned.' ?1.710~ City Clerk .... Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ I I I I I ~ ,.. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ I I I I I. ~