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Port Angeles, Washington
November 4, 1997
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Doyle,
Hulett, McKeown, and Wiggins.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B Titus, G.
Kenworthy, T. McCabe, J. Mason, B. Coons, J. Johnson, A.
Brusseau, R. Ellsworth, T. O'Neill, T. Nevaril, T. Smith, S.
Hursh, and L. Haehnlen.
Public Present: L. Lee, D. Triana, C. Kirkman, L. Williams, M. Rowe, and B.
Customer Commitment Customer Commitment Presentation:
Jamie Mason, former Chair of the Customer Commitment Steering Committee, addressed
the Council on the status of the Customer Commitment Program, an effort which
commenced in January, 1996. The goal of the program, under the leadership of the City
Council, has been to improve customer service within the City of Port Angeles. Customer
Commitment has been a means by which employees have attempted to shape the City into
a more customer driven organization, to change management philosophy by empowering
employees, and to foster a system change in many aspects of City work life.
The Customer Commitment Steering Committee has felt that employee pride equates to
customer satisfaction, and to that end, the Steering Committee was established to steer all
aspects of the process. The committee of twelve represents a vertical and horizontal cross
section of the City's work force, meets once per week, and agrees to membership for a
minimum of one year.
Mr. Mason stated that various accomplishments have been identified thus far: the creation
of the Citywide Value Statement; the appointment of Bureaucracy Busting Subcommittees;
publication of the newsletter; the appointment of the Awards & Incentives Subcommittee
and the Human Resources Subcommittee; and the integration of current awards/incentive
programs into the Customer Commitment process. Mr. Mason reviewed the
responsibilities and successes of the subcommittees, noting that over 80 employees are
currently serving on a subcommittee at the present time. Every effort has been made and
will be ongoing to reduce "red tape", to increase a sense of ownership on the part of the
City employees, .and to provide better customer service.
The focus of the program is now directed to crefiting a Citywide image standard, a
management training academy, an increased public awareness of attributes of our area, and
continued efforts in bureaucracy busting. The Steering Committee is encouraging
increased departmental communication pertinent to customer commitment and, in addition,
November 4, 1997
Customer Commitment an enhancement of employee evaluations and their relationship to customer commitment.
Presentation (Cont'd)
Mr. Mason thanked the Council members for their support in this endeavor. Councilman
Wiggins inquired as to the nature of feedback from the public concerning this program, and
Manager Pomeranz indicated there has been very good support. There have been a
tremendous number of positive comments. Councilman Campbell was extremely .
impressed with what has been accomplished thus far and what is projected for the future.
He asked the Steering Committee to advise the City Council if there was anything needed
from the Council in order to make this program a success. Councilman Doyle agreed,
noting that the City is a better place in which to do business. Councilman Braun felt things
had improved greatly, and Mayor Ostrowski commended those involved in the program.
He introduced the members of the Steering Committee present at this evening's meeting.
Director Pittis directed kudos to Jamie Mason for his strong leadership as Chair of the
Steering Committee.
North Olympic Peninsula North Olympic Peninsula Sla'lls Center:
Skills Center
Mayor Ostrowski introduced Leonard Bell, Dr. George Woodruff, and Jim Jones who were
in attendance to represent the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center. Leonard Bell, 3721
Park Knoll, appreciated the opportunity to be before the City Council, and he thanked the
Council for its efforts in the area of customer service, as well as the development of the
High School sidewalk program.
Mr. Beil was contracted, along with Greg Moo, to develop the imtial programs for the
North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center. There has been an identified need for a skills
center on the Peninsula for the last 20 - 30 years, and Mr. Beil related that Dr. Woodruffs
arrival at the School District prompted the formation of the Skills Center by virtue of
previous experience gained in Tumwater. Based on a feasibility study being completed as
to need, the Superintendent of Public Instruction in Olympia issued a tentative approval for
the establishment of a Skills Center on the Peninsula. Mr. Beil explained that a skills
center is typically provided for high school juniors and seniors who have completed many
of the standard high school requirements with an opportunity to explore occupational areas
ofinterest or concentrate on a specific occupational sequence. Occupational areas offered
are generally those which cannot be offered at a single high school because of limited
enrollment, high cost of instructional materials, and special qualifications of instructors.
Students may stay enrolled in the center until the time they have obtained a high school
diploma or until they are 21 years of age.
