HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/03/1981 -~ ~ ~ITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 3, 1981 0184 J CALL TO ORDER Mayor Haguewood called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. I I ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus and Quast. Members Absent: One position vacant. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Clerk Parrish, L. Glenn, D. Frizzell, M. Cleland, P. Carr, J. Pittis, K. Rodocker, A. Rose, R. Orton, L. Cosens, M. Lannoye. Public Present: J. Cummings, D. Callin, D. Otterstetter, R. Taylor, R. Page, J. Buss, D. Price, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hellman, Mr. and Mrs. K. Bradford, L. Sunny, C. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. D. Niichel, C. Whidden, B. Viers, R. Wight, Mr. and 1.lrs. F. Caldwell, F. Booren, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutz, Mr. and Mrs. G. Woods, J. Spiess, D. Bragg, R. Cline, C. Coble. Following the roll call, Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 38-81 entitled, A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor, City Council and City Staff to recognize HAROLD S. BUCK as a past member of the Port Angeles City Council who served admirably. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried unanimously. Mayor Haguewood then presented Mr. Buck with a Certificate of Appreciation and invited him to participate in the picture taking ceremony which followed immediately thereafter. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and piace on file as received the minutes of the October 20, 1981 meeting and the October 22, 1981 special meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion of the motion, Councilman Quast requested a correction to Register Page No. 185, Items From the Audience Not on the Agenda, first paragraph, line five to read "taken to the University of Puget Sound...."; and Register Page No. 189, Self-Insurance: Health and Welfare Plans (cont.), paragraph two, line two to read"...... insufficient insurance 1 itigation." The motion to approve the October 20, 1981 minutes, as corrected, and the October 22, 1981 minutes was then passed by the Council. IV FINANCE None. V CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the. Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers of $712,545.20 and Payroll of $171,159.36. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. t. VII ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast: R.;?quested that the wreath ordered for Armistice Day, November 11,1981, in B.C. be of an artificial wilt resistant type. I .-1-.. ~ '.(! , I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1981 0195 VII ITEMS FROM THE CITY,COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA (cont.) Councilman Hordyk: Commented that 97 applications were received for the City's Civil Service patrolman_examination. Manager Flodstrom: Introduced the new Clallam County Administrator, Mike Wilson, to the Counci 1. Councilman Quast: As the County has elected not to establish a County Boundary Review Board, requested that City staff cooperate with County staff and vice versa, in resolving any future difficulties which might occur in this area. tIII LEGISLATION 1. NOMINATIONS FOR COUNCILMEMBER The Council agreed to employ the balloting procedure outlined in Manager Flodstrom's memorandum for filling the vacancy created by Mr. Buck's resignation and Mayor Haguewood directed Clerk Parrish to call for nominations. The following individuals were nominated by the Council: Diane W. Kaufman, George T. Mattson, John C. Spiess, Elsie Rausal, Dick Wight, John Hubbard, Dr. Don Bettger, Charles Whidden, Pat Downie, Clayton Rennie, Arthur Feiro and Mike Libera. After the Clerk's call for any final nominations, Councilman Quast moved the nominations be closed; Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. On the seventh (7) ballot, the Council obtained a majority vote (4 votes) for nominee Charles Whidden. Councilman Quast moved that Mr. Whidden be seated after the Council's consideration of the first three items on the legislation agenda; the motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Quast then moved the Council accept the balloting and appoint Charles Whidden to the City Council as replacement for Harold Buck and that the Clerk administer the oath of office to Mr. Whidden. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Clerk Parrish administered the oath of office to Charles Whidden and thereafter, Councilman Whidden was seated with the Council. Mr. Whidden will serve until after the 1983 general election results. 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS I A. Nasons' Petition to Vacate Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Nason petition to vacate the easterly 20 feet of the unnamed 100-foot wide right-of-way at the west line of Port Angeles Townsite, between 18th Street and 22nd Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience .or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk moved that the Council concur with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and approve the street vacation because: 1) The vacation will secure title for a 50-foot access road to the Sanitary Landfill, 2) the vacation of the 20-foot strip will not be detrimental to the City because an 80-foot right- of-way will be adequate for a future street and 3) vacation of the right- of-way is in the best interest of the community and the general public. