HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/04/1936 ,... '.440 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 4. 1936 193_ I The Commiosion met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Ma;yor lJavis, Commissioners Beam and I Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previo~s session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following was granted: James Greenhill, Remodel Building, Lot 18, Blk. 237, Townsite 500.00 Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, renorted 12 cases tried and 3 traffic violations and ~138.00 collected in fines for the month of October, 19:=\6. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Reports from -ity Officers the following was read: I November 4, 1936 To the Hon. Mayor and City Cuml1ission Port Angeles, Washington Gentlemen: I I herewith submit the first and final estimate of work done and rIBterial fur- nished by A. L. ',/atkins, Contractor, on the l,{arine Drive Concrete Pavement, Secondary Road Project No.3. 2134 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Excavation G 451 per cu. yd. 6823 Sq,. Yds. Cement Concrete PavGl\lent <1, ~2.1.5 per sq. yd. 3292 Sq,. Yds. Cement Concrete Puured, one-half at a tim8 e , 910 Dowel abrs with caps in place ~ 221 per dowel - . i 647 lin. ft. Pavement Header No.3 G 70<1 per lin. ft. ! :.~ 2.30 per sq. 960.W 14,669.45 yd. 7,571.6[;) 200.20 452.90 23,854.45 3,,57E.17. Less 15% retained Amount due contractor ~20 ,276 .28" Yours very truly, H. E. Dodge, City Engineer It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing Engineer's first'and final estimate of work done and material furnished by A. L. Watkins, Contractor, on the Marine Drive Concrete Pavement, Secondary Road Project No.3, be approved and the City Clerk.be instructed to issue warrants in the sum of ~20,276.28 in payment of same as soon as funds are available. Secondsd by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I Under head of New Business,- Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, having been granted leave of absence on vacation by the Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Masters that Ralph Smythe be appointed Police Ldge, Pro-Tempore, durin,~ the absence of the Police Judge. Second.ed by Commissioner B1!am. .On roll call all members voted aye. 'rhe I,layor declared the motion carried. The Naval Communication Reserve of Port Angeles, having been granted space in the Fire Department Building on Lincoln Street between Second and Third Stree':s to be used ;oor the activities of Unit 7, Sectiun 1, Naval Communication Reserve, The Hayor was authorized to execute a lease for said space with the Navy Department in triplicate on behalf of the City. The Commission examined and allovled the follo';ling claims and ordered war_'ants dra';m for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Fire Deoartrnent 'rhos. Guptill Howard-Cooper Corp. Shell Oil Co. Glenn's Jervice Station 1. C. Groves 'N. D. Morrissey J. ll. McDonald Shell Oil Co. Ci ty 'l'reasurer >..uick Print Pay Ro 11 2 Cards Expansion Rings Gas Oil, etc. Meals for prisoners Special Police Services as dog catcher Gas Stamp s Supplies 45.00 2.00 3.52 29.58 3.70 33.25 15..00 ;05.00 14~. 80 5.7b 9.00 I h) 3"+ I, I .~ \'1,;.'I''':R l"UND Crane Co. City Light Dept. Pipe ;,'i ttings Gas & Oil ,0 1;' '-"' 41.85 ;:P ;25 11 G HT FUND .. McGrsD Hill Pub. Co. City Treasurer Line Material Co. Gen8Tal Electric Supply Co. Line Material Co. Line Material Co. Thomas "'. Wood Au ~OlIl\).tjve Parts Co. Shell Oil "0. Printin!; Misc. paymen ts St. Light Fixtures Insula tor s Material & Supplies St. Light Fixtures EQuipment Lan p Globes Gasoline 36 I' ,,0 '\ 20.96 9.08 99.;07 287.01 110 .91 75.02 70.19 52.58 35.34 ll... Hovember 4. 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ 4.41 " I I . I I LIBRARY FlJllID -- City Treasurer Treasurer Nook Standard Book Co. Packer-Scott Cc. Library 0 f Congress Olympic Jtationers James il. Caven Ga~'lord Brps. Jennilu Norris puget Sound News Co. Light & Via tel' Books " Supplies " Repairs n Supplies Petty Cash Books ,1<' ,,,,I ~ There being no further business the Commission then adjourned to meet Thursday, NovembEr l"th at 10 a.m. ?7m:l~~ c . Ci ty Clerk "\ ? / ,~oD"~D Mayor 10.23 9.75 10.46 :i .95 6.67 6.50 1,.'iO 7.75 6.92 76.39 ~