Mr. Beil proceeded to explain in detail the nature of the Skills Center and the programs to
be offered as of February 1, 1998, which is the beginning of the second semester. He
indicated that efforts are being made to determine if there are public or private entities who
can provide some of the training. Peninsula College is planning to donate land for facilities
that may be necessary. Mr. Bell stressed the importance of pursuing this opportunity, and
it may prove to be another means by which new business can be attracted to the North
Olympic Peninsula. Councilman Campbell expressed the value of this addition to the
Peninsula, as it is most important to provide students with marketable skills so they can
pursue other than service-related careers. Discussion followed with the Council, and Mr.
Beil urged the Council to provide input and support for the Skills Center.
Ai)JOURN TO Mayor Ostrowski adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. for labor
EXECUTIVE SESSION: negotiations for approximately 20 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 6:55 p.m.
November 4, 1997
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the regular meeting o£the Port Angeles City Council to order at
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Ostrowski.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October
MINUTES: 21, 1997. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carriedby amajority
vote, with Councilman Campbell abstaining due to absence from the meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Ostrowski noted that Item No. 1 of the Consent Agenda should be moved to become
the first item to be considered under Other Considerations. Therefore, Councilman Doyle
moved to accept the Consent Agenda, excluding Item No. 1, as follows: (2) Need for
city-wide tree trimming around power lines; (3) Acceptance of grant contract with
Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development to accept $39,342.00 for
distribution to the City of Sequim, Town of Forks, Clallam County, and the City of Port
Angeles for continued work on comprehensive plans and development regulations under
the State's Growth Management Act; (4)Payroll - October 19, 1997 - $358,021.81; and
(5) Check list - October 31, 1997 - $285,203.35. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hulett, and after limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
ITEMS FROM THE Larry Williams, 306 W. 9th, asked to address the Council during the consideration of the
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ Calkins annexation request.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1.A. Adoption of Resolution Establishing Public Participation Process for CDBG
Grant Applications
Public Participation Process
for CDBG Grant Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department,
Applications - noting that consideration of this particular resolution did not require a public hearing. He
Resolution No. 13-97 read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, establishing a public participation process
for the consideration of community development block grant
applications and proposals.
Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Campbell Attorney Knutson clarified that the City is setting
the ground rules by which it will seek public input for these types of grant applications.
Councilman Doyle inquired as to whether this process would be initiated for all such
applications, and Attorney Knutson responded afftrmatively. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
November 4, 1997
PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1.B. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Application for CDBG General Purpose
(Cont'd) Grant to Fund Phase 1V of the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program
Application Authorized Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information in the packet, and C~uncilman Campbell
for CDBG General Purpose indicated it was his impression that the City had done extremely well with this program in
Grant - Phase IV of Housing the past. Projects/Grants Administrator Smith agreed that the City had done quite well;
Rehabilitation Program - there have been three very successful programs involving $1.75 million. The City is now
Resolution No. 14-97 attempting to obtain grant funding for Phase IV, which would be directed toward multi-
family and non-owner occupied units. Receiving funds for this project would enable the
City to address a need that has been identified through the public process. Many of the
funds are returned to the City and can be used for ongoing community development.
Councilman Doyle, having attended a recent conference on public housing, was given a
suggestion from the Housing Authority that this funding might be directed to the renovation
of the Lee Hotel so that it could be converted to senior housing. Grants Administrator
Smith indicated this possibility had been given consideration. It has a great deal of
potential, and the City will review its focus in order to get involved in projects such as the
Lee Hotel. The Council members spoke in support of the concept and urged staff to further
pursue the opportunity.
Mayor Ostrowski opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m.
Martin Rowe, ClallangJefferson Commumty Action Council and Administrator of the Port
Angeles program, addressed the matter of the Lee Hotel. He supported the concept, but
noted that the focus of the current program is directed primarily to multi-family and non-
owner occupied units. The scope would need to take a different approach should the Lee
Hotel be pursued, and another application would need to be written as well. Mr. Rowe
indicated that joint efforts have materialized in working with non-profits and investors in
order to make multi-family housing as affordable as possible.
There being no further public testimony, Mayor Ostrowski closed the public hearing at
7:30 p.m. He read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
authorizing submission of an application for a general
purpose Community Development Block Grant and
committing to comply with all required regulations.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the submission of the CDBG application
and to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Braun and carried unanimously.
Recovery of Abatement 2. Recovery of Abatement Costs
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the memorandum submitted by the Director of Public Works
pertinent to costs incurred by the City for the abatement of structures located at 1321
Caroline and 907 W. 15th Street. Mayor Ostrowski opened the public heating at 7:29 p.m.