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2176 entitled, ., IOI~ NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN . that 'tie ~ .port' Angeles City Ii Council will hold a public hearing on November 3. ~ 1981, at '1:00 PM. or os soon thereafter os possible, in tile Council Chambers, 134 West Front Street, to consider Q pelition to vacate a portion of Councilman Hordyk moved the Council a?opt the foregoing Ordinanc ~~~o,:::=~e~&}~ot~:~eO~igt~~ by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motlOn was seconded by Council of.woy atthe west line 01 Port Boardman and carried unanimously. A~~~~~:oT:w,;;~:;;rn edge 01 j Port Ange-les Townsite, =l:- between Eighteenth Street "- and Twenty-Second Street .,.. Legal Description: Mayor Haguewood op~ned the pub 1 i c heari ng on. the Olympi c Memori ~ PRO:;'~~~lg~EET request to reclasslfy property at 1015 Carol1ne Street frl;)m RS-I A pe'tlon 01 the eosterly20 and asked f?r questions or ~olllllents. from th~ audience or staff: ::idteo:i~~~ofn;~;~~t~~~~~: Personnel Dlrector at 01ymP1C Memonal Hospltal addressed the lYlineofPortAngelesTown.lte of the property and ~he pub 1 i c !!leeti ng was closed.. Counei 1 man I ~d:~~ent;:;~~b~rb:~t~ots ~~ moved that the Councll concur wlth the recolllllendatlOns of the P and 135, porticularly and grant the rezone because: 1) A rezone wo ul dcpromote .the :adf de~:~~nen~na;~~I~h;~o,thw.st corner of suburban lot 134, I tnence south l4017'IS" west Q distance of 238.82 feet to the North ri ght of woy line of the l. Port Angeles landf! II access road: Thence continuing southwesterly from the sou.h right of woy line of the Port Angel es landf i II access road, said point being south 14017'18" west Q distance of 288.82 feet from the nor- thwest corner of suburban lot 134, and extending to the southwest corne,. of suburban 101135. Applicant: Ray Noson Property Owner: Same All interested parties may appear of the ~,:arin9 an.d express thei r opm1on on thIS proposal. Oats: October 14, 1981 Morlan C. Parrish Cit Clerk AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating the easterly 20 feet of the unnamed 100-foot wide right- of-way at the west line of Port Angeles Townsite, between 18th Street and 22nd Street. B. REZONE HEARING - Olympic Memorial Hospital t"l I .1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1981 0195 VII ITEMS FROM THE CITY ,COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA (cont.) Councilman Hordyk: Commented that 97 applications were received for the City's Civil Service patrolman,examination. Manager Flodstrom: Introduced the new Clallam County Administrator, Mike Wilson, to the Council. Councilman Quast: As the County has elected not to establish a County Boundary Review Board, requested that City staff cooperate with County staff and vice versa, in resolving any future difficulties which might occur in this area. LEGISLATION 1. NOMINATIONS FOR COUNCILMEMBER The Council agreed to employ the balloting procedure outlined in Manager Flodstrom's memorandum for filling the vacancy created by Mr. Buck's resignation and Mayor Haguewood directed Clerk Parrish to call for nominations. The following individuals were nominated by the Council: Diane W. Kaufman, George T. Mattson, John C. Spiess, Elsie Rausal, Dick Wight, John Hubbard, Dr. Don Bettger, Charles Whidden, Pat Downie, Clayton Rennie, Arthur Feiro and Mike Libera. After the Clerk's call for any final nominations, Councilman Quast moved the nominations be closed; Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. On the seventh (7) ballot, the Council obtained a majority vote (4 votes) for nominee Charles Whidden. Councilman Quast moved that Mr. Whidden be seated after the Council's consideration of the first three items on the legislation agenda; the motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Quast then moved the Council accept the balloting and appoint Charles Whidden to the City Council as replacement for Harold Buck and that the Clerk administer the oath of office to Mr. Whidden. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Clerk Parrish administered the oath of office to Charles Whidden and thereafter, Councilman Whidden was seated with the Council. Mr. Whidden will serve until after the 1983 general election results. 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Nasons' Petition to Vacate Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Nason petition to vacate the easterly 20 feet of the unnamed 100-foot wide right-of-way at the west line of Port Angeles Townsite, between 18th Street and 22nd Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk. 8egonnongaltheno"hweOl .. . 1. comer 0' suburban lot 134. the CounCll concur wlth the recommendatlons of the P annlng COm.hencesauthU'I7'IB"westa approve the street vaca t i on because: 1) The vaca t i on wi 11 secu distance 01 238.821....tta lh.. , . ') . Nar.h right of way Iin.. 01 the a 50-foot access road to the Sanltary Landflll, 2 the vacatllport A.geles londlill ocC"" 20-foot ~trip will not be detrimental to the City because. an 80 ro~tence co.tinuing of-way wlll be adequate for a future street and 3} vacatlOn of ,outhwesterlylromthesouth of-way is in the best interest of the community and the general right 01 way line 01 the Pad' . . . Angeles landfill access roo , The motlOn was seconded by Councllman Boardman and carn ed. said point being sou.h 14on'lB" west a distance of 288.B2 leet Irom the no" Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. thwestcornerolsuburbanlot entitled, 134. and ex.ending to the sO\Jthwest corner of suburban lot 135. Applicant: Ray NC$on I Property OWl'er: SClme I All interested parties may ! appear 01 fhe hearing an,d . express their opinion on thiS prti:~~~ctob(l'r 1 A, 1981 . Counci 1 man Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoi ng Ordi nanc Ma'ion~it~a~l~~~_ by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councililtan _ ~_~~~ Boardman and carried unanimously. l~G , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN : 1hot the Port Ange!es City t Council will hold 0 public:.- ~ hearing on November:3, 1981. ,at 7:00 P.M., or os. soon Mayor Hag uewood opened the pub 1 i c hea ri og on the Olympi c Memori a 1 .here~lte' as bassible, in the \ request to reclassify property at 1015 Caroline Street fr.om RS-7 ~~;:,un~CI~t~~;t t:s~o~~d:es~ and asked for questions or comments from the audience or staff. . ,equest .'0 rezone 10.500' Personnel Director at Olympic Memorial Hospital addressed the int squa.'eleet!ramRS-7(SlOgle- , Family Resldentlol) to PBp. i of the property and the pub 1 i c meeti ng was closed. Counci 1 man Bri (Public Building' and Parks). moved that the Council concur with the recommendations of the Pla Location: 1015 .Corohne, Street and grant the rezone because: .1) A rezone woul d:promote .ttLe-,adeq Legal Dese,iptian: West - . hall oIL0114 and 011 allot 13, Black 4, Puge' Sound Cooperative Colony, CI"lIam I COUl'lty, Wo"hing1or1. ; Applica.t: Olympic. I Memorial Hospital I Property Owner: Walter ~ 8r~J1nintef"ested _parties may' I) appear at the l1eoring and:~ express their opinion on tl1is proposal. Dale: October 23. UBI Morian C. Parrisl1 City Clerk AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating the easterly 20 feet of the unnamed lOO-foot wide right- of-way at the west line of Port Angeles Townsite, between 18th Street and 22nd Street. B. REZONE HEARl NG - Olympi c Memorial Hospital Pub.: Oct. 23.1981. "III ., ~ '" I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3. 