HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/03/1967 I I I I "'I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 311 November 3 , 19...22..... L fI Ii PltIH'I'IN<J co. P_UZS4 ..... liThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Willson, Council men Maxfield, Thorne, Cornell, Wolfe, Bettger and Schroeder, Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece. I A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to accept and place on file, as received, minutes of the Council meeting October 20, 1966. Mr. James Ledbetter, Washington P.T.A., cited the difficulty children are having in crossing the street at First and Vine Streets; suggested that consideration be given to construction of an over- I pass at that location, and invited the Council to a meeting at Washington School, November 7, 1966 at 3:00 p.m. (Councilmen Wolfe and Thorne indicated that they will attend this meeting.) Bids on the hydraulic crane for the Water Department were opened and referred to the Water Super- intendent and Director of Public Works to check on their meeting specifications. Later in the meeting, a motion was made, by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, to accept the low bid of $5,328.79 by Star Machinery Company, as recommended by the Water Superintendent and Director of Public Works. A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, tl approve Pay Estimate No.3 in amount of $35,856.79 to Del Guzzi Construction, Inc. on Mill Creek Reservoir No.5 as recommended by CH2M. ! , A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carrled, that permissi~n be granted to call for bids for three new vehicles for the Police Department and one new vehicle II for the Director of Public Works. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, that permission be granted to call for bids for gas and oil to be furnished the City during 1967. A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to approve for payment claims vouchers in amount of $72,516.92; Payroll Transfers in amount of $34,836.78; Inter- departmental Transfers in amount $6,155.25; Budget Transfers in amount of $29,280.88 and L.I.D. No. 187 in amount of $12,061.89. ~ A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept and II I place on file the preliminary comments from the State Auditor regarding the Water and Light Utility Audit. I i Letters were received from three businessmen on Lincoln Street, who feel that the traffic problem on Lincoln can best be met by one-way streets or couplets. An invitation to attend the dedication of the North Las Vegas Civic Center on December 4, 1966 was recei ved. The Mayor commended the Finance Department and presented to Gene Williams, Finance Director, the Certificate of Merit from the Washington Finance Officers Association for the City's 1965 Annual Financial Report. John Warder, Director of Public Works, was commended by the Mayor and presented the copy of the Certificate of Merit and Award of President's Plaque to Washington Chapter (APWA) for most out- standing chapter. A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Schroeder1andcarried, to concur i' with the Planning Commission and approve the application of Charles Smith for permission to occupy a mobile home for a period of two years, while re-building a home at approximately 14th and 0 Streets. I A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to