There being no public testimony, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:29 p.m.
Councilmember McKeown moved to confirm that the charges shall be a special
assessment against and a lien upon the property. Councilman Hulett seconded the
In the discussion that followed, Councilman Doyle inquired as to the property owner's
November 4, 1997
PUBLIC 1tEARINGS: reaction to the assessment. Deputy Director of Utility Services Titus responded that the
(Cont'd) owner had cooperated fully with the abatement of the property, but was unable to pay for
the costs associated with the abatement. In response to an inquiry from Councilman
Recovery of Abatement Wiggins as to whethe~,:,interest was included in the amount due, Attorney Knutson indicated
Costs (Cont'd) that it was included at a rate of 7%. Building Inspector Haehnlen summarized for the
Council the nature of the abatement. After further limited discussion, a vote was taken
on the motion, which carried unanimously.
LEGISLATION: 1. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Street Vacation Petition - A. Street Vacation Petition - STV97-02 - Schouten, Portion of l 6th Street between
Schouten "B" and "C" Streets
Councilman Doyle reported that the Real Estate Committee had met earlier in the day in
order to arrive at a compensation amount for this street vacation. However, there was an
uncertainty as to the total number of square feet involved in the vacation. Staff was asked
to calculate the specific number of square feet, and it was anticipated that a special meeting
of the City Council would need to be called so action could be taken on the vacation on an
mediate basis. After further deliberation, it was agreed by consensus that this meeting
of the City Council would be continued to Wednesday, November 5, 1997, 5:30 p.m., in
the City Council Chambers for the purpose of taking action on the street vacation.
Establish Lodging Tax B. Establishing Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee -
Ordinance No. 2972 Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney and read the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
establishing the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee,
defining its membership, duties and organization, and
adding a new Chapter 2.70 to the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion was
seconded by Councillnember McKeown. In the discussion that followed, a question was
raised pertinent to the one-year term of office, and Attorney Knutson offered clarification
in that State law dictates the one-year tenn. However, he advised the Council that members
can be reappointed for additional terms. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Establish Governor's Rural C. Establishing the Governor's Rural Economic Summit and Port Angeles Works
Economic Summit and Port Funds
Angeles Works Funds -
Ordinance No. 2973 Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the memorandum in the packet as provided by Attorney
. Knutson. He read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
creating the Governor's Rural Economic Summit and
Port Angeles Works Funds, abolishing the Publicity
Fund, amending Ordinance 2890 and Chapter 3.15 of
November 4, 1997
LEGISLATION: the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and repealing
(Cont'd) Ordinance 1722 and Chapter 3.28 of the Port Angeles
,.Municipal Code.
Establish Governor's Rural ; ~ ·
Economic Summit and Port Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Angeles Works Funds - Itulett seconded the motion. Councilman Wiggins lauded the efforts of the City Manager
Ordinance No. 2973 in being able to acquire the donations for the Summit. This was a remarkable achievement
(Cont'd) ~ in a very trying time. A vote wa,~ taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
2. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None
Calkins Request to 3. Planning CommisMon Minutes/Action Items
Circulate Annexation
Petition Planning Commission Minutes - October 22, 1997
Calkins Request to Circulate an Annexation Petition - Fey Road
Larry Williams, representing the applicant, noted that Mr. & Mrs. Calkins had arrived in
Port Angeles today, at which tinae he met with them to discuss the conditions of approval
to circulate an annexation petition. Clarification was sought relative to Condition #5 on no-
protest LID agreements, and Director Collins agreed with Mr..Williams that such an
agreement is a statement that no one would oppose an LID. Regarding Condition #6, Mr.
Williams asked that, if a property owner were served by a septic system or Dry Creek
water, would an LID be Ibrmed anyway and would the property owner be paying for a
service not being received? Director Collins stated the intent is that water and sewer
services would come from the City, and setw'ices from other entities would not come
fom, ard.
Regarding Condition #7, Mr. Williams reassured the Council that the Calkins' were
supportive of providing life safety insurances to the best of their ability. However, if a fire
station were mc. ted in their vicinity, they questioned whether the sprinklers would still
be required. Fire Chief Becker responded that the 4-minute response time established in
the Urban Services Ordinance would prevail. Additionally, only new construction would
require the sprinklers.
Cotmcilman Doyle asked if the annexation petition would include those properties in the
original request, to which Director Collins responded affirmatively. Discussion followed,
and Councilman Campbell inquired of Mr. Williams how many homes could be
constructed on that prope~~. Mr. Williams indicated there is a potential lbr 200 homes.