1981 0195 VII ITEMS FROM THE CITY,COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA (cont.) Councilman Hordyk: Commented that 97 applications were received for the City's Civil Service patro1man,examination. Manager Flodstrom: Introduced the new Clallam County Administrator, Mike Wilson, to the Council. Councilman Quast: As the County has elected not to establish a County Boundary Review Board, requested that City staff cooperate with County staff and vice versa. in resolving any future difficulties which might occur in this area. LEGISLATION 1. NOMINATIONS FOR COUNCILMEMBER The Council agreed to employ the balloting procedure outlined in Manager Flodstrom's memorandum for filling the vacancy created by Mr. Buck's resignation and Mayor Haguewood directed Clerk Parrish to call for nominations. The following individuals were nominated by the Council: Diane W. Kaufman, George T. Mattson, John C. Spiess, Elsie Rausa1, Dick Wight, John Hubbard, Dr. Don Bettger. Charles Whidden, Pat Downie, Clayton Rennie, Arthur Feiro and Mike Libera. After the Clerk's call for any final nominations, Councilman Quast moved the nominations be closed; Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. On the seventh (7) ballot, the Council obtained a majority vote (4 votes) for nominee Charles Whidden. Councilman Quast moved that Mr. Whidden be seated after the Council's consideration of the first three items on the legislation agenda; the motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Quast then moved the Council accept the balloting and I appoint Charles Whidden to the City Council as replacement for Harold Buck and that the Clerk administer the oath of office to Mr. Whidden. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Clerk Parrish administered the oath of office to Charles Whidden and thereafter, Councilman Whidden was seated with the Council. Mr. Whidden will serve until after the 1983 general election results. 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Nasons' Petition to Vacate Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Nason petition to vacate the easterly 20 feet of the unnamed 100-foot wide right-of-way at the west line of Port Angeles Townsite, between 18th Street and 22nd Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk . Beg,nnmgotthenorlhw8st '. h C.l' . . corne' of sub~rbon lot 134, . t e ouncl concur Wl th the recommendatlOns of the Plannlng Com thence south W17'la"westo i approve the street vaca t i on because: 1) The vaca t i on wi 11 secu oiSlOnC? of 23a,a2 feet 10 the j . ') . Norlh nght 01 woy I,ne of tke a 50-foot access road to the Sanltary Landflll, 2 the vacatl'port Angeles londldl access 20-foot strip will not be detrimental to the City because an 80 rood: I' , f '1 ) , ~t^ ~""'u~ur..91l 'n~,ng o -way Wl 1 be adequate for a future street and 3 vacatlon of, so, g 'set 'If'UOW ';'If ''1,;;0;;; of-way is in the best interest of the community and the general rl~- 011$ '8'1'Ij..,d pu" p-'OO' The motion was seconded by Counci lman Boardman and carried. A, S~'S'o'lS1HaNll SD 'l:9'E"S~ 'uoueAI eo ~: ~WIl-"nH)NI3OHS3SI Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. th, 'sng.&89'OOO'S9$.' enti t 1 ed 13"~ "U"lqD''o' .'IN ''''!IU''s.1 ' s~ u",q,,''o' 'X3W 11IH 1I0f lo~.t 'IS 'v I,D, o Ot e !>^e 'pe Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinanc ~961 by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council~~~ Boardman and carried unanimously. 1(:8 "p, '"'''1 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating the easterly 20 feet of the unnamed lOO-foot wide right- of-way at the west line of Port Angeles Townsite, between 18th Street and 22nd Street. ~:>Dl/sesJOH 'w'd 6 .telfD '."eA_" 8 e,ol"q s6UIU'OW '90lE~ (60s) l JO 91:06-SOt(60SJ I -Ino~ '~Ol Ol$ 'MG',S .Ie '",,,,,S 'p8In"~ 'ua, 001$ 'A"'l J"peel 'o'~l~ '01'86'''~ "''o'H SS\llf~ V~lV~l' 'EQtt 'It'Dq ,lid 1$ 'AVH S!" 'U,l!i, 'pexfW s'DJa "11"11'0' B. REZONE HEARING - Olympic Memorial Hospital I Mayor Haguewood opened the pub 1 i c heari ng on the Olympi c Memori a l-Hos'pita 1 --, - request to reclassify property at 1015 Caroline Street fram RS-7 to PBP and asked for questions or comments from the audience or staff. Bill Viers, Personnel Director at Olympic Memorial Hospital addressed the intended use of the property and the public meeting was closed. Councilman Boardman moved that the Council concur with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and grant the rezone because: 1) A rezone woul d,promote .the'.adequate provi s ion 1023f -- ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihal lhe Pari Angel.s City Council will hold a public hearing on Nov.m~f' 3. 1981,017:00 P.M.. or as soon therealter as po.sible, in Ihe Council Chambers, 134 Wost Front Street. to consider Q request to rezone 7,000 square fo.t from RMf (Ros.dential Multi.family) 10 OC (Office Comme,clal). Locallon: 117 Wesl Second Slr....1 . Legal Descr.plion: Lol 17. ;Bloc:k 32, Town.lle 01 Pori . Angeles , Ni~~:II~~odn1~hn ~1,C;uo~d J. Prope-rty Owner: Bar' Murray and EII.abelh M, Murray All inleresled po riles may appear 01 the hearing and exptess 1heir opinion on this proposal. Dale: OClober23, 198\ Marlon C. Parrish Clly Clerk Pub.: 0<1. 23, 1981. " ORDINANCE NO, 2176 AN ORDINANCE 01 the City 01 Port Angeles vacallng Ihe easlorly 20 leol of Ihe un- nomed l00.foot.wide right. aI-way altha westJl!Ie of Pori ! An~I.1 Townsite, between 181h SIroel and 22nd Str"I. WHEREAS, a pel. lion is on 11I0 wilh Ihe City of Part Ange~es to vacate ,he easterly 20 feet of the un. named lOO-Faal.wlde r.ghl' of. way at the wes11ine of Port Angeles Townsite. between 16th SI,eet and 22nd SI,_t, and WH E R EAS, I h e requirements. of Chapter 43,21C RCW, Ihe State En. vironmental Policy Act, hove been met and a public hearing has been held by Ihe City Council Following public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW: and WHEREAS, sa.d vacalian oppeors to be a. bet"lefit to and In the- interest of ,the public; now, therefo...e. SE IT ORDAINED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of PORT ANGELES os follows: Section 1. Vocation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, Ihe tallowing descr'ib.d portion of an unnamed street is hereby vacated: A DOrl.on of Ihe easlerly 20 Feel of the unnamed l00.Foot. wide- ri9h.t.of-woy at the west , line of 'Port Angelus Town- site, being parallel with and adjacent to Suburban Lots l34 and 135, and be.ng mare particularly described as lollows: BegInning 01 tne northwest corner of Suburban Lol 134, THENCE 5 14'17"18" W along the west Una of Suburban Lol .... 