HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/03/1948 I I I ,i.. ~... 4.t \ I o. I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Noverr.ber 3, 19~ 495i "~ol:".. "~""""'''.'''''''''._ ~.""TlU. l,li77D ~ 'The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson, and Clerk Law. Uinutes of the previous session were read and apprOV€G. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Juilding Permits: Dick Sherman Addition of porch to back of present dwelling; Lot 5, Slk. 101, Townsite , i Licenses: Margaret Thomassen Brown I s Second Hand Store 300.00 Beauty Shop Pawn Broker 1.00 I 66.54 Under the head of unfinished wsiness, the bids submitted to furnish light globes for City departments were as follows: K & K Fine Foods, list price less 28% and 2%; The i':lectric Co., list price less 28% and 2%; Peninsu~ Electric Co., list price less 28% and 2;1>; \Villson Hardware Co., list price less 28% and 2%; II ,General lllectl'ic Supply Corp., list price less 28% and 2%. All bids being the same, it was decided by drawing on the four local bidders. The Willson Hardware Company was drawn and awaraed the contract. llids for meters were opened a5 follews: General Electric Supply Corp.: type 1-3GS, 15 amp. 240 V. @ ~11.34J type 1-50S @ $11.42... ..Grayhar Llectric Co., Inc.: type ]-305, 15 amp. 240 V. @ $11.34... ..General Electric Co.: type 1-30S, 15 amp. 240 V. ~ $11.34, type I-50S 15 amp. 240V @ $11.42. It.was moved by Commissioner Steele that the bids of General Electric Supply Corp. and Graybar Electric Company be accepted and the contract for purchase of meters be awarded equally. 11.OtioIl seconded by COl'missioner Johnson. All voted A"j'8. Motion carried. The bids for transformers were submitted as follows: General Electric Supply Corp., 167. KVA @ ~1,067.64. Graybar Electric Co., Inc., 167 KVA @ $1,018.92, 150 KVA @ $943.52. General electric Co., 167 KVA @ 'el,067.54. Russell W. Neil, 150 KVA @ $925.00, 50 KVA @ ~400.00, 7! KVA @ $130.00. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the bid submitted bv Russell Ii. Neil be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .I II Bids for 10, 15 and 25 KVA transformers were submitted as follows: iVestinghouse Electric Supply Company, , 10 KVA @ ~142.19, 15 KVA @ ~181.50, 25 KVA @ $250.92. Line Material Compeny, 10 KVA @ ~142.80, 15 KVA @ I $182.28, 25 KVA @ $252.00. General Electric Company, 10 KVA @ $142.80, 15 KW\ @ $182.28, 25 KVA @ $2S2.00. Graybar Electric Co., 10 KVA fj) $142.80, 15 KVA @ $182.28, 25 KVA @ $252.00. General Electric Supply Corp., '110 KVA @ .$142.80, 15 KVA @ $182.28, 25 KVA @ ~252.00. By recommendation of Supt. Lean, the bids were held I for consideretion until the next session. il ! The Commission approved renewal of the contract of Hooker Electrochemical Company to furnish chlorine to the', liVlater Department for the year 1949. ~ ,The Co~~ission examined and apprOVed : '11 I CUHRE;IT EXPENSE FUND: /7.3;L - !!Fred Epperson Peninsula Herald ,City Street Dept. I Ci t;;r Treasurer I Richfield Oil Corp. 'Hazel's Cafe 'Pacific Telephone I;; Telegraph Co. Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. 'ISmith's Ice & 30ttling Works G & VI Fire Service , b~ ICITY STREET FUND: .25 , I Peninsula Herald U & VI Fire Service Peninsula Plywood Corp. Dcwns Auto Electric I;;;::~;~:" ~' Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 'General Electric Supply Corp. i 1'7- LIGHT FUJ!D-.J. 5 7 Y 0 - ,City Treasurer '!P;::cifi.C ~elephDne & Telegraph Co. I Peninsula Herald IWestinghouse Electric Suppl:i Co. Graybar Electric Co. General Electric Supply Corp. bl SANITATION FUND: 17'17 - LeRoJ'~gger -- Kenneth Owen lei ty Trea surer City Street Dept. (;5 LIBRARY JiUND: 3 '17 - ,icity 'l'reasurer . Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. .luaYlord Eros., Inc. ! Ol;ympic Ele ctric Co. Evening News Press ~OlympiC Stationers The Librarian of Congress uurroughs Adding l':Achine Co. United Janitor Supply Co. the followi:1g claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: Travel ing ~xpense Lebal Publications Cas St. & SeVi., Fire Hyd., St.Lites, L.'II. Oil Meals for Prisoners Phone Services Gas ased Recharges Fire Exting. & Fluid 85.50 43.62 9.89 1,375.51 12.42 89.04 62.08 8.70 4.89 43.26 i Ii Notice to Bidders 2 }'oam Recharges Core Blocks Regula tor, Old Core Black Smith Coal 1.69 5.67 II' 8.24 . 5.10 4.941 50.64 II 64.88 . 20.69 Rent and Light s Phone at Dam Radio Cash for Postage Phone Service Adv. Charts, Transforners 'Nire Rods 78.84 71.01 5.98 1,885.78 3,703.34 35.17 Gar 1~ileage for October GarRge Rent :~ater Gas and Oil 52.85 50.00 1..60 126.18 Light, -i'T~: ter, Garbage Service 467 Supplies LaIT.p, Starters, J(epair Outlet Letterheads Office Supplies Pr:.nted Catalog Cards Cleaning & Adjusting Typswri ter; Ribbon Hand Soap 0.20 7.21 30.60 12.93 I 10.82 11 1.14 14.44 7.47 i 1.80 ....i ,.. 496 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 3rd, continued. 19~ :tI8RAHY RiND,cS.Q!1tinued: SL~ons Car bond Co. .1 P. H. Howell !Eiblo (oJ. Tannen Doubleday & Co., Inc. Salop1s Book House liP.. C. .KcClurg & Co. Herman Goldberger Agency, Inc. 'City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. <f-'/ PARK H[ND: 'f'i- :iHoare & Headrick Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 'City Street "ept. City Trea surer II ? l-- P.l/. & T.C. Furl!!.;. ?3/_ City Street Dept. M. H. Rhodes, Inc. IKenneth Or,ren .Ange1es Gravel & Supply Co. Owens Bros. Contrac,tors ,0 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: 33 - iClalla"ll Co. Medic81 Service Corp. ,,"- LIBRARY MlIMORIAL RiND: 7.J. - Puge t Sound News Co. II Supplies Book Books Dooks Jooks Books I'jagazine s Light, /later, Gartage Senic e 7244 Auto Repairs Service 3851, 5288 Gas and Oil Light, Ilater, Garbage Labor) Gas, Oil, ete. CO. IS Share of Oct. Collections ~'(arehouse Rent Pla ning Vapor Proof :lottle !..ites Medical Service Fees for :':ov. 11There being no r'lrther business) the session ,,,.as then adjourned. Books --;~~------City Clerk--- ..... 1.32 1.00 3.40 6.00 3.17 33.31 236.80 9.83 7.21' 2.32 ID.57 14.80 71. 75 27.78 668 .34 15.00 2.06 18.54' 33.00 I 72.62 ____,:~:.J.J_~~""---J I!ayor I I .....~ I II I