HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/02/1949 I I I I I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 597 November 2. 19....4JL I; The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers ,present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners RObinson and Taylor and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Und:er the head of applic~tions for building permits, the followir~ were approved: +'170 o~ Moving House; East t of Suburban Lot 96 Build 4-lloom House; Lot 10, Blk. 8, P.S.C.C. Subd. Build Garage; Lot 14, :llk. 340, Townsite eluild Double Garage; Lot 17, dlk. 518, Townsite Move Garage; N2 Lots 11-12; Blk. 254, Townsite Construct Driveway; Lot 8, Blk. 17, Thoopson & Goodv/in Addition 300.00 5,000.00 I" 450.00 1,000.00 I 200.00 ' 20.00 I J. R. McDonald n. E. lludolph I . I John T. Dailey I, J.!. C. Adolphson Walter N. McCormick Salvation Army Under the head of unfinished business, t~. Langru appeared regarding re-grade, sidewalks and curbs on East 12th Street. The construction of sidewalks and curbs without regrade was discussed, also construction by Local Improvement District, or contract to be paid by property owners. After further discussion Commissioner Taylor informed that the Engineer has estil!Bte of cost of project available to any interested property owner. I , I ,Uroer the head of new business, the Commission considered a proposed agreement between the City and ChiCago'~I' Milwaukee, St.Paul & Pacific Railroad Company, for easement to lay water main on K Street, un:!er the I Railroad tracks. The attorney advised that the City is not required to obligate itself by signing agreement, but is privileged to use the streets for necessary installations. It was moved by Co,unissioner Taylor that 'I the Clerk be instr.lcted to notify the Railroad Company that it is not necessary for t he City to enter into ! agreement, as it is the privilege of the City to have access to the Streets. Motion seconded by I Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Representatives of Meter Advertising Corporation of Seattle appeared regarding a contract with the City for use of parking meter standards for advertising signs. The City would receive 15% of advertising revenue the first year, increasing 1% each year for five years. Each City would be a separate account, and book available for inspection. The Commission requested that a few signs be installed, but no decision will be made or contract signed until further consideration. i on Pine Hill. The Engineer informed I' que stion is still not decided as to . ! Mr.. Lieurance re,!uested information regarding trunk and lateral sewers tha.t he has not received infonr.ation from the Attorney as yet, and the whether property valuation will permit both tmuk and laterals. I Claim for damage to house and furnishings, filed by George and Zeta Johnson of 925 West 10th Street, read and discussed. Damage was caused by excessive flow of water and debris causing sewer to clog. I claim iTas referred to the Attorney for recommendations. was The John Goneis, having sold his interest in Rex's Radio Cabs to Richard Amiot,. requested in writing that the taxi licenses be transferred to the new owner. The request was held for recoQInendations by Chief Ide. Jones and Newell, logging contractors, served notice that logging operations have terminated on their contract in the Ennis Creek Vlater Shed due to weather con:!itions. It was moved and secon:led that the notice be filed. Motion carried. The. Engineer informed tha t the thirty day period since completion of the "E" Street reservoir drain by , , A. Contesti has elapsed, and no incomplete or defective work has been discovered. The Engineer recommended I that the 15% retained,(or $275.01) be paid the Contractor. I The first ffionthly estimate of work done by Larsen and Callow, water main trenching on I was also submitted in the net amount of $562.10. It v,as moved by Commissioner Taylor I claims, as recommended, be paid. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. II Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: Lauridsen Boulevard, tha t the foregoing Motion carried. RESOLD TION NO. ,I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COJ,llUSSION OF THE CITY or' PORT ANGELES, as follows: THAT WHEREAS, the Commission has recently created the new position of Supervisor and Coordinator of parks an:! playfields, the civic field or stadium and the cemetery, and WHERF.AS, the budget of the Park Department for the year 1949 makes no provision for the payment of the salary of the employee occupying such position, and provides no funds therefore, and WHEREAS, there are available in the budget of said Park Department for the year 1949, under the general , classification of Salaries and W.ges and the item of Labor, ample fun:!s for the payment of such salary, which funds have not been expended and will not be expended for the purpose for which budgeted, to wit: I extra labor in said department, and are now available for tha paYQient of the salary of such Supervisor and I Coordil:a tor and should be transferred to an item designated as Salary of the Supervisor and Coordinator : of Parks and Playfields, Civic Stadiuln and Cemetery, and : WHEREAS, the necessity for bldgeting furris for the payment of such salary could not reasona b1;y have been ,I forseen by the City Corrur.ission at the time the budget was made up; , , ' II NOW, THEREFORE, there is hereby created in said budget. of the Park 'Department for the year 1949 an item [' ,I designated as Salary of the Supervisor and Coordinator of Parks and Playfields, Civic Stadium and Cemetery I at the rate of $290.00 per month, and there is hereby transferred from the item designated as Labor in said: budget to the item of SuperVisor and Coordina tor of Parks and Playfields, Civic Stadium and Cemetery, I hereby created, all in the general classification of salaries and wages, the sum of ..870.00. I It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Wootion carried. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in $". J 0 I CURR1'NT EXPENSE FUND: 1 71 r - II Vernon J. Robinson Peninsula i'rinting Co. Trick & Murray City Light Dept. Seconded by payment of same.. ' Expense Acct. Budget Covers File Rent , I 10.25; 2.58' 4.98 I 50.00 ,.. 598 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ November 2, continued, "CURRENT EXPENSE fUND. continued: City Treasurer PBcific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Hazel's Cafe Olympic Printery iEastman Kodak Stores 'Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. D & d llattery &. Electric Stn. Fitchard's Ass. Service Wray &. Raber Pacific Emolem &. Mfg. CO. II . 13 CITY STREET FUND: .<3" - Western Tractor & Equill"ent CO. ;D & d Battsry & Electric Stn. 'Peninsula Sand & Uravel 71 WATEll RJI[): i77 '- H. T. Svransoll Motor Co. Olympic Printery City Light Dept. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Robt. Monpas !Seattle Radio Supply Co. 'Viillson Hardware Co. Callow &. Larsen A. Contesti 71 LIGHT HiND: ! 5 71 Tri-(;ounty Trypewriter Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Eugene E. Williams Schreiner Chevrolet Co. ,City Water Dept. I~nited Janitor Supply Co. ,united Seal Go. 'T. P. Nilsen Olympic Printery' Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. /J'j 7;:, ~ Sts. &. Sew., Fire Hyd., "t.Lites, L.W.G., Ste.mps Phone Services Meals for Prisoners Office Supplies Supplies Gas 1 Glooe Car Repair Supplies JWlior ~afety Patrol .:>uttons 1,444.941 26.57 , ll5.15 i 15.65 6.61 4.89 .55 14.58 1.20 ' 25.75 , Parts 2 Batteries Sand Parts Supplies Rant and Ligh ts Phone Rent Batteries Pike Pole Contract Contract Ribbons & Repairs Phone Ca r Expense Repairs Wa tor at Sub Stn. J alli to r Supplie s Seals Meter Socket Supplies Cable SAN ITA TION FUND: City Treasurer Pacific Telephone &. Tele graph Co. Allan Dist. '(;0. D &. B Battery & Electric Btn. I~rmoye &, Davidson M~tor Co. PARK FUND: /D jL ~ ',l'b: acific Telephone &, Telegraph Co. Service 5851, 5288 ity Treasurer Light, Water, Garbage Clallam Grain Go. J,ime ..=~ !PARKING METER & TRAn'IC CONTROlI, FlIN( 7#/ J/ailor Lumber Co. L"Ul1lber . Water ~ervice ill Part 4494 Permazone, Frsezone Battery, One Car b. Kit, Parts & Labor There being no further rosiness, the session was then adjourned. ~. 8. f-~. (j City Clerk .... 79.84 42.66 114.53 2.58 54.71 50.96 54.06 6.00 4.14 10.15 562.10 2'75 .01 57.70 10.30 22.68 90.82 85.54 21. 71 6.19 3.00 8.24 1,287.60 Plug, Points, etc. 1.60 7.46 21.47 24.60 20.74 10.56 89.71 4.00 .74 ~d~~1f Mayor I I I ,I I