134 a dislance of 239.96 leel to the north flght.of.woy line 01 the landlill acce.s road: THENCE N 68'54'22"W along the north righl-ot.way line 01 the landfill oc<ess rood 0 dislooce 01 20.14 feel: THENCE N 14'17'IS" E 0 dislance ot 244,44 feel 10 the saolh r.ght-ot-way line at 161h Street, exlended: THENCE S 56'45'06" E along tile south right-of.way line of 181h Streel exlended 0 distance of 21.15 feet to the point o' beginning; ALSO Beginning ot tile point of interesection of the west line of Suburban Lol 134 and the south rlght.of-way ~ine of the landfill access road, said point being 5 14'17'18" W a d..tance 01 290.32 teel Irom the northwest corner of Suburban LOI 134: THENCE 5 '''017'10'' W olong the west line of Suburban Lot 134 0 distance of ....55.12 feet to the northwest corner of Subu rbon LoI 135; THENCE 514'17"16" W along the west line of "Subu...ban lot 135 a dis,ance of 745.44 teet to Ihe south- west corner of Suburban Lot 135: THENCE N 56'45'06" W along the north right.of-way line ol22nd Slreet e~tended 0 distance of 21.15 feet; THENCE N 14'17'18" E (I d.staoce 01 1,196.08 teet: THENCE S 68'54'22" E along Ihe south rlght-ol-way line of Ihe londlill access rood a dislllnce 01 20, 1~ F....I 10 Ihe point of beginning: con- toining 0.661 acres, more or less. Section 2. Compen'SCltion. In lieu of tile compensation oulho,;zed in RCW 35.79,030 ,for the vacotion of soid portion of on unnamed street. the PetUioner sholl execute 0 ~ Warranfy Deed conveying to 1- Ihe City of Po,t Angeles 0 50. toot right-of-way descr.bed as follows: . A tract or parcel of land for stree. and u-Imty purpos.s, localed in Suburban Lal 134. Townsite of Port Angeles" ~ being 50 feet in widt.... and . being more porHculor'y d-escribed os.follows: t Beginning at 0 point on the l south right.of.way line of : 161h Streel, N 56'45'06" W 0 ,.d1510n<0'al.113.22 Feet'Fram ~ . the cellter line of vacated .oR" Street: THENCE 585'31'26" W ~ladi':icinceof8n2 Feel to Ihe po.nl of beg.nning: containing 0,641 ocres, more or 1e55. Section 3. Quit Claim Deed. Upon compliance wl.h tne .-arms an-d conditions of tn.s Ordjnan(e. ,.he owner of abutt.ng'property entitled 10 ttle vocated portion of the unnamed 'S....eet. pun,lJcnt to RCW 35.79,040, may presenl a qU'1 <la.m deed 10 Ihe City of Port Angeles fo... execution by the Mayo', who is hereby a-ut"orized and directed to e:)(Kute 5...,h quit claim deed. Such quit <101m deed shall include 011 reservations conditions. or oth&; qualifications 'Upon the fltl. eSlabll.hed by Ih.s Or-, dinQnce. I Section 4. Effective Oat.. This Ordinonce sl10ll be ef. I fective only -upon the soti,factlon of the terms and conditions of ,his 0.... diononce, and the CI.rk is ' hereby directed to file. record and publish Ih.s Ordi.an<.. upon that satisfaction. I PASSED by the City Council of Ihe Clly of PorI Angele. 01 a regular meeting of sotd Council held an Ihe 3,d day ot I November, 1961, , Samuel J. Hoguewood 1 Mayor Atte.I: M-orion C. POfri,l1, City Clerk Approved as to form: Craig l. Millo..., City Attorney Pob.: Nov. 24, 1981 I f I . 1he cenrer I toe 01 vu,"-u Ilt:U .... Street; THENCE S 85031 '26" W o distance of 234,,75 feet to a point of curvature to the right with a central' angle of 250~~12'~ and a radius of 585 feet; THENCE along 1he orc of said curve to the right a distance of 261.07 feet to the point of tangency: THENCE N 68054t22U W a distance of 103.33 feet to the westerly line of Suburban lot 134: THENCE N 14017'18u E along the wes1erly line of Suburban Lot 134 a distance of 50.36 feet to 0 point 5 14017t18~~ W a distance of 239.96 feet from the northwest corner of Suburban lot 134; THENCE S 68054r22u E 0 distance of '09.29 fee1 to 0 point of curvature to the left with a central angle of 25034"12~: and 0 radius of 535 fee'~ THENCE along the arc of said curve to the left 0 distonce of 238.76 feet to the point of 1ongency; THENCE N 85031.26t~ E a distance of 170.. 11 feet to the south ri gh1- of ..way line of 18,h Street; THENCE S 56045'06u E along the south right-ot-way line 0' t , ~ ~)' t CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3. 1981 0190 VIII LEGISLATION 2. Public Hearings (cant.) B. Rezone Request - Olympic Memorial Hospital of a community facility; i.e. the Hospital; 2) a rezone would achieve the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Objectives of grouping the same use (i.e., public), and appropriately using land adjacent to an existing public use for a public use; and 3) a rezone would promote the attainment of the goals of the community as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan, and be in the best interests of the community. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion. During discussion of the motion, Councilman Quast raised his objection to piecemeal rezoning of lne nospital area and indicated ne would vote "No" on principle. Tne motion carried with Councilman Quast voting "No". Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read Ordinance No. 2177 entitled, AN ORDINANCE of tne City of Port Angeles reclassifying property at 1015 Caroline Street from RS-7 to PBP. Councilman -Boardman moved the Council adopt tne foregoi ng Ordi nance as . read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried with Councilman Quast voting "No". C. REZONE HEARING - Niichel and Rutz Mayor Haguewood opened the public nearing on the Niichel and Rutz request to reclassify property at 117 West Second Street from RMF to OC and asked for questions or comments from the audience or staff. Mr. Niicnel indicated that he and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rutz and Mr. and Mrs. Murray (owners of the adjacent property) were in attendance at the meeting and stood available to answer any questions or comments from tne Council. There were no furtner comments and the. publ ic hearing was closed. Councilman Polnamus queried Planner Carr regarding tne rezone request and