Mr. Williams, noting the election held today, raised a question as to whether he should be
a participant in discussions pertinent to this annexation, in view of his election to the City
Council. Attorney Knutson responded that it would depend on what is before the Council
at the time. Based on appearances, it may be better for Mr. Williams to not vote on this
matter when it is before the City Council; however, he offered to discuss this further with
Mr. Williams.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the circulation of the annexation petition,
subject to Conditions 1 - 7 and citing Findings 1 - 18 and Conclusions l - 12, as set
fo~Xh in Exhibit "A",which is attached to and becomes a part of tbese minutes. The
motion was sec~mded by Councilman Braun and carried by a majority vote, with
Couneilmember l~leKeown voting in opposition.
November 4, 1997
LEGISLATION: 4. Other Considerations
A. Gleniv°~4DrtvO,Traffic Report
Traffic Report City Engineer Kenworthy revieWed for the Council a report prepared in response to a
petition from residents in the Glenwood area for speed reduction in their neighborhood.
The City staff and Traffic Committee had met to review the different options in trying to
find a resolution to the problems brought to light by the neighborhood. The
recommendation being brought forward is to add Fairmount Avenue improvements to the
CFP and to seek funding sources to facilitate those improvements.
Engineer Kenworthy reviewed in detail the solutions which were considered and the
potential outcomes, such as an LID, additional speed bumps, installation of enforceable
warning signs, and added warning signage regarding handicapped and children at play·
Engineer Kenworthy also reviewed other alternatives given consideration, to include
closing of streets to through traffic, additional stop signs, improvement of Fairmount
Avenue, etc. He noted that additional information is needed pertinent to speeds being
traveled, as well as traffic volumes, and the City has sought assistance from the County
Road Department.
In the ensuing discussion, Councilman Braun suggested consideration be given to doubling
the fines for speeding. Councilman Hulett suggested that consideration be given to a "no
right turn" sign offHighway 101. In addition, Councilman Doyle queried if the speed limit
should be lowered so that, in effect, the desired speed would be accomplished. Leland Lee,
Senior Volunteer for the Police Department, advised the Council that he had been in the
area to observe the traffic. Unfortunately, he was present at those times when the speeding
wasn't taking place. Discussion followed, and Director Pittis indicated the Department of
Transportation would have to approve any signs changing traffic flows from Highway 101.
Further, he advised the Council that, once the additional traffic information has been
received, staff would be in a better position to make a recommendation. He asked to
reserve final judgment pending the receipt of the information, to which the Council agreed.
Planning Commission Planning Commission Minutes - October 22, 1997
Director Collins noted that action was not taken on the October 22, 1997, Planning
Commission minutes. Accordingly, Councilman Wiggins moved to accept and place
on file the Planning Commission minutes of October 22, 1997. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Doyle and carried unanimously.
Appointment of Non- B. Appointment of Nonmotorized Advisory Committee Members
Motorized Advisory
Committee Members Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information submitted by the Planning Department, and
Councilman Campbell inquired as to the responsibilities and authority of this committee.
Would it be comparable to the Public Safety Advisory Committee? Planning Director
Collins responded that the committee would primarily deal with capital facilities for
nonmotorized needs, serving at the pleasure of the City Council.
It has been recommended that the following be appointed to two-year terms: Jean
Fairchild, Soroptimist International Trails Committee; Bruce Monro, Clallam Transit
Driver and Olympic Peninsula Bicyclists Club; Steve Baxter, Olympic Peninsula Bicyclists
Club; Gary Holmquist, Daishowa Bicycle Commuter; Bill Hale, City of Port Angeles Bus
Commuter; Joel Roalkvam, Disabilities Commuter; Roger Rudolph and Jack Galloway
[Altemate], Olympic National Park; Jeanne Rolley, Senior Center; Linda Nutter, Planning
Commissioner; Tom Riepe, Deputy Police Chief and City's Bicycle Friendly Communities
Contact Person; Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer; Tom Anderson and Gary Gleason, Port
November 4, 1997
LEGISLATION: Angeles School District; Sue Taylor, Bill Rowland, and Craig Whalley, Port Angeles
(Cont'd) Downtown Association; and Wayne Fitzwater, Department of Natural Resources.