accept and I place on file Planning Commission minutes of NdOvd8ffibbercl, 1961m6. . I II A motion was made by Counci lman Bettger, secon e y ounCl an Thorne and carrled, to accept and place on file the Light and Water Departments Revenues and Expenses. Reports; City Manager!s I.C.M.A. Conference in Phoenix, Recreation Fall Conference in Spokane, Finance Officers Convention in Renton and Engineer's report on APWA meeting in Renton. Under other business, it was reported that there is a problem of large rocks on the roadways from the High School on Chase and Lincoln Streets; the easements for rights-of-way above the Boulevard are being processed; the markings for parking On the west side of Cherry Street between First and I Front Streets need re"doing; a lady Engineer's Aide has been hired; a special invitation to atteno P.U.D.'s Open House has been received; and a nuclear power meeting is coming up within two weeks which the Light Superintendent and City Manager plan to attend. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. A ~ m 7JLh..J City Clerk G&' ~91 ~ .~. '. A: .(". .~<, [' NOTICE '1'0 :BIDDERS I ayor Kf)TJCJ:; 18 JIBnEDY GIVl:~: ! b)_'l'~~; c?~id f;~?;<pui~~ l:~xd[~~~~~~ J PORT A~GELES, \YASJlr],\G'l'O~, llUtil 7:::0 Il.1Il DI'cemllcr.1. 19iHi, :U -wllicll tin\(' lhey will lJe upened andl llUuliely rE'nd alouu jll l111' City COllIlCil Ch:lmh!"rK BIds will {'on'r tllf! 1'enu\'atlon of ~~~~~I1~~,~~e ;~/~~,I'\~ I~~~I ~i~~~U ~{'l~~li~~~~l n,pl:w"nlt'nt 01" "t1'l'et l1g1lt C-..1.b1o :u:d, rCJ11:1~l'm,'nt of ron('rete Rids mil'" h(' II1n11,'11 or 11('11\'CN'1'l to tll(> CITY OF PORT .A~GJI:LES ~,;-Fn~~l~'(l U~QrI"{~t{l~1 ~~fl:r,~ ~~\t~;~: ~:n{lcembil'r J st, H66. All bid!' !'Olin\! ill' )llalnly HI a l' h: C (I "DOW:NT(f\YK S'J:'mmT LIGHT H.EXO'-'ATION." Any C'xc~ptjon!'; to. tlle ~11C('ifl('1\- t!OIl~, contract or g....nera! l'ondlUous .-Io;!alll h~ notc.(I h): llln t>idrlrl\'. I PrNluallt'lcatlon50 ..,r l;>1I:lderl'l ill TO- O;:;~~dtlJ nr~1us~h~Q ~~~~~jf;C~;;;~'~~(I~~I: I TIle Citv Coun('il l'f'!:lr>n'(>F: tll.. rit;ht tn V;'lli~'e Iln~- infQTmll.lIly- in 1bh1l< anll to r<-]I'('t n_n~' or _all bills. ~.. o. {nehll a('r.l' ptnnce, J'('J('I~tl11n "'_'I' contimll\tlon by th~ City CounCIl will 1.0" lnrlfl(' in tll(~ l:lty Count'il r.h:H..,l)cr~, December l~t, 19tH;, nt 7:30 T1.mi)(r~;"ALD Jl_ l-tET::r:.)IAX . ell"" 'Mtl.nl\gl'r rllb1ishcd: No". 10 ::\11(1 17, 1\1(;(; ~ XOTlCEI OF CALL PO. lUDS 1\"O,]~lCE ll'! J1l<;RP~r:Y c:.JYEN {h!lt hid" will l)(!- [-("('(lIved up HJ ;;:00 T'.I1t., DeCC1l1t'cr 1, J9r,G, My t)le City Man_ Il~('-r, lDT <; 1~Hij Four ))"'01' 8e<1:11l!: for the- Polil"'l Dep:utmellt. amI 1 Igei Four Door Soclan for tho Engln_ oon: Di'P:1rtmcmt. ~lIC('i1:ll':llloll!l for 111(''''' "chl()l(!!ol mf\y Ire OI.tllhl,,=tJ at 01(1 nffi(.'(!- (If the Clt\' Mtl.naj:rH, HO ,y('"t ,l'-t'(lnt Strl'ot. J~lrlrli?r t'lmll f'uomit wiUt hirJ I h(' rt-quJr.....1 dp.ll"l'ry time-, :t u'.-;';' hill d....rHlFIt or hrmrl. an,l a Ri~lIi'd ('~rnfl_ cntJ:! I-ltatin,::- lhll,t HH!- billrlr.r. if !lll<'_ Ct'I'l<flll. will meet tho :-'jlocificn.tlnlll> wiLl1u\lt el>c.>ntioll_ 1~h(' City COl1ncil '\\'1Il r-l}'1:I....w NIl!'! fn regular 5O'.'",,1"'n at 7::':0 P.:\f., n",-.- (>mb('r I, l~'fili. Till' \:ollndl n.~;('n'C8 ;the rllll1t 1<1 :1('''['1', or reject any ~,r all hldH ~\Ihml t l('(l. Donalrt D. Henman City Mllnn..cr l'uhli~c""J'c:Y, ." ~~~._ \