then moved that the Council approve the rezone request for the purpose of consideration; Councilman Boardman seconded and the motion carried. During discussion of the motion, Councilman Quast pointed out that the Council had in previous rezones, established tnat tne OC buffer in this particular area would not be extended further west and had communicated this to the Planning Commission. On call for the question, the motion was denied with Councilmen Quast, Duncan and Polhamus voting "No", Councilmen Hordyk and Boardman voting "Yes", and Councilman Whidden abstaining. Councilman Quast tnen moved tna~ the City Council deny the petition of the Niichel and Rutz Rezone #RZ-81(lO)lO because: 1) the application cannot comply with the Commercial Policy #18, 2) the most appropriate use of this land is residential multi-family as designated by residential policy #15, 3) retaining to current .zoning RMF provide support to existing downtown and Lincoln Street commercial areas as intended by tne comprehensive .---plan of the Cit's downtown improvement plans, 4) commercial zoning further west than lots 3 or 17 from Laurel Street would be detrimental to the existing residential area, 5) there is available land in existing commercial zones for office-commercial type development, 6) public interest is served by intensifying commercial activity in existing commencial zones, and 7) if a buffer were needed between the CSD-C2 zone and the RMF zone, the previously zoned OC area serves for tnat purpose, an additional office-commercial zone is not necessary in this case. Councilman Duncan ,seconded tbemotion and requested a meeting be scneduled between the Planning Commission and Council to clarify the Council's position on DC zoning in this area. Councilman Hordyk read the Planning Commission's findings of fact for the Niichel-Rutz rezone and on call for the question, the motion to deny the rezone carried, witn Councilmen Polnamus, Quast and Duncan voting "Yes", Councilmen Hordyk and Boardman voting "No" and Councilman Whidden abstaining. ~ , - _._--..,..,......~-... r. 1023E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I Ihal lile ParI Angel... City Council will hold 0 public t hearing on November 3, 1981,017:00 P.M" or as soan' : Iherealle, o. po..ible. in Ihe Council Chambers. 134 WeSf Front Slree', to -corlSider a request to rezone 12.25 acres from RS-7 [Single. Family l hsidential) to CSD.C2 '(Community Shopping Di.trict). L.ocatio,",: Between "0" and ''I'' SI,....t5; and between ; Eighth Street ond the alley next south of N~nth Street. , l..gal Desc,iption: All of Block 253: 011 of Block 2S.: lols 1.10, Block 305: lot. 1-10. Blotk 306. 011 in the- T owns~te of Port Angel.... Applicant: Bunje- Dowse & ( Co. r Property Owner: George Gund, III: James Kirschner All inter-9s1ed parfles may appear ot the heo,lng ond &xpreS$ th~ir opinion on this proposol, Date: October 23. 1981 Marian C. Porrlsh City CI..,k Pub.: OCI. 23.1981. . ,. . , CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1981 019 t' VIII LEGISLATION 2. Public Hearings (cont.) D. PARKING VARIANCE - Niichel and Rutz Councilman Polhamus moved that the Council terminate the Niichel and Rutz parking variance application and Councilman Quast seconded. At this time, Mr. Niichel protested the Council's action on the Niichel and Rutz rezone #RZ-Bl (10) 10 due in the main to the Planning Commission's unanimous approval on the matter and the Council agreed to reconsider the motion. Upon advice from the City Attorney that a motion to terminate the parking variance applicatioo was still on the floor, Councilman Polhamus withdrew the motion and Councilman Quast withdrew his second. Councilman Quast then moved that the Council reconsider the motion on the Niichel-Rutz rezone; Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Polhamus voting "No" and Councilman Whidden abstaining. Councilman Quast then moved that the Council remand the rezone request and parking variance applications back to the Planning Commission for consideration; Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion was denied with Councilmen Hordyk, Boardman and Polhamus voting "No", Councilmen Quast and Duncan voting "Yes" and Councilman Whidden abstaining. Councilman Hordyk then moved that the Council concur with the recommen- dation of. the Planning Commission and approve the rezone request because: 1) Additional OC would provide a buffer between the larger commercial area and the residential area, 2) the rezone represents incremental growth of an existing commercial zone, and 3) public interest would be served by providing additional commercial land at this location. Councilman Boardman seconded. At this time, the Council invited Mr. Niichel to pre- sent his views and photographs in support of approval of the rezone and parking variance requests. Upon completion of Mr. Niichel's presentation, one member of the audience voiced opposition to the rezone request. After further Council discussion, the motion to approve the rezone was denied with Councilmen Duncan, Polhamus and Quast voting "No", Councilmen Hordyk and Boardman voting "Yes", and Councilman Whidden abstaining. -,.' Councilman Quast then moved to reintroduce his previous motion to deny the petition of the Niichel and Rutz rezone #RZ-Bl (10)10 for the seven reasons stated in his previous motion and to include with that motion, a denial of the Niichel and Rutz parking variance. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried with Councilmen Quast, Polhamus and Duncan voting "Yes", Councilmen Hordyk and Boardman voting "No" and Councilman Whidden abstaining. ~ - 10230 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tho' th.. Port Ang..I... Ci,y Council will hold 0 publ ic hearing on November 3, At this point in the meeting, Councilmen Whidden an 1981.otHlOP.M.,oro5500n therealter as possible, in the themselves citing the appearance of fairness doctri Council Chomb."" 134 Wes' then opened the pub 1 i c heari ng on all three Gund Pl Fronl Slreel, 10 consider on questing: 1) the amendment of Article IV, Section ~:~i~~n;~~rd:~on~=~~~I~ri9 9 (Zoning Ordinance) to include movie theaters as a I (Zoning Ordinance) to include C A movie theaters as a per- SD-C2 Zoning Districts of the City of Port ngeles mIlled use in ,he CSD.C2 cation of property between "G" and "I" Streets, an( Zoning Dislric', 'et 1 f N. h S f 7 loca'ion: CSO.