HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/03/1955
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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IThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order bY Ma;yor Smith. Roll call
I,showed the tollowing o!i'icers preeent: Ma.yor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Matthieu, lvolfe and
~MCFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyne an:! C~erk Law.
lilt wae IlIOved by Councilman Brown that minutes ot the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Counci1man
Sandison an:! carried. .
'Under the head ot unfinished business, bids to turnish three 250KVA transtormers tor t he Light Dept. were
:'recei ved as tollOl<s:
I General Electric Supply CompaI\jT $5,422.32
l'i.estinghouse Electric s.upply ComPaIV .5,953.92
General Electric Company 5,953.92
~lr. Vergeer recommended the bid by General Electric Supply Company. It was moved by Councilman 1!cFadden
:that the otter as recommended be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandisdlll an:! carried.
[The Engineer filed for approval, JXliY estimates for work done and material furnished in L.I.D. "N~. 167 an:!LID
'No. 169:
! Osberg Construction Co, tenth estimate (October)
'l'umwater Access Road, Unit "A", L.I.D. No. 167, $25,479.49
lIt was moved by Councilman Matthieu that p~ estimate. be approved an:! warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 167
Construction Fund in ~ent of same and the City Clerk authorized to issue warrants numbered 368 to and
includi~ 391 for $1 000.00 each, and wzrram:. no. 392 in amount of $1,479.49 on the L.I.D. No. 167 Fund,
pearing ~nterest at the rate of 3 3/4% per annum, and dated November 4, 1955 to supply. tl)e necessary
lfunds to be deposited in the L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Fund. Motion seconded ly Councilman Brown an:!
unanimously carried. .
IF. H. Jarnagin, second estimate (October) Penn St. Sewer, L.I.D. No. 169, $24,603.50
Del Guzzi Construction Co., 1st esti~te (October), Penn St. Area Sewer Timbered trestle, L.I.D. No.
169, $1,448.15 ,.
t was moved by Couhcilman Matthieu that the foregoing pay estimates be approved and warrants issued on
L.I.D. No. 169 Construction Fund in pa;yment of same, an:! the City Clerk authDrized to issue warram:. number
~wo on the L.I.D. No. 169 Fund in aaount of $26,051.65, bearing inter?st at the rate of 4k% per annum
and dated NOVember 4, 1955l to supply the necessary funds to be depos~ted in the L.I.D. No. 169 Construction
Fund. Motion secomed by \;ouncilman Brown an:! unanimously carried, , .
it was moved by Councilman Brown that the following claim vouchers covering fixed estimate expense in ,.
L.I.D. No. 169 be approved an:! warrants issued on L.I.D. No. 169 Construction Fund in p<\Ylllllnt of SallE:
Payroll, Oct. 16 - 31, 1955 .$1,099.04
City Treasurer, postage, recording, etc. 6.89
H. B. Hanson, stakes and hubs 17.05
Robert Clawson, crew car for October 14.98
'Motion seconded by Councilman Matthieu and unanimously carried.
lThomas Dickinson appeared regarding claim previously filed an:! rejected for damage to elevator motor at
It he Masonic Tenple. It appears that motor was not damaged, only reversed, and cleim is for technical
.,service to determine sane. It was moved by Counci1man Brown that the AttornEll' write direct to main ottice
,0C insuraooe compazv stating. circumstances and llabillty of the City, citing payment of another claim of
,sllllle cause and etfect. Also that t he local insurance compaZV recieve a copy. Motion seconded by Council_
i:man Sandison. All voted . Aye. I~otion wrried.
pnder the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Neer that monthly budget reports of City Depts.
for September be approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried.
1=t was moved b:\'J Councilman Sandison that claims paid October il5. November 1, 2, in total aroount of $4,577.71
be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Matt~eu and carried. .
Mr. Roy Ellingson of 402 East 12th St. filed claim for damages in amount of $50.00 caused by sewer stoppage
an:! water in basement. Mr. Vergeer recommended claim be referred to Attorney and insurance compat\V.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that clsim be referred as recommended. Seconded by Councilman McFadden
and carried.
Cound.l'"considered request tor renewal of beverage license by Tugboat Tavern. It was moved by Councilman
Brown that request for renewal be' approved. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu an:! carried.
Palace Tavern filed reCJ.uest for pennission to conduct dancing tor their customsrs without charge. Mr.
Vergeer reported that i~pection reveals the location and area unsuitable and recommended request be
rejected. It was moved by Councilman Neer that Council concur with recommendation of the manager and act-
ing poll Ce chief. Seconded by Councilman Brown an:! carried.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that rpport of the Pollce Department for the mo11th of October be accept-
ed and tiled. Seconded by CoUncilman Neer. All voted ~e. . 110tion carried.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the 1W0r be authorized to execute real estate sales contract for the
sale of Lots 9, 10, 11, in Block 160, Townsite. 110tion secon:!ed by CounCilman Wolfe and carried.