Appointment of Non- Couneilmember McKeown moved to appoint the eighteen people to the
Motorized Advisory Nonmotorized Committee, as recommended, for a term of two years. The motion
Committee Members was seconded by Councilman Braun, which carried unanimously. _
Morse Creek Hydroelectric C. Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information submitted by Public Works pertinent to the
recxanmendation to shut down the Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project by virtue of the fact
that operation and maintenance costs would exceed the revenue generated for the next five
Lengthy discussion followed, and Councilman Braun inquired as to whether the City could
reapply at some future time for another operating license. Engineering Manager Hursh
responded that to do so would probably be too expensive, and the City wouldn't realize any
benefit from such a small project. Members of the Council expressed concern as to how
this may impact the City's water rights and leave them unprotected. Attorney Knutson, in
response to a question fi-om Councilman Braun, advised the Council that he and Director
Pittis will be working on the water rights issue. At the present time, the Department of
Ecology has quite a backlog on issues relative to water rights, and the City is presenting the
DOE with a rather umque situation. He cautioned the Council that resolution of the matter
may take some time.
Councilman Wiggins felt the City should move quickly on this matter, in view of the
situation with the Elwha. Director Pittis informed the Council that one of the issues in the
water supply study includes Morse Creek as a potential player. The issues can be very
complicated, and the Council should remember that the PUD also uses water fi-om this
particular pipeline. Director Pittis assured the Council that more information will be
available upon completion of the study.
After further lengthy discussion, Councilman Doyle moved to authorize the staff to
proceed along the lines of shutting down the project, to retain the City's water rights,
and to report back to the Council with the status of the situation. Councilman
Wiggins seconded the motion.
Councilman Campbell urged the Council's support of decommissioning the hydroelectric
project, as he felt there would be nothing gained by continuing to retain the license.
Acknowledging that this may be a long, drawn out process, Councilman Campbell noted
the City may need to invest in consultants and experts to advise the City as it proceeds. A
vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Budget Calendar D. 1998 Budget Calendar
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the memorandum and 1998 Budget Calendar as submitted by
Finance Director Godbey. Clerk Upton advised the Council that budget presentations and
the first public heahng had been scheduled for Friday, November 21, becaUSe the first
budget hearing had to be conducted prior to the first Monday in December. The scheduled
was accepted by the Council by consensus.
CONTINUATION OF At 8:45 p.m., Councilman Doyle moved to continue the City Council meeting to
MEETING: Wednesday, November 5, 1997, at 5:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried unanimously.
November 4, 1997
Port Angeles, Washington
November 5, 1997
RECONVENE Mayor Ostrowski reconvened the meeting of the Port Angeles City Council at 5:35 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Doyle,
Hulett, and Wiggins.
Mere bets Absent: Councilmember McKeown.
Staff Present: Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, and B. Collins.
Street Vacation Petition - Street Vacation Petition - STV97-02 - Schouten, Portion of l 6th Street between "B" and
Schouten - "C" Streets
Ordinance No. 2974
Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of Sixteenth Street between "B" and "C" Streets.
Councilman Doyle reported that the Real Estate Committee had met to consider the
compensation amount for the vacation and, in so doing, considered comparable sales of LI
zoned property in 1997 at a rate of $5.36 per square foot. The assessed value in the
immediate area of the vacation equates to $4.50 per square foot, so the Real Estate
Committee opted to use the $4.50 figure for this purpose. The total square footage of the
street vacation was set at 10,175 square feet, and 50% of the total amount would mean a
compensation amount of $22,893.75.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, to include the
compensation amount of $22,893.75. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Becky ].'U~, ~ Cie~Tk I - -'~mrosper~Ostro'~V~r'l~ayor ....
Exhibit "A"
Conditions of Approval:
1. The annexed area shall bear the pro rata share of the City's general obligation
indebtedness existing as of the date of the annexation.
2. Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation and zoning shall be consistent with the
County's Comprehensive Plan land use designations.
3. An annexation agreement and master plan shall be prepared and signed by the
4. Additional right-of-way as necessary to provide 60 foot minimum width for street
and utility purposes shall be dedicated to the City for a local access street from
Edgewood Dr. to U.S. Highway 101.
5. Non-protest agreements shall be signed by a minimum of 60% of the property
owners for the formation of separate L.I.D.'s for roadway and storm
improvements, water extensions, and sewer extensions.
6. Water and sewer services from the City shall be provided by property owners
approval of a local utility improvement district at the time of annexation.
7. Residential sprinkler systems meeting the City Fire Department's standards shall
be required for any new construction within the annexation area.