(2 Zoning and the a ley next south 0 lnt treet, rom RS- DiSlriclS In th.. City 01 Par' a vacation. of "H" Street from Ei ghth Street to the no' An~el~i:"'nt: Bun.e Dowse & alley; Nlnth Street from "G" Street to "I" Street; t co.pp I t .to "I" Street between Eighth Street and Ninth Stree: All interested porti..s may . f' d d 1 . d' . appear 01 the heo'ing and portlOns 0 sal streets an a 1 eys contal ne 1 n El' expr.... th..ir opinion on this Dri ve . prppo.ol. Dote: Octob..r23, 1981 Mar~a... C. Parrish The Mayor asked for questi ons and comments from the b City Clerk During the course of the public hearing, three neig'I,~'b{~OcL?3'mJ'",u"u Plaza location, D. Callin, J. Cummings and R. Taylor, spoke in favor of and four area residents, F. Caldwell, C. Bradford, R. Page and A. Woods, voiced opposition to the Gund Plaza applications. Planner Carr directed the Council's attention to a petition dated November 3, 1981, opposed to the Gund Plaza project and R. Cline requested the Council impose conditions on the project to assure that it will be build as proposed. The second speaker, Mr. John Buss, a partner of Bunje Dowse and .representati ve of Mr. Gund, addressed the Council at length regarding Mr. Gund's plans for the project and withdrew Bunje Dowse's request for a movie theater in deference to community objections. The public hearing was closed when no further comments or questions were offered. E. GUND PLAZA APPLICATIONS It I . CITV COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1981 019{ VIII LEGISLATION 2. Public Hearings (cont.) D. PARKING VARIANCE - Niichel and Rutz Councilman Polhamus moved that the Council terminate the Niichel and Rutz parking variance application and Councilman Quast seconded. At this time, Mr. Niichel protested the Council's action on the Niichel and Rutz rezone #RZ-81 (10) 10 due in the main to the Planning Commission's unanimous approval on the matter and the Council agreed to reconsider the motion. Upon advice from the City Attorney that a motion to terminate the parking variance application was still on the floor, Councilman Polhamus withdrew the motion and Councilman Quast withdrew his second. Councilman Quast then moved that the Council reconsider the motion on the Niichel-Rutz rezone; Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Polhamus voting "No" and Councilman Whidden abstaining. Councilman Quast then moved that the Council remand the rezone request and parking variance applications back to the Planning Commission for consideration; Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion was denied with Councilmen Hordyk, Boardman and Polhamus voting "No", Councilmen Quast and Duncan voting "Ves" and Councilman Whidden abstaining. Councilman Hordyk then moved that the Council concur with the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission and approve the rezone request because: 1) Additional OC would provide a buffer between the larger commercial area and the residential area, 2) the rezone represents incremental growth of an existing commercial zone, and 3) public interest would be served by providing additional commercial land at this location. Councilman Boardman seconded. At this time, the Council invited Mr. Niichel to pre- sent his views and photographs in support of approval~ >-,"l'Sl.,ja.'sil$ 1 parking variance requests. Upon completion of Mr. Ni:;~; 8I1fJNOlONlW:lllllOll, one member of the audience voiced opposition to the r'J:> , 'mc-m '~J08 ~i'~91 After further Council di scuss i on, the moti on to appr<M~ SU!~!~ ",uewoN. '"8!~":~ denied with Councilmen Duncan, Polhamus and Quast vot;c:! 'J8 '9J81j06<lW1 Hordyk and Boardman voti ng "Ves", and Council man Whi (PIO qO~".OJ:~'~OJ;,06N.;U j '^'1l 'IUBwdlnbe e^!p :lH1dl Councilman Quast then moved to reintroduce his previ! 'OOS$ '''_R, 'O~9: the petiti on of the Ni i che 1 and Rutz rezone #RZ-81 ( noA '''II SllnS3M x~ reasons stated in his previous motion and to included '"xn,." "'''''S ',19'1l ,- a deni a 1 of the Ni i che land Rutz park i ng vari ance. r '1""" J",IOO '61tl1 d d d th t' . d . th C '1 Q ~ - q ? 31:>.1,:>1 secon e an e mo 10n carne Wl ounCl men UM 'llOt.CS9JOtI99' Duncan vot i ng "Ves", Council men Hordyk and Boardman ~ 'I~'O) '"OW UI &J~!JB~JU C '1 Wh . dd b t ' . ~'od I "'.,UOJooS %001 ounCl man 1 en a s a1 nl ng. .' W31 I/o 'SUlnjq unS' BI.,dl :t JOJ saU!l!)Oj 9'1' SDlf i E. GUND PLAZA APPLICATIONS ;~ I :;~~';;o N~~t~o~~ At this point in the meeting, Councilmen Whidden and Boardman excused themselves citing the appearance of fairness doctrine, Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing on all three Gund Plaza applications re- questing: 1) the amendment of Article IV, Section 7, Ordinance No. 1709 (Zoning Ordinance) to include movie theaters as a permitted use in the CSD-C2 Zoning Districts of the City of Port Angeles. 2) a reclassifi- cation of property between "G" and "I" Streets, and between Eighth Street and the alley next south of Ninth Street, from RS-7 to CSD-C2; and 3) a vacati on of "H" Street from Ei ghth Street to the north 1 i ne of the 9/1 0 alley; Ninth Street from "G" Street to "I" Street; alley from "G" Street to II I II Street between Ei ghth Street and Ni nth Street; EXCLUDING a 11 portions of said streets and alleys contained in Eighth-Tenth Crossover Drive. The Mayor asked for questions and comments from the audience and staff. During the course of the public hearing, three neighbors of the Gund Plaza location, D. Callin, J. Cummings and R. Taylor, spoke in favor of and four area residents, F. Caldwell, C. Bradford, R. Page and A. Woods, voiced opposition to the Gund Plaza applications. Planner Carr directed the Council's attention to a petition dated November 3, 1981, opposed to the Gund Plaza project and R. Cline requested the Council impose conditions on the project to assure that it will be build as proposed. The second speaker, Mr. John Buss, a partner of Bunje Dowse and. representative of Mr. Gund, addressed the Council at length regarding Mr. Gund's plans for the project and withdrew Bunje Dowse's request for a movie theater in deference to community objections. The public hearing was closed when no further comments or questions were offered. CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1981 0198 12. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET PRESENTATION SCHEDULE 3. ,. 4. 5. 7. 8. 