Council considered affillation with Social Security and appointing certifying ofticer for 5II1lle. 112". Vergeer
reported on progress including prepared list of eligibles. On recommendation by Mr. Vergeer, it was moved
by Councilman Sandisiln that the City Clerk be appointed to serve as Certifying Officer and date ot reteren-
dum set tor March 15, 1956. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and carried.
Pursuant to request, Fire Chiet lvolverton appeared concerning request of the Volunteer Firemen for transfer
ot $600.00 from Extra Labor item to Volunteer Firemen in the Elire Department Budget. The Chief cited
history of the volunteers, amount paid, undesirable conditions where tiremen work, often without JXliY and
recommended that transfer be approved. Councilman Neer asked the Chief if he told the Manager no calls
IWOuld be paid after that item is exhausted. The Chief answered yes, but the money is availa)gl.e an:! vol-
unteers should be paid. The Chief was also asked if budget item deticiency is caused by paying for drills.
Re replied that more men report for fire calls due to telephone system. Also questioned was spending for
other than extra labor 8ni vacations for which money was budgeted, vacations as per calendar week an:!
'changing werking hours on the tire department. The Chief advised that the Civil Service Commisolon had been
consulted reagrding hours and shift, to which~S prompt1;r informed that it is not the pow~r. or duties of
. the Civil Service Commission and the 1W0r and Council should be consulted. It was the op~m?n of Mr.
lyergeer that no department heads should set working hours for employees and recommended a ruling be ~stab-
,1ished to that ettect. After further discussion, it was moved by Counci~ McFadden that a resolut:Lon
lbe prepared authoriZing transfer ot $6OO.CO trom Extra Labor to Volunteer F~~ Councilman Wolfe express-
I,d ~inion tha~'€Ica"te meney is ?-vailable in one item is no reason to spend otherwise, but the Volunteer 1
\ U' lII1 are en:L ed 0 compensat:Lon for duties performed, therefore secon:!ed the motion. All members
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, WashingtoIl.-,~
November 3 continued 19~
"'~ , 00"'"'. ..oe.... '''''_'M ".""...... ....
voted ~e an:! ID<?tion carried.
The folloong Resolution was introduced and read in full 'for Council consideration:
RF<iOmION NO. 19-55 \
A RESOLUTION authorizing the transfer- of .$600.00 from the item of ElCtra Labor in the budget for
the Fire Department to the 'item Volunteer Firemen in. said budget for the year 1955.
I WHEREAS, due to calls am services performed by volunteer firemen during the ~year 1955 the full ~
amount provided in said budget for volunteer firemen has been expended and it is necessary .that services in :
I case of emergency and fires be maintained, and . -
WHEREAS, there is still in the item for Extra Labor in said budget the sum of $785.80, which will
]be in excess of the amount required for Extra Labor for the balance of the year 1955. . I
1. _ That there be tranJlferred .from the 'item of Extra Lab.or in the )'ire I:>epartment Fund to the 'I
item Volunteer Firemen in the budget of sud Fire Department the. sum of $600.00
2. That tbe proper officers handling said budget be, arid they are, herebj'! ~horized to make ,
~t~~ . I
I 3. That 'the I-lana.ger and other proper officers of said City be, arid they are, hereby authorized, to
utilize said $600.00 for payment of volunteer firemen during the balance of they year 1955.
!It was moved ilY Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Resolution be approved and a'dopted. Seconded by
'Counci1man 'BroWn "anll carried.
!Under' the head 'of i"nt'rc;duction and 'rea"ding of ordinances, th~ following was introdu';ed a'm read in full:
I ORDINANCE NO. 1359 .. . .
AN ORDINANCE relating to the use of public streets, alleys and public places ih the City of Port.
IAngeleS, designating arterial streets; specif;;ing restricted zones and establishing parkii1gregulatione'
and req~rl'ment~~ and am~nding Sections Nineteen (19)<, Twenty (20), Twenty Onll' (21), Twenty Two ,(22) and
l1\renty e~ht (23) of Ordinance No. 1310 adopted August 6, 1953 and repealing Ordinance No. 1)47 passed and
,approved May 19, 1955. . . ..
:It was moved by Councilman Holte that the foregoing OrdinAnce' be approved and adopt.ed. Seconded' by
Councilman McFadden am carried. '
I .
'No further business appearing the meeting was declared adjourned.
I Q.(; ;LCW/
I (J. City Cleti(
~la;yor .
r NO\'ICE OF CALL .'0R'Bii>S
NOTICE .is hereby given that
sealed blds will be received by
the City Clerk of the City of Port,
Angel~. at the City Hall af said
City. until 5:00 o'clock P.M., De.
(l('mbcr 15. 1955, to furnish tM
Cit)..s annuSl] requirements during
the year 1956, of Gasoline and Die-
l>el Fuel. Estimated QUllnUties:
Gasoline, 30,000 gallons. Di~el
:li'uel, 4,000 gallons. To be on Off
Footed Tank Car price 'baslS. Ex-
clusive or Federal and other t8xe~
not a.pplicable to Municipal Cor.
poration5. The City Council re-
serves the right to reject any or
1 lilt ,b1dE.
~ J. E. LAW
'City Clerk
Pub: Dec. 2, 9, 1955T )
I _