HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/03/1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 3. 1937 193_ ., 539 I I I J I i~he Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was,calledto order by Mayor Davis. 'ROll oall showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, GommissionersHenson and IMasters, Attorney ~onniff and Clerk Hawkins. liThe minutes of the previous session were read and approved. ,Police Judge, Thos; Geisness, reported 34 cases tried and $210.00 collected in fines Ifor the month of Ootober, 1937. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were I granted: L. A. Sparling, Garage, Lot 9, Blk. 39, N. n. Smith's Subd. Sig Larson, Repair House, Lot 5, Blk. 166, Townsite jMrs. Hazel Brennan, Build Home, Lot 4, Blk. 163, Townsite Carl Daugaard, Remodel Home, E t Lot 13, IV t Lot 14, Blk. 36, N. R. umith Subd. F. Awad, Peddlers Lioense, Nov. 3, 1937 M.il. Leonard, Restaurant, Little Place Jess J. Tower, Shooting Gallery 50.00 500.00 2eOO.00 400.00 10.00 15.00 16.66 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND The Oommission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: P. A. Evening News Lowman & Hanford H. L. Banderob W. D. Morrissey I. C. Groves Thos. N. Hibben R. L. Jones Pao Tel & Tel ~o. Paris Motor ~o. Lysall i'lelding & Forge ,jorks Central Motor Parts & Maohine ,iorks Fire Department CITY STREET FUND Associated Oil 00. Willson Hardware ~o. Lysall Welding & Forge ,Iorks V. A.Samuelson & ~o. V. A. Samuelson & Co. P. A. ~oncrete Products Co. Shell Oil "0. C. B. Viii! Lovell McGoff, Jr. WATER F\JND City Light Dept. P. "l. Concrete Products Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Shell Oil Co. City Treasurer Gehrke & Johnson LIGHT FUND Richfield Oil Co. Evening News Olympic Pen. Motor Freight Co. General Electric Supply ~orp. Albert S. Knight Co. General Electrie Co. Westinghouse Elec~r'ic & Mfg. Co. Lysall Welding & ~orge Works City Treasurer Mooks Electric Servioe General Electric Supply ~orp. Paul Hoffman LIBRAgy FUND Jennilu Norris ,Olympic Jtationers 'Remington Rand, Inc. Gaylord Bros., Inc. Packer-Scott 00. The puget ~ound News ~o. Junior Litery Guild Corp. The Studio publications, Ino. PARK FUND Charles Elzner Publioa t ions Hand Level Repair Special Polioe 11 II Meals for Prisoners Expense Aiicount Special P6lic e Service Repairs " Pay Roll Gas Hardware Repairs Tires Repairs Pipe Oil Truck Hire If II Draftsman's Wages Service Boxes Wrenohes Gasoline Cash paymen t Gasoline Gasoline J\dvertis ing Freight Wire Meter Boxes Meters & Cases Meter Shop \10rk Cash Payments Charge Battery Tools Examination Petty Cash Supplie s " !1,\ Paint Books " Labor There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 17 ;<.I')~U~C;-:~ I , , Ci ty ~lerk 50.19 1.87 6.00 66.00 31.15 7.65 18.00 6.90 5.77 2.00 1- 1 D ,3 g 7.85 87.00 38.00 16115 22.90 368.46 52.34 51.10 19.70 193.50 t 7 ~ I ~ 112.00 60.96 18.21 7.50 43.68 12.85 131, 1.18 II" '1'. 44.80 1l.55 1.34 35.86 41.63 514.39 21.79 2.00 26.02 1.75 19.05 1 0 ~ ,ll- 86.01 6.02 2.60 5.00 17.75 1.00 16.90 1.33 /'j t1 2'.97 ) . ~~~ 3.00 /~ / Mayor ...4 r'" 540 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 3, 1937 193_ The Gommission met in speaial session at 2 P.I.!. and was called to order by 11aY9r Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor uavis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney "onniff and Clerk Hawkins. The Gommission took up the matter of the hearing of Catherine McClain, et als, to show cause why their licenses should not be revoked for the violation of certain city :ordinanoes and state laws. Those appearing being: Catherine McClain, operating the 'Home Rooms at 107t 1"1. Front street, Port Angeles, Wash~ngtcn; Marjorie .rtoberts. operating the Oak dooms at lIlt North Oak Street, Port Angeles, Washington; Bee Traynor, operating the "1ndsor Rooms at 1251.- VI. Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington; and W. A. Sullivan, I operating Red's Taxi in the City of Port Angeles, Washington. 'After ~uestioning and hearing evidence th~ ()ommiss10n continued the matter for fUrther aonsideration. Therc being no further business the Commission then adjourned~, ~ ~-~~ Mayor '~'1_~ J ~ / I 'j; i,,)~~ r , City Clerk lit... I I I I~ I