10. ll. 13. The departmental budget presentation meetings were set for Friday, November 20, from 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. and Saturday, November 21, from 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. No action was taken on the following items on the legislation agenda: Planning Commission Minutes from meeting of October 28th. Consideration of "Memorandum of Understanding" for participation in the mothballing of WPPSS Plants 4 & 5. Consideration of updated Comprehensive Water Connection Ordinance. Discussion of revising the City's Telephone Tax. Discussion of extending Senior Energy Credit Program. Letter from Port of Port Angeles regarding relocation of Transit Transfer to Oak Street. Status report on Leatherback Turtle. Status report on City's 1982 United Way Campaign. Councilmembers and staff were requested to bring the November 3, 1981 agenda packet to the November 17, 1981 Council meeting for consideration of the above items. None. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA , X LATE ITEMS 1. Chamber of Commerce The City Manager requested each Councilmember to vote for the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and indicated he would summarize their ballots and forward that information on to the Chamber of Commerce. 2. L.I.D. No. 203 . Finance Director Orton advised the Council concerning the need to amend the final assessment roll in L.I.D. No. 203, and to reduce the total principal amount of the L.I.D. No. 203 bonds. The amendments are necessary in order for the bonding counsel to provide an' unqualified approved legal opinion on the bond issue. An amending ordinance is required to increase the assessments on property of the City to accommodate the determination that no amount may be properly assessed against property owned by the federal government and amending ordinance is required to reduce the princi- pal sum of the bond issue pending the outcome of a filed appeal challenging the validity of a $20,133.32 assessment levied in L.I.D. No. 203. Mayor Haguewood then read by title Ordinance No. 2179' entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending the assessment roll in Local Improvement District No. 203, and amending Ordinance No. 2157. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title and Councilman Hordyk seconded. Councilman Quast noted that he regretted that the federal government had declined to be taxed for its portion of the Downtown Improvement Project and on ca 11 for the questi on, the motion carried. Mayor Haguewood read by title Ordinance No. 2180 entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, WaShington providing for the issuance of bonds for Local Improvement District No. 203, in the total principal sum of $687,122.71, and amending Ordinance No. 2174. -- I , CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1981 0199 VIII LEGISLATION 2. Public Hearings (cont.) E. Gund Plaza Applications Councilman Hordyk moved that the Counci1 deny the code amendment permitting theaters in the CSD-C2 zone, Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion carri ed. Councilman Hordyk then moved that the Council concur with the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission to approve the rezone known as the Gund property because it appears to be in compliance with Commercial Policies Nos.l, 5, 12,4 and 2, and possibly with No. 14 of the Comprehensive Plan; that the west end of the City needs enhanced shopping areas because of the present lack thereof, it being the growth area and the people there have to be served; that the identified environmental concerns be addressed at the building permit stage. Councilman Quast seconded. A discussion of the staff's and Council's abilities to impose conditions on the pro- posed project through the use of buil di ng permi ts ensued and Counci 1 man Quast questioned Mr. Buss further about Mr. Gund's commitments for the project. On call for the question, the motion carried unanimous1y. Mayor Haguewood read by title Ordinance No.~ entit1ed, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property between "G" and "I" Streets, and between Eighth Street and the alley next south of Ninth Street from RS-7 to CSD-C2. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and vacate those portions of the rights-of-way within the Gund property that are not in the Eighth-Tenth Crossover. Councilman Duncan seconded, and the motion carried. Mayor Haguewood read by title Ordinance No. entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating "H" Street from Eighth Street to the north line of the 9/10 alley; Ninth Street from "G" Street to "I" Street, alley from "G" Street to "I" Street between Eighth Street and Ninth Street; EXCLUDING all portions of said streets and alleys contained in Eighth-Tenth Crossover Drive. Councilman Hordyk moved for the adoption of the foregoing Ordinance as read by title and Councilman Quast seconded. On a recommendation that the item of compensation be referred to the Rea1 Estate Committee, Councilman Quast moved the motion be tabled. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion to table carried. C()uncilmanQuast then moved that the...item of compensation tn We. ilfore- mentioned ordinance, be referred to the Real Estate Committee for further consideration. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Quast then moved that the six conditions recommended by the Planning Commission to be attached to the building permit process on the developer of the Gund Plaza project be placed on such developer and that they be incorporated in the previous motions made applicable to the Gund Plaza applications. The six conditions are: 1) In order to reduce the impact on local hydrology and the City storm water system, the development shall incorporate the storm water re- tention catch basin, oil/water separator and other facilities deemed necessary by the City Public Works Department, which shall have the capacity to retain the storm water runoff at the predevelopment level of the site. 2) Fire hydrants and other fire prevention facilities be provided in accordance with ISO Standards, the Uniform Fire Code and the City Fi re Department. ,. , . CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1981 0200 VIII LEGISLATION 2. Public Hearings (cont.) E. Gund Pl aza App 1 i cat ions 3) To reduce light and glare, noise, land use onflicts between residential and commercial use, and to decrease visual impacts of the development, a natural landscape buffer, utilizing the existing native trees and shrubs, shall be provided to a depth of at least 50 feet from the rights-of-way of Eight Street, "G" Street, "I" Street and along the .north line of the 9/10 alley. An easement for a landscape buffer shall be granted and filed with the County Auditor, notin9 that the maintenance of said landscape buffer shall be the responsibility of the property owner. 