1. On July 29, 1997, the Planning Department received an annexation request from
Richard and Anne Calkins for an area located south of the William R. Fairchild
International Airport along Tyler and Fey Roads to U.S. Highway 101
(Attachment A to staff's September 4, 1997 report).
2. On August 19, 1997, the City Council sent the request to the Planning
Commission for review and a recommendation and set a public meeting on the
request for their September 16, 1997, regular meeting.
3. The proposed annexation area is irregular in shape and extends south in a narrow
strip from the existing City limits.
4. The proposed annexation area contains approximately 60 acres of land and
includes a tributary to Dry Creek.
5. The area is subdivided into ten individual parcels under four separate ownerships
Findings and Conclusions
Page 2
with seven large parcels (one ownership) comprising approximately 91% of the
area and 66% of the area's assessed valuation, which is $660,650. The annexation
request petition is made by this one property owner with 66% or $435,650 of the
assessed valuation of the area.
6. The petitioners wish to develop a 54.5 acre tract of mostly undeveloped land
made up of seven parcels into a residential subdivision.
7. Some residential and manufacturing development has taken place on Edgewood
Dr. and along U.S. Highway 101.
8. The nearest City water service is located at the Airport entrance, and the nearest
sewer service is at Fairmont and Lauridsen or at 18th and L Streets.
9. As proposed, City streets do not access the site. Only a small section of
Edgewood Drive is included in the annexation area, which is accessed only by
County road or Federal highway.
10. Several Departments have raised concerns about the accessibility of the site for
City services and whether it is a logical extension of the City limits. Testimony
was provided by the City's Fire Marshall who stated that such an annexation will
increase the margin of error in emergency response situations for emergency
persolmel and dispatch.
11. The factors considered under RCW 35A. 14.200 in review of annexation proposals
include "the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the
likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and
unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of
community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal
or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the
effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas."
12. The area of annexation includes areas likely to be classified by the City's
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance as environmentally
sensitive areas and as such will be subject to the regulations of that ordinance.
13. The topography of the area slopes to the north and includes a tributary stream to
Dry Creek running south to north through the entire annexation area.
14. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997 contains 10
policies (Growth Management Element Policies 1-10) directly related to
15. The proposed promotional annexation must comply with the City's annexation
policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78.
Findings and Conclusions
Page 3
16. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area.
17. The proposed annexation is contiguous to the established City limits only on the
r- north side, which is the smallest side of an elongated irregular area.
18. The area to be annexed is to be designated as several land uses and zones
including Low Density Residential and Industrial on the City's Comprehensive
Plan Land Use Map and Single Family Residential RS-9 and Industrial Heavy IH
on the City's Zoning Map, consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan.
1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the City's annexation
policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan's Growth Management
Element (Policies 1-10)and Resolution 18-78.
2. Due to the small size of the proposed annexation and the limited development
opportunities of the area (due to the existence of the Dry Creek tributary), the
proposed annexation should not result in a reduction of any LOS for existing
services. However, the distance to the nearest water and sewer services would
make extension of City services costly.
3. As reviewed by the Public Works and Fire Departments, the area of annexation
may propose a challenge to servicing and may not be a logical extension of City
services without including more area east to Airport Road as well as portions of
Edgewood Dr. and Airport Road connecting to the City's Lauridsen Boulevard.
4. The irregular shape of the proposed annexation area and the "island" that would
be created virtually surrounded by unincorporated area would make servicing the
area awkward, if not difficult.
5. A more logical and regular annexation area would progress west from Airport
6. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Port Angeles Urban Growth
Area, which was established to accommodate growth which is expected to occur
over the next ten years.
7. The proposed annexation area is a prime area identified for water and sewer
.~ improvements to serve planned industrial uses adjacent to the site. The
annexation and extension of services would greatly help to implement the
Comprehensive Plan for this area, particularly if the proposed annexation area was
expanded to include the area east to Airport Road.
8. To facilitate a residential subdivision development, the petitioners are seeking
annexation to Port Angeles for the purpose of receiving urban services from the
Findings and Conclusions
Page 4
9. As conditioned, the annexation will reduce existing potential for
.- interjurisdictional and service problems by creating an area with better
accessibility for City services.
10. As conditioned, necessary rights-of-way will be obtained by the City.
11. A portion of the area to be annexed is planned for immediate development, and
the proposal is therefore promotional in nature.
12. As conditioned, the annexation is in the public interest.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles on this 4th day of November, 1997.
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