4) In order to mitigate the impacts of light and glare of development on adjacent residential areas, low-glare high pressure sodium lights with cut-off switches and directed away from adjacent residential properties, shall be used wherever feasible in all outdoor fixtures. To further reduce light and glare, the landscape planting shall be incorporated into all parking lots, in residual areas and the parking strip along the Eight-Tenth Crossover, and in the traffic median island at the interesections of the Crossover with Eighth and Tenth Streets. 5) To reduce the conflict between service and customer vQhjc1es there sha 11 be provi ded a truck servi ce entrance and exit on "I" Street for service and emergency vehicles only. Signage, restrictive devices and service lanes shall be installed in accordance with the require- ments of the City Public Works Department. 6) To provide for the safety of pedestrians in the vicinity, sidewalks shall be installed by the Petitioner on the south side of Eighth Street, the east side of "I" Street and the west side of "G" Street adjacent to the subject parcel. Marked pedestrian crossings across these streets shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City Public Works Department. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. At this point in the meeting, Mayor Haguewood noted that the time was beyond 10:00 P.M. Councilman Duncan moved that the Council meet in extraordinary session to allow consideration of items 6. 9 and 12 on the legislation agenda. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. Councilmen Whidden and Boardman re-entered the Council Chambers. 6. AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT FOR SELF-INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION Mayor Haguewood read by title Resolution NO. 39-81 entitled, A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract between the City and John A. Soderberg and Company of Seattle for the provision of claims administration services. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title. Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion passed. 9. CORPORATION YARD CONSTRUCTION FUNDING Finance Director Orton summarized the contents of his memo regarding the financing of the General Fund's share of the Corporation Yard construction project in which he outlined three alternatives for pursuing this financing. Manager Flodstrom recommended that alter- native #three - for the Water Fund to finance the entire remaining project balance and recover this cost through an annual rental charge to the General Fund - be considered. After discussion of this alter- native, Councilman Hordyk moved that the Council approve the financing outlined in alternative #3. Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion carried. 11/ ,I I ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1981 XI LATE ITEMS 2. L.I.D. No. 203 (cant.) ~ Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Boardman seconded and the motion carried. XII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M. ~e.~ City Clerk ~/uJ -Mt~=L ~ayo' U #' 0201 \ CITY COUNCIL MEETING' Yort Angeles, Washington November 3,. 1981 J CALL TO ORDER t~ayor Haguewood called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL I Member~ Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus and Quast. Menbers Absent: One position vacant. Sta~f Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Clerk Parrish, L. Glenn, D. Frizzell, M. Cleland, P. Carr, J. Pittis, K. Rodocker, A. Rose, R. Orton, L. Cosens, M. Lannoye. Public Present: J. Cummings, D. Callin, D. Otterstetter, R. Taylor, R. Page, J. Buss, D. Price, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hellman, Mr. and Mrs. K. Bradford, L. Sunny, C. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. D. Niichel, C. Whidden, B. Viers, R. Wight, Mr. and Mrs. F. Caldwell, F. Booren~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutz, Mr. and Mrs. G. Woods, J. Spiess, D. Bragg, R. Cline, C. Coble. Following the roll call, Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 38-81 entitled, A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor, City Council and City Staff to recognize HAROLD S. BUCK as a past member of the Port Angeles City Council who served admirably. I Counei 1 man Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoi ng Reso 1 uti on as read by title by t~ayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried unanimously. Mayor Haguewood then presented !if. Buck with a Certificate of Appreciation and invited him to participate in the picture taking ceremony which followed immediately thereafter. Iq t~I NUTES Council man Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on fi 1 e as recei ved the minutes of the October 20, 1981 meeting and the October 22, 1981 special meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilmun Boardman. During discussion of the motion, Councilman Quast requested a correction to Register Page No. 185, Items From the Audienc~ Not on the Agenda, first paragraph, line. five to read "taken to the University of Puget Sound...."; and Register Page No. 189, Self-Insurance: Health and Welfare Plans .(cont.), paragraph two, line two to read ".. ....insufficient insurance litigation." The motion to approve the October 20, 1981 mi nutes, as corrected, and the October 22, 1981 rift nutes vias then passed by the Council. IV FINANCE Hone. v. CONSENT AGENDA ~ Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers of $712,545.20 and Payroll of $171,159.36. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. VI ITH1S FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. V II ITEr'IS FROI~ TH E COUNC I L NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast: Requested that the wreath ordered for Armistice Day, November 11, 1981, in B.C. be of an artificial wilt resistant type. .-.. " . .J